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Cloth Diapers or disposable?!
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Cloth diapers or disposable?
Cloth - Save the Earth  
 13%  [ 13 ]
Disposable - Save Your Sanity  
 73%  [ 71 ]
Something in between  
 11%  [ 11 ]
 1%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 96



Post Mon, Feb 14 2011, 9:42 pm
imamama wrote:
Kayza wrote:
about $9.00 per week

9 dollars a week for, say, the two years your baby is in diapers comes to over 900 dollars. I think you can buy all the cloth diapers you need and use them for future children as well, for about 300. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't use cloth now, but plan to with my next kid, b'ezrat Hashem.

As I said, check the prices. In the past, I know that there was no way I was buying everything I needed for that amount - it's not just the diapers themselves. And, when you have a water meter and are paying for your hot water, the extra laundry can add up.

This is an individual thing, but the assumption that over time you will always save a substantial sum of money is not necessarily true. Check prices for everything involved in each choice, and then you can make an educated choices.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2011, 9:57 pm
Ezrachar wrote:

Cloth is as easy, if not easier than disposables.

That is something that many women who have "been there" would disagree with. I'm glad it worked for you, but that's not close to universal.

I don't have the horrid smell from the diaper pail,

In fact, I had less trouble with the disposables than the cloth diapers (I did use them for a period of time.)

I don't have the ecological worries or the chemical worries that I did with disposables.

If your child isn't sensitive to the detergent you use, that's fine - mine did better in most brands of disposables than with the cloth diapers, unless I ran every load that I ran.

I don't have to make a run for diapers because I forgot to buy and I'm out.

If you forget to make a load, you can also run out. Planning in advance is necessary whether you use cloth or disposables.

I know that cloth works well for many women, and some just enjoy them, which is fine with me. But, many of the claims about the supposed benefits of cloth don't add up when made in a wide-ranging manner. I would not, and do not, make fun of people who use cloth diapers. I see no call for that. But, the essential attitude of "cloth good, disposable bad" is no better.
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Post Mon, Feb 14 2011, 10:02 pm
Ah - now I get your agenda. You tried it and it didn't work out.

I also tried with my oldest 2 and didn't past infancy. The market has changed, there are different products available today, there is a lot more info and support out there. For most of us, it's really not a big deal and yes, as someone mentioned, the diapers a cute and "fun". Much more fun than say putting a recycling basket out at the curb. My husband was a tough sell the second time around. I think that lack of stinky 'diaper genie" with a odor you cannot hide was what finally made a convert out of him.
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Post Tue, Feb 15 2011, 8:48 pm
chavamom wrote:
Ah - now I get your agenda. You tried it and it didn't work out.

I don't have an agenda. I just don't like the attitude of "we're doing the RIGHT thing and you are not" that some folks have.

Did you notice how some of the most vehement posters confess how they laughed at others for using cloth till they were "converted"?


The market has changed, there are different products available today, there is a lot more info and support out there.

Indeed it has - for both cloth as well as disposables.

Which is why I say - do what works for you. But quit the attitude. And, note that things like cost and convenience are quite variable, so broad brush statements don't really work.

I think that lack of stinky 'diaper genie" with a odor you cannot hide was what finally made a convert out of him.

A perfect example of how individual things can get. I never had a stinky diaper smell in the house from the disposables. I had plenty of bags (from the groceries) to wrap them in, and they never stayed in the house more than a day and half - generally less than that, because they went out with the regular trash. Will that work for everyone? Probably not, but I know plenty of others for whom the same thing is true. Which only means that stinky-ness is not a blanket argument, for or against.
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Post Tue, Feb 15 2011, 9:33 pm
Since these days, disposables are the norm, I think it entirely reasonable for those advocating for cloth to put their case strongly. I'm one of them.

I diapered 2 in cloth, and 2 in disposables. Both were convenient; disposables slightly more so for travel. I enjoyed the cloth experience with my last, because the newest generation of diapers were fun to play with as well as easy to care for. And definitely cost-effective, since I was able to sell them after we were finished.

It's not life or death, but if you're interested, it's worth trying the cloth; if it doesn't work out, you can always switch to disposable, but fewer people go the other way.
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Post Tue, Feb 15 2011, 9:38 pm
Kayza wrote:
But quit the attitude.

Uh - back atcha lady. You really have a lot of anger behind your posts. It's DIAPERS. Rolling Eyes
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Post Tue, Feb 15 2011, 9:39 pm
imasinger wrote:
Since these days, disposables are the norm, I think it entirely reasonable for those advocating for cloth to put their case strongly. I'm one of them.

