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Have to say it... trump is rocking this debate!
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 8:44 am
allthingsblue wrote:
Oh, I'm just as sure that the "nauseating stuff" wouldn't be half as horrible as what Trump said.
And it would be a small minority of our husbands.
Some husbands are quite happy with their wives, especially newlyweds (as Trump was when he made those comments). I know mine is!

I know nothing about you or your husband, but its a fact- People hope, they dont know for certain. And your husband isnt a billionaire celebrity.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 8:49 am
Mevater wrote:
I know nothing about you or your husband, but its a fact- People hope, they dont know for certain. And your husband isnt a billionaire celebrity.

First you claim that many of our husbands would say the same thing as trump. Then, when I tell you my husband would never say it, you say it's because he's not a billionaire celebrity. Well guess what? Neither are 99.9% of husbands of imamothers!
So which is it? Are you accusing our husbands of saying such gross things, or are you saying that they don't say these things because they are not billionaire celebs?

Also, I can definitely say for certainty that my husband would never say such a thing. Just like I could have told you, even before the tape came out, that I bet trump WOULD say such a thing.
As sure as I am (and always was,3 en before this video was made public) about trump's unsavory character, I am sure about my husband's love and respect for me, and his respect for other women.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 8:57 am
Who here thinks Bill Clinton's zexual appetite has already been satiated at this age, and if not, and Bill continues with his behavior at the White House, would Hillary change her stripes, and defend his victims and stop attacking his victims?????? Or will Hillary be ok with Bill's love of cigars, a la Monica?
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 9:37 am
Mevater wrote:
Who here thinks Bill Clinton's zexual appetite has already been satiated at this age, and if not, and Bill continues with his behavior at the White House, would Hillary change her stripes, and defend his victims and stop attacking his victims?????? Or will Hillary be ok with Bill's love of cigars, a la Monica?

Do Bill and Hillary even live together at this point? I think they have not been together for about ten years, if I remember correctly...
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 9:57 am
treestump wrote:
Do Bill and Hillary even live together at this point? I think they have not been together for about ten years, if I remember correctly...

If shes in Chappaqua, where is he?

And either way, they have to pretend for the world that he lives with her, so he'll be in the White House somewhere (fooling around, if hes still potent).

People with that kind of appetite DONT change! He didnt talk, he did it all secretly!

And YOU CAN BET Hillary will be shooing away, threatening and mocking the women, as busy as she is.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 10:34 am
I had no idea Bill Clinton's p*nis was running for president. I also had no idea that women here would be so obsessed with Clinton's p*nis.

I look forward to its political ad.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 10:40 am
Mevater wrote:
Who here thinks Bill Clinton's zexual appetite has already been satiated at this age, and if not, and Bill continues with his behavior at the White House, would Hillary change her stripes, and defend his victims and stop attacking his victims?????? Or will Hillary be ok with Bill's love of cigars, a la Monica?

Aren't bill Clinton and trump around the same age?
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 11:22 am
Clarissa wrote:
I had no idea Bill Clinton's p*nis was running for president. I also had no idea that women here would be so obsessed with Clinton's p*nis.

I look forward to its political ad.

Like it or not, if Hillary wins, Bill Clinton and ALL HIS PARTS will be accompanying Hillary to the White House. He aint leaving it behind!!!! Rolling Laughter Its part of the Hillary deal! And as long as that specific part is working, we can be SURE he will take full advantage of being in the White House with lots of young staff around.

And as long as that part is working, Hillary will NOT stop the cover up, and her threatening and mocking the young staff, or insisting her underlings do the dirty Rolling Laughter work for her (like destroying evidence... which shes uniquely talented at). Rolling Laughter
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 11:39 am
Mevater wrote:
Like it or not, if Hillary wins, Bill Clinton and ALL HIS PARTS will be accompanying Hillary to the White House. He aint leaving it behind!!!! Rolling Laughter Its part of the Hillary deal! And as long as that specific part is working, we can be SURE he will take full advantage of being in the White House with lots of young staff around.

And as long as that part is working, Hillary will NOT stop the cover up, and her threatening and mocking the young staff, or insisting her underlings do the dirty Rolling Laughter work for her (like destroying evidence... which shes uniquely talented at). Rolling Laughter

Of all the things that worry me about a Clinton presidency, this is way down on the list. The difference between Hillary and Trump in this regard is that with Trump, this is who he his. With Hillary this is her reaction to the situation she is in, most cheater's wives would like to destroy their husband's mistress. While she's absolutely wrong to use her power like that, and she should have left the cheating skunk many, many years ago, what worries me about her presidency are her policies, not how she treats her mistresses.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 11:57 am
glutenless wrote:
Of all the things that worry me about a Clinton presidency, this is way down on the list. The difference between Hillary and Trump in this regard is that with Trump, this is who he his. With Hillary this is her reaction to the situation she is in, most cheater's wives would like to destroy their husband's mistress. While she's absolutely wrong to use her power like that, and she should have left the cheating skunk many, many years ago, what worries me about her presidency are her policies, not how she treats her mistresses.

