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The crazy things we do cuz we don't have money
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Brit in Israel


Post Sun, Jul 21 2024, 5:06 pm
amother Catmint wrote:
About the tights, I simply stopped wearing them except for shabbos. I don't know if this year's batch are worse quality or its something else, but I was opening new pairs and having them rip nearly instantly, every day. I was constantly buying new tights but was costing so much I had to stop. When I had just 1 pair left I saved it for shabbos and haven't worn any during the week since. So far no one's noticed, not even my mother who would be horrified, so I think I'm ok.

Does one of your kids have scotch to close their shoes?
I go around closing all the shoes of the kids in my babysitting group correctly so there is no scotch sticking out to get caught on. I noticed it was a big trigger for ladders.
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Post Sun, Jul 21 2024, 5:12 pm
amother Catmint wrote:
About the tights, I simply stopped wearing them except for shabbos. I don't know if this year's batch are worse quality or its something else, but I was opening new pairs and having them rip nearly instantly, every day. I was constantly buying new tights but was costing so much I had to stop. When I had just 1 pair left I saved it for shabbos and haven't worn any during the week since. So far no one's noticed, not even my mother who would be horrified, so I think I'm ok.

Yes!! I've been wearing the same brand for years and I actually noticed last summer that they would tear every time before either even got to work. Hence, I keep wearing them with runs. It's not like if I put in a new pair they'll last any longer than the first.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 6:08 am
Trademark wrote:
What this is saying is that people who have money can pay now more so they save later.

Not that rich people are rich because they live like misers.

For example if you can't afford a new car you might buy a second hand and the long run you end up paying more because you need more repairs. But if you are wealthy you can afford more expensive cars in first place so you end up saving more in the long run.

It's not about keeping useless or ripped stockings.

Being a miser is not a good middah, even if it's only for yourself.

From what I understood, this was saying exactly your first sentence. The guy writing it doesn’t have money and so he buys the cheap shoes, but he ends up spending more than the rich guy who buys it right the first time.

I didn’t see anything about being a miser…

Often, when it comes to quality items it is sometimes worth spending the price.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 6:11 am
amother Carnation wrote:
I sew up runs in my tights

I always do that with opaque tights . Sheer tights can’t be sewn I don’t think. I don’t think it’s crazy . I grew up this way . I sew up holes in socks too.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 7:37 am
amother OP wrote:
Where do yo u get this stuff? What kind of groups? How do I join?

Our community has WhatsApp groups,
Sharing sales, giving things away, selling and buying…
You can set one up.
People are always getting rid of stuff.
I know I’m so much happier knowing the good condition clothes we aren’t using are going to another Jewish family rather than taking it to the local thrift store.
It’s definitely not just junk. People move and don’t need all their furniture, or they’re clearing out a family members home, or passing on baby item they only used for few months.

If you’re on Facebook, look on market place.
There are often ‘buy, swap and sell’ groups for different areas, or ‘buy nothing’ groups.

Selling things you no longer use can also make a (little) bit of money.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 7:53 am
I come from a line of fabulously frugal ladies (like, washing and reusing ziploc bags). I can probably out-frugal everyone. I will always find a deal. A lot of things posted here are common sense - shop around for sales, buy only on sale, use every bit of food in creative ways, utilize free groups and thrift stores, buy generic instead of name brand, etc, repair clothing.

As I got older (and married a normal husband) I understood that it's also very much mindset.
It took me a long time to understand that if you stay in a pinched mindset then you stay pinched.

Now, doesn't mean I'm still not frugal. I still do all of the above. but I also understand that my time, energy, and gas also cost. it's not necessarily actually worth it to shlep around to 5 different stores, or drive really far to the cheaper store.

I've learned to open my mind to new opportunities and focus on generating MORE money not on focusing my energy on keeping the few pennies in my pocket.

Disagree if you want. Tell me the numbers don't lie. This has been my experience. I see the difference between me and my siblings radically. Ironically one has actual money and investments and assets and still won't spend a dollar and her whole family suffers for it.
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Lucky Princess


Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 8:13 am
amother Tomato wrote:
I wear thicker tights because it’s less likely to get holes. I wear discolored socks. I bought knee highs that fall down and didn’t throw it out. And I’m not even that poor. It’s a mindset
can you buy knee highs by dollar tree? Its 2 pairs for $1.25
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 8:33 am
Push off going to the dentist until it hurts too much to ignore it.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 9:11 am
amother Cornsilk wrote:
I come from a line of fabulously frugal ladies (like, washing and reusing ziploc bags). I can probably out-frugal everyone. I will always find a deal. A lot of things posted here are common sense - shop around for sales, buy only on sale, use every bit of food in creative ways, utilize free groups and thrift stores, buy generic instead of name brand, etc, repair clothing.

As I got older (and married a normal husband) I understood that it's also very much mindset.
It took me a long time to understand that if you stay in a pinched mindset then you stay pinched.

Now, doesn't mean I'm still not frugal. I still do all of the above. but I also understand that my time, energy, and gas also cost. it's not necessarily actually worth it to shlep around to 5 different stores, or drive really far to the cheaper store.

