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How many people here live frugally?
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 1:51 pm
After reading the outher post I Wonder how many frum people here live frugally ? Why is it not something more people do and be proud of? Like I would put us as lower middle class meaning we make a bit too much to qualify for any government programs. Many people would end up in our case in a lot of debt we while are sometimes falling way behind but are not doing too terribly. So what do I do to a a frugal live style
Keeping the heat lower and making sure everyone is dressed warm
Keeping ac off as long as we can manage
Meal planning based on what's on sale
Very limited take out
No cleaning help unless we are doing well so I do have off and on cleaning help
Try to get as many hand me downs for kids ( even me) as I can and fill in what I need
Eating leftovers for lunch
Not being brand-specific
brought an affordable house
that's all I can think of off the top of my head right now I'm sure there's other things I do what are things you do to lead a frugal lifestyle?
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 1:53 pm
I do all of this. So do most people I know. I did not realize it was a chiddush lol.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 1:57 pm
I believe that one should live within their means. I don't think it's a Mitzvah or something to be proud of , when living frugally. I do live frugally because if I didn't , we would be going hungry.
We are frugal and even with being frugal we are in major debt because of tuition.
I wish I didn't have to be frugal and I would appreciate spending more on things that are not necessities .
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 1:58 pm
Me, me, me
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:13 pm
I think we need an operational definition of the word frugal. To everyone it means something else.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:14 pm
I have seen first hand what happens when the bottom falls out and its not pretty. So I see teaching my kids to live in their means as a form of chinuch. Its not about being judgy or self righteous. Frugal or not, its just an idea of we spend what we have on what is important to us. Not what the neighbors have.

My mothers parents and other close relatives were huge spenders. Had no concept of the idea of frugality. Then they experienced a massive reversal of fortune and my grandmother went to work in retail in her 60's to support herself until she got re married a decade later. Her brother and sister in law who are in their late 70's/early 80s are still working. The cousin that everyone stuck their nose up at for being cheap, frugal or just normal has been retired for decades very happily.

Its eye opening for sure to see what happens on both ends of the spectrum.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:24 pm
I am frugal because that is how I was brought up. It is ingrained in me not to be wasteful. It is always the people who have financial trouble who are the most wasteful.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:27 pm
One woman's frugal is another woman's profligate. I like to think I live frugally, but with a bit more planning and attention (and cooperation from my housemates, sigh) I could do much better. We used to have a member here who had a frugality blog that really opened up my eyes. Unfortunately many of her ideas were suited to her rural or semi-rural environment but not practical or possible for an urban dweller. Sure, I'd love to grow my own produce and enrich it with compost from my own kitchen waste, but I don't even have a window sunny enough to grow mint, let alone a garden where zucchini and tomatoes can thrive.

There's a difference between frugality and environmental responsibility, although many people espouse both. An environmentally responsible person uses real dishes rather than disposables because they generate less waste. A frugal person uses real dishes rather than disposables because, in the long run, they're cheaper. But a frugal person using real dishes buys melamine or Corelle. An environmentally responsible but nonfrugal person might buy Lenox.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:49 pm
amother wrote:
I am frugal because that is how I was brought up. It is ingrained in me not to be wasteful. It is always the people who have financial trouble who are the most wasteful.

well, duh. if they weren't wasteful they wouldn't be in such financial trouble. There are many people who are stretching their dollars so thin you could read the fine print on a prescription bottle through them, and they still have financial trouble through no fault of their own. It's rather difficult to support a family on minimum wage. Still, poor money management is a factor in most people's financial problems. There are some wonderful organizations that help people break out of poverty by teaching them money management skills.

Classes in money management should be a prerequisite to marriage. Heck, fiscal responsibility should be taught from the cradle.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 2:54 pm
Some guy who lived alone, and had an ordinary job, recently died and left 11million dollars for children with cancer. He wasn't merely frugal, he was cheap.

There are cheaper ways to do just about anything and the internet abounds with frugal advice.