I agree with your point. It's rational and true.

Then again, I'm with her.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 12:05 pm
marina wrote:
Fox, it's easy-peasy to blame a movement on the the failure of anyone on the other side to stop their own extremists, but this often offers an incorrect or incomplete analysis.

For example, I could argue that the BDS movement is entirely the fault of Zionist Jews who didn't reign in their violent extremists. That's essentially the same as your argument here- Trump rose to power because no one stopped the leftist extremists.... meh. I don't think so. I even think this argument itself reflects a very educated, upper-class perspective.

I think many people - if not most- who will vote for Trump don't care at all about BLM or BDS or Title IX and higher education or being labeled as racists. They care about their own safety and security.

Trump, like many many successful politicians before and after him, rouses the masses with his populist messages of fear. The Muslims are coming for your families, the illegal immigrants are coming for your jobs, and Hillary Clinton is coming for your guns and I will save you. I will defeat ISIS, kick out the illegals, improve jobs and protect the second amendment. I will save you. I will save you from them.

That is his entire campaign and it can be anyone's. You say that enough times in different ways, people will vote for you just because they're afraid not to. Not much really to do with BDS or Title IX or anything like that.

I think you're dumbing down my argument a bit.

I'm not claiming that the Democratic Party is necessarily responsible for flyover distrust and malaise, nor am I saying that they can or should control their supporters. I'm saying that if they really care about America and want to ensure their continued influence, they need to acknowledge the problem and handle it differently than they've done so far.

Based on her remarks to Goldman-Sachs, Clinton realizes this, to her credit. However, the overwhelming tenor of her campaign, reinforced by the contents of leaked DNC emails, is to downplay legitimate concerns and complaints by being disdainful of the people who raise them.

You are correct about the role of fear, but everybody is afraid of something. Whether it's BLM, BDS, 2nd Amendment rights; ISIS -- everyone has a bee in his/her bonnet. But when people say, for example, "Hey, we see some problems with BLM," it's a mistake to simply yell back, "You're racist. Check your privilege!" People aren't stupid, and it doesn't take long for at least a few of them to realize that not everyone critical of BLM is a racist and that, well, yeah, BLM really does have some problems.

Populists win sooner or later when legitimate problems not only go unsolved, but go completely unacknowledged. Add an element of smug disdain for the people involved, and you've just sent an engraved invitation to Trump or the next, even worse Trump.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 12:06 pm
Mevater wrote:
Like it or not, if Hillary wins, Bill Clinton and ALL HIS PARTS will be accompanying Hillary to the White House. He aint leaving it behind!!!! Rolling Laughter Its part of the Hillary deal! And as long as that specific part is working, we can be SURE he will take full advantage of being in the White House with lots of young staff around.

And as long as that part is working, Hillary will NOT stop the cover up, and her threatening and mocking the young staff, or insisting her underlings do the dirty Rolling Laughter work for her (like destroying evidence... which shes uniquely talented at). Rolling Laughter

And if he wins trump will bring all of his parts, he's already admitted that he he uses his powerful status as a way to prey on women.

Last edited by dancingqueen on Tue, Oct 11 2016, 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chana Miriam S


Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 12:07 pm
blueberries wrote:
What it come down to is if you like him you think he did very well. If you like Clinton you think she did very well. No matter what he or she says your mind is never changed. Just find ways to defed them.

I don't like either of them but imo he comes off like an idiot.

Last edited by Chana Miriam S on Thu, Oct 13 2016, 4:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 12:50 pm
glutenless wrote:
Of all the things that worry me about a Clinton presidency, this is way down on the list. The difference between Hillary and Trump in this regard is that with Trump, this is who he his. With Hillary this is her reaction to the situation she is in, most cheater's wives would like to destroy their husband's mistress. While she's absolutely wrong to use her power like that, and she should have left the cheating skunk many, many years ago, what worries me about her presidency are her policies, not how she treats her mistresses.

Oh, this is actually something Im looking forward to if she wins! What drama there will be with Bill's parts... and what headlines they'll make, together with Hillary's reaction to and denial of the news! (Something like" My sweet innocent husband didnt do that, no way! That child is a liar... and so are all those who witnessed it...") People will be looking for Bill to misbehave, and theres a very good chance he will!
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 1:11 pm
Mevater wrote:
Like it or not, if Hillary wins, Bill Clinton and ALL HIS PARTS will be accompanying Hillary to the White House. He aint leaving it behind!!!! Rolling Laughter Its part of the Hillary deal! And as long as that specific part is working, we can be SURE he will take full advantage of being in the White House with lots of young staff around.

