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Vaccination Brain Picking Question
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:34 pm
amother wrote:
curiousgeorge1 wrote:
Here's the problem with refraining from vaccinating your kids: in reality you are depending on everyone else who does vaccinate their kids. It is true that outbreaks of these diseases are rare, but if a large percentage of ppl stopped vaccinating then these diseases would be rampant. It is true that vaccines come with some risk, but the risk is very low compared to the alternative of a horrible disease. And it is selfish to not vaccinate when you are putting others at risk. Even if the disease is one that is only fatal for infants and the elderly, by not vaccinating your child you may be putting your future babies at risk and other infants and elderly that your child will have contact with. I do agree that there are some vaccines given for diseases that rarely have bad complications and you may want to research which vaccines you want to avoid. I understand if you don't want to give your child the vaccine for chicken pox. But for diseases like polio, not giving your child the vaccine is selfish and unfair to society. There are email things we do in life that have small risks but the benefits outweigh the risk and this is one of them.

Would love to know where you are taking this made up info from. Do you keep yourself up to date on all the 39 vaccines your children get? no , because only children need these vaccines, right... another lie. THey tell you that your child needs it because they know that you want the best for your child, but you don't know that they are laughing at people like you who continue to "educate" the masses and spread their lies. Don't think it could happen in America the way they brainwashed people in Germany and in Stalin Russia? THink again ,they just got you!! I am sure you don't think so , but that's their chochma, to make it look like they are doing you the biggest favor, so you will destroy your kids , like Arbet macht frei, sure !!
My mother is a survivor and her entire family died in Auschwitz along with my father's family, and you bringing Nazi Germany into this trivializes the Holocaust. I can't say what I would like to say to you because it's not allowed, but you should be ashamed of yourself, comparing this stuff with the Holocaust. SHAME ON YOU.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:37 pm
chanees wrote:
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Chanees and one of the nameless amothers is the same person.

Oh, and Chanees, you're unstable. Please check yourself into some sort of institution and deal with your mental health issues before you really ruin someone's life with your cracked-out "medical knowledge".

I don't take anything anyone says against me to heart since everyone is entitled to their opinion, besides me, of course. I am okay if you feel this way, you are entitled to say what you want. but thanks for the advice.

Don't hide your craziness and unfounded radical views behind "just expressing my opinion". There is never any call to call American doctors Nazi, or say that infertility doesn't exist. At some point, I can't stand idly by and watch you spout this garbage. You're not wiggling into this conversation with some banal talking points. You're here to incite. Well, you've incited. Deal with it.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:38 pm
chanees wrote:
21young wrote:
Chanees, until you came the arguments here were heated, but you took things to a whole new level. I think I am right in assuming that you were the first to introduce 'Nazis' and 'concentration camps' into the discussion. If I recall correctly this is also not the first time you've jumped into the fray after you've watched for enough time to ascertain that there are people backing you up before you voice your opinion. Was it a discussion about natural methods for healing infertility? I'm not entirely sure on this, but I think it was you who claimed to be able to heal infertility, much to the outrage of many IF amothers.

First, if you want people to value your opinion you may want to check your use of grammar so that you come across as intelligent.

Second, your claims on this thread are so out of line as to enter the category of "Methinks he doth protest too much."

We are all entitled to our own opinions, but no one is entitled to comparing others to Nazis.

First of all ,I don't heal infertility, because there is nothing to heal. I teach woman how to take care of their body and just understand that Hashem gives children, not me nor the doctors, but if you do understand how the body works you can do things by eating correctly and avoiding different things that put the body out of whack. No special equipment, just teaching you how to eat right to get the best results, and guess what , it worked for someone with PCOS 2 months ago , who was told that without clomid she will never get pregnant. But , guess what , less than 3 months later , she was pregnant, and of course the doctor said , she never has an issue because she got pregnant naturally. Of course, she wouldn't say anything to the doctor. Now I did not cure her infertility, Hashem decided she will have a child and guess what , I was surprised myself that she was pregnant so fast. But I have no hand it curing infertility , its all in the hands of Hashem. If you think that doctors can cure it , that is a terrible thing.

About the Nazis, I really don't think anyone in Germany was afraid of them when they were policing the streets, it just turned into a nightmare once the truth unfolded. if it makes you uncomfortable, maybe you can do something about it.
And there you are, posting as yourself and not as amother. Your punctuation is pretty recognizable. I'd tell you to get help, because you need it, but I won't concern myself with your mental health, which seems pretty poor. Just stay off this board with your drivel and your nasty **** comparing vaccines to concentration camps.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:43 pm
EvenI wrote:
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Chanees and one of the nameless amothers is the same person.

