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Chossidmom's Spam Thread of Covid Vaccine Info - welcome
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Post Fri, Jan 12 2024, 12:25 pm
amother Poppy wrote:
chossid mom - I am not questioning your sanity.. I am questioning your obsession.

literally no one I know is talking about covid anymore, I dont know anyone who masks anymore, and I dont know anyone who is boosting anymore

are there people doing the above still? yes. but they're generally people who might be dealing with mental health conditions as well.

(even the most covid conscious, booster getting covid people I knew are over it at this point)

I agree that we can be more knowledgeable for 'next time' but obsessing over every detail is where im just confused.

I generally don't follow this thread. Just decided to open and see where it's going. And I want to say that my MIL who is a very sane woman in most ways, has been getting boosters forever. My SIL is now in the hospital with covid. DGD is suppsoed to have surgery next week, but it may be postponed because she was exposed to covid. DD is a nurse in a hospital where they again have to wear masks full time. And I know people still wearing masks when just out shopping.

So I don't think you're correct about covid being over and done.
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Post Sat, Jan 13 2024, 9:54 am
amother Poppy wrote:
chossid mom - I am not questioning your sanity.. I am questioning your obsession.

literally no one I know is talking about covid anymore, I dont know anyone who masks anymore, and I dont know anyone who is boosting anymore

are there people doing the above still? yes. but they're generally people who might be dealing with mental health conditions as well.

(even the most covid conscious, booster getting covid people I knew are over it at this point)

I agree that we can be more knowledgeable for 'next time' but obsessing over every detail is where im just confused.

I hear your question, and I know many (most?) people who took the covid vaccines are regretful and even embarrassed that they were bullied into it.

I personally wrote over 100 articles focused on the tyrannical COVID response and the vaccine, and since Oct 7 I definitely haven't paid much attention to the entire issue, however- if we say it's in the past, shut up and don't keep talking to make sure the vaccine-pushers end up in jail for killing and injuring millions of people worldwide, you can bet your bottom dollar that the medical-government-media industrial complex will tie the noose around our throats again.

Thank you, ChossidMom for keeping this issue alive. It was the biggest government overreach we've ever experienced, and every single person here should learn from the experience and vow fervently to never let themselves be bullied into physical medical interventions by gigantic bodies who make BILLIONS from said interventions ever again.

That's why it's important to never stop speaking about the horrific injustices we endured during 2020-2022.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 1:13 pm
So, here is a story from just now, for those of you that say that Covid is no longer a thing.

I have a friend who is in her high 70's. She is an athlete but she fainted one night, and fell. She lives alone. When she came to, she called her son who called an ambulance. She was hospitalized and nothing was broken B"H BUT her back hurts terribly and her leg is so painful she cannot walk. After a week in the hospital they sent her to rehab to get back in shape. She is in a rehab place in Tel Aviv and noone speaks English. She knows no Hebrew.
I was just contacted by her only son in the country and he told me that she was "diagnosed" with Covid today and she is therefore now in 5 days of isolation and may not leave her room!!! She is livid. Told me she has a cold. Told me she is depressed from being in that place and begged to get her out of there fast!!!
She can't just go home because she needs someone there 24/7 as she cannot even walk to the bathroom. This is a woman who walks miles every day. It is horrible. All because she has "Covid".

I posted about this on my local group where she has friends who can call her and someone told me that the same thing happened to her father who was finally released from the hospital because the family told the drs that he had 3 Covid vaccines. They let him go and now he is sitting at home, traumatized from his hospital stay.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 1:45 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
So, here is a story from just now, for those of you that say that Covid is no longer a thing.

