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Seminary discussion for 2021/2022
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 2:22 am
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
DD is planning on applying to Bnos Sara and BJJ (if they are not closing). Can anyone suggest something similar for a third choice (or second if BJJ is actually closing)? She is very strong academically. BY background and deep thinker.

Masores Rochel or tehillas are probably your best bets. The sem advisor in my daughters school said that bjj is not closing. It is a rumor.
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 7:20 pm
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
DD is planning on applying to Bnos Sara and BJJ (if they are not closing). Can anyone suggest something similar for a third choice (or second if BJJ is actually closing)? She is very strong academically. BY background and deep thinker.

Machon Raaya if she's more JPF/open-minded yeshivish
Mesoras Rochel if she's yeshivish
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 7:37 pm
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
DD is planning on applying to Bnos Sara and BJJ (if they are not closing). Can anyone suggest something similar for a third choice (or second if BJJ is actually closing)? She is very strong academically. BY background and deep thinker.

Mesoras Rochel is usually one of those included when girls apply to BJJ and Bnos Sarah. But it is for sure the most “in-towny” and “Lakewood/Flatbushy” of the bunch, with the least diversity if that is important to you.
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 7:56 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Masores Rochel or tehillas are probably your best bets. The sem advisor in my daughters school said that bjj is not closing. It is a rumor.

Thanks. That’s good to hear.
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 8:06 pm
amother [ Coffee ] wrote:
DD is planning on applying to Bnos Sara and BJJ (if they are not closing). Can anyone suggest something similar for a third choice (or second if BJJ is actually closing)? She is very strong academically. BY background and deep thinker.

Masores Rochel
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 9:36 pm
If she is quieter, and a little out of towny, don’t apply to masores Rochel.
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Post Tue, Nov 17 2020, 10:27 pm
Thank you all for the suggestion(s).

She is not quiet at all (think GO type) and could definitely hold her own in Masores Rochel, but because the school she goes to is similar, and many girls from her school go there, she is looking for something different. (Her school is a very in-town type of school.) Bnos Sara seems like it would fit the bill and is her first choice, but we need alternatives as a backup.

Thanks again for all suggestions.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2020, 8:31 pm
My dd is also a GO type girl, good but not great grades. We feel bnos avigayil might be a good fit for hashkafah, what would you recommend as a 2nd choice that is not too yeshivish and not too much pressure but for a solid BY girl from out of town?
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2020, 9:05 pm
Can you tell me more about bnos avigayil?
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2020, 9:10 pm
amother [ Slategray ] wrote:
My dd is also a GO type girl, good but not great grades. We feel bnos avigayil might be a good fit for hashkafah, what would you recommend as a 2nd choice that is not too yeshivish and not too much pressure but for a solid BY girl from out of town?

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Post Wed, Nov 18 2020, 9:11 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Can you tell me more about bnos avigayil?

Kinda... middle of the road-ish. Not super yeshivish or super academic but definitely solid, bright, motivated girls there. A little more “out of town”y... They don’t work the girls super hard.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2020, 9:13 pm
Bnos Avigayil is for intellectual girls. Its a high level of text learning, but not much homework or testing. The girls have more independence, but its still a bais yaakov, no smartphones. Very not in town in terms of clothes, etc. Good frum girls with lots of different interests, but much more open minded than some of the other schools. There is much less agenda pushing, and almost every girl is off to college and beyond.
The school prides itself in its our of town style, though there are in town girls who attend, just those who don't want an in town school.
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2020, 4:06 pm
My dd went to Bnos Avigayil a few years ago and met the nicest girls. They had girls from Far Rockaway, Passaic, some brooklyn/monsey and out of town. The draw for us was mainly rebbetzin Heller Gottlieb, she's such a wonderful role model. The classes are a mix with some being very textual but my dd didn't feel overly pressured.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2020, 9:04 pm
My daughter is thinking about Bnos Avigayil what happens if they don't open due to corona do they give refunds? I am hoping they do open but I try to be realistic as well. Also, what kind of suitcases do the girls need to travel with. We are not big travelers and I want to buy her a suitcase now while they are on sale for "black friday" is there a packing list anywhere so I can start shopping now I hate doing last minute shopping. Thank you!
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2020, 9:17 pm
My daughter applied to Bnos Sarah, BJJ, and Bnos Avigayil. She got into Bnos Sarah (her first choice) but didn't end up going because of covid she wasn't interested in dealing with quarantine and possibly being locked in seminary for months (it has actually played out that way so she feels she made the correct decision for herself) I posted about it a few months ago when we were deciding what to do.
They were VERY "menshlicht" and refunded our deposit within a day of us making the decision not to send her. I feel the need to publicize this because I'm sure it wasn't easy for them and I want everyone to know that they were very honorable about it. If I had another daughter of the same "type" I wouldn't hesitate to apply there again because they are obviously good people!
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2020, 8:36 am
looking for a seminary that is not to academic and not to yeshivish
can anyone give me names please
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2020, 12:30 pm
amother [ Turquoise ] wrote:
Jew essence are for girls actively struggling. With boys, drugs, alcohol, etc. Its not a place for someone not struggling with these things or someone who WENTOTD and is back on a path. It's more for girls who are still off the track completely.

That's not true at all. Jewessence does not take girls who are actively struggling with addiction. There is a range of girls, yes many of them otd (not all of them) and many of whom struggle or have struggled with various traumas or emotional health issues but mainly it's for girls who grew up in frum homes who want to grow and re explore their relationship with Judaism from a healthier place. I have personal knowledge of several girls who have gone there and grew tremendously and authenticly.
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Post Wed, Nov 25 2020, 4:13 pm
Can anyone compare Tehillas to Bnos Sara - in terms of academics, hashkafa, and type of girls?

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Post Wed, Nov 25 2020, 4:16 pm
amother [ Orchid ] wrote:
That's not true at all. Jewessence does not take girls who are actively struggling with addiction. There is a range of girls, yes many of them otd (not all of them) and many of whom struggle or have struggled with various traumas or emotional health issues but mainly it's for girls who grew up in frum homes who want to grow and re explore their relationship with Judaism from a healthier place. I have personal knowledge of several girls who have gone there and grew tremendously and authenticly.

I personally know someone who was there last year. These were girls having sx with multiple people a night in town and talking about it together. Many did drugs and alcohol.

I don't want to give more details as I don't want to hurt the girls publicly.

That was the girls there last year. I cannot say if it's like that every year but if your daughter is not in that type of place I don't suggest it.

OP asked for someone who was not in this place at all someone who went off the derech and refund her place already
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Post Wed, Nov 25 2020, 4:18 pm
Two more

Darchei Bina
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