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Kids Corner- Share an adorable comment your child made
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Post Thu, Nov 07 2024, 12:03 pm
#MOMMY wrote:
Omg my 2 year old is beyond hilarious she keeps me laughing all day.

She tells her little brother 1yr old - it's non negotiable!!
Lol yes I use very high vocabulary words when I talk to her.

She also came to tell me once - my dolly is frusterated!

She overheard me say something that's trauma and next thing I know she pipes up 'it's absolute trauma!
Guys this is a 2 year old!!

Can we agree she is the cutest thing that exists???

Those little puppies are parrots, they imitate everything they hear.
Did you say this is non-nonegotiable? frustrated? Trauma? Most likely. Probably more than once...
Still adorable to hear it from tiny mouths!
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Post Sun, Nov 10 2024, 11:56 pm
My son told me, Did you know that Trump is a garbage collector? He saw it on the cover of the FJJ, doesn't believe me when I said it's fake.
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 12:37 am
My baby is 2.

"Were going to bubby! Who wants to go to bubby"
"Yay. I want to go to bubby yay yay yay!"
"Your excited to go to bubby. What is so much fun at bubbys?"
"Bubby laughs!"
"Why does bubby laugh?"
"Bubby laughs at chanala (or insert name)"

😆 🤣 😂 😹

She has the cutest way of expressing herself. I could laugh all day. But I'm really good at just showing a straight face and taking her seriously. I'm very pnto my kids not spoiling it. And I don't allow them to make her repeat herself just cuz they want to hear the cuteness again.....
My mil, not so. And she laughs at everything she does. Cuz it truly is so adorable. Bubbys are allowed though. 😆 And it's true that "Bubby laughs"

Singing to her favorite tune
"Mammy is a the best mommy. Mommy is the cutest mommy. Mommy is the biggest biggest biggest mommy" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

My 5 yo son started noticing that other people's bodies are different.
Dh is helping him into pj's. He looks at his tummy and says "my funny is small" (he's super petite) and they like at dh and dh says "and mine is?" He asks very hesitantly "fat?"
Boy did we laugh!!!!
And he's since started on a diet.... LOL

My 9 yo,
"Do you like being a mommy?"
"Is it hard?"
"hardest thing I've ever done."
"Then why did you do it?"
"Because it's the best thing I've ever done, and no matter other amazing stuff I will ever do in my life, being a mommy will still always be my top favorite thing."
"I don't like working hard"

You don't say? 😅

Coming from a kid who krechtzes if I ask her to put away her dirty laundry cuz it's too hard....

My 11 yo "mommy even you outgrow this jacket, put it away for when I'll be am adult."
I just explained that she might like different things then. And it will probably be too used anyway by then.
(I didn't want to tell her that I doubt she'll fit into my clothes. Cuz she's got daddy's genes and already wears large shoes than I do....)

I'm still enjoying the stage where she thinks my clothing is cool....
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 3:12 am
I recently bought flavored syrup for my kids (ew, but they begged and begged.) It's called vitaminchik.

My 4 yo calls it "mitavinchik." Sounds yiddish! I had no idea what she was asking for at first.

Also, when one of my kids was a newborn, her older brother said "Mommy, mommy! Hashem forgot to give [baby] teeth!"
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 4:10 am
I suspected an ear infection in my 2 yo (unfortunately I was right) and when her finger was in her ear yet again, I finally asked her why. She said “I’m wiping away the boo-boo in my ear”
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  top mom


Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 6:02 am
My adorable, impossible 4yr old acquired the cutest new word yesterday.
"Mommy, you could tollaty do it."
Her cuteness b"h helps me manage her more challenging moments. And yes, those always happen when we're at the door, and I'm late to work!
And, my latest tip, I hope it's fine to share on this thread :A box of mini chocolate chips. A couple of them got us out the door miraculously this morning b"h!
Suddenly, her booties were no longer uncomfortable, and her sweatshirt no longer ugly ( not colorfurl enough, in her opinion) What
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 6:45 am
3yo when discussing the new baby girl: I want a boy sister.
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 6:56 am
The preschool I work in is learning about balls. The teacher was showing the children different balls and telling what each ball is called.
"This one is a stress ball," she said, showing the class how to squeeze it.
"My mommy has stress!" one of the preschoolers called out proudly.
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Post Mon, Nov 11 2024, 7:31 am
My 3 yr old - “ma there’s nothing to do everyone else is playing ball and I can’t be the monkey cuz I’m too little. This house is so boring I want to be in a different house” then she clamped her mouth shocked at what she said but started laughing when she saw me laughing lol
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 10:34 am
DS 2.5 announced last night that I have a big baby in my tummy and he has a little baby in his tummy. LOL
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 10:40 am
Ds 5 was told to pick up the toy that was kicked under the closet, he groaned and asked if I don't understand that he is nearly 6 and his back hurts now when he bends down.

