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Hillary supporters -what do you make of this?
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 2:30 pm
DrMom wrote:
I'm a bit confused as to why people are saying that Comey is a closet Republican and that this is all politically motivated. If that were true, wouldn't he have recommended indictment in July? He certainly laid out a convincing case at the time.

My understanding is that thousands of new (previously-"bleached") emails were discovered on a device that Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner shared, and that was seized by the FBI as part of an investigation into the latter's sxually explicit photos sent to a 15-year-old. ("Dikileaks" as one headline put it...)

You are aware that no one has actually read the emails at issue. And that as far as they know, none of the emails were sent by Clinton herself.

As to Comey, there is little question in my mind that his actions were politically driven.
Richard Painter, the former chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House (but now Hillary Clinton supporter) has even filed an ethics complaint against Comey over the letter he sent to lawmakers on Friday.

Comey said his the review of newly unearthed emails were not likely to bare significant developments. But he "alerted" Congress, something that the FBI is not obligated to do, and in fact simply doesn't do.

Why? Simple. To open up conjecture and innuendo, and to influence the election.
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 4:28 pm
This is not the result of another "vast right-wing conspiracy," nor is James Comey some kind of one-man Republican sleeper-cell. It's an attempt by Comey to walk away from this nightmare with a shred of his career left.

Although active field agents are prohibited from discussing cases, retired FBI agents have been reporting near-mutiny among active agents over what they viewed as the premature closure of the case. The FBI has long prided itself on its independence and professionalism (certain activities of the J. Edgar Hoover days notwithstanding), and SACs and agents felt that the DOJ had exerted undue influence. In addition, Clinton is widely disliked among law enforcement agents because of her disregard or disdain for their security expertise.

James Comey was left in a difficult position: neither candidate is likely to have any loyalty to him, and his subordinates no longer support him.

His position became even more difficult when Attorney General Loretta Lynch invoked the Fifth Amendment when asked questions last week regarding payments to Iran. Active agents now not only distrusted Comey; they increasingly began to question the integrity of the DOJ.

The unprecedented letter to Congress was an end-run attempt by Comey to prove to the men and women who work for him that he cares about the values of the FBI enough to defy the wishes of his bosses. It's basically virtue-signaling to the professional law enforcement world.

Of course, Huma Abedin will be thrown under the bus. She previously testified under oath that she'd turned in all devices containing communications through the private e-mail server. And, of course, eyes have been raised by the involvement of Andrew McCabe, the Deputy Director of the FBI, whose wife received $465K in campaign contributions from a PAC run by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a long-time Clinton ally and former Clinton Foundation board member.

What is driving the pressure on Comey is, of course, the WikiLeaks release of Podesta's emails -- and there's too much damaging stuff there to ignore.

Last edited by Fox on Mon, Oct 31 2016, 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 4:31 pm
This is all so crazy. I wonder how this will all unfold, and what the Clinton campaign will do about it.

Honestly, I cannot wait for this election to be over. Finito. There's been so much drama this election, it's insane.
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 5:01 pm
nothing is gonna happen. if she would have had an issue by now she and all of us would know about it. so just give it a couple of days and its move on to the next sensation.
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 5:01 pm
Though not directly related to this thread, I urge everyone with an interest in the election to listen to the speech Peter Thiel gave to the National Press Club. Yes, he is obviously a Trump supporter, but he's not oblivious to Trump's faults nor is he naively over-committed to a pet theory or a particular ideology. I wish he were eligible to run for President.

FYI, the speech is only the first 15 minutes or so, though I should warn everyone that Thiel isn't the most dynamic speaker to come down the pike.

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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 5:16 pm
amother wrote:

Honestly, I cannot wait for this election to be over. Finito. There's been so much drama this election, it's insane.

Am I the only one loving the drama? Got my bowl of popcorn, sitting back and enjoying the show. Tongue Out
The cliffhangers are better than ever this season!

(We can laugh or cry... Might as well laugh)
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Post Mon, Oct 31 2016, 11:55 pm
Stephen Colbert just cracked the best joke. He said Anthony Weiners uniquely powerful zex organ might very likely destroy TWO political careers.

How true!

What will we all do for entertainment in 2 weeks?
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 12:17 am
I'm a Republican and planning to vote for Trump. (Or, more accurately... I am a Republican planning to vote against Clinton).

