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Tehillim for my husband and
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Post Tue, Dec 08 2009, 5:11 pm
I pray for your husband, Steve, his mother, and YOU. You have so much to bear as well. I hope everything goes well...as for paying, by the way, it seems to me the your DH will be paying every day for the rest of his life. My heart goes out to him. Please let us know the outcome.
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Post Wed, Dec 09 2009, 3:03 am
Yesha, I just saw this now and I canm't believe what a terrible situation this is for everyone involved. Try to remember that the decision was postponed since your eis ratzon is yet to come and that now you have even more time to daven and do whatever hishtadlus you can.
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Post Wed, Dec 09 2009, 5:33 am
Yesha, you and your family are in my thoughts and tefilos. I don't know if this is helpful, but if the man's mother is frum, or at least religiously inclined, or open to receiving comfort, maybe you could find a Rav or Rebbetzin who could speak to her about hashkafah and emunah (without knowing that it came from you). She is in great pain, and like you said, it's natural for her to take it out on your husband. But maybe she can begin to understand that this was a nisayon predetermined by Hashem and for whatever reason your husband was the shaliach, who shares in her pain.
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Post Wed, Dec 09 2009, 6:25 pm
I only just saw this. What a sad situation!!!

I really hope your dh is not jailed, and I hope there will be a favourable outcome for all parties involved, that "Steve" should somehow recover from his injuries too.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 11:02 am
So tomorrow we're going back to court and the final decision will most likely be delayed.

What was supposed to happen was between the last court date (December 8th) and tomorrow's date was someone from the prison system was supposed to contact my husband about work service. Only no one ever did. Which means as far as we know, no recommendations have been made to the judge.

In the mean time the victim's mother sent a letter to the judge saying that she feels my husband is simply paying lip service to the whole situation so we had to write our own letter to the judge... oy, don't ask.

So if once again we could have a perek of Tehillim said for my husband, Zechariya Dan ben Nina Leah, it would be most appreciated.

Tizku leMitzvot and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 11:10 am
it might look better if your dh contacts the work service before he gets to court - at least he could document that he tried to reach them despite them not contacting him ...

dunno if there's time ...

prayers always !!!
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 11:22 am
Thinking of you and your family Yesha and praying for the best possible outcome.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 1:35 pm
Davening for the best outcome possible for you and your family!
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 1:40 pm
Hatzlacha, Yesha.
Sorry about the stress you must be going through.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2010, 10:07 pm
YESHASettler wrote:
So tomorrow we're going back to court and the final decision will most likely be delayed.

What was supposed to happen was between the last court date (December 8th) and tomorrow's date was someone from the prison system was supposed to contact my husband about work service. Only no one ever did. Which means as far as we know, no recommendations have been made to the judge.

In the mean time the victim's mother sent a letter to the judge saying that she feels my husband is simply paying lip service to the whole situation so we had to write our own letter to the judge... oy, don't ask.

So if once again we could have a perek of Tehillim said for my husband, Zechariya Dan ben Nina Leah, it would be most appreciated.

Tizku leMitzvot and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Both DH and I are davenig tehillim for your family!
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 2:56 am
Despite not hearing from the prison board, it looks like the judge has decided on work service. Probably for 6 months.

I have no idea what we're going to do.
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 3:03 am

BeH you will get through this time..
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 3:04 am
YESHA, how flexible can Zach's employers be? I know he already works terribly long hours. Can they somehow cut him down to part time, and let him work x hours a week from home, around the hours he's supposed to do the work program? At least you wouldn't lose ALL your income.
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 3:09 am
yes - dont let hime even cut his hours yet - maybe the work program will be part time... or a worthless clockin-clockout job
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 3:18 am
hila is right, there are often ways around it, where he can do work service starting in the afternoon and evening or even nights and keep his job, all depends what he can do. When you speak to the board and the officer in charge explain the situation. They country doesn't want you to end up on the streets simply because that will cost them too much money in addition to everything else.
So speak to them and negotiate a type of work where your husband can still keep part of his job, maybe even most.
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 3:28 am
Not sure he'd legally be able to draw a salary while on work service.

Our understanding of work service is it's a step down from jail. Instead of him sitting in prison for 6 months, he'll be doing some sort of work somewhere, full time, instead of going to his usual job.

I didn't go to court with him today - mostly because we were expecting another delay but also the weather is terrible and I didn't want to schlep the boys. So he and his mom (who is here visiting) went in.

They're now sitting with the lawyer to discuss... stuff.
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 7:37 am
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 9:16 am
I thought about you in the middle of the night, wondering how it was going and praying...

can you speak to other women in this situation to see what they do financially when their husbands are on work service?
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2010, 11:09 am

Keep us posted...I must praise you for staying strong ,you are an inspiration to me personally.

Things are difficult for us too ,we were forced to liquidate our house to pay our bills and relocate ...the goya who we sold our house to is suing us over crazy lies and we don't have money or time to fight but will have to find a way....I got the lawsuit last monday and almost fell apart from the stress, no sleep and not really able too keep food down embarrassed .

Seeing your calm and strenght is a TRUE lesson in emunah.
Hashem have mercy and send us all Peace and rescue us from our persuers.
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Post Thu, Jan 21 2010, 12:24 pm
Yesha? Any news? Are you doing okay?
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