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All Natural-Hair Wigs Banned Again!
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Willy mommy


Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:24 pm
Lets start a new trend. All our girls grow very long hair and then there's an exchange place with certificates
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:31 pm
causemommysaid wrote:
how do you have time for all this? I keep going to do things and come back to 10 more long posts. It must take hours to type it all out and double check your sources.

She has it all ready to just copy and paste. I see how quickly she posts one to the other and there's no time for typing.

Go away smilehappy1. Just go!
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:38 pm
No way! Don't go away, this is way too entertaining
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:39 pm
AhavaRabba has me a bit confused though. Is that Smilehappy's alter ego?
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:45 pm
happysmile1 wrote:
I'll stop here - I can't recommend the book Adorned with Dignity enough!
It is truly an eye opening book

May we all merit to greet Moshiach very soon!

It's a great book, but with cherry-picked sources, to promote the author's agenda. I'm not disparaging it in the least bit. It's a very spiritual and beautiful path to this mitzvah, but its only ONE path to it. There are other equally beautiful paths to fulfill this mitzvah, as per other sources and Gedolim, and any particular one doesn't diminish or strengthen another.

It is Aseres Yemei Tshuvah and time for introspection. So lets each work on strengthening the path that internalizes yiddishkeit for each of us individually, and lets each honor and respect the paths that others have chosen for themselves.
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:48 pm
happysmile1 wrote:
I'll stop here - I can't recommend the book Adorned with Dignity enough!
It is truly an eye opening book

May we all merit to greet Moshiach very soon!

Our (charedi) local rav actually won't allow the book to be taught or recommended in the local Aguda shul. So let's start there.
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:48 pm
ra_mom wrote:
She has it all ready to just copy and paste. I see how quickly she posts one to the other and there's no time for typing.

Go away smilehappy1. Just go!

Especially since no one is even reading them anymore. I tuned out by page 3....
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:50 pm
causemommysaid wrote:
Especially since no one is even reading them anymore. I tuned out by page 3....

My eyes glazed over and I scrolled right on past.
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Post Sun, Sep 24 2017, 11:59 pm
Reminds me a bit of the series Mishpacha magazine ran with a first person account of a woman switching from wigs to scarves. Her obsession with what she looked like and what every other women in the room looked like, who was wearing what, which men were looking at and talking to whom was so nauseous and the complete opposite of an isha tzenua.
Not to mention, some back-and-forth in the letters to the editors section with some learned people giving sources that completely disagree with this whole "the point of the wig is to look wiggly and marked you as married" and fully supporting the possibility of no one knowing it's a wig other than the person who is wearing it being 100% fine k'halacha. But of course, the author of the series kept coming back with letters saying to read the sources that HappyAsAClam keeps spouting. As if those are the only ones.
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 12:14 am
chavamom wrote:
Our (charedi) local rav actually won't allow the book to be taught or recommended in the local Aguda shul. So let's start there.

Does he also forbid her book "the secret of Jewish feminity"? Just curious
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 1:10 am
happysmile1 wrote:
Every woman knows in her heart that there is something intrinsically wrong with a pretty natural looking wig (long or short). They are hypocritical and immodest.
That's why the reaction to the posts about this topic are so heated and bring such negative responses. It hits a real raw nerve in a woman's neshama.
There are many woman today putting on tichels precisely for this reason.
In shamayim we will all stand alone regardless of what our Rav says. And we will have to answer for every man we caused to look our way - this is not an easy thing to swallow

With the exception of women who shave- most women I know (myself included) end up sometimes showing more hair in a tichel (slipping etc), so I am actually makpid to ONLY wear a shaitel out of my house and try to make sure to do so when there are unrelated men in my house. And I am following what my Rabbonim say. In my heart of heart, tichel a and berets would be so much cheaper and easier, but I know it is intrinsically wrong to have my hair showing.
In shamayim they ask you, did you Set aside time to learn Torah, did you do business honestly, did you await the geula.

