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Is an expensive stroller worth it?
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Post Fri, Apr 16 2010, 10:24 am
racheleezzy wrote:
chaylizi wrote:
racheleezzy wrote:
chaylizi wrote:
Just because you never heard it, doesn't mean it isn't true. It appalls me that parents do things more for their convenience and don't pay attention to what might be unhealthy for their child. It is definitely not personal preference. A car seat is molded plastic & a bassinet has a soft fabric mattress. In any case, so happy it worked for you but please don't recommend it. It really isn't good for them.

I really hope your not implying that I take my child's health for granted and do what is convenient for me. I researched my share of strollers, I found there to be no issue with the snap and go. I used it and loved it as well as others that I know.

I hope you are not just being defensive because it is clear that you didn't do any research into car seat safety & you have no idea what you are talking about.

Thanks for being extremely rude, seeing as you know me so well its obviousl;y clear I didn't do my research. Let me be perfectly clear, You dont know me or what kind of research I did or that I asked my pediatrician about the stroller. Dont make blanket statements when you have no idea who I am.

I don't have to know who you are. You said long term snap n go use is safe. It just isn't. Therefore, if you think so, you must not have done your research. I'm sorry you think I'm rude. I work in health care. It bothers me when people play ostrich when it is convenient. Especially when it affects another person other than themselves. Did you look at any of the links? I can honestly say I am not the author of any of them. I didn't make it up.
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Post Fri, Apr 16 2010, 10:34 am
chaylizi wrote:
racheleezzy wrote:
chaylizi wrote:
racheleezzy wrote:
chaylizi wrote:
Just because you never heard it, doesn't mean it isn't true. It appalls me that parents do things more for their convenience and don't pay attention to what might be unhealthy for their child. It is definitely not personal preference. A car seat is molded plastic & a bassinet has a soft fabric mattress. In any case, so happy it worked for you but please don't recommend it. It really isn't good for them.

I really hope your not implying that I take my child's health for granted and do what is convenient for me. I researched my share of strollers, I found there to be no issue with the snap and go. I used it and loved it as well as others that I know.

I hope you are not just being defensive because it is clear that you didn't do any research into car seat safety & you have no idea what you are talking about.

Thanks for being extremely rude, seeing as you know me so well its obviousl;y clear I didn't do my research. Let me be perfectly clear, You dont know me or what kind of research I did or that I asked my pediatrician about the stroller. Dont make blanket statements when you have no idea who I am.

I don't have to know who you are. You said long term snap n go use is safe. It just isn't. Therefore, if you think so, you must not have done your research. I'm sorry you think I'm rude. I work in health care. It bothers me when people play ostrich when it is convenient. Especially when it affects another person other than themselves. Did you look at any of the links? I can honestly say I am not the author of any of them. I didn't make it up.

I didn't say long term, My dd was out of it after 6 months, and in fact when she was first born we made the mistake of leting her sleep in it and my dr. yelled at me and told to get her out of it as its not meant for long term staying in.... I read those articles you posted.....Im not gonna discuss them becuase there are tons of research on eveything these days, all im saying is please dont assume I didnt do my research or know all the facts
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Post Fri, Apr 16 2010, 10:39 am
6 months is a long time sweetheart. I meant long terms of hours & minutes. It's one thing to use a snap & go to run into Walgreens for a minute & get diapers & it's another to go to the zoo with your Snap n Go. Stop fighting with me. I didn't pick on you. You picked on me for having the audacity to say something was unhealthy. It wasn't directed at you, yet you chose to take it personally. Therefore you made it about yourself. In any case, I'm so done talking to you. Do what you want, but don't tell other people that what you do is optimal. Because it isn't.
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Post Fri, Apr 16 2010, 3:40 pm
When my first was born, I asked my pediatrician about car seat use and he said the following -

Car rides (even long, many hours at a time) are fine, if baby falls asleep in the car seat no need to wake him when you go inside, if baby will only sleep in the car seat that is fine too, just try to combat it with a lot of tummy time.

chaylizi, I don't usually get involved between posters, but there are nicer ways to make your points (which are not as black-and-white as you are making them).
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Post Sat, Apr 17 2010, 2:08 pm
so basically everyone is saying an expensive stroller is worth it, because there are added features- reversible, one hand handlebar, better quality, longer lasting, that make it worth it.

