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Lub. Rebbe's Ohel
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Post Fri, Feb 04 2005, 4:03 pm
aslo totally trying to remember but I heard you don't visit a cemetaryt while preg. because there are neshamas hovering in the cemetary and an unborn child is more in tune with this and may want to go to be with the neshamas

That's very interesting, Thanks Smile
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Post Fri, Feb 04 2005, 4:11 pm
Happy by the way correction on my part. For a levaye that we go to we don't visit others!
But for Tzaddikim we are permitted to visit at the same time!
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Post Wed, Feb 09 2005, 6:39 am
I have heard about not going if one is pregnant and also when is on a period.
Now I know the reason to the pregnant what is the reason to not going when on a period? This also includes not going to Lubavitcher Rebbe's grave too.
I don't see why there are exceptions to the rule because you have to go through the rest of the cemetry to get to the ohel.
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Post Wed, Feb 09 2005, 3:22 pm
found a link about the ohel:

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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 2:02 pm
="ForeverYoung"]to be more specific:
whose ohel? which Rebbi?
there are many great people at whose graves people daven

(even though one is not allowed to daven at a semetary, but that is a topic for a different thread)

Look up Bamidbar ( Shelach)13:22 Vayovo ad chevron - And he came till Chevron.Rashi: Calev himself went there and [(lit.)laid down - in earlier times this was what they did] - nishtatach -davened - on the kevorim of the Avos, that he should not be swayed by his colleagues to be in their scheme( of the Spies).

Even though it is not clear from Rashi to whom Calev adressed his tefillah, in Gemara Sotah (34 b)which is Rashi's source, it says clearly.'And they went up in the South, and he came to Chevron. It should have said "And they came, Rava said: to teach us that Calev separated himself from the plot of the Spies, and went and davened -nishtatach- on the graves of the Avos. He said to them "My Fathers, ask for mercy upon me that I should be saved from the scheme of the spies".' BTW, I think that not only Lubavitchers learn Gemoroh Sotah Exclamation
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 2:48 pm
SY, what in FY's post are you responding to? I don't see the connection between her post and yours.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 2:51 pm
maybe the davening part? Confused
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 3:02 pm
Oh. Well, the halacha is that you may not daven in a cemetary because of lo'eg lerosh - mocking the poor. A dead person can't daven, so it's not nice to daven in front of him. For the same reason, tzitzis have to be tucked in when a man is in the cemetary. As far as the example of Calev, it's fine to make bakoshos-requests, just not to daven a tefila like Mincha, Shacharis, etc. I posted a link in another thread to a halacha shiur on this. http://torah.org/advanced/week......html The other thread can be found here http://www.imamother.com/forum.....6508, and it discusses this question too.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 3:07 pm
Do people often go visit others? I am just wondering how common it is.

I go visit other people when I am there.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 10:40 pm
ForeverYoung wrote:
thank you for thinking of us, Didi.

A question to you:

being I'm not a navi, to whom did you daven for us?

Maybe I was responding to that part.
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Post Thu, Jun 30 2005, 11:48 pm
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Post Fri, Jul 01 2005, 3:38 am
Sara Yehudis, please in the future be careful to quote the post to which you are responding and not other quotes. Otherwise, it's confusing to ordinary people who assume that you're responding to the comment you're quoting.
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Post Sun, Jul 03 2005, 10:09 am
SaraYehudis wrote:
BTW, I think that not only Lubavitchers learn Gemoroh Sotah Exclamation

Do you really know the source for every Rashi, that this comment is from meseches Zevachim and that comment is from Vayikra Raba? I have never heard that anybody learns Chumash and Rashi like that, men or women, to make a point of seeing and remembering the source (though I will often glance at the source)

I am quite familiar with the Rashi about Kaleiv and Chevron but if you would have asked me where Rashi got it from, I would not have known. I wonder whether anybody understood your reference to Gemara Sota.
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Post Mon, Jul 04 2005, 11:09 am
Motek wrote:
SaraYehudis wrote:
BTW, I think that not only Lubavitchers learn Gemoroh Sotah Exclamation

Do you really know the source for every Rashi, that this comment is from meseches Zevachim and that comment is from Vayikra Raba? I have never heard that anybody learns Chumash and Rashi like that, men or women, to make a point of seeing and remembering the source (though I will often glance at the source)

I am quite familiar with the Rashi about Kaleiv and Chevron but if you would have asked me where Rashi got it from, I would not have known. I wonder whether anybody understood your reference to Gemara Sota.

Answer: Sad no I do not know the source of every Rashi, but the source is often included in the Rashi itself in parentheses Smile . I'm not sure who "posted" them, I don't think it was Rashi himself. However, in this case, it was for added emphasis that I looked up the source in the Gemorah and I cannot take the credit myself. It was my husband Smile who told me that in the Gemoro the point I am trying to make is brought out very clearly.

This is really BTW, but in many many Rashi sichos, the Rebbe does bring down the original source which Rashi quotes, whether Midrash, or other and makes comparisons between the different l'shonos of Rashi and his source, and why Rashi davka uses the loshon that he does, instead of the loshon of the source. If one wants to learn Rashi in depth, with the Rebbe's style of analyzing, or shall we say, the way the Rebbe taught us to look at a Rashi, what would be wrong with that?
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Post Mon, Jul 04 2005, 3:40 pm
SaraYehudis wrote:
what would be wrong with that?


I understand you wanted to emphasize that the point is from the Gemara, which is why it would have been clear if you wrote the Rashi and then said, "And Rashi brings this from the Gemara, and surely everybody "holds by" the Gemara!" (for that matter, everybody holds of Rashi too!)
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Post Tue, Jul 05 2005, 12:41 pm
Motek wrote:
SaraYehudis wrote:
what would be wrong with that?


I understand you wanted to emphasize that the point is from the Gemara, which is why it would have been clear if you wrote the Rashi and then said, "And Rashi brings this from the Gemara, and surely everybody "holds by" the Gemara!" (for that matter, everybody holds of Rashi too!)

Yeah! Sorry everybody for being unclear. or longwinded and therefore unclear. embarrassed Smile Motek, I'm glad you finally understood what I meant. Smile Can we all be friends now ? LOL
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Post Tue, Jul 05 2005, 1:59 pm
On the subject of the Ohel and Calev, hishtatchus.... there is a interesting sicha about that (Shabbos Parshas Shlach,5710) , of which bl"n I'd like to post some of the points here. Or a link to the entire sicha
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