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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days, and other Days of Note
Do you have flowers for Shabbos?
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Do you buy fresh flowers for Shabbos?
Every week  
 28%  [ 17 ]
 40%  [ 24 ]
 31%  [ 19 ]
Total Votes : 60



Post Thu, May 10 2007, 11:37 am
It is customary to buy flowers in honor of Shabbos. Just as the flowers are ready to give pleasure on Shabbos and Yom Tov, so are we ready to be redeemed at any moment. May Hashem take delight in the Shabbosos and Yomim Tovim when Jews gather in shul and in the beis medrash to daven and learn Torah.

Vayikra Raba 23:6
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 11:43 am
When we got married, my husband bought flowers every Friday, but as seems to be the custom in my family, I asked him not to do that. I like to have flowers for Shavuous.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 11:47 am
if my husband is in costco on wed, thur, or fri, he gets flowers, otherwise it's too expensive in the flower shops.
it's usually every other week.
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SZ mother


Post Thu, May 10 2007, 11:50 am
opa! here I have to say... My husband is the best!
Since the shabbos kallah he sent flowers on shabbos and yomim tovim. always!
Only once he forgot, and I was really sad.
sometimes I even tell him, don't worry, don't bother this time, but he goes anyway, he doesn't believe me, AND IT'S TRUE!!! I REALLY WANT THEM!

and when he brings it, I love them! It makes my table happy!
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dr pepper


Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:04 pm
dh used to by flowers for the florists that cost $25 or more for a simple bouquet. that is not money we can afford to spend on something that wilts and dies a few days later. so I asked him to stop.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:08 pm
dh used to buy flowers e/ Shabbos...just recently, instead of buying flowers, he takes dd & ds on erev Shabbos to go pick wildflowers! So nice! And the kids are so proud when I exclaim over them! This evening, a neighbor surprised me by bringing over flowers from her garden to thank me for s/t.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:09 pm
DH used to stop all the time to get flowers for shabbas.

Finally I said to him "You know, it means a lot more to me to have the extra 20 minutes of help on Friday afternoon than to have flowers!"

Now he gets them once in a while, which is nice because then it shows more that he thought of me than that it was just his habit.

I should just add that I am not hugely into flowers so it wasn't like I got a great amount of hanah from them. I usually only like the thought behind the flowers more so than the flowers themselves, so that is why I like them only occassionally.

Also, sometimes I will buy if they are reasonably priced (he used to go to a florist $$$ whereas I will buy at the supermarket)
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:18 pm
I also get almost no pleasure out of flowers (in vases, I do like them growing) at all. I told dh not to get any. Usually a guest brings some anyway.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:25 pm
I wish husband bought me flowers. Buying them for myself doesn't "do" it for me.
My siblings get flowers every week from their husband.
My mother does not though. She buys her own.

My husband used to buy flowers at the grocery, but although I never told him- they were not good quality and didn't last long. It's been quite a while since he brought home. Sad

I miss them, but they did add up. Oh well.
I take the positive sides of my husband and try to focus on those instead.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:30 pm
When guests bring them, I have. Sometimes I buy. (Ok rarely, but if I'm in the supermarket and can get for 10 shekel, I will...)
Husband randomly buys me flowers. He's not a romantic, so when he decides to pop in with a suprise, I get thrilled. Doesn't want to do it weekly because he said it wont be special then.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:47 pm
I get flowers regularly, but not necessarily before shabbes. I don't know how regularly, probably every week or so, but it's not a regular thing that happens on the same day...
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:51 pm
my dh buys every week l'kuvos shabbos
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 12:52 pm
DH buys flowers almost every Friday, except for those weeks that we're not eating at home one or both meals. They are pretty costly, so he only gets it when we actually get to enjoy it at the shabbos table.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 1:05 pm
although I love flowers, they make me sneeze, so no flowers for me! I remember when I first got engaged min-laws sent of an arrangement for flowers. when my chosson saw it, he said to his parents "why did u buy real when I said my kallah has bad allergys!"
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 1:09 pm
my husband tries to get 10 shekel roses (they are so beautiful AND cheap too:>) every friday and they last almost all week:)
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 2:09 pm
Dh buys flowers every week. He gets them at the local grocery. Many times they will last for at least two weeks, depending on what he buys. They are not expensive (usually 6-8 dollars a bouquet) He also watches out for the $3.99 specials and will surprise me with 2 bouquets every once in a while (like after a non-Jewish or secular holiday when many beautiful flowers are still available and half-price because the holiday is over!)

For those of you who would like flowers that are inexpensive and last a long time, buy carnations! They are great!
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 2:11 pm
from the first shabbos of our engagement my DH would send me flowers with a little note and when he was not in town he would leave a note at a friends house and he would buy them and put in the note and drop them off at my house, but then life got busy money tight and they got less often, sometimes I see flowers and want to buy them for myself, but don't for afraid of hurting my DH I know he would probably like to but.... so when he does buy them they mean so much...
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chocolate moose


Post Thu, May 10 2007, 2:17 pm
I dont' WANT flowers every week.
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Post Thu, May 10 2007, 3:32 pm
I'm not crazy about flowers, and on the odd occasion that dh has bought me some, I've really loved it, but I cam eup with a new plan.

He gives me money to do "Shabbos shopping" every week. with that money, I also buy flowers!!

So, technically, they're from him, but really, they're "just because its Shabbos!"

and I choose not to get upset over the fact that he doesn't buy me flowers!
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Post Fri, May 11 2007, 1:05 am
I love having them and usualy give flowers when we are invited out. Dh buys me flowers almost every Shabbos (from the grocery, not a florists bouquet) and it's very thoughtful, but we are pretty poor right now, and I feel guilty that we spend $ on them.
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