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The Yolie Roth wedding last week.
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Post Fri, Jun 30 2017, 7:08 am
crust wrote:
Peolpe used to give drasha geshank, but somehow this minhag faded.

Parents also used to give the newlyweds "kest" - providing the newlyweds with 3 meals a day every day for the shanah rishonah. and inviting them for Shabbos seudas.

This has also toned down in our generation.

I heard in previous generations that if a kallah's father wanted a learner for his daughter, he had to agree to support the couple for however long his son-in-law sat and learned.
It's still exists a bit in litvish circles. The kallah's father has to provide a large monetary dowry if he wants a serious learner.

Very Happy 4
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Post Fri, Jun 30 2017, 7:40 am
Not all circles had kest - and OUAT kollelmen were a tiny percent.
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Post Fri, Jun 30 2017, 9:25 am
Ruchel wrote:
Not all circles had kest - and OUAT kollelmen were a tiny percent.

And nit everyone who was in the circle of kest, provided it.
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Post Sat, Jul 01 2017, 11:46 am
re "kest" - I was referring more to pre WW2 era in the shtetlech.

In those times the kallah also made her own dowry. Can u imagine kallahs of nowadays plucking feathers from chickens to sew their down quilts? Wink

My dear grandmother a'h used to tell me how they made their own chocolate, and potato chips. That was their only nosh.

My, how times have changed Smile

Very Happy 4
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Post Sat, Jul 01 2017, 11:52 am
dancingqueen wrote:
In chassidish circles do engaged couples not make wedding registries? Or get wedding gifts? Why does everything have to come from the parents?

I'm always amazed by the list of required wedding gifts from parents in these circles, it seems so over the top for two 18 year olds.

Sorry, "crust" I was referring to this post from "dancing queen"
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Post Sat, Jul 01 2017, 11:35 pm
Reb Yoel Roth is a Satmar chassid that became Breslov and is the head of the Breslov movement in Satmar. He has a big following and has a Breslov yeshiva in Williamsburg. The yeshiva was established for boys that want a different way of learning. The boys are normal kids (they were never kicked out of yeshiva) he doesn't accept those - sorry Ma'am. Most of them do dress better and take care of their peyos but they wear white shirts in Yeshiva. He does set them up, they should go out to work. He encourages the boys to take care of their wives. He discusses shiduchim, shalom bayis. He's good.
I listen to his shiurim often. I agree with 99% of his derech.
My cousin is in his Yeshiva and he is doing very well. B"H.
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Post Sat, Jul 01 2017, 11:38 pm
simcha4 wrote:
re "kest" - I was referring more to pre WW2 era in the shtetlech.

In those times the kallah also made her own dowry. Can u imagine kallahs of nowadays plucking feathers from chickens to sew their down quilts? Wink

My dear grandmother a'h used to tell me how they made their own chocolate, and potato chips. That was their only nosh.

My, how times have changed Smile

Very Happy 4

I don't know but I know people who are stilm supporting their son in laws in Kollel for $2000 a month so I guess kest is still in affect as of yesterday. Especially in Lkwd NJ.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 12:02 am
amother wrote:
Reb Yoel Roth is a Satmar chassid that became Breslov and is the head of the Breslov movement in Satmar. He has a big following and has a Breslov yeshiva in Williamsburg. The yeshiva was established for boys that want a different way of learning. The boys are normal kids (they were never kicked out of yeshiva) he doesn't accept those - sorry Ma'am. Most of them do dress better and take care of their peyos but they wear white shirts in Yeshiva. He does set them up, they should go out to work. He encourages the boys to take care of their wives. He discusses shiduchim, shalom bayis. He's good.
I listen to his shiurim often. I agree with 99% of his derech.
My cousin is in his Yeshiva and he is doing very well. B"H.

How do I get my son to such yeshiva? What is the name of it?
Where do I find his shiurim?
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 2:39 am
simcha4 wrote:
re "kest" - I was referring more to pre WW2 era in the shtetlech.

Very Happy 4

My grandmother made some of those things. Her mother and aunts did her trousseau. But no kest.

