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E/1 must get out and vote for McCain- this is serious!!!!!!!
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 3:49 pm
small bean wrote:
im just curious if im talking to a democrat by nature or someone who likes obama
Chavamom, are you a Democrat by nature or a Democrat by nurture?
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 3:49 pm
Gee... there's like 5 pages of posts on this Greg/Peter Brady question. That's more than some people here get even on their birthdays.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 3:50 pm
Pure vanilla. Vanilla from the finest crop in Madagarscar. I buy them by the bean, and scrape the seeds out myself. I make the extract from scratch. If I would sell it, you couldn't afford it.
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small bean


Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:07 pm
chavamom - do u not know the difference btw democrats and republicans. if you dont we have to start from the beg before discussing who should be president....
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:23 pm
btMOMtoFFBs wrote:
taking a guess here.... Susan?

Oh yeah, the pizza.

Darn, you're good.

So sorry, it's Rachel. And I found your other thread, so....until we Brady again....
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:26 pm
chavamom wrote:
I'm not sure what someone who "always thinks democrat" means? How about you pass the cookies and tell us what "thinking republican" is?

She elaborates in the McCain healthcare thread, but you might find yourself tossing those cookies if you read it.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:28 pm
Clarissa wrote:
Pure vanilla. Vanilla from the finest crop in Madagarscar. I buy them by the bean, and scrape the seeds out myself. I make the extract from scratch. If I would sell it, you couldn't afford it.

I would so pay for that

BTW all this sounds so much like Mary Antoinette . I think it was 'Let them eat cake with pure vanilla extract' (the only political cake quote that came to mind at the moment)
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:29 pm
small bean wrote:
chavamom - do u not know the difference btw democrats and republicans. if you dont we have to start from the beg before discussing who should be president....

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo. Please enlighten me. And pass the cake while you are at it. Rolling Laughter
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:34 pm
I'll just take that cake, and skip the discussion, if that's okay.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:37 pm
I have an awesome new cookbook called "Vegan with a Vengeance" (no, I'm not vegan, but some of the people I host for Shabbos are). There is this AWESOME looking carrot cake with coconut and macadamia nuts I would love to try. With some soy milk of course.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:38 pm
I like, but don't love, carrot cake, but would really love it with coconut.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:42 pm
OK, we could try this one from the same book:

Yuuuuuuuuuum. Chocolate.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 4:47 pm
Gorgeous. I make these fudge bars with raspberry that are very pretty, and absolutely delicious.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:01 pm
avigailmiriam wrote:
Funny, lawyers on BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum are worried about the issue of online donations.


Al Quaeda endorsed McCain, do you think they might be giving his campaign money?

just quoting this for all the bash obama because he is a terrorist --
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:48 pm
"OK, OK!!! I feel for you professor, because I'm also desperate for those voting unlike me to just give me one intelligent reason, any intelligent reason that will make sense."

yup me too. thanks.

"First, I do believe in his healthcare plan. I can't stand the thought of even one American not getting surgery or treatment because they cant afford it. I can't stand the thought of an entire family's health coverage dissapearing because the breadwinner's employment fell through. I can't even wrap my mind aroundyou ppl not supporting healthcare for everyone."

In Israel there is "kupat cholim" where everyone has health care. but when anyone gets really sick (cancer, transplant, or any major surgery etc) they come to the hospitals in NY for care. try to think why. am yisroel has the most brains, jewish doctors are the "best" so why is it, that in a country full of almost only jews, healthcare is second rate?

I also agree that anyone suffering from illness shouldget help right away and the best kind of help. that's why I donate to "bikur cholim" and chai lifeline etc. but when taxes will pay for "all that" (it never will: taxes will never accomplish the kind of help that chai lifeline does) no one will want to donate anymore.... no one will be affluent enough to donate more than the bare minimum maaser

but forget about all that... we care about Israel more after all

"Second, the only thing I really care about is Israel. I think he is the better bet for bringing stability to the middle east,"

professor: why do you think its the job of an American president to be the one bringing stability to the middle east?? its up to the middle east to take care of themselves.

and I mean it in the most immediate sense of pikuach nefesh for the Jewish nation. I think he is in a better position for negotiating smartly with Arab leaders and earning their trust and get a better deal from them than McCain ever could be, not least because he's not WASPy looking and has an Arab name. (To be embarrassingly honest, O's name is the main reasons I supportted McCain until recently) "

I definately see what you are saying here. the arabs will trust him and all that. but again, why should he mix into Israel's politics? and also, theres a catch 22 to that. since the arabs and the jews are in CONFLICT any candidate that arabs trust will be mistrusted by the jews and vice versa. therefore, as I said before, why should any american who lives a continent away even get involved?

"Third, it's not that I like him, it's that McCain scares me. Bush destroyed the US, and McCain has no idea how to fix it."

Professor: I don't see america as "distroyed" america is doing very well. if you think america is distroyed tell me in what way?

"If the US keeps sinking, its policy on Israel will become irrelevent becuase it will be too weak to defend Israel, no matter how willing McCain will be to invade our enemies. "

there need not be a "policy" on Israel. Israel can take very good care of itself, thank you very much. as it proved it did whenever the world didn't enforce its rediculous pro arab "policys"

"Fourth, I can't think of one single reason McCain will be better. I'm still waiting for someone intelligent to explain it to me."

professor: I hope I am intelligent enough in your eyes, but if not, it really won't hurt you to listen to some of the right wing media every once in a while... how about Michael Savage?
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:50 pm
Michael Savage is a performer. As are Bill O'Reily, Sean Hanity, et al. It's a big question how much they really believe the rhetoric they spout.

Oh, pass the cake please
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:51 pm
Is that some kind of Greatest Hits album?

Would you prefer regular or decaf with that?
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:52 pm
I think at this hour we better make it decaf.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 5:53 pm
I hear you. Please, the last thing any of us needs is to get agitated.
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Post Thu, Oct 30 2008, 6:14 pm
Clarissa wrote:
Pure vanilla. Vanilla from the finest crop in Madagarscar. I buy them by the bean, and scrape the seeds out myself. I make the extract from scratch. If I would sell it, you couldn't afford it.

Typo! Typo! Typo!
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