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Expecting Twins: How do I do this on a budget
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:11 am
Ok, ive read shopping lists of all the things you MUST have when your twins arrive but when I calculate how much all of this will cost... I start to have a panic attack. These are my first and second and Iam the main provider for the family. Obviously, I wont be able to work in the beginning and budgeting is essential. I will be living in Brooklyn. What should I actually buy? What can I get from gemachim? What do I NOT need at all? When should I buy it? and what do I need at first?
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:13 am
use cloth diapers. really-look into it. they make great ones today that are not at all hard to use. you will literally save thousands of dollars.
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:15 am
motheroftwins.com has links coupons
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:20 am
join on Facebook Jewish moms of multiples, masters of multi- tasking
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:58 am
nishei cares 212 363 -8940 frum support for mom;s of multiples

I have seen gemachs for twins on this site
and volunteer babysitting .
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 12:08 pm
The first thing u need are car seats so that you can leave the hospital!! when I had my twins 3 yrs. ago I borrowed from someone a double snap n go. I got from gemachs a bouncer and a swing.....I got a little help each week for about an hour or 2 from married ladies to help out during the day- so I can rest and once a week after school- 2 seminary girls which was also helpful so my mother (who I was staying by at the beginning) was able to make supper. We also had 2 girls come over Shabbos afternoon to watch the twins so that we all can get some rest. The ladies and girls were sent from Hourly Blessings. In the beginning- first 3 months you only need 1 crib.. after that they get active and its dangerous for them to sleep in the same crib. Diapers and formula add up a lot... I was eligible for WIC which was really helpful with the formula!!
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 2:37 pm
First of all bshaa tova and everything should go smoothly.

Like above poster said, first thing you need to take them home is car seats.

Also one crib for the first few months is ok, I didn't even use a crib I used a 1 pack and play in the beginning.

-Diapers, formula, and wipes should be in the house when you get home.

-Bottles and pacis.

-To start off you'll need onsies and stretchies in terms of clothing. If your having twins chances are you'll need to start them off in preemie/newborn size. Blankets or swaddle blankets.

-A baby bath, shampoo, wash clothes, towels.

Don't get nervous. You have to learn what your babies preferences are with bottles, pacis...so it does take time to figure out which brands they'll like and to see what you're missing. As long as you have the basics you're good.
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 2:42 pm
You know what gets really expensive....paying for 2 kids at a time to go to preschool/daycare/camp/dayschool....etc.

Makes all that baby gear stuff seem like nothing!
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 3:04 pm
What is hourly blessings?
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 5:37 pm
amother wrote:
What is hourly blessings?

An organization where women/girls volunteer their time to help out mothers of multiples......
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 7:12 pm
wow thanks for all the help. I dont use facebook, is there a different way to join that group?
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Post Thu, Sep 12 2013, 11:16 pm
The hospital where I have birth made me watch a video about not putting my babies in the same crib. I already had one pac n play and borrowed another and kept them in separate pac n plays until they were about three months old when we bought cribs. You probably can borrow both pac n plays since many people have them but they are a good investment. Borrow as much as you can. I had one swing and one bouncy seat and I never felt I needed two of everything. Carseats are the most important thing. I borrowed the snap n go wheels as well. Don't over buy on clothes. They grow out of them very quickly. Twins are amazing!!!
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2013, 9:12 am
[quote="amother"]nishei cares 212 363 -8940 this number might be a twins group

buy buy baby is a store that gives 20 percent off if you join their email and text s
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2013, 9:19 am
baby ge mach 718 376 2864
bris gemach 718 627 3978
baby gemach 718 339 1652
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Post Fri, Sep 13 2013, 11:23 am
my in law's friends spoiled us.

we had two swings, two bouncy seats, two high chairs, two car seats, two cribs, two gyminis....... total craziness.