Just to use the sameness language as you.
A small PS
Many of us don't keep a fire and brimstone Judaism. I don't do mitzvos to score brownie points or stay away from aveiros because I am afraid of punishment. I do mitzvos and stay a way from aveiros because that's what's Hashem wants and I believe in Him.
So when trying to convince others of your point of view, maybe bring facts and sources and leave out the heaven abd h***l
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 1:23 am
mo5 wrote:
In my heart of heart, tichel a and berets would be so much cheaper and easier, but I know it is intrinsically wrong to have my hair showing.


Imho, I think the zexy look that very many women have when wearing human hair wigs has caused way more flirtation and affairs than the look of tichels with some hair showing (which I think most Poskim allow to a degree, anyhow).

Many agree that married women become more attractive and zexy when wearing a Sheitel than when they were single and had no Sheitel.

Last edited by Mevater on Mon, Sep 25 2017, 3:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:22 am
Mommyg8 wrote:
You were never taught that tznius is to prevent men from sinning? Then what do you think tznius is about?
I know that this is from many pages back, but I find this so so very sad that you learned that tzniut has ANYTHING to do with men sinning. I never had any connection between why I dressed in a tzniut way and men sinning.
Thats an awful thing to put on a small girl or even a woman.
Not correct at all either.
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:37 am
Is gezel muttar?
Did you get permission to copy so many pages without quoting the sources? I'm assuming that the book(s) as well as some of the documents are copywrited.
There is a quote option on the "post reply" page.
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:42 am
I think it's important to remember we are all sisters, coming from the same parents, Avraham Avinu and Sara Imainu.

We should only talk to each other like sisters, even if we don't agree with what the other person wrote.

People have feelings...I saw some comments that sent a shiver down my spine. Yikes! Is the nastiness so necessary?
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Tzedek Tirdof


Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:44 am
Mevater wrote:

Imho, I think the zexy look that very many women have when wearing human hair wigs has caused way more flirtation and affairs than the look of tichels with some hair showing.

Many agree that married women become more attractive and zexy when wearing a Sheitel than when they were single and had no Sheitel.

I hope this is a joke?

In case it isn't, "flirtation and affairs" are caused by people's inability to control themselves resulting in their betrayal of their spouses. Sometimes attractive wives have men cheat on them with less-attractive women. Please don't blame wigs on people's affairs. Also, recall my post where I mention that someone might have a desire for women in the tichel...
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:46 am
As for the person writing about copyright... Don't worry, I know who happysmile is and she definitely got permission to post those quotes. What ever happened to being dan l'kaf zechus?
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:51 am
AhavaRabbah wrote:
As for the person writing about copyright... Don't worry, I know who happysmile is and she definitely got permission to post those quotes. What ever happened to being dan l'kaf zechus?

Then she should quote them. As in state the location and use quotation marks etc. Like we learned in fifth grade.
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:58 am
happysmile, please realize that we are many different kinds of women from many different circles of FRUM life. And with all of the different women here, we all hold differently on every halacha out there and we also hold of different rabbanim and therefore this ban does not even have anything to do with all frum women.

So please, get off your soap box. Its not attractive anywhere.
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Post Mon, Sep 25 2017, 2:59 am
Look everyone, tznius is not only about respecting ourselves. It's also about respecting the way Hashem created men. Men have a natural attraction to women. That's a fact. I sure hope someone doesn't start to argue with me on that!

One of the main reasons for modesty is so that husbands will stay focused on their wives, and not start fantasizing about other women.

Whoever says modesty and preventing men from gazing is not connected, let me ask you this: Would you willingly let your husband spend the day on a New Jersey beach, feasting his eyes on all the 20- year-olds in bikinis?

Any normal wife would answer "no". So then you agree that dressing modestly and preventing men's eyes from wandering are connected.

Wigs that look like movie star hair-dos are not modest. Come on, how can you argue that they are not attracting? Otherwise, why would Britney Spears and Madonna be wearing those hairstyles?

So if we take that hairstyle that Britney Spears is sporting, and make a wig out of it, why is there any question about it being pritzus?

Did you know that the two main consumers of long, glamours wigs in the US are.....drumroll....Hollywood and the frum world.

Shouldn't that fire off a red flag in people's minds? What happened to the mitzvah of dressing differently than the non jews?
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