Even on the other side, my rich great grandparents didn't provide kest.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:55 am
amother wrote:
Yes that's him, and that's what he did to my brother, my brother needed therapy in order to start being an normal independent thinking person again. Before he was brain washed not to listen to my parents and to him. He basically ruled his life. Today it's basically a yeshiva for throw out boys

I think your brother was probably from the 40 Vienne Yeshiva bochurim who Yoeli Roth started his own yeshiva with. Many parents were upset with the fact that he was successful in making these boys speak to the Aibishter, and with the derech halimud he implemented. He never made them do anything against thier parents. The real reason these parents were upset was that It was below their dignity that their sons were becoming 'Breslov'. And they wanted thier children 'back'. And that their sons should be 'normal'. You live in Williamsburgh. You can't do what you want. You were born Vienn, you cant change!! Hence the need for therapy.
I'm not saying you must send there, just explaining where the hurt came from.

In the beginning, he accepted boys who were on the streeets already and wanted to come back. He proved to them that there's a different way of yiddishkeit and learning can be geshmak even you don't have an Einstien head. He was very matzliach in returning many boys to the fold.
Nowadays he does not accept fallouts. They come to him before this happens. He has solid erliche bochorim, period.
As a poster already mentioned, he instills values in this boys like loving thier wife (so they do my come up on ima; My husband ignores me, doesn't bring parnussah etc....)
loving Hashem And loving your fellow Jew.
I know people who send thier kids there and thier boys became real menshen there. I am unable to send my boys there due to personal circumstances, but if I can only have such an atmosphere for them!!
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 5:28 am
amother wrote:
How do I get my son to such yeshiva? What is the name of it?
Where do I find his shiurim?

היכל הקודש ברסלוב
פאר פרויען

I watched the yiddish ones, but the English one, rocks the house! His Satmar accent is very present in the English speech! I love the accent!
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 7:30 am
So he's actually taking boys that are high at risk and saves them before they become fallouts? How incredible. I'm severely impressed. But from one clip I heard him talking openly about watching your bris.

In other words he telling boys that even if they maturbated then Hashem loves you. And you can do teshuva. I was impressed but not ok that it's on YouTube. Why put this on YouTube? To me it's a little too far. Everything else sounds great. I don't think I would send my ds there but only if ds was not finding his place in a regular yeshiva. Which. Means that I would still have a chance before he would lose it. That Is Incredible! I didn't know such a thing existed b us! He deserves a lot of credit not many will giv it to him tho.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 7:49 am
amother wrote:
So he's actually taking boys that are high at risk and saves them before they become fallouts? How incredible. I'm severely impressed. But from one clip I heard him talking openly about watching your bris.

In other words he telling boys that even if they maturbated then Hashem loves you. And you can do teshuva. I was impressed but not ok that it's on YouTube. Why put this on YouTube? To me it's a little too far. Everything else sounds great. I don't think I would send my ds there but only if ds was not finding his place in a regular yeshiva. Which. Means that I would still have a chance before he would lose it. That Is Incredible! I didn't know such a thing existed b us! He deserves a lot of credit not many will giv it to him tho.

Why put this on YouTube?
Because a boy that has access and watches anyhow, should come across this also.
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Amelia Bedelia


Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 8:17 am
dancingqueen wrote:
In chassidish circles do engaged couples not make wedding registries? Or get wedding gifts? Why does everything have to come from the parents?

I'm always amazed by the list of required wedding gifts from parents in these circles, it seems so over the top for two 18 year olds.

Most chassidish couples are set up with everything by their parents, including winter and summer wardrobe, linen, furniture, dishes and cutlery, basic appliances such as a food processor, iron, washer/dryer, microwave, etc., pots and pans, garbage can, place mats, tablecloths, etc. Guests gift the couples with extras, such as cash, crystal, silver, etc. Most chassidish couples I know do not set up wedding registries. And most chassidish couples I know are very young and cannot afford to buy household necessities all at onc. Many of them recently graduated high school and have not worked long enough to accumulate savings.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:03 pm
amother wrote:
I think your brother was probably from the 40 Vienne Yeshiva bochurim who Yoeli Roth started his own yeshiva with. Many parents were upset with the fact that he was successful in making these boys speak to the Aibishter, and with the derech halimud he implemented. He never made them do anything against thier parents. The real reason these parents were upset was that It was below their dignity that their sons were becoming 'Breslov'. And they wanted thier children 'back'. And that their sons should be 'normal'. You live in Williamsburgh. You can't do what you want. You were born Vienn, you cant change!! Hence the need for therapy.
I'm not saying you must send there, just explaining where the hurt came from.