I have a friend who is in her high 70's. She is an athlete but she fainted one night, and fell. She lives alone. When she came to, she called her son who called an ambulance. She was hospitalized and nothing was broken B"H BUT her back hurts terribly and her leg is so painful she cannot walk. After a week in the hospital they sent her to rehab to get back in shape. She is in a rehab place in Tel Aviv and noone speaks English. She knows no Hebrew.
I was just contacted by her only son in the country and he told me that she was "diagnosed" with Covid today and she is therefore now in 5 days of isolation and may not leave her room!!! She is livid. Told me she has a cold. Told me she is depressed from being in that place and begged to get her out of there fast!!!
She can't just go home because she needs someone there 24/7 as she cannot even walk to the bathroom. This is a woman who walks miles every day. It is horrible. All because she has "Covid".

I posted about this on my local group where she has friends who can call her and someone told me that the same thing happened to her father who was finally released from the hospital because the family told the drs that he had 3 Covid vaccines. They let him go and now he is sitting at home, traumatized from his hospital stay.

Wow…thank you for sharing. Truly a lesson for us all
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 12:17 am

The FDA's sham support of poisoning the American public
Conversation with Katherine Watt--unmasking the FDA
JAN 17

First published and aired on AmericaOutLoud.news

Legal researcher Katherine Watt has completely unmasked the FDA as a tool of global aggression against the people of the United States. Yes, the emperor has no clothes on — but it’s much worse than that.

The FDA is not just a naked man — it is a shameless, loathsome evil miscreant (our words) that is collaborating with the Department of Defense (DoD), The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other federal agencies in the global attack on American citizens and upon the Constitution that protects our rights and gives us strength and motivation to resist.

Katherine’s view soars from way above the fray to look at the global evil we are fighting and then gets practical as she focuses down on the nuts and bolts of the laws that have been passed, allowing the global minions to run amok within our government and among our unwitting citizens.

For those of you who understandably find it hard to believe that there is a global governance trying to force itself fully upon the world by weakening all resistance from the least threat to them, which is us — we lace into Katherine Watt’s presentation a brief history of world empires since the dawn of civilization.1

Under the guise of public health, they unleashed upon us a supposed mRNA “vaccine,” but in reality, we are not even allowed to know what is really in it, and federal laws have now removed all oversight of its manufacture and distribution, putting us at the mercy of people who have ill-intent toward us.2

The clearest marker or signal we have of the destructiveness of this biological weapon is the number of reports of death from the injections reported by the CDC and FDA (the VAERS system), which now surpasses 20,000. Every one of these reports almost certainly represents one hundred or more unreported deaths, so that 20,000 reports reflect at least 2,000,000 deaths of Americans,3 with the largest number occurring on the day of the shot and most of them within 2-3 days.

Katherine Watt also cites the laws that have been passed declaring that FDA participation in developing vaccines under the Emergency Authorization (EUA) can not lead to official approval of the so-called vaccines. None of the COVID “vaccines” has received official FDA approval, and any such approval is prohibited by the law.

Here is Katherine Watt’s own summary indictment of what is going on in the FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public:

All FDA activity that appeared to be license-related, pertaining to all biological products manufactured since May 2019, has been fraudulent, performative, charade, pretextual, and any other word or phrase that means not real, not substantive, not legally relevant.4

She describes the legal processes that may enable us to take back our government and our freedom. She confirms the grassroots organizations and actions that should be supported in overturning the globalist intentions of destroying our constitutional democracy.

*****After our interview, Katherine Watt published her report about our conversation providing transcript excerpts. She provides important additions to our examination of the issues.

You can listen to the interview here: https://www.americaoutloud.new.....email
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 1:37 am
Here's another anecdote:
My friend is a nurse and she works for one of these HMO's that service people in the U.S. She gives advice on the phone to patients/customers.

She tells me that they are doing a swab test nowadays that tests for 7 different things.
One is Covid. One is "Rhinovirus".

So, people are calling to hear the results of their tests and she has to tell them that they tested positive for "Rhinovirus". She explained to me that this is basically A COLD. But since people are testing positive for it they get very worried and she has to reassure them that it's just a cold.

Can someone explain to me why it's important to swab for a cold?

