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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Infants
Getting baby to bed

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Post Tue, Apr 05 2005, 5:08 pm
Hi All,

I need some help. During the day, my 11 month old gets tired and needs a nap. Only he screams bloody murder when I put him in his crib. I let him cry for no longer thna 15 minutes, then go and get him. He WILL nap in bed with me though.

Now, he is putting up a fight when I put him to bed at night. My husband doesn't like to hear him cry and has started 'getting involved'. He has even brought him into our bed at night, which I have a total rule against at night.
Has anyone dealt with this? Any advice?
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Post Tue, Apr 05 2005, 7:50 pm
You can let him fall asleep with you and then trasfer him to his crib. Doesn't sound like you have much of a choice unless you want to let him CIO (Cry it out).
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Post Wed, Apr 06 2005, 8:16 pm
I have the same problem.... my baby is eleven months and he screams bloody murder every time I put him to bed. but in the morning nap I let him scream it out it usally take 2 minetes untill he realizes that he is not going to come out and then he just lies down and goes to bed. but at night I lie down with him and he drinks his bottle in bed with me...

the first 3 yrs goes bye so fast so just enjoy every moment of it.....
so we lie in bed looking at each other intill one of us (me) falls asleep at that point my hubby takes the baby and puts him in his bed....

who puts who to sleep?????
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Post Thu, Apr 07 2005, 7:12 pm
yeah...they're so fussy and whining, yet they hate to go to sleep.
I nurse my baby in my bed until he's nice and sleepy (but I try to keep that he's still awake). Then I put him in his crib. He starts fussing usually but I give him his pacifier, etc.... Better if you're baby is NOT addicted to the pacifier, as I'm told, cuz then if he wakes up, he doesn't know how to fall asleep without one....
Not that when my 9 month old wakes up he'll accept a pacifier....!!! That's my problems...Nursing every 3 hours??? at 9 months old??
My husband says to let him cry it out........I can't bare it.... It's a woman weakness....
but what can we do???
I'm trying out some ideas from the book "The No Cry Sleep Solution." Let me know if you have any luck, figure anything out, please LET ME KNOW!! (I NEED SLEEP!!!!!!)
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Post Sat, Apr 09 2005, 12:05 pm
Not that when my 9 month old wakes up he'll accept a pacifier....!!! That's my problems...Nursing every 3 hours??? at 9 months old??
My husband says to let him cry it out........I can't bare it.... It's a woman weakness....
but what can we do???
I'm trying out some ideas from the book "The No Cry Sleep Solution." Let me know if you have any luck, figure anything out, please LET ME KNOW!! (I NEED SLEEP!!!!!!)

I know exactly where ur coming from... my 7 month old is up every two hours or less... my husband says the same...

any ideas you can share with me... (I desperately need sleep!)
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Post Sat, Apr 09 2005, 6:55 pm
Sometimes I feel so exhausted when I've had a hard night, that I'm tempted to let him cry it out...but still I can't! Rolling Eyes
You should get THE NO CRY SLEEP SOLUTION. You can probably get it for a few dollars on ebay or half.com (that's what I did.). How does your baby fall asleep? Mine NEEDS to be nursing or a pacifier. So one thing the book says is teach your baby to have different associations to fall asleep. There shouldn't only be ONE way. That's the hard part...So if he'll fall asleep in the carriage, car...alternate for a few days. I'm not really doing that much, cuz it is not easy to start with that...
But what I AM doing is trying to ease off the pacifier. I let him suck it until he's nice and sleepy and them take it out of his mouth. That way, if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he doesn't need the sucking to fall back asleep (at least that's the theory). Usually he starts fussing/crying when I take it out and I stick it back in. then you wait until he's all sleep again (breathing more than sucking) and take it out...slowly with time he should need it less and less. I've been trying it...Actually last night I think he did sleep a little longer....
there are so many different theories...my husband thinks I'm hysterical....if you give formula, and your baby doesn't have a gaining weight issue, you can dilute it...etc...etc...(that I read somewhere else).
Good luck and let me know how YOUR NIGHT goes! Smile
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Post Sun, Apr 10 2005, 3:37 am
I was just about to make a new post on this topic and then I saw this one.
Well my baby is younger 5 months and I struggle to get her to go to bed during the day and night. She has not yet learned to fall asleep herself During the day she falls asleep either when we go out, or when I rock her and put on static but normally after screaming for 15min or so
In the middle of the night she would only fall alseep when I nurse her backto sleep and I fall asleep with her. I would be more comfy she did not sleep in my book. Maybe I should try that book
Could you do controlled crying under 6months? I just don't thinks she'll cry herself to sleep
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Post Mon, Apr 11 2005, 8:39 pm
Hi All,

We are doing a bit better now.
I think the really good thing is my husband does not pick him up and bring him in our room. It only re enforces bad behavior.
When he was first born, he took a pacifier, but then some people told me to take it away and I sort of regret that. I think sleeping would have been easier for him if he had one. Oh well.
He still needs to be nursed between 3 and 4 a.m., which is fine. That will come to an end in a few months when I start weaning him.
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