It is about living within the person's means.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 3:29 pm
thunderstorm wrote:
I believe that one should live within their means. I don't think it's a Mitzvah or something to be proud of , when living frugally. I do live frugally because if I didn't , we would be going hungry.
We are frugal and even with being frugal we are in major debt because of tuition.
I wish I didn't have to be frugal and I would appreciate spending more on things that are not necessities .

I hear that I just feel that a lot of people just don't live within there means just to keep up with what's in and somehow what "in" is always $$$. I sometimes feel like an odd one out that I do these things just to make it. I definitely don't think I am better by doing it just sometimes hate feeling like why ...
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 3:38 pm
amother wrote:
well, duh. if they weren't wasteful they wouldn't be in such financial trouble. There are many people who are stretching their dollars so thin you could read the fine print on a prescription bottle through them, and they still have financial trouble through no fault of their own. It's rather difficult to support a family on minimum wage. Still, poor money management is a factor in most people's financial problems. There are some wonderful organizations that help people break out of poverty by teaching them money management skills.

Classes in money management should be a prerequisite to marriage. Heck, fiscal responsibility should be taught from the cradle.

Some of it is through not having enough income, but a big part is sick wasteful spending.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 4:07 pm
When I met my husband, he had no concept of saving money or living frugally. Whenever he got his paycheck he bought all the things he wanted and somehow he was always broke even though he made more than me and I always had money left for saving. He didn't understand this concept of restraining himself. He's learned by now but it was a difficult process.
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Post Fri, Dec 28 2018, 4:14 pm
amother wrote:
I am frugal because that is how I was brought up. It is ingrained in me not to be wasteful. It is always the people who have financial trouble who are the most wasteful.

Um not sure I agree with that. Sure some people who have financial trouble are wasteful. But many people I know have financial trouble because they just don’t bring in enough income to cover the necessities.
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Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 12:49 pm
I was raised very frugal by my parents, and for that I will be forever grateful. We never felt resentful if we didn't get what we wanted, and were grateful for getting what we needed.

Then I started my own business, and made more money than I've ever seen in my life. I didn't save anything, and spent it on spoiling myself. Guess what? It was never good enough, and looking back, I wasn't really happy.

Now I'm chronically ill and can't work, so I'm back to my frugal roots. In a way, I enjoy the challenge. It keeps me on my toes. Sometimes it can be stressful, like when the electricity gets turned off, but I always manage to survive somehow.

If I am ever tempted to feel sorry for myself, I just remember that there are people who have no roof, no blankets, no clean water, and I thank Hashem for taking care of me. I have exactly what I'm supposed to have, and not a penny more.
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Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 1:43 pm
I live frugally. We are saving to buy our first home.
We live in the cheapest rental possible, drive a 15 year old car. We don’t do holidays, summer is a couple nights away in a motel and visiting parents.
But I hate it. I want nice clothes, I hate every minute driving in our noisy car...
We had visitors for shabbos, I worked hard to make a nice but cheap desert. It flopped and we had to buy. Why do I bother trying to be frugal?!?!
And the money we save is negligible.
At wits end
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Another mom


Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 5:51 pm
Slateblue, I'm sure you are saving more than you think. IY:H you will have your own home soon!!!
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Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 6:00 pm
Yeshivish with many children kah and live frugally.
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Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 6:26 pm
I don't necessarily consider living frugally as a value in and of itself.

I believe there is value to being careful with money, not throwing it around unnecessarily, and being sensitive not to flaunt it. I believe it is wise to live a little below your means, and to not set up your life in a way that money and things it can buy is the be all and end all of life.
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Post Sat, Dec 29 2018, 7:24 pm
amother wrote:
Yeshivish with many children kah and live frugally.

Me too! We rent and I don't see us ever affording to buy a house:( I drive a car that's "bar mitzvah". Would love a new wig or to go on vacation... Never been to Israel.. would love to be stylish and up to date in clothes and accessories but my day to day expenses come first. My husband and I both work... I just daven Hashem should continue providing for us as He has for the last many years....
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