I've learned to open my mind to new opportunities and focus on generating MORE money not on focusing my energy on keeping the few pennies in my pocket.

Disagree if you want. Tell me the numbers don't lie. This has been my experience. I see the difference between me and my siblings radically. Ironically one has actual money and investments and assets and still won't spend a dollar and her whole family suffers for it.

That’s the mindset of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Awesome and inspiring book.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 9:16 am
amother Topaz wrote:
I'm loving gifting stones.

Things I used to do/still do
Obviously nail varnish tights.
Sew up clothes
Water down all handwash/washing up liquid.
Freeze veg going off and then use for soup
Have a month of eating out the freezer
Only shop 1 x /week and make do the rest of the week
Black coffee for adults, milk only for children
No cheese

Cold showers to save on heating
Extra layers to save heating bills
Turn off lights as you walk out each room
Hang out in the mall in summer as cooler/aircon, make 1 coffee last 3 hours, charge laptop in a coffee shop for free
No bottled water, no prechecked salad, no precut veg, no takeout, no eating out, save coupons for trips
So many more

The bold make me sad to read. I like to save money but those are very extreme.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 9:22 am
Lucky Princess wrote:
can you buy knee highs by dollar tree? Its 2 pairs for $1.25

Lol it’s not as bad as it sounds. Dollar tree ones are junk. I like thick ones anyway. I only wear the ones that fall down under long skirts and bh I got more so the discolored ones are my backups.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 9:23 am
amother OP wrote:
Not sure about anyone/anything else, but wearing torn stockings is because paying $6 everyday for a new pair (which will inevitably run again), is too much for my budget right now. If my family wasnt struggling to pay tuition, I would gladly wear a new pair every day. And I pray the day will come.

If you can afford to invest in sheertex. Unrippable and they go on sale for $25. You couldn't rip them if you tried.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 9:52 am
amother OP wrote:
You should start a hobby of painting stones. Might make for an interesting collection.

The beauty is in the natural shapes, colors and patterns. Painted stones don’t appeal to me at all. The paint ruins the natural beauty and the memory. I love your idea Rappel.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 11:46 am
I listened to a pre pesach speech from a woman that said, Pesach is cheirus. One of the ways of cheirus is to think freely. Think that you want cleaning help for the entire week, not just for the 2 hours that you can afford. Think big! Think of getting yourself a new sheitel, not just splurging on a wash and set!
This means freedom, not to be confined to the dollars and cents.
I loved the message!

Also, ladies, Hashem has the ability to give us what we ask for and even what we don't ask for, lets try not to limit Him in what he wants to bestow on us.

Living within your means is terrific. Demeaning yourself and not valuing yourself as a person by wearing torn clothing is not what He wants or asks of us. We are Bnos Melochim.

Open your hearts and minds and allow Hashem to make it easier for us.
He doesn't need us to be scrimping like that.
Lots of parnossa for all of Am Yisroel!
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 4:10 pm
amother Zinnia wrote:
The bold make me sad to read. I like to save money but those are very extreme.

The cold showers were when I had NO money. No money, no options.
I now don't drink milk even in coffee, it is just how I am used to it.

There was much more but you probably wouldn't believe me.

1 example- I have never bought new furniture- second hand/giveaway only from family and friends/ whatsapp/ Facebook type setups. I love my home, it consists eclectic furniture which each has a meaning and memories. They don't match each other but each has a special match in my heart to someone I loved or a wonderful moment in our lives.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 4:26 pm
amother Topaz wrote:
The cold showers were when I had NO money. No money, no options.
I now don't drink milk even in coffee, it is just how I am used to it.

There was much more but you probably wouldn't believe me.

1 example- I have never bought new furniture- second hand/giveaway only from family and friends/ whatsapp/ Facebook type setups. I love my home, it consists eclectic furniture which each has a meaning and memories. They don't match each other but each has a special match in my heart to someone I loved or a wonderful moment in our lives.
What's so shocking about buying second hand furniture? You don't have to be dirt poor for that...
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 4:30 pm
We got our dining room table for free, 14 seater as well as a beautiful side board. We use plastic chairs. If I could afford a dining room suite I would be one. We do a lot of things to save $ especially on electricity but I work full time. I don't run around to stores to save on pennies. My time and sanity is too important. I don't have cleaning help and I know I can't do everything, something has to give.
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 6:19 pm
amother Periwinkle wrote:
I reuse dental floss embarrassed

asked my rdh - that's terrible for you - floss is cheap and doing this, you are reintroducing bacteria into your mouth. you are practically better off not flossing.
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 7:20 pm
amother OP wrote:
We all have our priorities, yet we all have the ways we "save". Share yours.

I wear stockings with runs in them. Until it's embarrassing Can't Believe It

I wash my bedikah cloths and re-use them. Seriously, how much is a PKG of cloths? But it makes sense in my head cuz then I don't have to buy more.

You might wanna ask a rav abt washing them bc what if something doesn’t come fully off?
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Post Mon, Jul 22 2024, 7:21 pm
I haven’t bought new sheets since I got married. I just use whatever sheets I have with whatever linen I use (I have gotten new duvets bc was desperate…) but they don’t match and it bothers me. I have 48 inch beds so can only get from Jewish stores
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