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Do you not keep all your closed packages of Pasta?
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Do you sell unstarted boxes of Pasta with your Chometz or throw it out?
I sell it with the Chometz.  
 57%  [ 136 ]
I throw it out (even if its a few brand new boxes).  
 42%  [ 100 ]
Total Votes : 236



Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 1:57 pm
We sell chametz so I’d keep.

If you don’t sell you can give to someone who would or find s ‘chometz sale’ and Donate.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 2:12 pm
We don't sell chametz gamur except for hepsed meruba (whisky, hard to get hold of items for family members with diet restrictions). I didn't do a great job this year with running down our stocks - I normally go through the cupboard around Rosh Chodeah Nissan and cook accordingly. I've got a bag of closed packets to donate to the food bank, and unfortunately it looks like there will be a few open bags of flour and noodles that I'll throw away.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 2:37 pm
one year my rav forgot to put my name on the list [see what happens when you don't have your own d[x]h man in shul]

anyways from that time I realized that only chometz gomur [such as pasta] had to be gotten rid of and now I no longer own any so no need to sell any ~ makes for less complicated life

previous to that I always sold even chometz gomur - remember we are buying things after pesach that were also sold to someone
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 2:47 pm
greenfire wrote:
one year my rav forgot to put my name on the list [see what happens when you don't have your own d[x]h man in shul]

anyways from that time I realized that only chometz gomur [such as pasta] had to be gotten rid of and now I no longer own any so no need to sell any ~ makes for less complicated life

previous to that I always sold even chometz gomur - remember we are buying things after pesach that were also sold to someone

There are people that will only buy things that say they were made after pesach.
We don’t sell chometz so I give a lot to my cleaning ladies. I show them what I have and let them take whatever they want. Most cleaning ladies I had took everything.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 3:20 pm
I wrote throw out but what I really meant was put in box in front of the house labelled free
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 3:30 pm
a few open bags of flour

I just learned a few years ago that flour is not chometz
See this list of items from the Star-K to know what is actually chametz gamur
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 4:46 pm
I've been donating to a foodbank that has a box in school but I was too late for the last batch of stuff we didn't use. I'm going to ask on a local group if anyone sells chametz gamur and wants it.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 5:06 pm
I live in a building with a table at the entrance. I put all my unopened chometz there for people to take.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 5:41 pm
I don't keep any chomets in the house. Just found 2 packs of pasta and couscous. My cleaning lady will get it tomorrow...
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 5:56 pm
I sell it for Shalom Bayis purposes.

DH sells anything unopened, and anything really expensive (alcohol, etc.)

That's what his parents did. But he grew up in poverty, so for them a box of macaroni was indeed hefsed meruba. Though we do get tight sometimes, we are BH not ever in that extreme position.

It makes me SO uncomfortable, having grown up getting rid of everything. It feels yucky going into Pesach knowing there's real chometz under my roof.

Especially after hours and hours and hours scrubbing down same said house.

Can I please have the aishes chayil award? Cheers Hooray
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 6:00 pm
third option. I give it away. I dont believe in throwing out food.
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soap suds


Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 8:55 pm
srbmom wrote:
a few open bags of flour

I just learned a few years ago that flour is not chometz
See this list of items from the Star-K to know what is actually chametz gamur

All it takes is for one drop of water to make it chometz gamur. Especially if it's an open bag. (disclaimer: I didn't read the article.)
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 9:29 pm
This poll should really just read “Is it your minhag to sell chometz gamur or not?”
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 10:54 pm
SisterSix wrote:
This poll should really just read “Is it your minhag to sell chometz gamur or not?”

Youre right. I originally wrote "dump" and was told I can donate, which means I can no longer use it, so I asked specifically about keeping or not keeping.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2019, 10:56 pm
srbmom wrote:
a few open bags of flour

I just learned a few years ago that flour is not chometz
See this list of items from the Star-K to know what is actually chametz gamur

Wow! I never knew that! Im thrilled bec I use relatively expensive flour.

Someone here said if a drop of water goes in, its Chametz, but Im sure the Star K took that into consideration.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 2:41 am
I just donated all my unopened nonperishables to the chametz gemach in Flatbush.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 6:32 am
amother [ Green ] wrote:
I sell it for Shalom Bayis purposes.

DH sells anything unopened, and anything really expensive (alcohol, etc.)

That's what his parents did. But he grew up in poverty, so for them a box of macaroni was indeed hefsed meruba. Though we do get tight sometimes, we are BH not ever in that extreme position.

It makes me SO uncomfortable, having grown up getting rid of everything. It feels yucky going into Pesach knowing there's real chometz under my roof.

Especially after hours and hours and hours scrubbing down same said house.

Can I please have the aishes chayil award? Cheers Hooray

I think there's a real shaila here.

How deep is his discomfort, compared to how deep is yours?

I'd suggest you guys take this to a rav.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2019, 7:36 am
thunderstorm wrote:
My parents used to give it all their unopened boxes of chometz to our non Jewish neighbors.

My parents recently bought DH a non-kosher bottle of whiskey - our Russian neighbours were delighted!
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Post Thu, Apr 18 2019, 3:17 am
Why does the package being closed matter? Whether one sells chametz gamur or not or only under some circumstances.
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Post Thu, Apr 18 2019, 8:31 am
We don't see chometz unless it's a hefsed meruba- a big financial loss, so we definitely wouldn't sell boxes of pasta which are so cheap. However I happily donate then to the food bank- they have a lot of food that needs to be distributed so for them it is a hefsed meruba.
A supermarket is kind of the definition of hefsed meruba for selling chametz- this is their parnassah, its exactly who selling chametz is really for. So if they sell properly you can buy with a clear conscience from them after pesach, even if you yourself don't sell personal chametz.
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