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Does Costco save you money?
I save a lot  
 60%  [ 34 ]
I end up wasting  
 39%  [ 22 ]
Total Votes : 56



Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 1:43 pm
I am doing a survey on people shopping in bulk.

Do you shop in bulk? Where?

Do you find that it saves you money or that you end up wasting?

Please add any demographics that you are comfortable with...


Last edited by chilled on Wed, Apr 14 2010, 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 1:58 pm
I shop in bulk whenever I have access to a car. When I do I go to either Costco or BJ's - has depended on the year, the membership, the products, etc.
I live in NYC and I find that it does save me money. Not only does it save me money but it saves me the stress of having to repeatedly go to the store for basic staples.
I generally get toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, shampoo, dishwashing detergent. THings that I know I will always use no matter how much I have.
Oh also in NJ, the COSTCO has an incredible kosher section. Lots of cheap cheese and meat options!
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 1:59 pm
I really like costco!

I can only go there a few times a year when I have a ride there.

you can save money if you shop around and know your prices to see if buying a certain item in bulk is really worth it or not.

in order to save money go with cash and have a list. also have some extra if you see something that is a good price. example I bought outfits for my kids there 3 peice calvin klein for 25$ and a shabbos dress for 18$ obviously it wasn't on the list but I thought that it was worth it.

I figured out that the price of toilet paper if I buy it near my house is only a few cents more. when I didn't have an extra 20 to buy 20 rolls I bought as I needed it. but I like having what I need in the house and not have to keep on running out for things.

in ny they have cholov yisroel cheese and meat and chumous etc it really is a lot cheaper to buy it in costco
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 2:08 pm
My mom shops at Costco a lot, and it works for her since she has a commercial household (lots of kids, plus guest, and a Hachnosas Orchim apt.) and a lot of extra storage space.

For it to work for you you need a lot of extra storage space, your family size is big enough that it is worth it, and lots of discipline not to buy what you don't need and not to use much more than you actually need since there is so much of that item (ie tissues, papers)
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 2:13 pm
you really have to know your prices before getting to the store. some stuff is cheaper, some not. I got some great 2 piece weekday outfits for my kids for $7, and did well with cholov yisroel american cheese.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 3:01 pm
I like to go to Costco sometimes.
You definately need to know your prices, and you most certainly need to bring a list that you will stick to.
I only like to buy items in bulk that I use all the time.
Things that are worthwhile to stock up on at Costco:

olive oil
bar soap

Can't think of the rest right now.

I found that papergoods are more expensive at Costco.

Detergent, Kleenex and trash bags are the same price as when these items go on sale in my area.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 3:22 pm
I shop at Sam's Club (no Costco or BJs near here).

I mainly buy cleaning supplies and paper goods (recently for simchas and Pesach I price-compared the paper goods carefully to other sources and it was much cheaper at Sam's). You do need to be prepared to buy in larger packages/quantities, but I have plenty of storage space so that isn't a problem.

I also buy certain food items: spices, ketchup, certain types of produce (much of it is not a bargain), eggs, snacks (when I've got younger company coming).

I know that my kids (who are very price conscious) also buy diapers there.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 3:29 pm
I love it but I really am careful before I get on line. I look through my cart and put back anything that I don't absolutely need or is not a very good deal that I do need. Otherwise, I go out of there spending $500+ (which has happened to me and we're only two plus a baby now). I go about two - three times a year and spend about 200-250. I don't buy tissues or paper towels because it goes on sale cheaper here.

I love:

Kirkland 13 gallon garbage bags (lasts forever)
Big bags of chips
lens solution
some paper goods like cups (not cutlery)
scrubbing bubbles
olive oil
barbeque sauce
sometimes drinks

Things that I know I can use up in bulk. It happens, but very rarely, that I waste something that I bought there. But then it happens with regular grocery items too. But I really try to be careful.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 4:18 pm
We are also Costco lovers...

We buy the trash bags (btw, the last time we bought trash bags was Sukkos..and we go through about 2-3 bags a day)

Chalav yisroel shredded mozarella and the muenster

basically any fruit that is in season..it just stinks that certain things that we use all the time, like sweet potatoes and buttnernut squash are not there...

potato chips
certain noshes

we find the space to save a lot of money...
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 4:31 pm
thanx guys! keep it coming!
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 5:03 pm
people, please please help me out here!
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 5:11 pm
I found that in order to save money, one really has to compare price per unit. Sometimes Costco is not cheaper than local store brand. They usually carry brand name and are cheaper for brand name, but if you don't care about it for certain products, it can cost you more.

I buy the following at Costco (and my costco doesn't carry kosher meats or cheeses)

foil pans
plastic freezer bags and sandwich bags
toilet paper
(sometimes, with coupon) tissues
trash bags
laundry detergent (kirkland brand)
organic salad
breakstones cottage cheese
wild caught canned salmon, or kirkland brand canned salmon
dried cranberries
organic granola cereal (Nature's Way); we eat it and it is cheaper at Costco by just a few cents than at Trader Joes
(other cereals we eat, like Cheerios, are not cheaper at Costco than at Trader Joes, because they carry name brand and we buy store brand)
dish sponges
liquid hand soap refills
dishwashing soap refills
dishwasher powder detergent

I used to buy paper towels there, but now we don't use paper towels; I bought a large package of yellow microfiber cloths at Costco's automotive department, and use them around the kitchen and bathroom, and then wash and reuse.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 6:01 pm
we are a family of 3- 2 adults and a baby. I went once, wasn't worth it for us to buy anything except babywipes-HUGE case of Huggies and grape juice-2 humongous Kedem plastic bottles, special costco size. they had some carters stuff for the baby but nothing in our size. their picture frames and albums looked like they are very good quality but I'm not going to make membership just for that....
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 6:06 pm
Re produce its good to check since many times they come from Israel and you need to worry about shemitta, maaser etc.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 6:22 pm
my shopping list

baby wipes
kirkland garbage bags- tall kitchen ones
resolve spray and wash
cupcakes-they have the pas yisroel ones
granola bars
grape juice
pasta- 40 cents cheaper than at the store. but the store could have a sale
near east rice mixes
tnuva pudding is 6 for 4.75

they also have coupons for things this past time I saved 28$ in coupons
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 7:14 pm
I agree with most of the posters above. Make a list and stick to it. Know your prices.

