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Chicken layered w/ Pastrami and Mashed Potatoes
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Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 2:07 pm
Hee hee! DH's mom is like that - she's made the same simple chicken for years.

Although DH is picky about his vegetables, he puts up with my weird chicken concoctions and (unless he's a good actor) he appears to enjoy them.

Sometimes I get so annoyed when I try a recipe that I love, and he just thinks it's ok. I put so much effort into this and you'd rather eat shake n' bake chicken!!!!
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Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 2:08 pm
BTW, I once read an article written by a woman who decided that she's going to attempt to prepare every single recipe, a new one every day, in order, from Julia Child's original cookbook? The cookbook has 500 plus recipes, including original gross sounding old fashioned recipes, which her DH was none too happy with LOL

I 'm thinking about doing this... Twisted Evil I think it might teach DH to give new foods a chance. I'm going to choose one of my cookbooks and see if I can do this!
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Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 2:16 pm
Sometimes I get so annoyed when I try a recipe that I love, and he just thinks it's ok. I put so much effort into this and you'd rather eat shake n' bake chicken!!!!

I know the feeling! My Dh would REALLY rather eat shake n' bake every single night. Also, simple things like chicken cutlets, yes the icky fried ones, they have to be made like his mom makes 'em. Every Friday afternoon, my MIL makes cutlets and potato kugel for her "hungry sons". My BIL and my dh go there, btw she lives right next door to us, and stuff themselves with greasy , dripping oil, cutlets! My MIL started making it like this awhile ago, where she dips the cutlets first into crums and THEN into eggs and straight into the frying pan, which does NOT have enough oil to fry it, but much less and the cutlets soak up the oil! I told him, if I'm gonna fry, it's gonna be deep fried so at least you spare your arteries a couple ounces of oil.
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chocolate moose


Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 2:21 pm
Cindy, could you two have a sit down and think of other menu options? I fear for your sholom bayis . . .
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Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 4:05 pm
cindy324 wrote:
My MIL started making it like this awhile ago, where she dips the cutlets first into crums and THEN into eggs and straight into the frying pan

Did I read that right - crumbs, egg then fry!? doesn't the egg turn into omelet?

I told him, if I'm gonna fry, it's gonna be deep fried so at least you spare your arteries a couple ounces of oil.

You think deep-frying is less oily than pan frying? how so?
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Ribbie Danzinger


Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 4:44 pm
Because the food remains in the deep frying oil for less time (no need to turn it over in the pan), it absorbs less oil. The oil of deep frying probably also remains hotter than shallow frying because it continues heating up but relatively to the amount of oil used, it has a smaller surface area to shallow frying.
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Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 4:59 pm
Right Ribbie. When you deep fry, less oil is absorbed into the food. Not MUCH healthier, but better than feeling like you're eating a sponge soaked with oil.

Did I read that right - crumbs, egg then fry!? doesn't the egg turn into omelet?

Yep, you did. It doesn't turn into omelet at all. It gets this fried eggy crust, sort of like on Pesach, when you dip into potato starch first and then the eggs.

Cindy, could you two have a sit down and think of other menu options? I fear for your sholom bayis . . .

LOL My goodness CM , please don't lose any sleep over my sholom bayis, really, the situation isn't THAT dire. Trust me, DH knows how to choose his battles...he's a smart guy Wink
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chocolate moose


Post Thu, Jan 04 2007, 9:49 pm
Ah ................
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Post Tue, Jan 16 2007, 9:45 am
Thanks for the recipe, DG - yum! Made it Shabbos and it was GONE!! I also mixed the friend onions in with the homemade mashed potatoes on top like s/o else said, and I left out the mayo b/c I don't like mayo on chicken... Also, next time I think I'll put more schnitzel on the bottom - it shrinks when it bakes!

Seems like a good dish to serve bochurim!
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Post Tue, Jan 16 2007, 2:14 pm
I'm gonna show this thread to DH Exploding anger Wasn't it amazing Ima'la? I loved it, too, I was dying to make it this week for myself, but resisted, cause I was too lazy to make two separate suppers.

Dh did say, I can make it IF I keep the chicken and potatoes separate LOL
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2007, 1:14 am
Of course the chicken & potatoes are separate - there's a layer of pastrami in between! Wink
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 12:15 am
Thanks Defy!
I made this tonight, and DH LOVED it!!
I get bored making the same old thing every night, so it's great to find yummy new recipes LOL

I brushed it with egg and sprinkled sesame seeds on top.

Later I heard DH on the phone with his Mom, telling her that I had made theis great dinner of chicken with pastrami, in puff pastry!! Wink
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 9:04 am
Later I heard DH on the phone with his Mom, telling her that I had made theis great dinner of chicken with pastrami, in puff pastry!!

lol. the first time I made it, dh told every single friend what I made for supper. he was so happy! he brought it up in every conversation he had that night LOL
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 9:07 am
You know what's also good sprinkled on top?
Cornflake crumbs.
I made a shepherds pie the other night, and sprinkled that on top of the mashed potatoes, and it gave it a nice crunch.

Oh yes, definitely put sauteed onions in the mashed potatoes.
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 9:48 am
is there any subsitute you can use for the pastrami, here in israel good pastrami is a bit hard to find.

maybe salami...?
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 2:02 pm
maybe salami...?

Sure...why not?
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 2:58 pm
How about smoked turkey? Would that work?
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 3:04 pm
Why don't you just make a layer of spicey ground beef?

I use pastrami so there's a contrast of flavors. With smoked turkey, you're not really getting that.

Maybe Mexican Turkey?
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chocolate moose


Post Thu, Jan 18 2007, 3:06 pm
I think it wouldn't be bad, Defy . . but it wouldn't be as special either . . .
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Hakuna Mattata


Post Sun, Jan 28 2007, 4:27 pm
I made it and enjoyed it however my kids gave one look at it and.......
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