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Wearing masks to school
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:19 pm
As a teacher and a parent I also think the masks are awful, but many of the school have governmental requirements that they don’t have say in and have to follow if they want to stay open.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:24 pm
Any links for those see-through masks?
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:33 pm
Op I agree with you. For a child to wear masks to school is really child abuse. ( And yes I am aware of what “ real” child abuse looks like, unfortunately) I feel very sorry for all the kids going to school in a mask. It’s so so uncomfortable to wear a mask and school even on a good day takes a lot of emotional and physical energy to get through. Add a mask into the picture and it’s really unfair and harsh on the kids. Honestly, even if there is any benefit to mask wearing ( and yes, it’s controversial) with kids the benefits will be slim as it will cause them to touch their face much more and that is the number one way to actually contract COVID ( by touching your mouth/ nose). They will be constantly adjusting and playing with them. You should voice your concerns to the school and don’t let them wash away your concerns...
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:35 pm
It's all how you make it!! talk to your school ask when they are allowed to take the masks off ( my school said running outside at recess no masks) send your child a few extra in case it get yukky. Be positive about it they pick up your feelings. Don't yell at the schools they are following the guidelines so they can open for you. My school is doing plexiglass around desks so no masks at there desks.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:46 pm
amother [ Teal ] wrote:
Op I agree with you. For a child to wear masks to school is really child abuse. ( And yes I am aware of what “ real” child abuse looks like, unfortunately) I feel very sorry for all the kids going to school in a mask. It’s so so uncomfortable to wear a mask and school even on a good day takes a lot of emotional and physical energy to get through. Add a mask into the picture and it’s really unfair and harsh on the kids. Honestly, even if there is any benefit to mask wearing ( and yes, it’s controversial) with kids the benefits will be slim as it will cause them to touch their face much more and that is the number one way to actually contract COVID ( by touching your mouth/ nose). They will be constantly adjusting and playing with them. You should voice your concerns to the school and don’t let them wash away your concerns...

As a victim of abuse, the comment above is very insensitive and ignorant.

Mask wearing isn't any more abuse than the laws of tznius or keeping kosher. (Now, I know like anything, all of those things can be turned into methods of abuse, but they are not inherently abusive.) Stop the drama and misappropriation of terms. If enforcing masks at your child's school is abusive, then their mode of "teaching" is abusive and probably not limited to how they will enforce masks.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:48 pm
amother [ Coral ] wrote:
As a victim of abuse, the comment above is very insensitive and ignorant.

Mask wearing isn't any more abuse than the laws of tznius or keeping kosher. (Now, I know like anything, all of those things can be turned into methods of abuse, but they are not inherently abusive.) Stop the drama and misappropriation of terms. If enforcing masks at your child's school is abusive, then their mode of "teaching" is abusive and probably not limited to how they will enforce masks.

I’m sorry if my usage of words hurt you. That was definitely not my intention.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:52 pm
amother [ Teal ] wrote:
I’m sorry if my usage of words hurt you. That was definitely not my intention.

My feelings are not hurt. You can carry the responsibility for hurting and keeping loads of others in abusive situations by allowing the pervasive misuse and misapplication of that term.

You won't have to answer to me after 120.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:56 pm
Mask wearing is NOT child abuse. Puleeze!!! Think about what you are saying before you write it.
Yes, it will be very uncomfortable for the children and yes, they will be hot and not like it, but if wearing masks has saved lives (there was a case in israel where one student was found to have corona. he had worn a mask, the correct way, every day to school. Every student / staff was tested and not one had corona. BECAUSE he wore the mask and blocked his breathing onto anyone else) then how could it be that bad?
My child went back to school right after shavuot. They had to wear masks. It was not fun. As soon as they came home the masks were put away, but my child knows the importance of why we wear them. And if we can help to save even one life, thats something (and ourselves of course)
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 1:58 pm
My children's school is requiring masks. Also, our state is requiring masks in schools for all children in K-12. There is an exception for when outdoors and distancing, and a few narrow exceptions. I am glad they are doing so, as indoor transmission is a significant risk.

Our children's school is trying to minimize the durations of masking by doing as much as possible outdoors. They are being really creative and resourceful in this regard. Maybe you can help your school figure out ways to do the same.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 2:05 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
My Children are required to wear masks to school this year, I am really uncomfortable with this. I don’t think it’s safe, and really not conducive for learning. Anyone else dealing with this?

I have the opposite problem. Mydc’s yeshiva isn’t taking any precautions and I’m horrified. I’m trying to decide what to do. I think everyone who takes this causally and thinks their kids can’t bring it back to you and your family is nuts.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 8:29 pm
We live on Long Island. The schools out here (at least the ones that I know of) are following state mandates and requiring children to wear masks. The elementary and high schools are installing plexiglass around the desks so that the children can remove their masks while seated. They need to keep them on while moving around the classroom, in the hallways, and the bathrooms. I believe they will be allowed to remove masks outside if they're sufficiently social distanced.

