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Day Without Immigrants- In Your Community?
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 1:30 pm
wondergirl wrote:
As I said, children born to illegal aliens in the U.S. are eligible for all govt benefits WITHOUT having to show documents proving the income eligibility of the parents who are illegal. That is not the case for American citizens who do have to prove that they are income eligible to get any govt benefits.

All children of illegal aliens are eligible for free school, esl classes, tutors etc regardless of their immigration status.

Being born in America does not automatically qualify you for food stamps, welfare, medicaid, wic, etc. You have to prove you are eligible based on parental income. Unless you are a child of an illegal alien, then you dont have to prove anything and can get all the govt benefits available just because you were born here.

How much money do you spend on your American born kids for food, health insurance, tuition, tutors, extra curricular activities, etc? Why are you not getting any govt benefits for them for being born in America?

If you have not been through the process you would not know. It is complicated, and tedious, and involves multiple visits to multiple offices, including mandatory home visits. There are regular follow ups. Miss a visit or a mailed form or anything and they shut you down and you start from the beginning. Not simple, not easy.

And if you have no job and no bank account and no income tax statements, I'm not sure what documentation you are referring to. What exactly should they submit?

Tutors, tuition, and extra curricular activities? Not sure what services you are referring to.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 1:34 pm
amother wrote:
Yes, b'h we are humane and provide health services to children under 19 who are here illegally. Their parents are not receiving such services.

And yes, everybody gets to go to the er. I can't imagine that there could be any alternative.

But illegals are not getting welfare payments and medical care as some seem to think. And the system does not make it easy. I have spent more days in the welfare office than I care to recall and not on my own behalf. It is not easy to navigate the system and they shut you down on a whim and force you to begin the whole process over and over again. Not easy, not simple.

I agree. I have posted about this in other threads. It is a lot easier to find and keep a job than the navigate the welfare system. It's taken me 6 months to complete the process. (I am a single mother, work part-time and attend school, for those who are wondering). Someone without family or community to fall back on throughout the process could have starved to death - or fallen prey to loan sharks.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 1:39 pm
amother wrote:
Yes, b'h we are humane and provide health services to children under 19 who are here illegally. Their parents are not receiving such services.

And yes, everybody gets to go to the er. I can't imagine that there could be any alternative.

But illegals are not getting welfare payments and medical care as some seem to think. And the system does not make it easy. I have spent more days in the welfare office than I care to recall and not on my own behalf. It is not easy to navigate the system and they shut you down on a whim and force you to begin the whole process over and over again. Not easy, not simple.

It is not just in the emergency room. Every adult including those who just arrived can get free medical treatment. There are no residency requirements.

Perhaps you should go to the health centers. Do you want free dental? Come to the clinics. Do you want free checkups? Come to the clinics.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 1:47 pm
Squishy wrote:
It is not just in the emergency room. Every adult including those who just arrived can get free medical treatment. There are no residency requirements.

Perhaps you should go to the health centers. Do you want free dental? Come to the clinics. Do you want free checkups? Come to the clinics.

They're charity. Tzedaka. The government doesn't pay for them.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 1:59 pm
wondergirl wrote:
As I said, children born to illegal aliens in the U.S. are eligible for all govt benefits WITHOUT having to show documents proving the income eligibility of the parents who are illegal. That is not the case for American citizens who do have to prove that they are income eligible to get any govt benefits.

All children of illegal aliens are eligible for free school, esl classes, tutors etc regardless of their immigration status.

Being born in America does not automatically qualify you for food stamps, welfare, medicaid, wic, etc. You have to prove you are eligible based on parental income. Unless you are a child of an illegal alien, then you dont have to prove anything and can get all the govt benefits available just because you were born here.

How much money do you spend on your American born kids for food, health insurance, tuition, tutors, extra curricular activities, etc? Why are you not getting any govt benefits for them for being born in America?

You're wrong, of course.

In most states, they look at the income of the undocumented alien, but reduce it proportionate to the number of undocumented people in the household. So Yaakov and Ruchi both overstayed their visa. Illegal. Together, they make $60,000. They have 6 kids, 4 born in the US. So they take the proportion of undocumented in the household (4/8) and multiply it by the income. So you get $30,000 for 4, instead of $60,000 for 8. This sometimes results in families with undocumented aliens being eligible, when other families of the same size and income aren't.