Tbh since he was 1.5 he would groan every time I made him pick up toys, maybe I should check his back. I always called him my old man.
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 10:52 am
My 6 year old wants to go to gymnastics…and keeps repeating it…
My 3 year old responds “ shimonastics? That must be a boys thing, cuz it has a boys name. Don’t go”.
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 11:04 am
amother Khaki wrote:
My baby is 2.

"Were going to bubby! Who wants to go to bubby"
"Yay. I want to go to bubby yay yay yay!"
"Your excited to go to bubby. What is so much fun at bubbys?"
"Bubby laughs!"
"Why does bubby laugh?"
"Bubby laughs at chanala (or insert name)"

😆 🤣 😂 😹

She has the cutest way of expressing herself. I could laugh all day. But I'm really good at just showing a straight face and taking her seriously. I'm very pnto my kids not spoiling it. And I don't allow them to make her repeat herself just cuz they want to hear the cuteness again.....
My mil, not so. And she laughs at everything she does. Cuz it truly is so adorable. Bubbys are allowed though. 😆 And it's true that "Bubby laughs"

Singing to her favorite tune
"Mammy is a the best mommy. Mommy is the cutest mommy. Mommy is the biggest biggest biggest mommy" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

My 5 yo son started noticing that other people's bodies are different.
Dh is helping him into pj's. He looks at his tummy and says "my funny is small" (he's super petite) and they like at dh and dh says "and mine is?" He asks very hesitantly "fat?"
Boy did we laugh!!!!
And he's since started on a diet.... LOL

My 9 yo,
"Do you like being a mommy?"
"Is it hard?"
"hardest thing I've ever done."
"Then why did you do it?"
"Because it's the best thing I've ever done, and no matter other amazing stuff I will ever do in my life, being a mommy will still always be my top favorite thing."
"I don't like working hard"

You don't say? 😅

Coming from a kid who krechtzes if I ask her to put away her dirty laundry cuz it's too hard....

My 11 yo "mommy even you outgrow this jacket, put it away for when I'll be am adult."
I just explained that she might like different things then. And it will probably be too used anyway by then.
(I didn't want to tell her that I doubt she'll fit into my clothes. Cuz she's got daddy's genes and already wears large shoes than I do....)

I'm still enjoying the stage where she thinks my clothing is cool....

Lol I love love the convo you had with your 9 year old! You sound like the best mommy omg!
I teach 9 yr olds and cld so see that happening LOL. Way too cute
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 11:07 am
amother Stone wrote:
Those little puppies are parrots, they imitate everything they hear.
Did you say this is non-nonegotiable? frustrated? Trauma? Most likely. Probably more than once...
Still adorable to hear it from tiny mouths!

Haha yes totally! Guilty as charged lol. I use all these big words and then she copies me. It is the absolute cutest thing ever.

Today we left the house in the morning and she goes- It's frigid!

A 2yr old. I'm so obsessed with her!!!

She also takes my phone and says - Ok I need to text rivky. (My sister that I text and call 50 times a day...) 😂
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 11:13 am
doodlesmom wrote:
My 6 year old wants to go to gymnastics…and keeps repeating it…
My 3 year old responds “ shimonastics? That must be a boys thing, cuz it has a boys name. Don’t go”.

My 3 y.o. calls it "missnastics". Definitely for girls.
She also calls motorcycles "motor sheitels". Wonder how many people who ride motor cycles also wear sheitels LOL
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 11:20 am
I told my 5 year old that a family member with a chronic illness and special needs was hospitalized. He asked what was wrong and I said his lungs aren't doing so well. He thinks for a second and then says, maybe he smoked?
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 11:35 am
We had chicken paprikash for Shabbos and had kokosh cake for dessert. My 2yo kept saying “I need more paprikash cake!”
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Post Wed, Nov 13 2024, 2:40 pm
We were driving home the other day, and there was a lot of traffic. We were basically at a standstill for around 20min.

DD3: why are we not going? (Still with the why's)
Me: because there is a lot of traffic
DD3: why is there a lot of traffic?
Me: maybe there was an accident
DD3: why they had an accident?
Me: I don't know
DD3: next time they should make on the toilet so they don't have to close the whole street to clean up the accident. Why it's taking them so long to clean up the accident!?

Also one time she stepped in a big puddle in a parking lot. A second later she says
"My shoes had an accident"
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Post Thu, Nov 28 2024, 11:45 pm
I'm sure you ladies have some more to share?
Too late for me to think of mine, though...
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Post Thu, Nov 28 2024, 11:48 pm
MY 2 yo was saying that the bodies of water left from the rain are "waddles"
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