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Am I eating too much ?
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 2:41 am
So usually I miss breakfast.... when I don't, I take 1 cup of hot chocolate.
For snack I will eat a granola bar fruit wtvr is available. For lunch hot dogs and salad or 2 chicken legs with 2cups rice and salad. For snack again I will much on chips or wtvr. for supper I eat my kids leftovers, and I am 45 overweight....... What am I doing wrong aarg??????????????
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 3:04 am
you know what ive been there a million times over, I usually skip breakfast cause no time and sometimes even lunch so I binge on dinner or sometimes I binge on lunch. however, I have times when I am starving no matter how much I eat and this is usually because its getting close to my period.

maybe your eating this way because of your hormones, it could be that you just need food and you cant get satisfied. but your lunch seems ok, but dont eat hot dogs they are not so good. rice and salad is good and chicken legs are good. try to eat small meals atleast 5 times a day and eat slow and chew your food, drink LOTS and LOTS of water it will keep your hunger down
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 8:33 am
The worst thing to do is to skip breakfast. That is the most important meal of the day. There was only one time that I had a slight problem with ny weight. In high school I was unhappy and didn't take care of myself. I didn't eat breakfast- aside from coffee, and ate bagels for a snack- big mistake. I was at my biggest. When I got to college I shed 25 pounds within my first year. I think I finally took my mom's advice and started eating in a healthy way. And didn't skip meals.

Now, no matter how busy I get I eat breakfast and I eat healthy snacks. I often keep a bag of nuts or fruit or a sandwhich in my bag so that I won't buy junk food.
Try to eat balanced. Snack on fruits and veggies or nuts. Nuts are a great source of energy and they are a health form of fat.

One way to limit junk food is to simply not have it in the house. Your children don't need the packaged food either. And I do understand this is hard. In my case my DH loves to buy junk so I try to make him cookies, cake, or sherbert that at least I know have no preservatives and chemicals. He has lost his belly since we've been married :-). And I think he eats more now than he did before we were married.
And olive oil is the best for cooking.

These are things that I do that help me. I understand if you think I don't have a right to talk because I don't have an issue, but I think I don't have an issue because I eat a balanced diet.
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 8:35 am
when u skip breakfast u end up eating much more and thats not healthy. also, chips , hotdogs and foods like that arent healthy at all and can make u overweight. If you eat THREE healthy meals a day, with a little healthy snack at a SET TIME every day, and drink plenty of water, your bound to loose weight, and be healthy!

if id bake cookies for my husband id eat them all! lol, so I try hard not to...
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chocolate moose


Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 9:23 am
ya got to eat three meals a day, at least, but keep it small. you'll know it's too small if you don't have enough energy or other health problems.

snack on fruit.
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 9:38 am
Why does someone need to use amother for diet advice Question
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 12:14 pm
start eating breakfast and stop eating your kids' leftovers. it makes it very hard to keep track of how much you're actually eating.
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 2:36 pm
2 cups of rice is way too much starch, and you're only supposed to have chicken or meat the size of your palm. Also you might be eating too much bad carbs, those just make you want more food.

But then who am I to talk Wink
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 4:08 pm
What am I doing wrong aarg??????????????

this is what I think:

hot chocolate - not going to help you maintain an ideal weight
granola bar- lots of garbage, poor source of nutrition, not very filling
hot dogs and chips...do I need to say more?

If you want to lose weight and nourish your body so that it stays well, skip the junk food. eat good wholesome foods (that means whole grains and not 2 cups of white rice) and you'll find that you can eat more so you wont be hungry and you won't gain as easily.
skipping bfast or not, is a smaller issue. Its what you are eating when hungry that's doing you in.
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 6:08 pm
what works for me is not to even allow certain foods to enter my house...
that way I dont have those bags of chips and cookies staring at me from the pantry.
learn about what foods are good for you, and only shop for those foods...
lots of whole grains, veggies and fruit, low-fat dairy, soy and poultry, and keep away from saturated fats, trans fats, salty processed foods, etc...

if u usually get desparate at work or out of the house, get into the habit of keeping healthy snacks in your purse, like almonds, cheese sticks, whole grain crackers, bananas......
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Post Sun, Jun 11 2006, 8:17 pm
Problem is I don't want to eat horse food eigther.So how about you skinny minnys tell me what you eat. And please don't respond if you are the ones who can eat wtvr and still be skinny!!!!
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 4:20 am
you are not eating too much you are just eating the wrong foods.

don´t skip breakfast it is REALLY important to eat a good breakfast.
the granola bar is ok but snack on fruit and veggies instead of junk food.
lastly DON´T eat you kids leftovers. I gained soooo much weight by doing that.
good luck
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 6:49 am
You may want to have one visit with a dietician, nutritionist, or MD to clarify what a healthy diet for you would look like (# of servings of different components, types of foods to emphasize, and yes even scheduling). You might want to write down everything that goes in your mouth for a couple of days, measuring everything--sometimes people are surprised that the "tablespoon" of tuna they think they are eating is actually a 1/2 cup, and licking the mixer blades and nibbling the cookie dough can add up quick.

