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Looking Back - What went wrong - Notes for next yknh'z
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 3:18 pm
Looking Back - What went wrong - Notes for next יקנה"ז

1 - I only realized a little before Chag that a 24 hour Yarzheit candle is useless to light candles the second day when the first day is Shabbat. --- BUT I SOLVED THE PROBLEM - I took the candle out of its metal cup and stuck underneath a tealight that I took out of it's metal cup. It worked perfectly. My 24 hour Yarzheit candle was still burning at midnight the next night Very Happy

2 - We almost never have Chag after Shabbat like this (Which is why יקנה"ז was such a big deal and I was so confused about these יקנה"ז candles they were selling.) We only have two days on RH or more "popular" than Shabbat followed by Chag is when Chag is followed by Shabbat (like Pesach was this year). If Shabbat is before Pesach it's less of a problem cause it's the seder and you don't eat for a very long time so the food can heat. (I think I went through all the scenarios)

So now I'm getting to my problem... I have my quickie system for when you only have about half an hour to heat things between candle lighting and when everyone comes home from shul. But it's always half an hour. This time it was just 15 minutes!! - My daughters (the "Tzadikot") wouldn't get dressed for shul till after candle lighting. By the time they left the house, everyone was coming home.

I was sooooooooooooooo confused. Fifteen minutes?? It's always about half an hour when this happens. Only later I realized that this waiting for candle lighting to start cooking/warming only happens on RH which has a longer davening. So that was a little of a mess up. Lucky we didn't have company that night, and no one was really hungry. So we waited a little since no one even wanted to set the table. We ate Challah, salad and gefite fish (a treat) and by then everything was warm (no one was hungry). And then we had CHEESECAKE!!

Otherwise everything was fine except my air conditioner in the living room didn't go on but the house stayed cool today
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 4:32 pm
Our shul added a short drasha to compensate for the short davening time. Still, we had to wait a good quarter of an hour after the men came home until the food was warm enough. Lo nora. I figured that would be the case.
I had lit a 72 hour candle before Shabbat (couldn't find a 48 hour one) b/c the 24 hour ones are unreliable. Sometimes they last well over 24 hours but sometimes they cut out well before. My neighbor came to me on motzei Shabbat for fire to light with - her regular candle had cut out.
It's actually not all that infrequently that Shavuot comes out on motzei Shabbat. I kind of like it, despite the pressure to get the meal ready, since it means that, having napped on Shabbat, there is more of a chance that I will stay awake for shiurim of leyl Shavuot. I made it to 2:00 am this year.
We did not leave the a/c on or program it to go on. Big mistake. We didn't realize how hot it was going to be today.
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 4:40 pm
Too much food. I always consider that each kid can come home at any time with a visitor or two and I want to have respectable meals. Well, we'll be eating respectable meal leftovers for the next week.
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 4:41 pm
vicki wrote:
Too much food. I always consider that each kid can come home at any time with a visitor or two and I want to have respectable meals. Well, we'll be eating respectable meal leftovers for the next week.

Anything freezable?
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 4:52 pm
etky wrote:
Anything freezable?

Yes. Most. I will decide what to freeze tomorrow.
I am traveling to the US for a few days later this week so dh and kids will be sitting pretty. As far as food is concerned anyway.
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Post Sun, May 24 2015, 6:23 pm
it as HOT today-don't listen to neighbors who say it'll be breezy and TURN THE AIR ON.
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Post Mon, May 25 2015, 3:05 pm
vicki wrote:
Too much food. I always consider that each kid can come home at any time with a visitor or two and I want to have respectable meals. Well, we'll be eating respectable meal leftovers for the next week.

You betcha.
I had a bunch of seminary girls for my last meal, but apparently Sem girls don't eat much when it's so close to returning home Wink. Now I probably don't have to cook for at least a week (although I am sick of the food already).