But... at some point you will also need a light umbrella stroller, unless you have a some superman who is hauling your stroller in and out of the car.

Hmm, the whole snap and go thing got me thinking, I really want a stroller that can have the car seat snap in as well, like the Uppa baby.

But, I do go in and out of the car a lot. Is it heavy?

And are there any strollers in the 300-500 range that have those features mentioned above?

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Post Sat, Apr 17 2010, 9:46 pm
you can pm me if you want. I am not going to post here anymore.
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Post Sat, Apr 17 2010, 11:44 pm
I have never spent 200 dollars on a stroller. I got my first stroller for my oldest 9 years ago, there wasn't nearly the selection then, that there is now. I paid 75.00 for a graco carriage, that I chose because it had a parent console, child tray, and a huge basket. That carriage lasted 6 years, and looked good the whole time. The only reason I got a new one is because while attempting to shove it into my husbands tiny car, I cracked off the parent console.

I now have graco quattro tour, It has metal sides, and it is heavy, but it is also sturdy and very comfortable, easily fits bigger/taller kids. It also takes a carseat when it was necessary. Oh, It has a huge basket, which to me is a major feature. It also steers very nicely.

IMO, the only the only thing expensive carriages have over the cheap ones, is the reversible seat. I find that most cheaper carriages come equipped with parent and child trays, while most high ends don't, or they need to be purchased as an add on for some crazy amount.

Many expensive carriages have no baskets or tiny baskets. They also seem to be designed for smaller kids. Every time I see a bugaboo with a two year old, my back hurts for them.

Also many high end carriages are two or three pieces, and if you are a car person, (in and out of the car all day) These carriages quickly lose their appeal.

My graco is big, and a bit on the heavy side, but it folds in 3 seconds, and has a one hand fold, I can get it in the car in less then ten seconds.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 1:24 pm
Many many babies these days spend most of their days strapped in a "cage". swings, car seats, bouncy seats, etc.. Additionally Dr's now recommend babies to sleep on their backs, to lower the odds of SIDS. Combining these factors, there is a HUGE increase of babies that are developmentally delayed ie don't achieve normal milestones on time. The theory is that a percentage of children are born with naturally low muscle tone. Given the change to be on their stomachs, most will catch up to their peers. Nowadays, infants have less tummy time and therefore those babies with slightly lower muscle tone start to fall behind. As an aside note, babies that spend a few hours a day in a snap n go have been found to have a much higher risk of torticollis, due to the incline. (That's why ideally the newborn stroller should be as flat as possible).

Not attacking anyone, just putting in my PT sense
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 1:42 pm
I never looked at the brand name but rather tried out the carriage or stroller in the store for the feel, how it folds and unfolds, how it wheels, etc. I found no difference between brand names or not - it depends on the particular model. The main point is what features you most want, and if it's comfortable for you to use - with your height, your strength, your lifestyle, the layout of your neighborhood.

My favorite features: an easy to use 5 point harness, the snap and go ability (mine was stolen after 6 months), strong bouncy wheels, handles not too high, sturdy canopy, easy folding, dark color to hide stains.

Graco is bad? In Israel it's chashuv. Or maybe I'm behind the times.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:00 pm
with the more expensive carriages the childs weight is more manageable. I have a combi, and a bumble ride for my single strollers, to push a three yr old in the combi is horrific but it does the job, to push her in the bumbleride makes it a heck of alot easier. truth is I would say save your money for a double if its possible you may have another kid close in age (obviously you never know, but if you are young and healthy, chances are its possible) I say that only bc shhh my bumbleride is hiding in my machsan.. Smile 500 bucks later and three doubles later, I shouldve saved the money bought a decent single but not too expensive and then shelled out the cash for a top of the line double. I do have a great one but still.....

id say go with a air filled type carriage. mutsy holds car seats also has an option for bassinet and has a regular child seat, very cute carriage too.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:12 pm
I'd say, if u plan to have kids close apart, buy phil &teds, because it's high quality and has a 2nd seat.

