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Ridiculous things you Did as a child
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Post Mon, Aug 01 2005, 11:48 pm
This thread really has me laughing....

When I was in first grade, my mother would send me with a peanut butter& jelly sandwich EVERY single day! I hated it, never once ate it. My teacher didn't let me throw it out at school so I would bring it home every day. Before I would greet my mother and she could catch me with my uneaten sandwich, I would dash up the stairs and throw it behind my dresser in my room. It took a few months worth of sandwiches before my mother finally figured out where the stench was coming from.....the sandwiches had turned into a black stinking mass that was stuck to the wall. It took many years till that stain came off, when the room was repainted.
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Tue, Aug 02 2005, 10:44 pm
Hey, I'm new here and like reading the posts.

I'm kinda embarrassed by what I did when I was younger but I'll say it anyways without disclosing how old I was. embarrassed

One sunday, I was gonna be late for school and I hadn't taken a shower yet, so I went into the bathroom turned on the shower but didn't go in, and after a few mins. turned it off.
Later that day my mom asked me if I took a shower and I said yes, so she asked, then how come the towel was dry??
Uh oh, I realized that I wasn't careful enough, but I came up with a better idea, the next time when I simply didn't have the patience to take a shower, I again went in and turned on the shower, but made sure to make the towel wet, so it should look like I really used it.

unfortunately I had done it alot of times, basically when I was gonna be late or didn't have patience to take a shower, but I never was caught again.
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Post Wed, Aug 03 2005, 1:45 pm
malks2005, that reminds me of how I used to cheat in the bath, too! I used to play by myself and then one of my parents would come in to make sure I was all clean. well, I was so busy playing, that I didn't clean myself at all. but when my father asked if I was done, I said "yes" so he asked, then why is the bar of soap dry?!? I'm sure I used your strategy afterward and just wet the bar of soap. don't remember how old I was, but I was young enough to still be taking baths and not showers!
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 12:08 pm
I took a nap with gum in my mouth and woke up with it in my hair so my mother had to cut my hair short. I was probably four or five and since then I am very carefull with this.
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 12:36 pm
Due to the private nature of some of these absurd things we did as kids this thread has been moved to emotional health since we can now look back and laugh..... hopefully!
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 1:16 pm
when I was 5 I found my mother's shaver and shaved my face and legs. my mother found me in the bathroom full of blood and freaked!
the funiest thing is I don't remember being in pain
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Rochel Leah


Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 1:41 pm
oy, ow..that must have hurt. I am glad you don't remember the pain
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 1:42 pm
shock the must have terrified her to death.
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 3:30 pm
when I was 2 I woke up before my parents and I made myself breakfast-raw eggs and jam
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 5:09 pm
when I was still in primary school every morning my father would ask if we brushed our teeth and sometimes I couldn't be bothered and for some reason he knew when I hadn't, so I figured it was to do with the minty fresh smell of the toothpast. So the next day I made sure to hide a bunch of chocolate mints in my room so the next time I couldn't be bothered brushing my teeth in the morning I would eat a chocolate mint and come down and say I brushed my teeth and was never caught!! Genious!
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Post Tue, Aug 09 2005, 8:03 pm
.....until all ur teeth fell out! LOL
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2005, 11:33 am
When I was ten years old, there was a berry tree at school and all the kids like to pick and eat them. There was a very overweight boy (I went to a mixed school as I didn't grow up frum) who wanted berries from the top of the tree, but was too scared and overweight to climb up. So, I climbed up the tree for him (always the baalas chessed - lol), got heaps of berries, and........

...... fell out of the tree, wacking my head on concrete and giving myself a huge concussion, which resulted in a night's stay in hospital.

B"h I recovered, but I never did go up that tree again!!!
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2005, 2:25 pm
sounds all too familiar with my daughter. oh my you are lucky to be alive shock falling on concrete is not a pleasent way of falling.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2005, 3:23 pm
had a teacher who'd make her lessons a lot of fun, plus wasn't the 'teacher' personality, but more friend-like.

well........................... I guess to 'play' back with teacher.......... (not sure what I was thinking!!!!!!) embarrassed I hid her keys one friday, and then forgetting about it- went home for shabbos before taking them out of my hiding place.

silly me, I had hid them in the garbage (?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and bec. it was shabbos, teacher couldn't get through to me.... and not even sure if her keys were lost or hidden or WHAT had happened to them!

she had to have all her locks in the house redone and little queen was very mortified to say the least!
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2005, 6:30 pm
little queen

U were queen even then shock
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Fri, Aug 19 2005, 4:04 pm
when I was about 4 my older brother stepped on my older sisters fingers and it started bleeding, I wanted to have a band aid too so I went on the bike and put my finger under the wheel and drove over my finger so I can get a band aid too.
That same summer my sister decided she wants to see what happens when she puts the ladder to the upper bed of the bunk bed straight, so she put it straight and started climbing up, she fell out of the window but luckily the window was very close to the earth so she didn't get any big boo boos, but she never did it again.
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Post Sat, Aug 20 2005, 7:35 am
How do you get from climbing a ladder to falling out a window? Sorry...did'nt quite follow that story.
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Post Sun, Aug 21 2005, 12:13 am
Maybe de g0ldy the window was open and her ladder was near the window and the bed What
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Sun, Aug 21 2005, 3:49 am
Yes Freilach and de_goldy, the bed was next to the window and the window must've been open.
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Post Sun, Aug 21 2005, 6:56 am
I cut my bangs too short that they stood up and then decided it was a good idea to shave them off!
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