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Daily routine according to Halacha
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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 6:23 pm
I posted a similar question in the general chatting forum, but maybe it belongs here. I was born and raised Jewish, but Conservative, not Orthodox. My husband and I have decided to raise our children in a more observant home and have recently become Shomer Shabbos, etc.

Not having been raised in an Orthodox home, I am unfamiliar with the details of the daily "routine" and would be very grateful if someone would be so kind as to give me some kind of "outline" of a daily routine in terms of Jewish practices. For example, "upon rising, the first thing one does is...." right on until bedtime.

I am trying to learn what I did not grow up with and it is hard to find the resources. I was thinking that perhaps I should sit in on an Orthodox conversion class, but I don't know if that would be appropriate (especially from the point of view of those undergoing conversion) given that I was born and raised Jewish, went to Jewish day school (albeit Conservative), and speak and read Hebrew.

Thank you so much for your help.

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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 6:40 pm
Well this is how my day goes if you get tired in the middle or have questions feel free to ask. I'm warning u, though it will be long it's 4 sure not boring by any stretch of the imagination. 8)

I get up (don't ask when) I wash negel vasser alternating 3x on each hand. Say Modeh Ani which is found in the siddur, then see to my infant twins. Then say Berachot have a bite (don't ask what of) and b/4 I eat make a beracho. (there is a list somewhere where maybe I or someone can post on here so we will all know what berachos we make on food). After, I see to my 3 yr old daughter then after I give her breakfast I will daven basics( pm me if u want to know how basic).

I then daven w/h my daughter we learn the alef bet together,give Tzedakah and say some Tehillim together. So thats my morning (oh I have to confess I take quite often these quick breaks coffee and computer which means here). In the afternoon I concentrate on chinuch teaching my daughter how beautiful the world is and how Hashem created the world wether on our way to the park etc. Actually since whenever I buy a kosher item I tell her we have to look for a hechsher or it's not kosher she now tells me after picking up all these candys in the store and saying mummy no hechsher not kosher as if she knows the signs Rolling Eyes

Then I prepare a quick lunch to take as a picnic and supper. Shower Krias Shema. Oh I learn w/h my husband once a day Tachlis and once a week inside a sefer he's trying to teach me yiddish sadly I've failed more then once! Twisted Evil Even though we do c each other daily. Once a week is when we really catch up on talks, or latest news which thanks to ima mother I can now inform him Tongue Out
P.S. I do clean but didn't think that was a pertinent detail Tongue Out

Now I've written this long Parsha I 'm not sure I've even answered u'r question. Oh well now u know my life Very Happy
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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 6:55 pm
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That was not at all boring- that is exactly what I meant. I am making notes! I would love to have even more specifics, if you don't mind sharing, of course. I want to do more and I know that I am very fortunate to have the background to do it- I know the brachot and how to read Hebrew, etc. I just need the details of when and how and I am so grateful to you for taking the time to help me learn!!

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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 7:18 pm
freilich, that was pretty interesting actually.

CanadianChana- are you a SAHM? which siddur do you use (there are different styles)? perhaps people who have these things in common with you can give specific advice. ie. the schedule of a SAHM is different than the schedule of a working mom, and those of us who use the same siddur as you can give you page numbers, etc. of Modeh Ani and the blessings on food. (I can tell you Modeh Ani is on page 6, but in your siddur it might be different.)
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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 7:31 pm
he's trying to teach me yiddish sadly I've failed more then once!

Freilich how are you learning yiddish?
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Post Thu, May 05 2005, 8:37 pm
Actually left something out I do say chitas once a day or every other day when I get a chance. Plus I (try to) teach women once aweek, plus I help run the mikveh here, plus I prepare the shuls Kiddush not sure why they asked me and not the local Rebbetzin (since can't always guarantee the results) Twisted Evil
And oh Yiddish was only kidding, my husband is a great Teacher (one has to be when teaching me) I know two more Phrases, "Kumta heir" - and "Zes a Chavek."
Applause please Very Happy
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 5:28 am
Hi again,

RG, yes, I am a sahm and we use the Artscroll siddur at our shul, so that is what I have. I know the Modeh Ani by heart so that is not a problem. We did Tefillah every day in school, so I know most of them by heart, just not exactly when in each day they are said when not in shul. Also, what is "chitas"? Please keep the information coming! Smile

Thank you!