Oh, and Chanees, you're unstable. Please check yourself into some sort of institution and deal with your mental health issues before you really ruin someone's life with your cracked-out "medical knowledge".

First of all, she might not be. We can't tell. She might be good at expressing opinions but not so good at expressing the thought process and the information which led her to those opinions, and that might cause her to sound radical and hysterical. And she might not share your perspective on life, and you might harbor intolerances to her point of view, for whatever reason. Secondly, if she is unstable, you are speaking to her in a way which is coming over as very unkind.

I I don't think doctors are Nazis, just that they both follow orders blindly , which is quite scary, because people who follow blindly never question anything, even when it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't trust anyone that doesn't understand and question what they are doing.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:49 pm
EvenI wrote:
21young wrote:
Chanees, until you came the arguments here were heated, but you took things to a whole new level. I think I am right in assuming that you were the first to introduce 'Nazis' and 'concentration camps' into the discussion. If I recall correctly this is also not the first time you've jumped into the fray after you've watched for enough time to ascertain that there are people backing you up before you voice your opinion. Was it a discussion about natural methods for healing infertility? I'm not entirely sure on this, but I think it was you who claimed to be able to heal infertility, much to the outrage of many IF amothers.

First, if you want people to value your opinion you may want to check your use of grammar so that you come across as intelligent.

Second, your claims on this thread are so out of line as to enter the category of "Methinks he doth protest too much."

We are all entitled to our own opinions, but no one is entitled to comparing others to Nazis.

Just purely regarding that last line - if you mean entitled to compare other members of this board with Nazis, then I'm sure you're right, but if you're talking about comparing some or other forces at work in the world with Nazis, then I see no particular rules. The nazis have a monopoly on evil? Noone can ever be as bad as the Nazis? Poshut not true. Maybe it would be nice to think that nothing as bad as what happened 70 yrs ago ever happened before or could ever happen again, but what basis is there for that?

Don't assume anything , since you are wrong anyways , but I guess you feel you can judge anyone the way you want. And secondly why would I compare other jewish mothers on the board to Nazi, I dont understand what you are thinking.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 3:52 pm
GreenEyes26 wrote:
chanees wrote:
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Chanees and one of the nameless amothers is the same person.

Oh, and Chanees, you're unstable. Please check yourself into some sort of institution and deal with your mental health issues before you really ruin someone's life with your cracked-out "medical knowledge".

I don't take anything anyone says against me to heart since everyone is entitled to their opinion, besides me, of course. I am okay if you feel this way, you are entitled to say what you want. but thanks for the advice.

Don't hide your craziness and unfounded radical views behind "just expressing my opinion". There is never any call to call American doctors Nazi, or say that infertility doesn't exist. At some point, I can't stand idly by and watch you spout this garbage. You're not wiggling into this conversation with some banal talking points. You're here to incite. Well, you've incited. Deal with it.

I didn't bring up infertility at all, someone else did, why ? cant figure it out either, but I guess to make the thread more heated up? not sure.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 4:37 pm
amother wrote:

So you think that people who don't vaccinate their kids are ignorant? that's so absurd, we don't come to our decision bec. we are not educated, we made the conscience decision because we did our research .

It's "conscious" decision AND
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 4:39 pm
Is anyone here refusing the 1 month infertility vaccine? Or would that be totally off the wall? Can anyone assure me that it is perfectly safe to give it to my baby. She's already 5 months old and she isn't protected yet. I suffered from infertility myself for several years, so I wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to protect her from it. But I find it so hard to believe that there can be a vaccine that is effective and if it isn't effective, it can't be worth the risks, but what are the risks anyway? I am so confused! And one thing is for sure, if there is a widespread epidemic of infertility, we'll all be wiped out.

