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BDE Kayla Rus A"H bas Bunim Tuvia
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:06 am
yaeli83 wrote:
Refuah sheilema.

I don't live in Williamsburg, but I did a search on koshervitamins.com for protein, and found a number of cholov yisroel powders and bars. Did not see the one you mentioned specifically.
You can filter your search options to say cholov yisroel.

Hope this helps!

Ok, gonna be honest here. I am all googled out and not mentally able to do any more searches, either online or on foot. If anyone has links, can send me actual cholov yisroel nutritional supplements of any kind, please help. Money is always an issue for us as well. Just looking for straight out concrete help at this point. Thanks.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:11 am
obsesseddancer wrote:
Ok, gonna be honest here. I am all googled out and not mentally able to do any more searches, either online or on foot. If anyone has links, can send me actual cholov yisroel nutritional supplements of any kind, please help. Money is always an issue for us as well. Just looking for straight out concrete help at this point. Thanks.

What does she need most in a supplement?
Are you looking for a drink type?
Is fat and protein most important?
I don't know if I can get you some, but I can search and post. Maybe someone else can get them.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:13 am

Try this: Cholov Yisroel and available in Flushing, NY
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:18 am
I am davening for your daughter. May Hashem bring the yeshuah already!!

Wishing you Bracha and hatzlacha!! And only revealed good!
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:33 am
I am looking for anything that will help her gain weight without tasting nauseating. I can't use powders or goop that mix into other food because it turned her off to those foods when we tried it 3 years ago. Her weight was less of an issue then so we just let it go. Now we are in dangerous waters and can't risk turning her off to other foods. So if there is a drink that is not too thick or goopy or a bar or cookie type with high protein/fat that tastes good and not like a bunch of chemicals, that may work. She likes white chocolate stuff, and milk chocolate if not too rich. I wish she weren't so particular about flavors, can you believe this girl likes Maccababies pizza bagels but says that the same brand of full sized pizza bagels tastes different and she doesn't like it? Makes me want to scream.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:40 am
Have you asked the doctors about medical marijuana? I don't know if it is obtainable where you live but in California, my absolutely legitimate personal physician non-hippie type recommends it to help nausea for cancer patients with no appetite issues.

In California, you can buy it pre made into stuff like lollipops so there is no problem with "smoking" or "inhaling".
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:47 am
First of all, she won't use it, was on it once and it was very unpleasant and didn't work. Secondly, she does not have an appetite issue and the nausea is only from foods she doesn't like. She takes a pill which stimulates her appetite and she is eating fine. Problem is that she fills up quickly and has to do it frequently, small amounts, plus her metabolism is so fast that she needs to consume huge amounts to keep up with it. That is why a high-calorie nutritional supplement that tastes good is needed.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 9:56 am
When I was hospitalized, they once gave me a "box drink" that was a clear liquid but full of nutrition. I can't recall the name, but maybe your dr knows.
When I did a Google search, pediasure clear came up- is that an option for your daughter? To supplement her food intake?
Hatzlacha rabbah, refuah shelaima!
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 10:21 am
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 11:27 am
obsesseddancer wrote:
I apologize for not updating. Kayla Rus has lost a scary amount of weight and is down to 75 lbs. Her doctor mentioned a cholov yisrael version of Ensure called EZ Drink that she thinks is sold in Williamsburg. Is there anyone who can send me some really fast? I don't even know if she will drink it, she usually hates to drink anything thick. She is eating a lot but the cancer has increased her metabolic rate and she is finding it difficult to keep up with it. She is on a new medication called Keytruda, which has shown success in other types of cancer like melanoma and lung cancer, but which has almost no data for sarcoma use. We just don't know if it will work or not. She will be scanned I"YH after Tisha B'av. This is a drug that works with the body's immune system, so it takes way longer than chemo to show any improvement, but it is all we have right now. Her pain is pretty bad, but her spirits are the same as ever. Mine not so much. I am in a bit of a panic. Hashem is in charge, but has not made me privy to His plans.

I will be in WIlliamsburg today, if anyone knows more about this, where to get, I would like to pick some up and get it to you so you can see if Kayla Rus likes it. (I don't think Ensure is known for tasting especially good, but maybe you can find some way to doctor it up to be more palatable. I don't know what kinds of flavors she likes, but I'm sure it could be made into a smoothie with flavor of choice - fruits, chocolate, peanut butter, whatever.) Need an answer of where to get and PM where to bring to by 1ish because after that I may not have internet access.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 11:37 am
Is there a way you can get around it needing to be cholov yisrael? Like maybe a powdered option. Some people are more lenient with powdered milk.
For regular calories, would she eat larabars or cliff bars or any of the other "bars" on the market.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 11:38 am
I know, you probably don't want a million suggestions, but if she doesn't like the protein stuff, would she drink whole milk? Just a thought.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 11:45 am
My daughter started eating non cholov yisrael to gain wait, so ask a shaila.
We found that non CY icream has twice the amount of calories per half a cup- as she has to eat around 3000 calories a day we do what it takes
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 1:21 pm
This is kind of a no-brained but what about Ensure?
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 1:48 pm
Ensure makes a chocolate pudding. I know it's not Cholov Yisroel but would she eat something like that? My grandmother eats it and won't touch the ensure drinks.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 2:04 pm
Rabbonim don't permit cholov stam for this kind of situation??
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 2:17 pm
Obsessed dancer, I am sending you a check as in the past to help with some of the costs. I still have your address from last time.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 2:17 pm
check out the supermarkets fridge for NewGen drink. (I hope I remember name correctly.) its about an 8 oz bottle. there's also a drink from I believe J&J which has a high calorie decent tasting drink.

to poster above- were u referring to the Splash drinks (I think Nestle distributes)? my sister used it as a supplemental drink in conjunction with duocal which we added to her food.

Refuah Shleima Kayla Rus
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 4:16 pm
Tangerine poster, Splash is made by Nutricia.
If you call them up, they usually send free samples. Or if you can get a prescription for it, you most likely can get it from insurance.
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Post Tue, Jun 30 2015, 11:34 pm
Sending you so many hugs, obsesseddancer! Thank you so much for updating us, I have been thinking of you and davening for Kayla Rus every single day when I daven, also when I light candles and take challah with a bracha. I am so sorry that things are so hard, you must be so anxious. I so wish I lived near to you and could help... I will daven that this new treatment should be Kayla Rus's miracle, that she should have a complete refuah, very very speedily. I am so sad to hear that her pain level is bad Sad
I wish wish wish that you and she were not going through this.
Chazak V'ematz.
For those of us who would like to help out financially, is this the right paypal account :

Hang in there, we all care so much. Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug
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