I was thinking today... if Trump wins - and I pray he does - I will be so incredibly thrilled that Clinton lost, I'll be on a high for days. Of course once that excitement passes, I'll be on a low thinking about the joker that I just helped put into office. But hey, this is apparently America's idea of our best and brightest Rolling Eyes and the choices are what they are at this point. The whole situation is really depressing.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 12:30 am
I'm a Republican voting for Hillary.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 1:38 am
Hillary Clinton should be in jail. She clearly showed negligence in handling confidential information (a violation of the Espionage Act), she lied to the FBI about it, and her actions ("bleaching" her server, destroying 13 mobile devices... with hammers??) after receiving a subpoena clearly show intent to destroy evidence.

All these actions have landed other lower-profile people in jail. But I guess when the DOJ is run by a corrupt hack (Loretta Lynch) who wants you to win an election, when your pal donates $500k to the wife of one of the guys leading the investigation, you're off the hook!

And if they might actually want you to be accountable for your criminal actions, you can have your media attack dogs smear the guy who previously protected you by calling him a partisan hack/Russian spy/whatever it takes.

And for good measure, sign up some more dead folks to vote Democrat! Or import some out-of-state folks to swing states using rental cars. Wouldn't want to take any chances.

One set of rules for the Clintons, another set of rules for everybody else.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 4:13 pm
Lol, this whole email thing is a ridiculous joke from start to finish. It's literally one of the very few things that Hillary's opponents have so they try to squeeze every last drop and then offer some vague insinuations about how there might be.... some more emails... we don't know what's in them.... but there might be another drop of controversy that we can bore the entire nation with.

Read something like this somewhere:

Trump failed to disclose his taxes. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump stated he was smart for not paying taxes. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. After stirring up xenophobia and bigotry against immigrants, Trump suggested Mexico pay for a wall. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump founded his fraudulent university. Clinton Foundation was sketchy. Trump calls Mexicans rapists. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump calls for a ban on Muslims. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump claims that a federal judge is incompetent because his parents were born in Mexico. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump commented on his daughter's breasts. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump laughed at being called a s-xual predator. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump bragged about groping pussies. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump described women he doesn't like in vulgar terms. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump talked about a reporter's menstrual period. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump made fun of a journalist with disabilities. The Clinton Foundation was sketchy. Trump threatened publications with lawsuits. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump encouraged people to watch a s-ex tape of a critic. The Clinton Foundation was sketchy. Trump advocated violating the Constitution by deporting children born in the US. The Clinton Foundation was sketchy. Trump disparaged McCain's service because he was a POW - got caught. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump disparaged the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump repeatedly stated that Obama wasn't born in America and might be a Muslim. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump barred reporters from campaign events for unfavorable coverage. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump failed to disavow the KKK's support immediately, explaining that he doesn't know who they are. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump bragged about his p3nis size during a televised national debate. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump claimed to have donated millions of dollars to charity which they didn't receive until reporters began investigating. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump suggested Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump called over and over the senior senator from Massachusetts Pocahontas because of her Native American heritage. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump talked about how ugly Carly Fiorina is. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump visited young girls' locker rooms in pageants when they were changing. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump shamed a beauty contestant for gaining weight. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump claimed he opposed the Iraq war. Trump defended a campaign manager who shoved a female reporter. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump joked about Russia hacking into emails. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump joked about a gun nut shooting his opponents. Hillary failed to prevent Benghazi. Trump called Obama and Hillary the founders of ISIS. Hillary called half of Trump's supporters deplorable. Trump responded to national tragedies by tweeting about how he is right and everyone should vote for him. Hillary sent emails from her personal server. Trump called his Republican opponents names and repeated unfounded allegations against them. Hillary sent emails from her personal server.

And now... my gosh... it seems like the FBI thinks that maybe - but they're not sure- that Hillary send some more emails from her personal server. They haven't checked what's in there. They don't know if anything is a problem. But maybe she sent some emails. SHE SHOULD BE IN JAIL.

Last edited by marina on Tue, Nov 01 2016, 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 4:22 pm
After you watch Fox's link, enjoy this one - also from a fervent Trump supporter. First few minutes is enough.

