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I officially do NOT like Sundays in Israel :(
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:18 am
I need to vent...

It so hard to run a gan on Sundays...the kids are totally wacko - especially in the summer. I assume that many of them go to bed late on Shabbos and if they go away for Shabbos, even later on Motzai Shabbos...

It is just so difficult...I have been making Sunday a more relaxed day without trying to teach much since there is no point. But sometimes, even that is too much. The kids are literally climbing the walls, fighting non stop and super kvetchy since they are overtired. All of this is so normal (and age appropriate) for the situation, but I just need to vent, since it takes an extra toll on me...I just wish there was a break between Shabbos and gan so that everyone could get back on schedule.

Oh well, I know there is nothing to do to solve the situation, but I know that I can always vent to my good friends here on Imamother!
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:23 am
I wonder... don't have any gan-aged kids yet, but would opening (and I supposed closing, too) gan an hour later help? Or do gan kids wake up at wake up time regardless of if they're tired or not?

Either way, I do feel bad for you. Just remember, that in USA, everyone hates Mondays, because that's the day back into routine after a long weekend. So basically, it's not Sundays that you hate, it's getting back from a weekend. If you'd be closed Sundays one week, the kids would very likely be kvetchy on Monday instead....
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:27 am
I agree it's every day, and I also find it really hard to open up for Sunday. When Shabbot is over so late it's a race to turn the LR back into a mishpachton, clean the dishes, sweep the floorm make sure I have food for the kids, etc. and still get to bed at a normal time. I don't think most of my kids are staying up until motzie Shabbot, but the one who does comes late Sunday which means he's in a better mood, but it still throws a whack in our routine. I also agree with the PP that if I was closed on Sunday, the kids would be just as off the wall Monday (although I would at least have Sunday to get back in order from Shabbot!
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:31 am
Can you take them outdoors?

Air and sunshine might wake them up and cheer them up a little.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:34 am
my kids go to bed at a normal time on sunday, but not on shabbos.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 7:52 am
yeah, I know. Sunday is a crazy day. At least in my gan most of the kids come late, so the first hour of the day is a little easier usually Smile
Besides for the kids I still find it hard to work on Sunday...even after 2 years of seminary with school on Sunday. It's hard to get right back to work after Shabbos.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:04 am
I've been living here for over 10 years, and I'm still not used to sundays. it's really really hard for me. I end up not even sending my son to gan. I'd rather have him home wtih me, and have a lazy morning than go crazy to get him out. he basically never goes to gan on sundays.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:05 am
kb wrote:
I wonder... don't have any gan-aged kids yet, but would opening (and I supposed closing, too) gan an hour later help? Or do gan kids wake up at wake up time regardless of if they're tired or not?

Either way, I do feel bad for you. Just remember, that in USA, everyone hates Mondays, because that's the day back into routine after a long weekend. So basically, it's not Sundays that you hate, it's getting back from a weekend. If you'd be closed Sundays one week, the kids would very likely be kvetchy on Monday instead....
You cant really do that as parents have to get to work as well, so starting an hour later one day a week would make parents not want to send to such a gan.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:29 am
Am I the only "mean" parent who doesn't generally let her gan aged kids stay up for havdalah in the summer? I mean, obviously if we're not home then yes, they'll be up, but I try not to go away for Shabbat when it gets out late. (For my own sake, as much as theirs.)
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:37 am
Marion wrote:
Am I the only "mean" parent who doesn't generally let her gan aged kids stay up for havdalah in the summer? I mean, obviously if we're not home then yes, they'll be up, but I try not to go away for Shabbat when it gets out late. (For my own sake, as much as theirs.)
No Marion, you are not the only "mean" parent. My daughter goes to bed between 6:15 and 6:30 otherwise everyone's life becomes a little bit crazy.
We also try to stay home for shabbat because of this.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:54 am
My kids don't stay up for havdala (which was at 10:30 last night) but they also don't go to sleep at their regular time. We have seuda shlishit together, which is after mincha, so that means we start at 7:00 PM. The earliest they get to bed is 8:00 and it's usually 8:30. Only one kid has school on Sunday - and he starts at 9:30 for this reason - so it's not so bad here, but my kids would have a problem getting up for a regular day if they had to.

Last edited by sarahd on Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 8:54 am
My 6 yr old nephews rebbi sent home a note that no child should be allowed to stay up for havdalah (in the summer months). Even those kids who the parents think can stay up late, cannot concentrate in class on sunday.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 9:09 am
Marion wrote:
Am I the only "mean" parent who doesn't generally let her gan aged kids stay up for havdalah in the summer? I mean, obviously if we're not home then yes, they'll be up, but I try not to go away for Shabbat when it gets out late. (For my own sake, as much as theirs.)

By us, bedtime is between 7:00 and 7:30.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 9:31 am
Evn living in NY my little ones went to bed regular time on Shabbat. Otherwise they were cranky on Sunday and it made the day hard !
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 9:31 am
Evn living in NY my little ones went to bed regular time on Shabbat. Otherwise they were cranky on Sunday and it made the day hard !
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 10:42 am
My kids nap during the day so we have a deal with them that they need to go to bed at regular time - between 8:00 and 8:30 - and if they are still up when my husband comes home for havdallah they can come downstairs. Usually my older one comes down and my younger one is asleep.
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 10:51 am
For 2 years in sem it never really bothered me.

BUT this week my DH is there & he forgot it was Sunday so he called EARLY, wanting to catch the kids before school (we went away for shabbos so they went to sleep very late). We were all still cozy in bed, until the phone rang!!!!! (he 'forgot' it was sunday, it felt like Monday to him, there)At wits end
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 11:45 am
I for sure can not switch the hours of gan because of the working parents...

I do take the kids outside for a longer period of time on Sundays - we have a huge mirpeset and I usually do bubbles or chalk to make it more exciting when we are outside for longer.

I disagree with Monday being the "off" day in the US - from what I remember growing up, it was a transitional day. We went to sleep late Motzai Shabbos, woke up late on Sunday, but went to bed normal time to be up by normal time on Monday morning.

I know that there isn't really anything to do about it, but after such a hard morning today in gan, I just needed to vent. Yeah, it is also difficult for me to get my house back together for gan, especially since my gan is in my living room, but that really isn't the worst - it's just the extra wildness and kvetchiness that comes with being overtired...
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 12:11 pm
My kids also don't stay up for havdala. Actually not for the Friday night meal either. We could take early Shabbos but it's not early enough that they won't be crazy. This way they go to sleep at a normal time and DH ANSI havea really nice meal. The whole Shabbos is nicer that way.

Even with both these, they are always more tired on Sundays. Not sure why
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Post Sun, Jun 03 2012, 1:50 pm
uugghhh! I dont even have kids and I hate sundays! ill never get used to working on sundays after a shabbos and motzei shabbos that I'm used to staying up late and cant go to sleep early even if I try...
and then comes work, gotta get up before7:30 and run to the bus...
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