One of the questions she gets is when someone who has the flu is allowed to go back to school or work. She says that in the old days the parents would decide when the child feels good enough to return. Now, there seem to be stricter rules. She didn't go into detail.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 8:22 am
ChossidMom wrote:
So, here is a story from just now, for those of you that say that Covid is no longer a thing.

I have a friend who is in her high 70's. She is an athlete but she fainted one night, and fell. She lives alone. When she came to, she called her son who called an ambulance. She was hospitalized and nothing was broken B"H BUT her back hurts terribly and her leg is so painful she cannot walk. After a week in the hospital they sent her to rehab to get back in shape. She is in a rehab place in Tel Aviv and noone speaks English. She knows no Hebrew.
I was just contacted by her only son in the country and he told me that she was "diagnosed" with Covid today and she is therefore now in 5 days of isolation and may not leave her room!!! She is livid. Told me she has a cold. Told me she is depressed from being in that place and begged to get her out of there fast!!!
She can't just go home because she needs someone there 24/7 as she cannot even walk to the bathroom. This is a woman who walks miles every day. It is horrible. All because she has "Covid".

I posted about this on my local group where she has friends who can call her and someone told me that the same thing happened to her father who was finally released from the hospital because the family told the drs that he had 3 Covid vaccines. They let him go and now he is sitting at home, traumatized from his hospital stay.

Please Get her out of there as fast as possible. I know an older man this same scenario happened and they completely neglected him in the rehab. He wasn’t eating, no visitors were allowed, secluded in a room for weeks because he had a cold aka Covid.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 8:39 am
I wish I could get her out. She needs 24/7 supervision because she can't walk and she needs physio. She just called me and said "I need to get out of here!". She speaks no Hebrew so she can't even talk to her roommate. It's too awful. And she just has a cold! She is going bonkers.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 1:51 pm
As someone who works with seniors..three of whom were recently hospitalized with secondary infections.with covid.its important for those who are vulnerable to test. It is also important for those of us in daily contact with seniors to test. I tested positive 3 weeks ago and stayed home from work for 5 days so as to lower the risk to those around me. Covid is not a cold. A cold doesn't make me lose smell and taste. A cold also doesn't make me dizzy. A cold doesn't put senior citizens in the hospital because they cannot breathe and can no longer walk without being able to catch their breath.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 2:26 pm
Really? My senior friend has a cold, as she defines it. The fake PCR tests they run, diagnosed her with covid. She is neither dizzy nor short of breath. Yet she is in prison/isolation.
PCR tests are a racket and provided the basis for what our seniors and everyone else endured. It is a known fact that they adjust the cycles on the test machine in order to crank up the "cases". Kerry Mullen, the inventor of the PCR test himself said this test cannot be used to diagnose a sickness because you can find anything you look for. Kerry Mullen said Fauci was an idiot and spoke against him quite alot. Kerry mysteriously died very suddenly right before Covid broke.out on the scene.

In all the years prior to Covid Israeli hospitals were overflowing with flu patients - mostly seniors, many of whom died. Suddenly, we had COVID and, miraculously, no flu cases that year. Now flu picked up again, along with a new strain of Covid. Now they have new excuses to lock up our elderly and kill them off by first destroying their morale. I am watching it happen before my eyes. Tragic.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 2:33 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Really? My senior friend has a cold, as she defines it. The fake PCR tests they run, diagnosed her with covid. She is neither dizzy nor short of breath. Yet she is in prison/isolation.
PCR tests are a racket and provided the basis for what our seniors and everyone else endured. It is a known fact that they adjust the cycles on the test machine in order to crank up the "cases". Kerry Mullen, the inventor of the PCR test himself said this test cannot be used to diagnose a sickness because you can find anything you look for. Kerry Mullen said Fauci was an idiot and spoke against him quite alot. Kerry mysteriously died very suddenly right before Covid broke.out on the scene.