I eat 3 meals a day, nothing in between. I eat oatmeal, protein bars, fruit, and or vegetarian sausage for breakfast (in measured servings more or less); similar things plus garden salad for lunch most days (sometimes dinner leftovers instead); and whatever my family is having for dinner, but at dinner I carefully take one reasonable serving of each item, eat it and I'm done; no taking seconds or nibbling from what the kids leave over.

I don't lick the spoons while I'm cooking or clearing the table, lick off my fingers as I'm baking, finish my kids' rejects, etc. If I'm truly hungry between meals I'll have rice cake with hummus, fruit, or a similar snack of 50-150 calories of nutrient-laden foods.

I do not eat candies, junk foods or sweet baked goods. Period. The only exceptions are yom tovs and family birthdays at which the family member would be upset if I didn't partake (like my kids who want to see everyone eat their cake), when I get one serving the same size as everyone else. I have eaten enough sweets in my life so far to last me til I'm 80 or so; I guess I can reevaluate the policy then.

I used to be 240 lbs more or less (what is that, maybe 110 kilos? anyone good with the exchange rates?). Now I'm 130, I jog every day, and I've maintained a healthy weight for about 2 years thank G-d.

I'm not recommending you follow my rules, just trying to explain how I had to change my habits to avoid just gaining weight til I literally killed myself. When I was 150 I thought I was terribly fat; when I was 175 I couldn't believe I though 150 was bad; then the same at 200, 225.....If I hadn't changed, I would have just gained weight til I died of heart disease or the like never mind the psychologic suffering til then.

Good luck. You sound like you're in pain about this. I've been there. You may not even be overweight, just in trouble with food. I really do know what you're talking about!
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 7:11 am
Wow Elise! How did you lose all that weight? Some tips please. What do you eat?
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 8:24 am
happy, she already answered your question in her post. Rolling Eyes
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 9:03 am
I agree w/ all of EliseCohen's advice.

It's a difficult lifestyle change, but it's what you have to do if you want to lose weight.

By the way, granola bars are just as bad as eating pop tarts (or whatever kosher equivilant).
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 2:19 pm
imaamy wrote:
Why does someone need to use amother for diet advice Question

why not?
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 8:22 pm
Problem is I don't want to eat horse food eigther.So how about you skinny minnys tell me what you eat. And please don't respond if you are the ones who can eat wtvr and still be skinny!!!!

I'm not one who can eat whatever and still be thin. this is what works for me:

I usually have granola & milk for bfast with a banana
I have to eat frequently or I get dizzy, lightheaded, cranky so midmorning I usually have rice cake with almond butter and jelly, if I get hungry again I'll have a fruit
lunch is either tuna with veggies, oatmeal made with soymilk, veggie burger, chummus with israeli salad, or nut/seed butter and jelly on whole wheat bread
midafternoon I'm hungry again so I'll snack on sunflower seeds or walnuts. If I'm really low on energy I'll have an omelet
I drink tea when I give the kids dinner so I don't snack on their leftovers
dinner for me & dh is usually vegetarian (tilapia, bean burgers, rice & beans, lentil stew, etc) and a huge leafy salad. no food after dinner.

that's when I'm maintaining my weight. sometimes I fall off the wagon and gain (I'm up 8 lb since pesach) so now I'm on a weight loss mission.
I do not eat until I am certain I am hungry. so if its bfast time and I'm not hungry, I don't eat. when I feel hungry I eat bfast and stop when there is still food on the plate. If I'm still hungry 15 min later I'll finish it. usually I'm not so I don't. I do this for a few days to retrain myself to eat when I'm really hungry and not just because I feel like eating. Its not a fun few days I'll tell you that, but afterwards I find that I am eating alot less and feeling full.

Its not always easy, this shabbos we had guests and I had ONE cookie and half a brownie and two pieces of challah (usually I have less than a half of a slice) and I'm up 1.5 lb. I do find though, that the more often I pass up a snack the easier it is to pass up the next time.

good luck to you...I hope you find a method that works for you
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Post Mon, Jun 12 2006, 8:58 pm
It's actually best to eat before you're hungry. Most people that eat when they're hungry will wind up over eating.
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Post Tue, Jun 13 2006, 9:20 am
breakfast is definitely the best way top stop the snacking till lunch. I have a no-sugar whole-wheat cereal (I dont think u get it in america) with lo-fat milk an when I get 2 work I have a tea or coffee an then im ok till about 1.30pm. also whole-wheat bread (if ur having a sandwhich) fills u up for longer than white bread.

im quite bad and do snack on small candies or mini chocolate bars but except 4 shabbos I dont bring them into my home cos I know if theyre staring me in the face I will eat them!

I have a rule, no diet on shabbos, altho I dont go mad an eat everythign in sight, but if I feel like an extra slice of challa then I will eat it, altho I wont eat the whole loaf. I stopped making potato salad too often an things like that cos theyre just extra calories for nothing, theres so many other healthy things 2 eat with the fish course. I also have a couple of cookies or a slice of cake with my breakfast shabbos morning, its my special treat and some nosh in the afternoon. im still cautious tho an usually serve fruit deserts rather than ice cream etc. for me its all about substitution so I dont feel deprived. yes, when I step on the scales after shabbos, my weight is usually a pound or 2 up but by the end of the week its back 2 normal so im not worried.
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