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Working 9 to 5
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Post Tue, Feb 06 2007, 9:53 pm
gold21 - sorry for your misery and your long hard day.
My 9-5 days are long gone - with the commute and lunch time - along with my NY days.
I watched a friends kids recently and although I was exhausted by end of day - I actually pat myself on the back for being the stay at home mom. It must be hard to stay away from kids as well as come home exhausted to them. I guess it's not easy for anybody...
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 8:51 am
yeah........the worst is the guilt.....I feel soooo guilty about being away from my baby all day, this is not what I would ever have wanted for my child......I love him to pieces, would want to see him more than 3 hours a day! I just dont want him to lose out and I feel really bad about it Crying

second of all, and not far behind number one, is that I am exhausted beyond imagination and stressed out because how am I supposed to accomplish everything? sometimes I feel like I am riding a roller coaster and am just being taken for a ride, like everything is moving too fast for me, like im not in control. its sooo sooo sooo overwhelming.

but the truth is that im not this depressed individual. bli ayin hora, great marraige, good social life, I have a wonderful little boy, so as I said I try to count my blessings!

which I guess is what we all gotta do, we all got our problems...unfortunately...
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 9:21 am
that must be so hard! is there anyway u can switch jobs to something that would allow u tp be with your baby? like work in a playgroup or something like that? u might not feel so guilty with that option (if it is one)
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 10:00 am
There is a huge difference between “I work from 9-5” or “I’m at work from 9-5” anyone feel the same about this? It’s also the same as saying “I have an autistic child’ or “I have a son, he is autistic” (just an example). For those of you who are ‘working’ good for you. For those of you who are ‘at work’, find something you enjoy, and then get paid for it too!
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 10:09 am
My daughter is in therapy for other reasons..

But I was pulled in this week, because my daughter is frustrated that I do not spend more time with her..

I am so embarassed! But between work, studying and cleaning the home. Honestly, u can tell the weeks that I spend more time with the kids, know why?? My home is a disaster!! The months when I have no school my home typically looks like a bomb hit it. Because I am spending all free time with my kids!

I gave her a hug and said sweetie, u know why I am going to college. She smiles, and says yes. But I like the months u do not have school.

I smiled and said me too, I get to spend more time with u guys.

She said yeah and ur not so stressed. made me laugh.. she's so sweet! K"H

My youngest is frustrated also, but what can I do?!
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 10:19 am
I work 9-6 and then again an hr at night from home Sad
anyone else supposed to be working a 45 hr work week and managing?

I don't have kids yet, and I feel like already I'm pushing myself to (or really, past) my limit.
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 10:32 am
I enjoy what I do -- its great for me
but hey full time work is full time work
its a big challenge
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 11:03 am
gold21 - at least you can focus on the positive as well - try to schedule time in for yourself too so that you stay healthy despite all the hard challenges.
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 11:37 am
greenfire, u are really sweet
thanks for the support
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 11:53 am
anytime dear
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 1:06 pm
Gold 21, you're definitely not alone. I'm working 9-5 with a one-hour lunch break. I have 2 kids and am expecting my 3rd now. I'm hoping to cut my hours until 3 when my baby is born but I understand you completely, the hardest part is the guilt feelings which comes with being a mother! B"H my kids are very happy in their daycare arrangements but it still seems like a dream to spend all day with them ....
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 1:21 pm
hi. I feel for you 100%. I have three children (bah) and work from 9:30 to 4:00. my kids come home at 2. its tough. when I walk in the door at 4, the house is usually a mess, with lunch out, and everyone needs my attention and I have to put up supper. I try to have supper from the night before, but it doesnt always work out. then there's laundry and cleaning and the regular taking care of hte kids. I dont have any miracle answers for you..but our kids are only young once and are so cute..so make the most of it!
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 2:54 pm
gold21 wrote:
its exhausting overwhelming and way too much for me to handle. no cleaning lady, very small apt, working full time, 8 month old son who doesnt sleep thru the night... anyone in same position as me out there who can relate?
I do it for the income, not for the enjoyment of working or fulfillment or whatever. I do it for rent and food on the table and clothing.
I want a bigger apt, a cleaning lady, to work shorter hours, to be able to makes supper at night and not live on fast food all day, to have a clean house, to not feel guilty about the baby being by sitter all day...........
dreams dreams