we NEEDED two cribs. we NEEDED two car seats. Two high chairs was a great luxury since we had them eating at the same time but it's not NECESSARY. Everything else is total luxury and can be borrowed or just get one of, or skip it. Did we use both swings, both bouncy seats, and both gyminis? of course.... but we would have been just fine with zero or 1 of each of those------ babies don't care that they're in the same apparatus at the same time.
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Post Sun, Sep 15 2013, 12:28 am
I agree you don't need 2 of everything, especially not at the beginning. Two carseats you need, other than that, you can manage. We did have 1 crib but I understand it's not recommended now. Cribs are not that expensive though. Are you near Ikea? They have decent stuff, new, for decent prices.

Personally I would buy 2 new cribs, 2 new carseats, and see how much of the rest I could get 2nd hand or from g'machs. A friend gave me a huge bag of clothing. You will get clothing, don't worry about buying more than basics. Also ask, or let friends know you are looking. A lot of people have stuff they don't think to give away but if you mention to everyone you are looking for clothing, I bet you will get.

We had 1 swing and 1 bouncy chair, 2 high chairs when the time came.

B Sha Tova!
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Post Sun, Sep 15 2013, 3:49 am
My twins are under 6 months and I have zero help with them besides my cleaning lady that comes everyday. They are good babies, they are on the same schedule, sleeping at night . I thought to myself: the most important thing for me this year is to take care of the newborns , so my husband helps with the other kids, cleaning lady does the house and I do the babies. Maybe its me, but I dont want more ppl in my house, enough that I have the msid...I breastfeed them, yes, in the beginning it was very hard, but its the most economic way, and it gets easier with time. I do have some formula or pumped milk in case I can't breastfeed than, but I barely use it. 2 car seats, 2 cribs eventually, 2 bouncers , these are a must. I got 2 bamboo sets and 2 baby gym bec they really like , so far I started to feed then in the bamboo seat and the 1 gym I had became small. 1 have one swing and 1 baby carrier , only one baby likes the swing and the carrier is a biiiig help when u need to hold both. I m very happy with my double stroller, a valco baby, I didn't buy the double snap and go bec the car seat is very uncomfortable. U ll get a lot of clothing and with time ill see what items are the best for u.
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Post Sun, Sep 15 2013, 4:11 am
amother wrote:
use cloth diapers. really-look into it. they make great ones today that are not at all hard to use. you will literally save thousands of dollars.

But isn't a new mother's time and effort and energy worth more than a million billion dollars???

I dunno... I don't have twins, but I have had 2 or 3 kids in diapers and I could not imagine cleaning cloth diapers along with all the other chores associated with new babies.

Cloth diapering takes effort... and washing them takes electricity/soap/wear on your washer.
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Post Sun, Sep 15 2013, 6:04 am
don't forget space issues - 2 full size cots take up a lot of space. Ikea has some cots that are inexpensive and small, even though they fit older babies as well. (a lot of cradles, moses baskets etc are only for very small babies)

I don't have twins but I know women who successfully nursed twins, so it is certainly possible. (my friend also lost tons of weight in the process of doing so)

ime baby equipment in great condition can often be bought on sites like craigslist etc. but, you are not supposed to buy second hand carseats.

make sure the casrseats you get are compatible with your stroller, if necessary.
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Post Sun, Sep 15 2013, 8:39 am
ewa-jo wrote:
amother wrote:
use cloth diapers. really-look into it. they make great ones today that are not at all hard to use. you will literally save thousands of dollars.

But isn't a new mother's time and effort and energy worth more than a million billion dollars???

I dunno... I don't have twins, but I have had 2 or 3 kids in diapers and I could not imagine cleaning cloth diapers along with all the other chores associated with new babies.

Cloth diapering takes effort... and washing them takes electricity/soap/wear on your washer.

You are totally right.... I know the OP is on a tight budget but I wouldn't save on the diapers. Yes they do at up but target and other companies don't cost that much. Budget on something else.
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