And as long as that part is working, Hillary will NOT stop the cover up, and her threatening and mocking the young staff, or insisting her underlings do the dirty Rolling Laughter work for her (like destroying evidence... which shes uniquely talented at). Rolling Laughter

The 1960s called. They want their attitudes about women back.

Women are not responsible for the **** their husbands do or did. Or I guess we can review these gazillions of imamother threads about abusers and addicts and conclude that none of those women are fit to serve for any elected post, especially if they don't divorce. Seems legit.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 1:14 pm
Fox wrote:
I think you're dumbing down my argument a bit.

I'm not claiming that the Democratic Party is necessarily responsible for flyover distrust and malaise, nor am I saying that they can or should control their supporters. I'm saying that if they really care about America and want to ensure their continued influence, they need to acknowledge the problem and handle it differently than they've done so far.

Based on her remarks to Goldman-Sachs, Clinton realizes this, to her credit. However, the overwhelming tenor of her campaign, reinforced by the contents of leaked DNC emails, is to downplay legitimate concerns and complaints by being disdainful of the people who raise them.

You are correct about the role of fear, but everybody is afraid of something. Whether it's BLM, BDS, 2nd Amendment rights; ISIS -- everyone has a bee in his/her bonnet. But when people say, for example, "Hey, we see some problems with BLM," it's a mistake to simply yell back, "You're racist. Check your privilege!" People aren't stupid, and it doesn't take long for at least a few of them to realize that not everyone critical of BLM is a racist and that, well, yeah, BLM really does have some problems.

Populists win sooner or later when legitimate problems not only go unsolved, but go completely unacknowledged. Add an element of smug disdain for the people involved, and you've just sent an engraved invitation to Trump or the next, even worse Trump.

If they can't or shouldn't control their supporters, what should they do? Do you want Hillary's campaign to speak up about BLM? She spoke very strongly about BDS, like was quoted in the original post. I don't understand what you want the campaign to do and how realistic that is now.
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 1:23 pm
Clarissa wrote:
I had no idea Bill Clinton's p*nis was running for president. I also had no idea that women here would be so obsessed with Clinton's p*nis.

I look forward to its political ad.

Well, its only fair.

Hillary doesn't have one -- that's why she doesn't look presidential.

And Trump has already shared with us, in a debate, that he's got a goodly-sized one. And many years ago, he stated that Gloria Allred would be quite impressed with it. (FTR, she's stated that she doubts she would be.) So, don't you think Bill should go full frontal as well?
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 1:31 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
Well, its only fair.

Hillary doesn't have one -- that's why she doesn't look presidential.

And Trump has already shared with us, in a debate, that he's got a goodly-sized one. And many years ago, he stated that Gloria Allred would be quite impressed with it. (FTR, she's stated that she doubts she would be.) So, don't you think Bill should go full frontal as well?


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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 1:34 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
Well, its only fair.

Hillary doesn't have one -- that's why she doesn't look presidential.

And Trump has already shared with us, in a debate, that he's got a goodly-sized one. And many years ago, he stated that Gloria Allred would be quite impressed with it. (FTR, she's stated that she doubts she would be.) So, don't you think Bill should go full frontal as well?

And look where our political discourse has got to.

What an intellectual treat lol
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2016, 2:21 pm
marina wrote:
If they can't or shouldn't control their supporters, what should they do? Do you want Hillary's campaign to speak up about BLM? She spoke very strongly about BDS, like was quoted in the original post. I don't understand what you want the campaign to do and how realistic that is now.

The problem is a consistent tone-deafness.

I'll use the Orlando shootings as an example, though there are many others that I'll edit out for space considerations.

I have no evidence, but my anecdotal observation is that the Orlando shootings were a turning point for Trump in terms of enthusiasm and in terms of getting voters who might not otherwise have considered him to at least listen.

Neither Trump nor Clinton nor anyone else has a clue about how to prevent such attacks, but Trump acknowledged the threat and seemed angry about it. Clinton and President Obama issued statements of regret that sounded like they'd been composed by a committee. And then Clinton segued onto gun control, an argument which was soon rendered moot by a terror attack in Marseilles that featured a truck.

Most Americans quickly figured out that the people who inspired Omar Mateen are no more fond of Christians, Jews, atheists, the wrong kind of Muslim, etc., than they are of gays. It is reasonable to be concerned about people who inspire such actions setting up shop in the U.S. and even fear them.

Yet Clinton has avoided discussing that topic in a straightforward way, and many of us don't understand why. It is perfectly appropriate to exhort people not to hate all Muslims because of the actions of a few. But a lot of people would have felt better if she had simultaneously challenged leaders of Saudi Arabia, et. al., to stop funding the preachers and mosques who glorify violent jihad.

Would that do any real good? Probably not. But in an era of video and sound bytes, Clinton's refusal to be explicit about radical Islam seemed patronizing, as if Americans are all too dumb and xenophobic to have a reasonable conversation about the topic.
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