I hear you, only my son is almost a year, not 8 months. I drop him off at 7:15 in the morning at daycare, and the earliest I every get home is 6:30. Some nights he's asleep before I get there, although not as often anymore. And he's taken to sleeping through the night...only to him that means 5:00 is time to get up for the day and play with Eema before we have to leave! I love that time with him, but it leaves me tired before I even get to work.
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Post Wed, Feb 07 2007, 3:02 pm
I also can relate. I work 8 hours from home, so at least I get to spend a little more time with my son. But I feel like I don't have time for so many things that other people on imamother seem to have time for.
ex. keeping a spotless house, trying new recipes from cookbooks, 7 course shabbos meals, planning mishloach manos and costumes in advance, preparing meals and cleaning bathroom for guests etc.
I feel like I get by doing the bare minimum. Maybe it's also my personality. I don't go ballistic from a messy house, but sometimes I get depressed when I realize how dirty my apartment is and what a bad "balebuste" I am.
I make a bare bones shabbos, easiest suppers possible, when I have guests I many times have them bring their own linen, I won't know what and if my son is dressing up for purim until the last minute etc.
At least I'm not a perfectionist. Otherwise I don't think I would be able to be a working mom.
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Post Thu, Feb 08 2007, 4:31 pm
wow marion your sitch sounds way harder than mine. you barely get to see ur baby! ooohhhh how difficult. at least I spend time with my son in the evenings!!
I guess ur hubby is learning? my dh was learning, but is now working so that I wont have to do this working mom thing 4ever. cuz put bluntly, it sucks! (he learned for a year and a half of our marraige, most of it was b4 baby, which I was totally totally fine with.)
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2007, 11:19 pm
I feel for all u working mothers. I work from home. try combining to send off 4 kids and meanwhile getting in other children. at the same time. the new kids need breakfast and my kids need to eat dress and catch their buses. sigh. so from 7:00 am to 9:30 am its CRAZY time.

and I work till 2:30 some days but my kids start to come home at that time. so no me time at all from morning till night.

but I cant complain. I have bh paranassha and I dont have to step out of the home. and my paycheck is bigger then alot of other jobs.like.secterieas .teachers.etc. bc I am under the gov.

but it is murder hard some days bc even if all the kids are sleeping..laugh. it never happens that they all go down at once. then I start to clean like crazy.bc idont know when they will wake up. also I donthave time to go shopping . I have 30 mintetes a day to go shopping before all the kids come home.
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2007, 11:20 pm
I feel for all u working mothers. I work from home. try combining to send off 4 kids and meanwhile getting in other children. at the same time. the new kids need breakfast and my kids need to eat dress and catch their buses. sigh. so from 7:00 am to 9:30 am its CRAZY time.

and I work till 2:30 some days but my kids start to come home at that time. so no me time at all from morning till night.

but I cant complain. I have bh paranassha and I dont have to step out of the home. and my paycheck is bigger then alot of other jobs.like.secterieas .teachers.etc. bc I am under the gov.

but it is murder hard some days bc even if all the kids are sleeping..laugh. it never happens that they all go down at once. then I start to clean like crazy.bc idont know when they will wake up. also I donthave time to go shopping . I have 30 mintetes a day to go shopping before all the kids come home.
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2007, 11:46 pm
um - 9-5 sounds long....I leave my house by 6:30 (after making sure everything for my kids is ready for the day) and am at work from 7 until sometimes 7 pm. On a good day, I leave the office around 5:30, and then usually get home and have lots to do. If I do leave early, or have to take care of something in the morning, I am constantly getting email/calls that make me almost want to have stayed in the office.....if im lucky, my kids have eaten dinner by the time I get home, but sometimes I get a call at work asking "whats for dinner?"

fun, huh?
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2007, 9:21 am
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rise above


Post Thu, Feb 15 2007, 9:53 am
workingallthetime wrote:
um - 9-5 sounds long....I leave my house by 6:30 (after making sure everything for my kids is ready for the day) and am at work from 7 until sometimes 7 pm. On a good day, I leave the office around 5:30, and then usually get home and have lots to do. If I do leave early, or have to take care of something in the morning, I am constantly getting email/calls that make me almost want to have stayed in the office.....if im lucky, my kids have eaten dinner by the time I get home, but sometimes I get a call at work asking "whats for dinner?"

fun, huh?

what do you do for a living?
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