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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 4:27 pm
marina wrote:

And now... my gosh... it seems like the FBI thinks that maybe - but they're not sure- that Hillary send some more emails from her personal server. They haven't checked what's in there. They don't know if anything is a problem. But maybe she sent some emails. SHE SHOULD BE IN JAIL.

Disclaimer: Not a lawyer. Or an American.

It seems to me that the current investigation is not so much whether she sent confidential emails but whether they are going to find emails which would have been incriminating if not "lost". And if they can prove (I guess by timeline?) that they were intentionally lost.

This is a real problem.
Trump is also a real problem.

It is beyond me how we got here.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 4:38 pm
DrMom wrote:
Hillary Clinton should be in jail. She clearly showed negligence in handling confidential information (a violation of the Espionage Act), she lied to the FBI about it, and her actions ("bleaching" her server, destroying 13 mobile devices... with hammers??) after receiving a subpoena clearly show intent to destroy evidence.

All these actions have landed other lower-profile people in jail. But I guess when the DOJ is run by a corrupt hack (Loretta Lynch) who wants you to win an election, when your pal donates $500k to the wife of one of the guys leading the investigation, you're off the hook!

And if they might actually want you to be accountable for your criminal actions, you can have your media attack dogs smear the guy who previously protected you by calling him a partisan hack/Russian spy/whatever it takes.

And for good measure, sign up some more dead folks to vote Democrat! Or import some out-of-state folks to swing states using rental cars. Wouldn't want to take any chances.

One set of rules for the Clintons, another set of rules for everybody else.

You keep repeating the same claims over and over on this forum, without doing any research. Have you actually looked into whether she destroyed 13 mobile devices with a hammer after receiving a subpoena for that information? Have you looked into voter fraud cases and whether those exist in any significant numbers?

Do you want some help?


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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 6:40 pm
marina wrote:
You keep repeating the same claims over and over on this forum, without doing any research.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the 650,000 emails or the FBI investigation. I'm even willing to grant that all 650K were about grandchildren, weddings, and yoga class.

And, btw, comparing someone like Peter Thiel to one of Fox's talking heads is ridiculous.

But there's a lot more than Benghazi and a personal email server.

* Perjury. Clinton signed documents that she turned over all work-related emails on orders of a federal judge. Yet thousands of emails were not turned over.

* Obstruction of Justice. How did we find out about the secret server? Because of requests based on the Freedom of Information Act. The State Department was sued for failing to respond to requests, which is when it was discovered, whoops! They didn't have the information because Clinton hadn't turned it over.

* Bribery. Andrew McCabe should have immediately recused himself from the FBI investigation. The fact that there was no quid pro quo signed and notarized is a pretty flimsy defense.

* Pay-for-Play. There have been scores of emails in which various members of Clinton's staff express concern over the obvious conflicts of interest created by relationships among President Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the Teneo company. Yet they express reluctance to bring this up to Clinton and even condemn Chelsea when she questions it.

And those are just the general categories. I've left out the slurs against Roman Catholics (which Tim Kaine defended!); the debate questions forwarded to the campaign by Donna Brazile (who has now been fired by CNN); the collusion with the DNC to derail Sanders' campaign; the contradictory messages sent to voters and Wall Street; the handling of Bill Clinton's accusers . . . the list just goes on and on.

The Chicago Tribune has called for Clinton to step down as the Democratic nominee after previously endorsing her.

Michael Moore -- always on the far left of any discussion -- can't bring himself to endorse Trump, but he has come shockingly close.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC also tacitly endorsed Trump over Clinton.

None of these folks is overly fond of Trump, but they recognize that Clinton is simply too damaged to effectively serve as President.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2016, 11:10 pm
Fox wrote:
Personally, I couldn't care less about the 650,000 emails or the FBI investigation. I'm even willing to grant that all 650K were about grandchildren, weddings, and yoga class.

And, btw, comparing someone like Peter Thiel to one of Fox's talking heads is ridiculous.

But there's a lot more than Benghazi and a personal email server.

* Perjury. Clinton signed documents that she turned over all work-related emails on orders of a federal judge. Yet thousands of emails were not turned over.

* Obstruction of Justice. How did we find out about the secret server? Because of requests based on the Freedom of Information Act. The State Department was sued for failing to respond to requests, which is when it was discovered, whoops! They didn't have the information because Clinton hadn't turned it over.