As to the rest, I can't even guess where you're getting the idea that children whose parents are undocumented are getting some sort of free private school tuition (EVERYONE gets public school), free health insurance, ballet lessons, or whatever else you claim.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:01 pm
amother wrote:
Yes, b'h we are humane and provide health services to children under 19 who are here illegally. Their parents are not receiving such services.

And yes, everybody gets to go to the er. I can't imagine that there could be any alternative.

But illegals are not getting welfare payments and medical care as some seem to think. And the system does not make it easy. I have spent more days in the welfare office than I care to recall and not on my own behalf. It is not easy to navigate the system and they shut you down on a whim and force you to begin the whole process over and over again. Not easy, not simple.

Its great to be humane and help people but at what cost?

You say that illegal aliens are good for the economy bc they do work for minimum wages but is that the truth?

Suppose you pay your illegal cleaning lady $12 an hour to clean your house, which is a very nice income for her considering that she doesn't pay any taxes on it. You think that you are getting cheap labor but then you, as a tax payer, are also paying for her emergency room visits for herself (and husband if she has any), food stamps, medicaid, wic, welfare, etc for all her eligible kids, and tuition, tutors, therapists, extra-curriculars, etc for all her kids.

Why are your American born kids not getting the same benefits as the American born children of illegal aliens? Are you okay with giving up thousands of your hard earned money just to get what you think is"cheap" labor? Are you actually benefiting from this cheap labor or is it costing you a fortune without you even realizing it?

Last edited by wondergirl on Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:04 pm
amother wrote:
They're charity. Tzedaka. The government doesn't pay for them.

The funding for the clinics comes from the Federal Government.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:07 pm
Squishy wrote:
The funding for the clinics comes from the Federal Government.

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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:08 pm
amother wrote:
They're charity. Tzedaka. The government doesn't pay for them.

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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:08 pm
wondergirl wrote:
Its great to be humane and help people but at what cost?

You say that illegal aliens are good for the economy bc they do work for minimum wages but is that the truth?

Suppose you pay your illegal cleaning lady $12 an hour to clean your house, which is a very nice income for her considering that she doesn't pay any taxes on it. You think that you are getting cheap labor but then you, as a tax payer, are also paying for her emergency room visits for herself (and husband if she has any), food stamps, medicaid, wic, welfare, etc for all her eligible kids, and tuition, tutors, therapists, extra-curriculars, etc for all her kids.

Why are your American born kids not getting the same benefits as the American born children of illegal aliens? Are you okay with giving up thousands of your hard earned money just to get what you think is"cheap" labor? Are you actually benefiting from this cheap labor or is it costing you a fortune without you even realizing it?

And we, the homeowners in Rockland County, give up several thousand extra a year in property tax to have the privilege of a sanctuary city that residents are afraid to walk down the streets of.

I wish the local newspaper would highlight the cost, but they are so busy vilifying the over building and corruption in the county.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:17 pm
wondergirl wrote:

Cost-effective and efficient medication and supply programs: Given that Free and Charitable Clinics receive little to no state or federal funding, and are not eligible for government funded discounted medication and products or group purchasing programs through the 340b program, the NAFC develops partnerships with non-profit and for profit organizations that provide both donated and discounted medications and supplies. These partnerships allow clinics to focus their attention on direct patient care, by significantly reducing their costs – which is critical to ensuring that clinics can provide the highest quality care. The NAFC has been able to leverage relationships and partnerships with AstraZeneca, Bionime, Independence Medical, Henry Schein Medical, Direct Relief, AmeriCares and Heart to Heart to offer free and discounted items and services to our members. In 2016 the NAFC will increase the products offered by increasing our partnerships with CVS, Becton Dickinson, Office Max and Staples.


Your turn.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:22 pm
amother wrote:

Your turn.

Your information is not relevant to the clinics I am referring to. They are funded by the Federal Government.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:22 pm
amother wrote:

Your turn.