The preschool where I send my kids will be "gently encouraging" masking but not forcing the kids. They suggested practicing ahead of time so the kids will be somewhat used to it. I bought masks with pretty colors and fun patterns to make it more exciting for my kids. The preschool also will be providing a necklace that attaches to the mask so if kids pull theirs off it will hang down on their chests instead of being dropped on the floor. It is supposed to make it easier to put back on when the morahs remind them. They know that little kids won't really keep masks on all the time so they're making a special effort to do as much outdoors as they can and to keep the classes separated so if there's a problem with one class then the whole school won't have to shut down.

I'm fully on board with any measures that will keep my kids in school and my family safe. I want everyone to be healthy and in person learning, even with all these changes, will be far more productive than Zoom school.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 9:25 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
Mask wearing is NOT child abuse. Puleeze!!! Think about what you are saying before you write it.
Yes, it will be very uncomfortable for the children and yes, they will be hot and not like it, but if wearing masks has saved lives (there was a case in israel where one student was found to have corona. he had worn a mask, the correct way, every day to school. Every student / staff was tested and not one had corona. BECAUSE he wore the mask and blocked his breathing onto anyone else) then how could it be that bad?
My child went back to school right after shavuot. They had to wear masks. It was not fun. As soon as they came home the masks were put away, but my child knows the importance of why we wear them. And if we can help to save even one life, thats something (and ourselves of course)

He wore the mask and the rest of the building didn't? Or everyone had masks on?
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 9:30 pm
The jury is out and we will have to see how things go. Glad our schools are opening. Iy”H things will go well.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 10:11 pm
mha3484 wrote:
Personally, I feel that being in school for in person learning is more beneficial to my kids then the downsides of wearing a mask. I think its a decision we all have to make for ourselves.


Mask wearing is definitely not ideal for children and I hope it won't have to be for too long. But I was petitioning for my school to open in person, and I'm glad they are. My children would suffer much more from distance "learning" than being in school with masks.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 10:29 pm
To the poster who wrote:
“And yes, older teachers may want to think about retirement early. It is what it is.“
Really? You’re not ashamed of yourself? Sure, let’s just send experienced teachers who have dedicated decades of their lives to teaching out to pasture.
I really hope that you don’t get treated that way when you’re older.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 11:03 pm
Those who want schools to open in person can't really complain that the students are required to wear masks, since those are government guidelines in many places, not to mention what most medical professionals are advising. The alternative is to continue distance learning. If that is what you want (as I personally do) then by all means let your school know. Otherwise, I don't know what the school can be expected to do. Most schools will not take a chance and open without precautions, including masks, especially with the pressure they are under to remain open.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 11:05 pm
Tirza wrote:
To the poster who wrote:
“And yes, older teachers may want to think about retirement early. It is what it is.“
Really? You’re not ashamed of yourself? Sure, let’s just send experienced teachers who have dedicated decades of their lives to teaching out to pasture.
I really hope that you don’t get treated that way when you’re older.

Did I say the schools should fire them? No. So please do not put words in my mouth.

Just like the older population were shopping in stores during senior citizen hours or getting other people to go shopping for them, they may need to evaluate if going back to teach is safe for THEM. If you think small kids are going to keep their masks on all the time and not cough and sneeze on others and not touch their faces and not transmit any germs, you are kidding yourself.
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 11:17 pm
I bought a mask with plastic at the mouth to wear when I visit my autistic son so he can see my facial expressions. warning: It gets really hot and sweaty in it, and it fogs up so that your lips can barely even be seen. I think you need to make it wet or something to stop it from fogging up.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 11:19 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
I bought a mask with plastic at the mouth to wear when I visit my autistic son so he can see my facial expressions. warning: It gets really hot and sweaty in it, and it fogs up so that your lips can barely even be seen. I think you need to make it wet or something to stop it from fogging up.

I was going to buy these for my kids, but they seemed impractical and uncomfortable. I guess they’ll stick with regular fabric masks.

I heard the school is putting plexiglass around students’ desks. Maybe they’ll be allowed to remove their masks while in their seats.
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Post Tue, Aug 18 2020, 11:37 pm
amother [ Oak ] wrote:
Use your voice. Be an advocate. Speak up. Send the school board research papers on mask wearers and kids. Parents can feel whatever they want, but the data doesn't support it.

I encourage you all to watch @mlwdesignny on Instagram who provides hundreds of the latest news and research on this. (I would reach out to her for some links to share)

Ok, looked her up. She's a... party planner?? Who seems to actually SELL masks? Not sure what you're trying to get at here.
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