In the beginning, he accepted boys who were on the streeets already and wanted to come back. He proved to them that there's a different way of yiddishkeit and learning can be geshmak even you don't have an Einstien head. He was very matzliach in returning many boys to the fold.
Nowadays he does not accept fallouts. They come to him before this happens. He has solid erliche bochorim, period.
As a poster already mentioned, he instills values in this boys like loving thier wife (so they do my come up on ima; My husband ignores me, doesn't bring parnussah etc....)
loving Hashem And loving your fellow Jew.
I know people who send thier kids there and thier boys became real menshen there. I am unable to send my boys there due to personal circumstances, but if I can only have such an atmosphere for them!!

Lie or misinformation: He kidnapped my son . He made him weaker in learning. No need to learn that hard. Just say the 18 Prakim of tehilim called tikun klali. And read thru the mishnayot. His way is similar to scientology and it didn't change. He first depressed them amd then gave support and chizuk and lifted them. And then accepted they clean bathrooms and similar (now cook and serve for a wedding for free) as a thank you for "saving" them from "sheol tachtis" . Same old. Then sends them to shnur at doors of homes as a thanks. Read Remini's yahoo report this week. Here you make my blood boil again. ... it's a noble thing to make a very affordable wedding but not cooked amd served by your slaves of the cult. Ulam Ekstein on KJ does for a little more money but does not exploit teenagers. Sad sad sad sad sad.
From a mother who is still hurt. Yes the first 40 where brainwashed. But the tactics are exact the same for new comers now. Also as in Scientology he does not let them see psychologists. Whatever im yawning herem same old.
I corrected spelling : Leah Remini
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:16 pm
simcha4 wrote:
re "kest" - I was referring more to pre WW2 era in the shtetlech.

In those times the kallah also made her own dowry. Can u imagine kallahs of nowadays plucking feathers from chickens to sew their down quilts? Wink

My dear grandmother a'h used to tell me how they made their own chocolate, and potato chips. That was their only nosh.

My, how times have changed Smile

Very Happy 4

My Grandmother brought those pillows to American, and when each of her daughters married she made them new pillows with a bit of feathers from her original pillows. There are no longer any feathers left from those original pillows but our family tradition is to buy the kallah a new feather pillow. (We con't outfit households.)

Apologies for the hijack, you brought back a good memory.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:36 pm
Crimson amother wrote:
... Read Geminis yahoo report this week ...

Can you (or anyone else who understands this) provide a link?
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:42 pm
imasoftov wrote:
Can you (or anyone else who understands this) provide a link?

I'll appreciate a link also.
Being that the post was an answer to my own post, I tried to understand the response before replying. I can't find the definition yet.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 3:53 pm

Oh! Leah Remini Sorry . I mispelled her name. She ran away from that scientology cult and wrote a book about a year ago about it. Now she added this , I think. If you google her book be carefull not to find by mistake scientology books chas vesholom. Some of the things on this link, Reb Yoely Roth does the same as I mentioned above. Also the the ones who left his place or family members who did not join him have a pejorative name he calls them. Like a cult. Any other yeshiva or RabbI that calls names people of your family that prefer not to join? Thanks for listening to a hurt mom. Yawn. Nobody cares anyway. Rabonim ignored us.
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Post Sun, Jul 02 2017, 4:04 pm
If you ask the first 40 moms and dads. To people whose mother worked he said poor boy your mom works never home to give you some love and care. To kids from moms who dont work he said poor kid your mom should have gone to work so that bla bla.... have more money etc. And many other things to make them really depressed. And then badabim badabam he picks them up from the depression he created and makes them in debeted to him.
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