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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 5:30 am
Oops! I forgot to mention that I understand Yiddish too- my grandparents spoke it to my mom when they did not want me to understand- needless to say, I learned it fast! Wink

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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 6:02 am
freilich wrote:
I get up (don't ask when) I wash negel vasser alternating 3x on each hand. Say Modeh Ani which is found in the siddur

no doubt you meant to write that you say Modeh Ani FIRST, and THEN wash negel vasser!

yeah, it was actually interesting freilich, it's nice knowing your business Wink

two more Phrases, "Kumta heir" - and "Zes a Chavek."

think of them like this:

"kum aher" (kum=come aher=here)
"zetzich avek"

C.Chana - which nusach of the Artscroll Siddur do you have - Sefard or Ashkenaz (it should say on the spine)

Chitas is an acronym for Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya

daily Chitas consists of:

1) Chumash - learning one portion of the parsha of the week as it's divided into seven

2) Tehillim - reciting the daily portion of Tehillim as it's divided over a Jewish month (most Tehillims have it marked)

3) Tanya - reciting the daily portion of Tanya as it's divided over a year
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 6:38 am
Thank you, Motek. It is the Ashkenaz siddur. I already do the weekly parsha and also the "family parsha" from Aish- my kids love it! Where do I find Tehillim and Tanya? (Please pardon my ignorance. I am here to learn and am embarassed to know so little embarrassed )

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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 6:53 am
the mishna in Avos says, "v'lo ha'bayashan lomed" - a shy person won't learn (because he won't ask!)

no need to feel embarrassed, it you weren't taught, you can't know!

does your siddur have Tehillim in the back? some Artscroll siddurim have it, some don't

this gives you the daily study - what a fantastic aid:

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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 7:11 am
Chanah, what u r doing is great!

CanadianChana wrote:
Where do I find Tehillim and Tanya?

Dear Chanah,

what you really need is a guide - there a lots of different people here on the forum, and you do not want to pick up everybodys humros & minhagim. Also, we have no way of knowing what level u r up to in learning.

Tanya is a rather complex sefer, written by one of the Lubavitcher Rabbeim and studied mainly by lubavitches. If you deside to learn it, find a good study partner, who understands it. I do not think it's a sefer for a beginner, especially one who learns on his own, but than again, I do not know how much day shools teach.

The following web sites have great resources for beginners:

as well as various mailing lists.

I was thinking that perhaps I should sit in on an Orthodox conversion class, but I don't know if that would be appropriate

Actually, that might be a great idea! Why not find out if one is avail. in your area? (they might let u sit in the back if you promice to behave Wink )

Again, I think you need to get in touch with your local orthodox Rabbi who will help you make connections with local orthodox families. This is the best way to learn! He also can help you find somwbody who will learn with you! You will also need a guide to help you along your journey!

Hatzlacha Raba & have a Wonderful Shabbos!

Last edited by ForeverYoung on Sun, May 08 2005, 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 7:25 am
An afterthought:
I highly reccomend Rabbi Apizdorf's books -

And Rabbi A. Tatz's books as well http://www.tatz.cc/

and aslo ask your Rabbi where is the local Judaica store -
you can get your seforim - Sidur, Tehilim, etc, there.

Artscroll has great linear translated and transliterated sidurim and Tehilim, and Artscroll Chumashim with translations of not only the text but commentaries as well.
(www.Artscroll.com, but your Judaca store might be cheaper, as shipping might become costly).
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 8:08 am
Dear ForeverYoung,

Thank you so much for those sources and for your kind words of support. I am so happy that I found this site. I printed out the references and I will be getting a whole stack of books to read through. I am sure that I will have many questions along the way and I am very grateful to those of you who are taking the time to help me learn.

Good Shabbos!

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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 8:14 am
u r very welcome! Smile

I am impressed with your determination & persistance!

Keep it up 8)
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 8:14 am
no doubt you meant to write that you say Modeh Ani FIRST, and THEN wash negel vasser!

embarrassed Well thats what happens when u run a household like mine what you mean to say usually doesn't get said at all LOL

And Thanks Motek for that correction on the yiddish learnt.

Forever Thanks for the practical suggestions. Hm I think all these Thank-You's belong in the Hakoras Ha tov Thread in the Judaism section don't ya think Very Happy
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 8:17 am
Freilich, you are so right- I am going to get to that right now!

Chana Very Happy
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Post Fri, May 06 2005, 8:36 am
orever Thanks for the practical suggestions.

lol, Freilich, u r very welcome!
is there anything else I can help u with? Wink
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Post Sun, May 08 2005, 6:22 am
There is a bracha we say after using the bathroom. It's in your Artscroll Sidur in the morning brachos. It's referred to as the "asher yotzar" bracha because those are the first words (after "boruch ata ...")

you can call 1-800-700-9577 and order a really nice poster with the blessing (you tell them what nusach you want, Ashkenaz, Sefard, Ari) and you can hang it near the bathroom. It's available free, though donations are welcome.

It's nice to order some for your kids' schools too.

for those in N.Y. who want to order the poster, the number to call is:



in Israel:
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Post Sun, May 08 2005, 10:10 am
Motek wow Thanks are they free or is there a nomianal fee?
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