I love the convenience of being able to shop once for non-perishables. It keeps me from spending as much time and money at the local grocery as I used to.

I can't say I save tons of money, but when I'm disciplined, I can make the trips to Costco very worthwhile.
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rise above


Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 8:32 pm
I love costco and I save money, plus have what I need on hand instead of running over and over to the stores.
I buy:

Diapers (I Love the kirkland brand. I specficialy brought membership for this! I don't think they are the cheapest out there, I just find they fit my kids the best and are the most absorbent.)

Fresh wipes (Love them! They are not to dry and not to wet, no big hard plastic container)

Body soap
Shampoo and conditioner - pump, salon style bottles
Toilet Paper
Paper Towel
Ziplock bags
Chummus singles
Laundry detergent
Fabric softner

Plus other food items when I have the time go to through aisle after aisle. The salmon has been haviliy recommended.
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Post Wed, Apr 14 2010, 9:01 pm
In the Costco in both brooklyn and LI they have Chalav Yisrael Cheese as well as meal mart meats and froen foods like stuffed cabbage and knishes and stuff It is way cheaper then at the stores. Just for that alone it was worth it for the membership.
The Bakery in the LI store is also totally kosher (not CY) and then they also sell the smilowitz and other jewish brands.
Besides for that type of stuff we buy all paper goods stuff there. I love Kirkland brand Paper Towel. I am not one to use store brands everything in my home is name brand but one time I sent Dh and his friends wife was like buy it she will love it so he did I was very sceptical but it really is gr8. Things like cups plates detergent garbage bags and what not I buy there but I wait for the Coupons to come out and buy it when they have the right coupons for those products. It comes out way cheaper and I have the storage space.
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Post Thu, Apr 15 2010, 10:12 am
We are family of 8 and I go to COSTCO about once a week or at least every other- mainly for the fruits and veggies and cheeses. I definatly have days where I buy htings not on my list, but its stuff I was looking into and found cheaper than other places or I would rather spend a few extra dollars by COSTCO then shlep out again. Plus COSTCO has a great return policy from what I have heard.

I get lots of fruits and vegtables there- the romaine lettuce is so much cheaper, grapefuits are much cheaper (and sweeter), pineapples as well. Other veggies/fruits I get may be hte same prices in my local store, but I have found the stuff in COSTCO really good. I get the muenster, mozzeralla, feta, and american cheese htere (CY).

Other stuff I Get- some may be more expensive, but BH I have hte space to store and would rather get all at once and store it then wait till last minute and not have enough of something;For a lot of these things I wait till I get the coupons from COSTCO and get htem then, you can save much more with the coupons.

grape juice
mini cupcakes (kids bdays in school)
granola bars
veggie stix (ithink that is what they are called its a nosh)
garbage bags
ziplock bags
baby clothes
shirts for my husband
paper towels- sometimes I get it target if cheaper
toilet paper- sometimes I get it target if cheaper
laundry detergent
dishwashing detergent
shampoo- for dishwasher

I am sure there is more I just can't remember what else we get. It also helps that we someone else pays membership for us.
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Post Thu, Apr 15 2010, 10:28 am
I love Costco. ( I also love Target, and Walmart, and TJ Maxx and Marshall's but this post refers to Costco) I usually go to the store in Long Island, although the Brooklyn location is 10 minutes away.
The LI store is bigger, has more selection, and is easier to maneuver, less crowded.

I buy their smoked Norwegian Salmon, the best lox ever.
I love their 6 pack of black California Olives, yummy. I love their grapefruits. Huge and juicy, non existent in stores in Boro Park.
I dislike their oranges, so I dont buy them. I am a Sunkist person, and the oranges from South Africa are not to my liking. I love their cherries, and strawberries, and blueberries. And melons.
And the refillable drink we enjoy while we are there for .63.
I bought for Pesach, everything, from eggs, Kedem grape juice, shufras chocolate jells, seltzer, water, Perrier, and of course tissues, paper towels, detergents, and garbage bags. Fresh fruits, veggies, organic carrots, raw almonds, tuna, drinks, and more. Pajamas for the kids, even got a beautiful down filled jacket for my daughter there for all of $29. that she wore all winter.
I buy everything for the office, supplies, phones, and computers.
I have an executive membership, so I get back a check every year, with all my purchases, I get my membership for free, plus I get a bonus of more money back!
I highly recommend it for large families, or if you purchase things for others.
We buy cases of coffee to donate to our shul, and packets of sugar and splenda to go with it.
Love the new natural and kosher cheeses, I buy them all, the grated, the slices, and the variety pack.
Still go to my kosher grocery in between, but I visit Costco at least once a month, and in between will sometimes purchase online (like a treadmill) and have returned things like a phone that broke a year and a half later, and got full credit for it.
I spend an average of $500. a month there, but I am buying for at least 2 or 3 families; so it adds up.
They are very up to the minute on trendy items, and I always find something I need there.
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