* Bribery. Andrew McCabe should have immediately recused himself from the FBI investigation. The fact that there was no quid pro quo signed and notarized is a pretty flimsy defense.

* Pay-for-Play. There have been scores of emails in which various members of Clinton's staff express concern over the obvious conflicts of interest created by relationships among President Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the Teneo company. Yet they express reluctance to bring this up to Clinton and even condemn Chelsea when she questions it.

And those are just the general categories. I've left out the slurs against Roman Catholics (which Tim Kaine defended!); the debate questions forwarded to the campaign by Donna Brazile (who has now been fired by CNN); the collusion with the DNC to derail Sanders' campaign; the contradictory messages sent to voters and Wall Street; the handling of Bill Clinton's accusers . . . the list just goes on and on.

The Chicago Tribune has called for Clinton to step down as the Democratic nominee after previously endorsing her.

Michael Moore -- always on the far left of any discussion -- can't bring himself to endorse Trump, but he has come shockingly close.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC also tacitly endorsed Trump over Clinton.

None of these folks is overly fond of Trump, but they recognize that Clinton is simply too damaged to effectively serve as President.

I would enjoy reading some neutral sources showing that Hillary's conduct plausibly met the standards for perjury, obstruction of justice, bribery. As a reminder, I don't accept articles from breitbart, frontpagemag and the like.

I mean, Comey, the guy trying to derail this election within its last week, acknowledged that there's no evidence for perjury, but somehow I should believe otherwise?

I'll start caring about pay-to-play allegations when people start decrying Reagan's presidency which was replete with actual convictions for pay-to-play violations. Otherwise, Hillary is just like any other politician.
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Post Wed, Nov 02 2016, 11:06 am
Fox wrote:

None of these folks is overly fond of Trump, but they recognize that Clinton is simply too damaged to effectively serve as President.

As if Trump might not be.
Re Marina's earlier post, the one that went, "Trump...McCain. Clinton...Benghazi. Trump...the handicapped reporter. Clinton...emails. Trump...Howard Stern. Clinton...Benghazi. Trump....kills kittens. Clinton...emails," let me get into the head of a possible Trump voter.

Where many Clinton voters start, there is no way I can reward Trump with the presidency so I have to consider Clinton, there are those who say. there is no way I can reward Clinton with the presidency, so let's explore this a bit more. They might say, there is a real chance that either candidate might not serve out a full term, whether through scandal (Clinton indictment? Trump zxual assault charges that are being brought up, other stuff we can be sure the Democrats will work on if Trump gets in) or health and a President Pence is far preferable to a President Kaine.
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Post Wed, Nov 02 2016, 4:43 pm
I wonder how long Comey and Anthony Weiner have left until some mysterious "suicide" is discovered. I smell the next Vince Foster, Seth Rich, etc.
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Post Wed, Nov 02 2016, 5:32 pm
marina wrote:
I would enjoy reading some neutral sources showing that Hillary's conduct plausibly met the standards for perjury, obstruction of justice, bribery. As a reminder, I don't accept articles from breitbart, frontpagemag and the like.

[/quote]Certified all work-related emails turned over.
1000+ Missing Emails

Obstruction of Justice:
Timeline of Clinton Emails

McAuliffe Link to Clinton

marina wrote:
I mean, Comey, the guy trying to derail this election within its last week, acknowledged that there's no evidence for perjury, but somehow I should believe otherwise?

Perhaps Clinton was just mistaken.

marina wrote:
I'll start caring about pay-to-play allegations when people start decrying Reagan's presidency which was replete with actual convictions for pay-to-play violations. Otherwise, Hillary is just like any other politician.

So which is it? Things that happened 20+ years in the past are relevant? Or they aren't?

If not, then the Reagan administration isn't relevant.

However, if we want to reach into the past, then Clinton's complicity in containing "bimbo eruptions" has to be examined. Trump had no significant relationship with President Reagan. In fact, from all evidence, I spent longer in Reagan's company than Mr. Trump did.
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Post Thu, Nov 03 2016, 2:31 am
marina wrote:
I would enjoy reading some neutral sources showing that Hillary's conduct plausibly met the standards for perjury, obstruction of justice, bribery. As a reminder, I don't accept articles from breitbart, frontpagemag and the like.

Let's start here:
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