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Amazing brownies you can cut
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2015, 6:02 pm
(bumping) Read through this thread - You'll want to make theses Very Happy . Make them for Shabbat Hagadol
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 12:24 pm
Thanks- made these today and they ARE yummy, for a pesach cake, I'm impressed!

Only thing is, mine can't be cut. It's pretty mushy. Still yummy though...
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 1:05 pm
love2live wrote:
Thanks- made these today and they ARE yummy, for a pesach cake, I'm impressed!

Only thing is, mine can't be cut. It's pretty mushy. Still yummy though...
Mushy??? I hate to be "nasty" but you must have done something wrong. Maybe you took them out too early. Does your oven work OK? Sorry I'm hounding you but you're ruining the reputation of my brownies (I'm not a fancy baker so I have to defend my brownie's reputation Very Happy )
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 1:18 pm
Please, I'd love them NOT to be mushy, so tell me what I did wrong! I halved the recipe so I cooked it in half of a 9x13 pan, so I figured half an hour was too long. I ended up leaving it for more than half an hour as they still look undercooked, and left it to cool in the oven for a while. I;m not sure why but it didn't look so normal while it was baking...somehow the corners all looked very liquidy and bubbly. Weird. I bake all the time so I really don't know why this happened...

Will try again closer to chag or on chol hamoed and hopefully they'll be fine. Sorry to ruin your reputation, but like I said, they do taste yummy (and isn't that really the most impt part?!)
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 1:23 pm
Sanguine wrote:
Mushy??? I hate to be "nasty" but you must have done something wrong. Maybe you took them out too early. Does your oven work OK? Sorry I'm hounding you but you're ruining the reputation of my brownies (I'm not a fancy baker so I have to defend my brownie's reputation Very Happy )

my reason for not wanting to give out recipes - imagine if someone says they're greenfire's & connect me with not being able to bake/cook ...

however, my daughter told me it wasn't nice - so now I share

as for brownies - I've given up on brownies and make mousse - 1/2 cake 1/2 mousse

do you have a warranty this will come out good ? [I've been baking/cooking since I'm in my single digits so if something goes wrong it will be your fault]
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 1:28 pm
love2live wrote:
Please, I'd love them NOT to be mushy, so tell me what I did wrong! I halved the recipe so I cooked it in half of a 9x13 pan, so I figured half an hour was too long. I ended up leaving it for more than half an hour as they still look undercooked, and left it to cool in the oven for a while. I;m not sure why but it didn't look so normal while it was baking...somehow the corners all looked very liquidy and bubbly. Weird. I bake all the time so I really don't know why this happened...

Will try again closer to chag or on chol hamoed and hopefully they'll be fine. Sorry to ruin your reputation, but like I said, they do taste yummy (and isn't that really the most impt part?!)
OK - just make sure to come back and print a retraction when it works Very Happy . Half a recipe doesn't take half the time. Test it with a toothpick before you take them out (no idea why yours didn't work - sorry)
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 2:51 pm
Could it be the oil I used? The only one I could find is refined walnut oil.
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 3:26 pm
love2live wrote:
Could it be the oil I used? The only one I could find is refined walnut oil.
Walnut oil -UGH!! I use canola oil but our Rabbis say it's not Kitniyot though many do. What other oils do you use? I know that all the ladies on this thread don't use canola and their brownies came out good.
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 3:30 pm
We hold that canola oil is kitniyot, and walnut oil was all I could find!
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 3:49 pm
love2live wrote:
We hold that canola oil is kitniyot, and walnut oil was all I could find!
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 3:52 pm
greenfire wrote:
do you have a warranty this will come out good ? [I've been baking/cooking since I'm in my single digits so if something goes wrong it will be your fault]
Pretty guaranteed (till love2live came along today)
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 4:47 pm
Sanguine wrote:

I love nut oils. I've been doing my Pesach baking with them for decades. I like them a bit less for cooking on the stovetop but they're lovely for salads, much nicer than canola which sometimes has a slightly 'fishy' taste.
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 5:32 pm
Just came out of the oven, can't wait for it to cool down. Smells heavenly after all the cleaning products!
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 5:36 pm
love2live wrote:
We hold that canola oil is kitniyot, and walnut oil was all I could find!

I don't think there's a big difference ... a lot of people bake with walnut oil
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 6:04 pm
So there you go - The votes are in. The walnut oil wasn't the problem. Maybe you just had to bake it longer. test it with a toothpick next time (and I never heard of anyone baking half a recipe - I always double it and get two)
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 7:54 pm
my dd just made it as well. I added 2 minutes, must be my oven. Its so good that we will make more.


my kids are convinced its chometz
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 7:57 pm
Thanks for the recipe. I made this today was yum but needed longer in the oven maybe 45 mins. I used walnut oil and baked in a square Tin .
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Post Mon, Mar 30 2015, 11:33 pm
citimom wrote:
9x13. Thanks for posting this amazing recipe!! It's super easy and delicious!! My kids polished off half a cake as soon as it came out of the oven!! Just made more!

I used a 9X13 - it came out delicious but a little too flat. I would double the recipe for a 9x13 and increase the cooking time.

Did anyone try making this is a cupcake pan? Did it work?
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Post Tue, Mar 31 2015, 12:51 am
I think pan size, baking time but also halving the recipe are the likely culprits in the 'mushy brownie mystery'.
Sometimes when you halve or double a recipe it alters the outcome unexpectedly.
IIRC on the Pesach chocolate chip squares (blondies) thread, OP's conclusion was that her doubled recipe (the one she gave on the thread) was more successful than the single batch version that she had tried in the past.
I think that Pesach cakes in general are structurally less dependable and thus more susceptible to 'unpredictable outcomes'. I've had more than a few flops over the years, especially with potato starch based cakes.
We do eat gebrocht so I bake with matzo meal too.
One year I purchased 18 minute cake meal instead of the regular cake meal that I normally bake with. That year all my cakes came out heavier and darker Sad
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Post Tue, Mar 31 2015, 2:10 am
I can't believe you're all baking Pesach already shock Everyone laughs at me cause I start cleaning on Tu B'shvat but we have to keep eating here. My kids are big but they have to eat. They can cook and feed themselves but they still need the sinks and stove.
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