And Sanguine- I had taken my frozen soup for the second night out of the freezer and into the fridge before Shabbos. But between the short time frame and not-very-hot hot plate, there went my soup course...
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Post Mon, May 25 2015, 3:14 pm
I chose something that can be served cold for my first course Shavuos night, that way the main course was heated through by the time we were ready for it.
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Post Mon, May 25 2015, 3:23 pm
I left a burner on and when Shabbat was out I heated up the soup on the stove. Cold soup takes forever to heat up on the platta and there was no way we were going to skip the onion soup that I always make as a first course for leyl Shavuot.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 12:10 am
What worked: Not staying up for Tikkun Leyl Shavuot when you're too tired/sick to do so. I always did, even though I'm not a night person and even when the topics never interested me because I felt like since I don't have kids, I had no excuse not to. But I would OD on sweets, doze off during the talks and feel dreadful the next morning because I just can't sleep in when the sun is up.

This year, I had a cold and was exhausted so I just skipped it. I felt guilty, especially because the topics were better than usual, but on the other hand, I actually got to enjoy 1st day of yom tov instead of feeling like a zombie and DH actually did a really good job of summarizing the learning and leading an awesome discussion at the meal, and since I wasn't dozing off at 3 AM when I heard it, I actually got something out of the learning.

What did not work: I have no concept of portion sizes. Way too much food.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 12:31 am
Were not getting it. Whats wrong with DH and I? Why do people need a 72 hr candle if you can light the candle on the last day of Yom Tov from the stove? Is this for people who didnt leave a fire on the blech only, or are we not getting something?
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 12:33 am
amother wrote:
Were not getting it. Whats wrong with DH and I? Why do people need a 72 hr candle if you can light the candle on the last day of Yom Tov from the stove? Is this for people who didnt leave a fire on the blech only, or are we not getting something?

That's me. I don't leave the stove on.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 1:25 am
My solution for the Yaknehaz night was:

fruit soup (no waiting for hot soup)
pickled meat (can be served cold or hot - if everyone's hungry, no need to wait for it to heat up).

The fruit soup certainly was refreshing with the warmer weather.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 1:45 am
chaos wrote:

What did not work: I have no concept of portion sizes. Way too much food.

This is a problem because...?
I am thrilled to have food left over. No worries about dinner for the next few days, appreciated even more because I could not do my usual weekly grocery shopping. Not only will I not need to cook, but we will be having YT-level food rather than our usual weekday-level meals. Nobody is complaining.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 2:30 am
ra_mom wrote:
That's me. I don't leave the stove on.

I don't have a gas stove top. Leave on just a hot plate.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 3:52 am
I told dh that he has to wash the placates as soon as he comes home. We had cold salmon first and schnitzel puffs (beer battered chicken from the BY cookbook) and sweet and sour red sauce for the main. Har Sinai cupcakes for dessert. It all heated up quickly rotating it on the Blech. Over the flame was too hot for keeping warm, but perfect for reheating.
The tablecloth needed to be changed, the table set, I decided not to change from shabbos clothes to yomtov clothes. B"h the kids were already in pjs.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 4:24 am
Whats the difference between Yomtov clothes and shabbos clothes?
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 4:26 am
zaq wrote:
This is a problem because...?
I am thrilled to have food left over. No worries about dinner for the next few days, appreciated even more because I could not do my usual weekly grocery shopping. Not only will I not need to cook, but we will be having YT-level food rather than our usual weekday-level meals. Nobody is complaining.

Considering that I don't cook onyom tov, it means that it is the food that was cooked 4 or more days in advance. Not so delicious and possibly dangerous.
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rainbow dash


Post Tue, May 26 2015, 4:29 am
I heat up the food on the stove and then put it on the hot plate to keep warm so that all the food is hot so I can serve at the same time.
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Post Tue, May 26 2015, 4:29 am
chouli wrote:
Whats the difference between Yomtov clothes and shabbos clothes?

Nothing, just to change in honor of Y"T. It's a chumra that's now off my radar.
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