Rolling Laughter
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 4:53 pm
speaking of needles are people here on heroine ???
it does crazy things to the mind !!!
shock Rolling Eyes :arrow:
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 4:58 pm
greenfire wrote:
speaking of needles are people here on heroine ???
it does crazy things to the mind !!!
shock Rolling Eyes :arrow:

Not if you've taken the vaccine. Everyone MUST get the heroine vaccine NOW so that if you accidentally give yourself a heroine shot, it will have absolutely no detrimental effect on your views on vaccination.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 4:59 pm
I just read about a husband and wife who were arrested because their second child has died from pneumonia. They did not go to the doctor because they believe that you only need prayer to heal. Chanees do you belong to the same church as them?
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:00 pm
bamamama wrote:

Love. I almost didn't bother clicking to the next page but now I'm so glad I did. LOL
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:02 pm
I can promise you that cat was vaccinated.

edited to add: my cat was vaccinated, she is 19
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:04 pm
vintagebknyc wrote:
I can promise you that cat was vaccinated.

edited to add: my cat was vaccinated, she is 19

There is a special gehinnom for people who commit the atrocity of vaccinating cats.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:04 pm
vintagebknyc wrote:
I can promise you that cat was vaccinated.

edited to add: my cat was vaccinated, she is 19

yeah, but she doesn't look too happy about it LOL
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:05 pm
Look everyone. I asked for information. I got a vicious debate. It's all for nothing because we're Bananish anyway, and if you remember what that means, you'll know that we vaccinate against public skin slippage for the sake of kovod habrius but we don't do any other vaccinations as per the Bananishe Rebbe's Daas Banana. So you can really all go home to the seriousness of the consequences of your actions, non actions and exchange of punches and blows. And next time you go to the doctor, write yourself a note that when your child is grown, you will ask him what he would prefer - to slip on a banana skin in public or to suffer a momentary pin prick and some toxins in his muscles? It's obvious what he'll say. It is a NO BANANA!
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:08 pm
amother wrote:
vintagebknyc wrote:
I can promise you that cat was vaccinated.

edited to add: my cat was vaccinated, she is 19

yeah, but she doesn't look too happy about it LOL

but that's not my cat!
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 5:57 pm
Look what happens to this thread when I leave for a little bit! At wits end
EvenI, I'm sorry.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 6:43 pm
yogabird wrote:
rydys wrote:
EvenI wrote:
sleepless mom wrote:
I have a question from all those who don't vaccine there kids because of the additional ingredients that are in the shots. are you careful with what your child eats or drinks. all the poisonous ingredients msg and high fructose corn syrup? And tuna for mercury?

As someone who is not (at least yet) comfortable either with vaccinating or with not vaccinating, I am concerned about my children ingesting poison, but I think there may be more reason to worry about what gets injected directly into the bloodstream than what goes through the digestive system.

Vaccines are not injected into the bloodstream, but many toxins are absorbed through the GI tract. The case of mercury toxicity that I saw was due to tuna ingestion, but I don't see the autism society telling everyone to stop eating tuna!

BTW--have you seen the list of inactive ingredients in a dose of ibuprofen? It is all artificial chemicals and who knows what they are doing to our kids! Maybe we should stop using ibuprofen as well!

I could never undestand how something thats supposed to help us feel better has ingredients like red #40, artificial flavors and colors, and hydrogenated fats listed in the ingredients.

It's just America for you. In Australia we have different painkillers (Panadol) WITHOUT all that added ****. That goes for our food as well (eg meat, chicken, eggs, yogurt, bread etc) - completely natural and not stuffed with junk like in the American supermarkets.
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Post Thu, Jun 06 2013, 6:45 pm
lubaussie wrote:
yogabird wrote:
rydys wrote:
EvenI wrote:
sleepless mom wrote:
I have a question from all those who don't vaccine there kids because of the additional ingredients that are in the shots. are you careful with what your child eats or drinks. all the poisonous ingredients msg and high fructose corn syrup? And tuna for mercury?

As someone who is not (at least yet) comfortable either with vaccinating or with not vaccinating, I am concerned about my children ingesting poison, but I think there may be more reason to worry about what gets injected directly into the bloodstream than what goes through the digestive system.

Vaccines are not injected into the bloodstream, but many toxins are absorbed through the GI tract. The case of mercury toxicity that I saw was due to tuna ingestion, but I don't see the autism society telling everyone to stop eating tuna!

BTW--have you seen the list of inactive ingredients in a dose of ibuprofen? It is all artificial chemicals and who knows what they are doing to our kids! Maybe we should stop using ibuprofen as well!

I could never undestand how something thats supposed to help us feel better has ingredients like red #40, artificial flavors and colors, and hydrogenated fats listed in the ingredients.

It's just America for you. In Australia we have different painkillers (Panadol) WITHOUT all that added ****. That goes for our food as well (eg meat, chicken, eggs, yogurt, bread etc) - completely natural and not stuffed with junk like in the American supermarkets.

Israel's not too bad with that either. The baby acamol says no sugar added. You can get organic eggs and dairy products, but they're sooo expensive...
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