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What pictures do YOU have hanging?
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:07 pm
The "lovey picture" thread got me thinking; what do you have hanging for all to see?

We have my needlepoints over the couch...the Rebbe and the Rebbe's letters to us next to them.

Over the leichters we have a piece of artwork with a Torah.

In the kitchen, it's my shopping list and calendar (not my personal one lol).
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:07 pm
We don't have any pictures hanging!
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:08 pm
I would love to get around to putting up pictures.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:12 pm
In the living room/dining room: 2 pictures of the rebbe (one color, one b/w), one of the alter rebbe, a drawing of all the rebbeim, a painting dh's cousin made, and a photo of the Kinneret that my sister took.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:21 pm
Our living/dining room has framed pictures of the Rebbeim, five including one on wood of the the Rebbe, and another beautiful, eye-catching artistic portrait of the Rebbeim. On a buffet, we have some stand-up framed family pictures displayed.

We also received as gifts an artist's picture of Yerushalayim, and a small wall hanging of a "yehi ratzon" for lighting Shabbos candles, so these are hanging as well.

There is no room for anything else! Our family room's walls are covered with (standing) seforim bookcases.

In the corridor, there are some plaques with award certificates that the children received b"h.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 1:25 pm
I have a whole bunch of professional pictures that I cant decide where to hang..in living room/dining room? or when I finish converting a guest room into a playroom?? So far they are just collecting dust!
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 2:05 pm
a few professional baby pix, a few professional family portraits, extended family pix from chasunohs, a few "ancestors" pix, a couple of items of artwork from preschool which we probably ought to dispose of now that the artists are in their teens, a wall hanging or two that we got as gifts, a work of art that we got as a gift that I don't much care for any more but have to keep because of who gave it to us, a few professional-quality scenic photos that dh took back when photography was his hobby. and, yes, one wedding portrait--not a goopy one, and not a giant-size one that is like a shrine to US.(ugh) Just a modest-size portrait of two people smiling at the camera (was I really that slim? did he really have that much hair?) amid all the other chasunoh and family pix.

we have also a collection of arts & crafts projects (getting fewer every year) for various yomtovim that go up for those yomtovim and get taken down after. It's a bit of a chore now to put these things up but they do add a yomtovdik air.

we've had lots of other things that we got rid of over the years as they got tired-looking or as I got tired of them! It's really boring to have the same old thing hanging on the walls forever. and faded color pictures (the early color pix faded badly; this is not such a problem any more) are just too depressing!
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 2:34 pm
In our living room we have a few pieces of Jewish art, photo of R' Sheinberg, picture of the Chofetz Chaim and a chart of the 39 av melachos. We have family photos on the mantle and I would love to hang them on the wall but have no idea how to arrange them artistically.

In our bedroom we have a framed Beatles album and a framed photo of them. The kids room has a fun picture with a pasuk I can't remember which one.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 2:40 pm
we have some judaica and some secualr art as well from some famous artists (dont want to say b/c then someone can figure me out:> hehehe)

but when we get our wedding pictures back and all, I want very much to put something in our bedroom and in the living room as well:)
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 3:11 pm
Please see my thread about the Reb. picture!
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 3:12 pm
rabbeim, kids art, family pics- one with each kid at 6 months, pics of the kids that I took and proffesional ones. pics of nature that I took
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red sea


Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 7:34 pm
We have family portraits, pictures of anscestors, and a lithograph.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 8:32 pm
We have a Muchnik lithograph, tons of portraits of us & the kids, some collage frames with home photography, a couple of pictures of the Rebbe, some of my puzzles.
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 9:31 pm

living room: family pics, ancestors pics, parents and grandparents wedding pics, some of my engagement pics, a few pics of dh and me during dating time, an old map of a Jewish area in a French town where some of ancestors lived, some old maps of Israel, paintings

dining room: paintings, pictures of American landscapes, pictures of us in Universal Studios, a huge wedding pic of me and dh

parents room: pictures of American landscapes, pictures of them & me, one of my engagement pics, pic of my mother's maternal grandparents

guest rooms: ancestors pics, paintings

my & dh room: (too many) tv & movies posters (Star wars, X files, Laurel&Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Buffy, Matrix, Marilyn Monroe, Harry Potter, Monsters & cie...), postcards, pics of me & my parents in LA, paintings, Israeli & French & American flags, some of our engagement pics, a drawing by a cousin, my paternal grandmother's pic, a few Bush pics, a brocho to get married...
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 9:45 pm
Ruchel isn't it 3:45 am by you now? And ur up?!
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 9:53 pm
For the past 15 years I have placed pictures against the walls of my home

for my husband to hang up!

finally 2 minutes before I was having a party

he asked m if he should hang them !

my pictures consist of EGBI they are lithographs of a shabbat table

and a scene of yerusahlyim !
Wink Rolling Eyes
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Post Mon, Jul 10 2006, 10:36 pm
momof3 wrote:
Ruchel isn't it 3:45 am by you now? And ur up?!

Yup, it's very late/early. But I've gotten up soooo late, I'm ashamed to tell, so now I'm not tired Twisted Evil
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Post Tue, Jul 11 2006, 2:34 am
Here's mine:

Living Room:
Above Couch: Modern art (very colorful) design, Decorated Mirror from my friend, enlarged pic. of DH putting ring on my finger (Close up).

Above Coffee Table: Enlarged Family Photos from diff. Weddings, one of my paintings (acrylic).

Above Book Shelf: Enlarged Portrait of DH and I from our Wedding and our Ketubah (Gorgeous).

Kitchen: One of my paintings (water color) of Fruit and wine, Above Table: Framed Poster (very colorful flowers on vases).
Above Kitchen Window: Old painting (Chinese artist) of Oranges.

in hall way: Felt picture (colored in by me), a Birkas Habayis with very pretty design.

in kids bedrooms: Latch-Hook Rugs (by me): Winnie the Pooh, Floral and Heart, Penguin, Poster of Pooh and Friends.

In our Bedroom: There was an enlarged portrait of us from our wedding, we have to rehang it...

Thanks for reading...
(I'm exausted now....) LOL
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Post Tue, Oct 10 2006, 12:34 am
am I the only who doesnt have a pic of the Rebbe on her wall. I'm not lubavitch, but now that I'm on imamother I think I just HAVE to get a pic of the Rebbe and put it up anyway Smile

ok heres mine: former former former gerer rebbe (his side), ketores, bircas habayis, chazon ish (my side), family friends, watercolor of man learning in abuav shul in tzfas. lists lists lists some cute crayoon scrible from younger family and friends.
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Post Tue, Oct 10 2006, 12:36 am
oh! and a beautiful (BEAUTIFUL) sunset in eretz Yisroel that *I* captured on camera
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