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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Preschoolers
DD sleeps on the floor

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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 1:42 am
My 3yo DD has done this for a while now. I can't figure it out.
Every night, I tuck her into her bed. An hour later, I go to check on her. She is on the floor, lying on her pillow. No blanket. I carefully pick her up and put her back into bed.
Anyone ever hear of this?
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 1:43 am
maybe she is afraid she will fall off the bed. why dont you try a side railing?
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 7:59 am
IME, some kids just seem to like to sleep on the floor. The reasons may be really obscure to adults (a different shadow pattern on the wall, squeaky mattress, something to play with elsewhere in the room, you name it) but totally normal to a three year old. Personally, I don't see any harm in letting her sleep quietly and comfortably wherever she likes in her own room, as long as it's safe. If you want to, you could ask her why she prefers it and take it from there.

Does she walk in her sleep? Some kids do, and end up all sorts of places.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 8:12 am
I don't know why I bothered buying mine beds, they mostly sleep on the floor. If they are more comfortable that way, it doesn't bother me at all.
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chocolate chips


Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 8:15 am
As a kid I used to like to sleep on the floor (with pillow and blanket though)...of my parents bedroom!

I don't think it is something to worry about.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 8:24 am
My sister hated her bed for a long time.

She could often be found sleeping in the bath (no water in) and was once found sleeping on top of her wardrobe (she'd climbed up the shelves like a ladder, taken her blanket and pillow with her). After the latter incident my parents bought her a brand new bed. This was not an issue with falling, but she was really uncomfortable.

Maybe she needs a different mattress?
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 9:10 am
My 5house yo dd wakes up in the middle of the night, takes her BROTHERS blanket and pillow, lol, and cones into our room to sleep on the floor. Its not specifically bothering anyone so I can't think of a reason to get her to stop. Sometimes my son kvetches why did she take my blankie but he doesn't really care.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 9:12 am
my ds did this for a long time after we took him out of his crib. He could not handle the change and just slept on the floor, then my bed and eventually his toddler bed.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 1:47 pm
my oldest dd did that for years and now my 3 yo dd is sleeping on her floor. whatever. as long as they sleep!
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 2:18 pm
My 4 year loves that too. Especially in the summer because he gets hot and he lifts his pajama top and puts his chest on the tile floor to keep cool. Sometimes with a pillow, sometimes without. He does it in the winter too though, he just finds it comfortable.

I have to say I love sleeping on the floor as well. It is just a preference and I think my mattress is really comfortable so it is not because of that. I often do not return my son to his bed as he is sleeping peacefully.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 3:35 pm
What everyone said. It's totally normal. Just because we like to see our kids in their own beds with what we consider proper bedding doesn't mean that's how they feel the most comfortable.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 3:49 pm
My almost-3-year-old DS slept in a cardboard box last night Very Happy

We recently moved, and DS loves the empty moving boxes, especially a large wardrobe box that he uses as a tunnel for his cars, a fort, a hiding place, you name it.

Well, last night he decided he wanted to sleep in there too!

He took a blanket and a bottle and while DH and I were expecting to hear him come out after a while, he actually fell asleep in there and stayed asleep. So now we're joking about our "bum" of a son, and making references to the Monty Python "Four Yorkshiremen" skit. Wink

Like other posters are saying, as long as your kid is happy, safe and well-rested, don't worry about it.
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 4:23 pm
That was a really good clip, thanks for posting!
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 5:34 pm
My 3 youngest dc's don't need beds, I sometimes can't enter their room as one of them are sleeping near the door.

Even when I put them back in bed I'll find them later again on the floor. I guess it's more confortable
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 8:31 pm
It's so weird, as I am reading this my ds came out of bed and asked me if he can sleep on the floor!
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Post Sun, Sep 23 2012, 10:08 pm
My 3 year old dd insisted in sleeping in one of those collapsible net hampers which she called her tent for quite a while. I had to read to her and say shma with her in there too.
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Post Mon, Sep 24 2012, 12:26 pm
[quote="ysmommy"]maybe she is afraid she will fall off the bed. why dont you try a side railing?[/quote]

I have one. Wouldn't put her in a bed without it.
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Post Mon, Sep 24 2012, 1:11 pm
I'm sure some people will think I'm awful, but when my kids were toddlers, we actually used dog beds!

In my defense, these were not traditional dog beds; they were more like enormous floor pillows. Also in my defense, I didn't realize they were dog beds when I purchased them; they were on sale on an endcap at Sam's Club and I apparently didn't make the connection between the bags of dog food sitting next to them. I thought they'd be perfect for play and naps, but the kids very quickly began using them for nighttime sleeping, too.

Of course, you can imagine the teasing that I take to this day regarding this! However, nobody in the family barks or chases cars, so I guess no permanent harm was done!
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Post Sun, Sep 30 2012, 5:05 am
I have an entire album full of pictures of Dd sleeping in odd places at that age. I had to watch where I walked because she could literally be crashed out anywhere in the house at any given time. It was hysterical. LOL

Now, I can't get her out of MY bed, and I'd give anything to have her sleep anywhere besides there!
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