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Forum for moms in school

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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 2:51 pm
Is there a forum for women who are married with or without children who are going back to school after a while being out of it? I need some sort of support group. DH is not helping and I am freaking out about going back to school. I have been out of school for so long and I am home taking care of kids and all I want to do is go to school. But when it comes down to it I take practice tests to get accepted into universities and I DONT KNOW ANYTHING!!! I forgot all basic math rules and I am struggling with the basics. And people are not helpful they just say yeah- its a long time to be out of school and yes I dont know how you are going to do it. I dont know if you will pass the tests... How helpful. Anyone out there in similar situation or wanna be of comfort. And mind you- I am not old and out of school for maybe 7 years. That is not insane. But its long for my brain to remember how to sit in class and remember math. Argh!
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 2:55 pm
Hi there! I'm in school now and had a similar experience with getting back into the swing of things. There are some books you can buy to practice college math and other subjects. Usually math and English are the ones you take placement tests for, so I would recommend that. Are you taking classes online or on campus? Do you have kids?
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 3:06 pm
I am a mom of three and I am in Israel so actually I am more than terrified because I want to go to university and not just university- its in Hebrew. There is a psychometric test here that you need to get into college and its equivalent to the SATs which I have never taken. I need a really good score to get into the college that I want and for now I have to work on doing well on the test- after that I will work on Hebrew and hopefully next year I will be able to go to school. The teset needs speed- under a minute for each question and I try taking these tests but not only do I not know the information I am SO SLOW. I was never a fast test taker - I was good at tests but as slow as molasses. So I am going to a course soon and trying to speed my brain up. The course will teach the information but my brain is working slow. And everyone around me thinks I am crazy and maybe I am. I wanted to start a family and get them on their way into schools of some sort- they are little and then I wanted to go become something. I DONT want to be old without school or a profession. My brain is always thirsty lets just say and I dont want to wait till its cold and hard.
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 3:18 pm
Wow. Your situation is very different from mine. You definitely need a forum lol! I admire your perseverance. Usually when people tell you you're crazy, you're on the right track! No idea on what to advise you, though. I really don't know anything about Israeli universities. Sorry!!!! Good luck!!!!
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 3:21 pm
I think this is a great idea! Maybe one like the "Professional working women by choice" forum? Open, but a safe haven?
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 3:37 pm
my goal is to become something and let everyone take back all their stupid comments. Or feel bad that they didnt comment. I want to succeed and I dont want people to make me change my mind and then years down the line I would have to hit myself for listening to the wrong people. I know I can do this. It will be incredibly hard but I know I can.
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 11:07 pm
You know you can- then go for it! You can do anything if you have confidence in yourself!
I think you mentioned that your dh is not supportive. That is an important pillar of support to gain; other people can be ignored. If dh is not supportive, why? Is it because he doesn't think you should? Or is he just not supportive enough and you want some womanly support?
I'm in school too, but I don't have kids yet. Its a lot of work but I try to think of my goal in the big picture and take each day, one at a time. Each report, each assignment...break it down so it's not so overwhelming, keep organized...
I assume your hebrew is good since you want to attend a university for hebrew speakers? That would be a big issue otherwise...
Good luck!
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Post Mon, Sep 27 2010, 11:22 pm
I regret everyday that I went back to school but I keep on plugging on, knowing that one day (maybe) it'll make a big difference and really help out parnassah wise. I actually get a lot of mental support but the bottom line is you are the one doing the work and writing those term papers. I continue cuz I have to and its hard cuz I've never been studious nor a good student. Just know that you are doing the right thing, whether you want to or not. It's hard but as long as your dh is willing to pitch in and help out around the house and with kids more then you can do it.
maybe this'll help give you chizzuk
good luck.
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 3:45 am
thank you everyone- my DH is supportive but like you got it in words- its not womanly support. He is proud when I do well and knows I can do it- but also knows its going to be so hard and a long drive- so he doesnt know what to say- cuz it will be hard and I may not ace everything with being a mom and wife- so its hard to put into words to please someone like me who needs everyone to say it will be fine so that I can say no it wont- why are you saying it Smile women! lol no I just want ppl to be around and supportive and I know it will be hard but people will be hopeful about me getting to the end successfully
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 12:22 pm
I would love to have a forum as well.
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 12:41 pm
I think it should be not only for moms in school, but also for moms who are thinking of going back to school
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 1:40 pm
are there really more ppl out there that want to go back to school or are in school struggling with school work after some time out of the field? I would love to have a forum like that. I wonder how many more people there are out there that just want to talk about their desires to go to school and cant- maybe some ppl just need a boost and can get out there... how can we make a forum like that?
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 3:11 pm
suggest it to the mods in the questions/suggestions about imamother topic
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Post Tue, Sep 28 2010, 3:21 pm
OK first of all - dunno what psychometry you're planning but take the meshulav! English speakers should always, always take the meshulav.

Just in case you weren't going to Very Happy .

And don't worry too much about the Hebrew thing. In my experience, some 95% of the textbooks used in Israel are translated from something originally written in English (unless you're learning Tanach or something similar). Find out what books you'll need as far in advance as you can, order them used off of Amazon, and get someone to bring them over for you.

Make sure you know your rights as a non-native Hebrew speaker. Even if you're not a new olah anymore, universities will usually give you some breaks on tests and assignments (more time, or a hebrew-english dictionary, or you can write essays in English, things like that) if you submit a request in advance.

Are there specific questions you want to ask now, or are you just looking for general support?

I remember earlier attempts to start a student forum didn't work, but maybe in the meantime someone could start a student thread? I remember that being done for topics that had no forum, back in the day.
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Post Wed, Sep 29 2010, 5:29 am
whats a meshulav?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2010, 6:06 am
m0m wrote:
whats a meshulav?

Sorry, I didn't see this until now. The meshulav test is the psychometric test in English. It does includes tests in Hebrew, but from what I've heard, is much easier for English speakers.

It's not offered in every exam period, only 2-3 times a year.
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