From that website:

Since then, the NAFC has held 15 clinics, in 9 states (New Orleans LA (4 times), Little Rock AR, Kansas City MO (twice), Hartford CT, Atlanta GA, Washington DC, Charlotte NC, Tacoma WA and Dallas TX) during which over 15,000 volunteers have provided care to over 17,500 uninsured patients. In 2016, the NAFC will hold two C.A.R.E. Clinics – one in New Orleans, LA and the other Dallas, TX.

NY not on the list.

This is a nice charity, but not relevant to the fact that states spend hundreds of millions of dollars on health care for illegal immigrants, as well as education costs and cost of incarceration.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:24 pm
amother wrote:
Your turn.

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A projected $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, county officials said Monday.

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced the latest figures from the Department of Public Social Services, which showed more than $376 million in CalWORKs benefits and food stamps combined have been distributed through July to illegal alien parents for their native-born children.

Approximately $54 million in welfare payments are issued each month, consisting of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs and $34 million in food stamp issuances, according to the data.

An estimated 100,000 children of 60,000 undocumented parents receive aid in Los Angeles County, according to Antonovich, who said this year’s projections — up about $1 million from the nearly $53 million in total benefits issued in July 2012 — underscore the economic impact of the nation’s immigration debate.

“When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” Antonovich said in a statement. “These costs do not even include the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually for education.”

This is just from California, so it doesn't cover NY but I thought you would want to look at the numbers to see how much one it costs to support illegal aliens in just one county alone.


Last edited by wondergirl on Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:24 pm
amother wrote:
They're charity. Tzedaka. The government doesn't pay for them.

The government does pay for health centers they are called FQHCs.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:25 pm
Squishy wrote:
Your information is not relevant to the clinics I am referring to. They are funded by the Federal Government.


Really. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I've provided a source, and you just keep aksing me to beleve you.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:25 pm
wondergirl wrote:
Its great to be humane and help people but at what cost?

You say that illegal aliens are good for the economy bc they do work for minimum wages but is that the truth?

Suppose you pay your illegal cleaning lady $12 an hour to clean your house, which is a very nice income for her considering that she doesn't pay any taxes on it. You think that you are getting cheap labor but then you, as a tax payer, are also paying for her emergency room visits for herself (and husband if she has any), food stamps, medicaid, wic, welfare, etc for all her eligible kids, and tuition, tutors, therapists, extra-curriculars, etc for all her kids.

Why are your American born kids not getting the same benefits as the American born children of illegal aliens? Are you okay with giving up thousands of your hard earned money just to get what you think is"cheap" labor? Are you actually benefiting from this cheap labor or is it costing you a fortune without you even realizing it?

Well, the eligibile kids are American citizens, so there's that. And the parents and noneligible kids get very little.

I'm not saying it's all good and we should have no restrictions or immigration policies. Obviously that is not a system that can sustain itself.

I'm just saying that illegal immigrants are not living the good life on welfare's dime. They are getting very very little without their "anchor babies".

And to some degree, that's just how the world works. We make immigration laws, hopefully for good reasons, and sometimes people get around those laws, hopefully for good reasons. But once the people are here, they get treated like people.... There's no other way to be human.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:27 pm
amother wrote:

Really. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I've provided a source, and you just keep aksing me to beleve you.

And since you are anonymous, I have no interest in even giving you a source.

Why are you anonymous?
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:27 pm
wondergirl wrote:

A projected $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, county officials said Monday.

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced the latest figures from the Department of Public Social Services, which showed more than $376 million in CalWORKs benefits and food stamps combined have been distributed through July to illegal alien parents for their native-born children.

Approximately $54 million in welfare payments are issued each month, consisting of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs and $34 million in food stamp issuances, according to the data.

An estimated 100,000 children of 60,000 undocumented parents receive aid in Los Angeles County, according to Antonovich, who said this year’s projections — up about $1 million from the nearly $53 million in total benefits issued in July 2012 — underscore the economic impact of the nation’s immigration debate.

“When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” Antonovich said in a statement. “These costs do not even include the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually for education.”


This is about payments made to illegal parents for citizne kids. Not about federal paymetns for free clinics.

Still wiating.
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Post Fri, Feb 17 2017, 2:29 pm
amother wrote:
This is about payments made to illegal parents for citizne kids. Not about federal paymetns for free clinics.

Still wiating.

Still waiting to find out why you are hiding.

When you reveal yourself, I will give you the information.
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