I diapered 2 in cloth, and 2 in disposables. Both were convenient; disposables slightly more so for travel. I enjoyed the cloth experience with my last, because the newest generation of diapers were fun to play with as well as easy to care for. And definitely cost-effective, since I was able to sell them after we were finished.

It's not life or death, but if you're interested, it's worth trying the cloth; if it doesn't work out, you can always switch to disposable, but fewer people go the other way.

And there ya' go.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2011, 12:45 am
I don't know which poster posted the Amazon link, but note that these are not "branded" diapers. At least, the sales page doesn't note what brand they are. I would be very wary of buying an unidentified item. I don't care if it's a knock-off brand, but I'd like to know who makes it, what the country of origin is (goes to quality, often), and what the warranty is like (yes, most known brands have a warranty on their product, even for diapers).
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2011, 5:07 pm
this is angry posting? you guys must not post on political boards at all...just sounds convinced or holding strong opinions to me... and that people are putting too much into semantics.... relax, don't let the poopy hit the fan Very Happy Very Happy don't get pished off for nothing.. Very Happy hehehe

disposables you can just take outside like as is done by my cousin's - then again I have a friend who has no energy to take them outside so yeah they stink... I don't think you can run away from the cloth stinkies... baaa

you mean fewer people switch fromd isposables to cloth? all the reason why I want to start because I don't want to be suckered in by the obvious convenience... yes, 5 or 10 more minutes each diaper is still a matter of convenience...
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2011, 5:09 pm
really - thanks everyone for the input. what do you all think of these? http://www.costco.com/Browse/P.....82823 are they realyl expensive in comparison to Huggies & Pampers?
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2011, 5:11 pm
wow check this out: http://blog.bolandbol.com/prod.....view/
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Post Thu, Feb 17 2011, 9:45 pm
skazm wrote:
granolamom what about these? are these good? http://www.amazon.com/Adjustab.....1SAUM

havent used them.
I make my own diapers.

never got around to responding to the cost question.
my first time around I figured out what we'd spend on disposables and that was my cloth budget. so I pretty much broke even until I started selling my outgrown diapers. so that was cool.
and then for the second cloth diapered baby, I still had hand me down prefolds and flats and the larger sizes plus leftover elastic, snaps and used clothing that my older dd outgrew and was not in hand me down condition and old flannel sheets and towels to make my stash. I sold my entire newborn stash for more than it cost to make. the next size up, I loaned to my sister and then sold.

making the diapers is even more fun than using them. honestly, the whole thing turned into a hobby. I never would have imagined that baby diapers would be so fun. the extra laundry was so worth it.

if you want your head to explode with more information than you probably need, check out diaperswappers.com
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Post Thu, Feb 17 2011, 9:57 pm
skazm wrote:
all the reason why I want to start because I don't want to be suckered in by the obvious convenience... yes, 5 or 10 more minutes each diaper is still a matter of convenience...

its true, disposables are more convenient.
but for me, its not all about convenience. I mean I was never so married to the idea of cloth that I didnt use disposables when on vacation. I even used them overnight (promised dh that I would).
for me, life is not all about efficiency and convenience. I tend to forget that there is joy to be had, if only I look for it. and even though changing the baby in cloth takes another couple of minutes and organization, it was joyful.
you can't argue that, you cant convince anyone of that. if its for you, enjoy! and if it makes you feel good that your sparing your child exposure to nasty chemicals and sparing the planet of the garbage, then enjoy that too! and if not, well, its not worth it then. unless you get the diapers handed down or cheaply, because then you can really save a bundle. 'course if that doesnt do it for you either, then just go buy some pampers.

but I think cloth diapering is deceptively perceived as 'not worth the trouble' and more people should try it before they knock it. because you never know, you may enjoy!
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Post Thu, Feb 17 2011, 10:18 pm
I tried cloth with my third. Tried many different ones - pockets, fitteds, AIO's. Eventually I went to prefolds and simple covers, but the ammonia stench (I guess it got the stinkies) was unbearable to me. In hindsight I think it might have been caused by washing the baby and my 4 year old's overnight diapers together, with the 4 year old's strong ammonia stench ruining all the diapers. I just couldn't get it out... With my 4th I started at birth with new prefolds (all cotton) and we started having to deal with a yeast rash that wouldn't go away while she was still in the cloth. So I'd put her in disposables while waiting for the rash to clear up. I tried all the tricks with changing up my routine, boiling them in water, using vinegar and or baking soda in the wash and/or rinse, sunning them, etc...and gave up because the yeast kept coming back after treatment with antifungal ointments and treating the diapers.
It's so frustrating b/c I really want to use cloth and want it to work.. Exploding anger
So now I've sold off almost everything I had purchased in the last 4 years and am buying flats. I'm hoping to avoid the stinkies with them because they wash up really well.
My interests with cloth are partly environmental (I really dislike wasting things), partly a dislike of chemicals near baby's tush, partly the money savings, and I really enjoy taking them out of the dryer all nice and clean. Wink
Cloth is certainly less convenient than disosables but I get a weird sense of satisfaction from using them.
Will flats be the answer for me?
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Post Thu, Feb 17 2011, 10:32 pm
If there is an amonia stench, you've got a build up of detergent and you aren't getting your diapers rinsed well enough.
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Post Thu, Feb 17 2011, 10:47 pm
mommalah wrote:

Will flats be the answer for me?

Could be - fewer places for "stuff" to hide. Also, wash them as soon as you can - the longer they stay in anything, the harder it is is going to be to wash it out - whether it's the dirt or the cleaning agent you use to keep things from getting smelly.

You shouldn't have an ammonia stench, even for an older child's diapers. I don't think I would ever use that on my kids - ammonia residue is as harsh a chemical as anything disposable use. On my first washing machine (not a terribly good one) my solution would have been to run them through a second time with plain water (something I often had to do anyway, because my daughter had extremely sensitive skin). With my next one, there was an option for "extra rinse" or something like that, and it made a huge difference. I wasn't using cloth, but I was dealing with reaction to detergents, which is pretty much the same issue. The extra cycle shouldn't be much of an issue. You just have to remember to do it.
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Post Fri, Feb 18 2011, 3:10 pm
flats wash really well. and you can line dry them in no time at all.

we had the ammonia stench once and I stripped my dipes with a teaspoon of dishsoap. worked wonders and then never had the problem again.

also were you using a front loading machine? those are a bit trickier with cloth diapers because they dont use enough water to get all the soap out unless you do a prewash (no soap) and an extra rinse. and you cant fill it to capacity either. I was washing every other day (as promised to dh) but if ever I put more diapers in there (say new ones) there would be a slightly off-smell. I hate my front loader, but that's another (OT) story.
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Post Sun, Feb 20 2011, 9:42 am

well that's weird, I went here: pittsburghclothdiapers.com - they gave me a whole rundown and demonstration. They also told me you're really supposed to only use a very little bit of deodorant especially with HE.

The yeast infection thing is scary - I'm no stranger to them - most of the diapers they are selling are of microfleece because that's what they say wicks the moisture away from the skin, but I also know unless a grownup is using 100% cotton underwear, if someone is prone to YIs it's a real risk. This baby bez H is going to be a boy so no real worries with that, but it's good you mentioned that for when IYH I ever have a girl.

check this out though: the main problem with leaking cloth diapers is when the actual diaper or liner is peeking out of the cover, because then the filth wicks out onto the skin - also, they said if the elastic on the cover shows any daylight between the leg and the diaper, that's gonna make a leak.

and I found out something else, way cool! but that's another thread...
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Post Sun, Feb 20 2011, 9:55 am
granolamom wrote:
flats wash really well. and you can line dry them in no time at all.

we had the ammonia stench once and I stripped my dipes with a teaspoon of dishsoap. worked wonders and then never had the problem again.

also were you using a front loading machine? those are a bit trickier with cloth diapers because they dont use enough water to get all the soap out unless you do a prewash (no soap) and an extra rinse. and you cant fill it to capacity either. I was washing every other day (as promised to dh) but if ever I put more diapers in there (say new ones) there would be a slightly off-smell. I hate my front loader, but that's another (OT) story.

I have a water saving top loader, but if you open the lid it fills water to the top, repeated rinse cycle again and again, tried baking soda, vinegar, the sun, etc.. I spent countless hours online doing research before I finally gave up. I never thought to try Dawn on the cotton prefolds, thought it was a cure for microfiber stink only..I have 3 GMD flats that I've been playing with. I love them and it's crazy how quickly they dry without a drier.
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Post Sun, Feb 20 2011, 10:01 am
oh, I stopped using microfiber real quick. its just nasty stuff. try wearing a microfiber topped cloth pad and you'll probably never put another mf diaper on your baby. honestly, its almost as uncomfortable as disposable.

and I know vinegar is recommended often but my dd used to be prone to yeast infections (she was out of diapers by then) and anytime I added vinegar to the wash she'd flare up. I knew vinegar in the diet is a no-no for yeasties, but apparently for her, even in the wash it was no good.
so I never used vinegar in my diaper loads.

the dawn worked amazingly well at stripping my cotton diapers.
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