In all the years prior to Covid Israeli hospitals were overflowing with flu patients - mostly seniors, many of whom died. Suddenly, we had COVID and, miraculously, no flu cases that year. Now flu picked up again, along with a new strain of Covid. Now they have new excuses to lock up our elderly and kill them off by first destroying their morale. I am watching it happen before my eyes. Tragic.

It is tragic that you have no sympathy for my clients with long covid..

Perhaps I should give them your number when they need a ride home from the hospital.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 2:42 pm
How do you know how much sympathy I have for people? Because I say testing is a total sham? I also have long covid issues from my first round. What does that have to do with your clients? The system murdered elderly covid patients in the past with their ventilators and faulty protocols. And isolation. And they are pulling the isolation stunt again.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:09 pm
And for the record, all these elderly who keep coming down with secondary infections and pneumonia (and other things) can probably thank the twisted system that boosted them up with unsafe and ineffective "vaccines". Covid shots are segula for getting covid
They decimated ppl's immune systems and nis the slightest vold brings them down. And tbe establishment calls it "long covid". This is a tragedy.

Last edited by ChossidMom on Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:09 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Really? My senior friend has a cold, as she defines it. The fake PCR tests they run, diagnosed her with covid. She is neither dizzy nor short of breath. Yet she is in prison/isolation.
PCR tests are a racket and provided the basis for what our seniors and everyone else endured. It is a known fact that they adjust the cycles on the test machine in order to crank up the "cases". Kerry Mullen, the inventor of the PCR test himself said this test cannot be used to diagnose a sickness because you can find anything you look for. Kerry Mullen said Fauci was an idiot and spoke against him quite alot. Kerry mysteriously died very suddenly right before Covid broke.out on the scene.

In all the years prior to Covid Israeli hospitals were overflowing with flu patients - mostly seniors, many of whom died. Suddenly, we had COVID and, miraculously, no flu cases that year. Now flu picked up again, along with a new strain of Covid. Now they have new excuses to lock up our elderly and kill them off by first destroying their morale. I am watching it happen before my eyes. Tragic.

I don't get it.

What makes you think fake PCR tests are being done? Du have proof?

What would anyone stand to gain from it?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:15 pm
amother Bluebell wrote:
I don't get it.

What makes you think fake PCR tests are being done? Du have proof?

What would anyone stand to gain from it?

Are you serious? What would anyone stand to gain from everyone being diagnosed with a new disease for which Pfizer just so happens to have a "vaccine" which it developed in 5 minutes and which brings in millions for investors in the pharma industry like Bill Gates who is on film saying that pharma has the best returns? I have to go to bedbut I hope I have the time tomorrow to bring som.e of the facts about what a sham the PCR test is
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:15 pm
Thank you chossidmom

overreach and control

lack of values and ethics



a truly toxic combo for many
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:17 pm
and fyi
yes people are still boosting :0
I was shocked to learn that and have people tell me they were in bed for days after getting their latest "boosters"
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:19 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Are you serious? What would anyone stand to gain from everyone being diagnosed with a new disease for which Pfizer just so happens to have a "vaccine" which it developed in 5 minutes and which brings in millions for investors in the pharma industry like Bill Gates who is on film saying that pharma has the best returns? I have to go to bedbut I hope I have the time tomorrow to bring som.e of the facts about what a sham the PCR test is

Yes I am serious.

How do KNOW that the PCR tests are fake?

If you don't have time tomorrow don't worry I'll survive.

Good night.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:23 pm
Most 'proof' is anecdotal anyway.

I had Covid before I took the vaccine.

I've had the vaccination and boosters and haven't had Covid since.

Before you bring me 'proof', just be aware that there are many others like me.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:35 pm
I am trying to post the link to the clip where Kary Mullis describes how you cannot diagnose an illneddllss with PCR and it won't post. It is from an uncensored site nsmef brighteon.com

Last edited by ChossidMom on Wed, Jan 17 2024, 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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