I have a stokke and graco. I hate using graco because after u get used to the smooth ride and convenience of the stokke. Unfortunately it's bulky so not meant for the car that much..
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:20 pm
amother wrote:
so basically everyone is saying an expensive stroller is worth it, because there are added features- reversible, one hand handlebar, better quality, longer lasting, that make it worth it.

But... at some point you will also need a light umbrella stroller, unless you have a some superman who is hauling your stroller in and out of the car.

Hmm, the whole snap and go thing got me thinking, I really want a stroller that can have the car seat snap in as well, like the Uppa baby.

But, I do go in and out of the car a lot. Is it heavy?

And are there any strollers in the 300-500 range that have those features mentioned above?


The Inglesina Zippy is a full sized full feauture lightweight stroller. It closes easily and compactly and weighs very little compared to other full sized strollers.
It accomidates a car seat as is without any adapters. The car seat just snaps right on. (I have a Graco car seat.)
If I had known that the car seat snaps right onto the Zippy when I bought it - I would have bought a car seat that coordinated with my stroller Smile
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:23 pm
I had an Inglesina- the seat doesn't snap in. It just rests on the bars above the seat.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:32 pm
I bought a graco travel system when my dd was born. I don't remember the exact name, but it was one of their mid-level ones. I got the stroller, car seat and car seat base for just under $200. DD is now 4 and we still love the stroller. She is still comfy in it, even laying down (and she is quite tall for her age). It is a little on the larger size but it folds easily and fits in any trunk I've come across. We have traveled with it extensively (in other words it's been thrown around by airline personnel numerous times) and it is still in great condition.
As far as convenience it is really great Yes : 1.The car seat snaps right in and when you close both hoods (stroller & car seat) they 'snap' together and baby is totally protected. I found this to be great in public places (Mall, etc.) as no one was breathing all over her, but I could still see her clearly (stroller hood has a window). 2. The end piece (think behind the legs of a seated child) folds up to make the reclined (it goes almost all the way) seat into a bassinet. 3. The basket is quite large and can be accessed from the front as well as the back. 4. 2 cup-holders and a storage area up top, cup-holder & tray for baby. 5. great, easy to use 3 or 5 point harness (shoulder strap use is optional). 6. Adjustable height handle that pushes well at any setting.
I also loved the fact that I didn't have to leave her in her car seat if she was awake when we got to our destination. Anyone who has a snap & go doesn't have that choice. My dd was fine in her car seat as long as the car was moving (even long trips) or she was asleep, but once she was awake, she wanted out! with the travel system I had that option.
I remember being at simchas when dd was a baby and watching everyone with their more expensive strollers that already had issues and looked like they had been through a war (their babies were all within 6 months of mine). Mine still looks great.
I am expecting and I might get a new one, not because this one is a problem but because I need a new car seat anyway and I always loved that my car seat matched the stroller. I know it sounds crazy, but my other consideration when I bought at the cheaper end last time was that if I wanted a new one next time I still would have saved money overall. $200 +200 is still alot less than $350-600 + 2 car seats.
Hope this was helpful.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:32 pm
It's really great to have a stroller that switches and can face forward and backward, like this:


It's the only feature I can really justify paying extra for. Most of the other stuff is cosmetic.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 2:33 pm
amother wrote:
I had an Inglesina- the seat doesn't snap in. It just rests on the bars above the seat.

You need to remove the cushion on the bar.
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Post Tue, Apr 27 2010, 3:34 pm
my 7 K"H went thru the graco quattro line.
lies flat, can have a car seat attatched, easy to push, gets in and out of our trunk has a huge storage place, great cupholders, and was under $200.00

sounds like you are practical, and if so this one fits the bill.
but then again, I could never afford anything more, so I was always happy with this one. if I used a more expensive one, could I be happy? prob- but I never did, so I'll never know if I am missing something.
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