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Chesed Fund for FranticFrummie - Update page 12 :)
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Post Mon, Mar 16 2020, 10:42 pm
FranticFrummie wrote:
Were you able to specifically reach the Social Security offices?

I booked that appointment 3 months in advance, because that was the first appointment they had open. I have no idea when they will ever start taking appointments again.

I can't do everything over the phone, because they want to see original paperwork from my doctors, not photocopies.*

They will not answer emails, and will not accept scanned PDF files.

It may not be a brick wall, but right now I'm not sure I have the strength to climb over it.

*The original paperwork from the doctors didn't happen, because my doctors appointments got cancelled.

Catch 22. Banging head <--- brick wall

Why don't you email the social security office? I have delt with them numerous times on behalf of myself and others. Your experience is not the norm. They answer.

Have your dr send in the old documents.

Document the the delay with the cornavirus.

If you get a bad decision, appeal. But get the clock started. They go back to when you file.
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Post Mon, Mar 16 2020, 11:22 pm
FF, I think you should try writing for frum publications. Your posts are always well written.
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Post Mon, Mar 16 2020, 11:27 pm
As a Service Coordinator, I often will call the main line of Social Security, wait on hold for an hour plus, and then do a 3 way call when a representative gets on the line. Does someone here have unlimited calls to Israel that can do that for you?
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 2:48 pm
I'm still trying to figure out how Google Voice works. Can it possibly be more complicated?

Meanwhile, I just got a nasty email from my landlord, who lives upstairs. He knows that I've been stuck indoors for almost a month, and haven't been able to go to work.

He's mad because I'm not doing my share of the yard work, and wants me to mow the lawn and trim the bushes on my side of the house. If I can't do it, he's going to pay someone to do it and then take it out of my rent.

Otherwise, he's going to evict me on May 1st. I don't have a yearly lease, only month to month, so he can threaten this at any time.

I'm only just recovering, and even taking out the garbage leaves me out of breath. Oh, and he gets mad if I put out too much garbage, or on the wrong day, but then gets mad if I have the garbage can outside by the back door.

I can't handle all of this pressure right now!

Sorry, I've turned this into my own personal whining journal. I have to vent to someone, and you ladies are all I have in my life.
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 3:47 pm
Another thing. I'm worried that this social distancing will be going on indefinitely. That means that I will be all alone for Pesach. I've already reached out to Chabad, and to my local shul. They are playing it by ear.

Is it possible to do a seder all by yourself? How do you do it?

I can imagine it's something like our ancestors did when they were in Siberian exile, or solitary confinement. Sad
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 4:05 pm
All I have to say is OY and head up to your landlord and cough in his face.
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 4:06 pm
Is it possible to do a seder all by yourself? How do you do it? 

I'm also facing the likelihood that I might be making the Seder by myself. It's a depressing thought, but my current idea is to turn it into an erev limmud. Using the structure of the hagaddah, I'll have time to study the commentaries that I normally just glance at, look up sources and really involve myself in sippur yetziat Mitzrayim and the miracles that took place. (And maybe daven for a few miracles for myself.) For once, I'll also be able to sing all the songs for myself.

It won't be the seder experience that I am used to. I'm hoping if I plan it out and get involved enough, I'll be able to conquer the inevitable loneliness of the occasion.
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 4:52 pm
FranticFrummie wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out how Google Voice works. Can it possibly be more complicated?

Meanwhile, I just got a nasty email from my landlord, who lives upstairs. He knows that I've been stuck indoors for almost a month, and haven't been able to go to work.

He's mad because I'm not doing my share of the yard work, and wants me to mow the lawn and trim the bushes on my side of the house. If I can't do it, he's going to pay someone to do it and then take it out of my rent.

Otherwise, he's going to evict me on May 1st. I don't have a yearly lease, only month to month, so he can threaten this at any time.

I'm only just recovering, and even taking out the garbage leaves me out of breath. Oh, and he gets mad if I put out too much garbage, or on the wrong day, but then gets mad if I have the garbage can outside by the back door.

I can't handle all of this pressure right now!

Sorry, I've turned this into my own personal whining journal. I have to vent to someone, and you ladies are all I have in my life.

If you have a Gmail account - you can get a free Google voice number.

I think you have to set it up the first time in the US and then it works fine from Israel.

Do you have someone in the US who can set it up for you? They can even make a new email address, set it up and then tell you the username and password.

I would love to do it for you, but I'm in Israel too Very Happy

Maybe someone on here would be willing to set it up for you.

And maybe try asking your landlord how he expects you to be taking care of the yard when you are so sick.

I hope he's not usually like that, and is just stressed out about Corona virus.

Refuah Shelaima - I hope you feel better soon, and Hatzlacha Rabba!
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Post Wed, Mar 18 2020, 7:37 pm
I really do try to be DZLK the landlord. The upstairs unit is empty, and he's worried to pieces about the loss of income every month. On top of that, he has an extremely low functioning autistic son, who is now home 24/7 and they get no respite. The son used to be in a residential school except for Shabbos and Yom Tov, and they have 5 younger kids as well. I don't even know what the landlord's work situation is like.

I'm very nice and cooperative with him, and as sympathetic as I can be under the circumstances. "Yes, I see that the grass is out of control. You understand that I've been sick, right? I'd be SO grateful for any help I could get!" etc, etc. I always lay on the sweetness, so it's hard to get mad at me. Wink

Regarding Pesach, I really wish there was a way that I could watch a livestream seder remotely, in Israel time. Alas, no using the computer on seder night, so that won't work at all. Even a conference call would be nice. Anything to hear some other people read the Haggadah, and not feel so alone.
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 4:15 pm
Is this ever going to end?

I spent the last three days with a high fever, chills, horrible migraine, and no appetite. I slept the whole time, unless I had to get up and take my pills and have a glass of water.

How can you sleep for 3 days straight, and still be exhausted?
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 5:52 pm
FranticFrummie wrote:
Is this ever going to end?

I spent the last three days with a high fever, chills, horrible migraine, and no appetite. I slept the whole time, unless I had to get up and take my pills and have a glass of water.

How can you sleep for 3 days straight, and still be exhausted?

This doesn't sound good.
Maybe you should call MDA and tell them you think you've had Corona now for weeks and that you live alone without anyone to take care of you. From the sound of it, you might need to be in the hospital.
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 6:10 pm
Something doesn’t sound right about this whole situation.....
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 8:43 pm
FF. Get help now!! I wish I was there. I would call emergency services and send them to you.
Please. Please call them.
Are you there ? Your post was 4 hours ago. Please answer.
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 9:28 pm
Have you had antibiotics? It may be bacterial now.
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Post Sat, Mar 21 2020, 9:40 pm
I've called 101. They keep telling me to stay home and drink fluids. They told me not to go to the clinic. I can only call back if I can't breathe to the point where I'm really worried, and B'H I'm still breathing pretty OK. They won't give me a test - but then what's the point anyway? There isn't really a cure or anything.

I have someone to call in case I need a Hebrew speaking person to call in for me and get help.

I'm just so tired of feeling cruddy. I have so much I need to do around the house. I should really be taking advantage of this time, but instead I'm feeling too weak to even take a shower.
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Post Sun, Mar 22 2020, 12:31 am
I’m so sorry. Refuah Shelema.
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Post Sun, Mar 22 2020, 3:41 am
Just donated. May Hashem grant you a complete and speedy Refuah and a good end to all your troubles!
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Post Sun, Mar 22 2020, 3:45 am
lilies wrote:
Have you had antibiotics? It may be bacterial now.

Or something else altogether.

FF is there no way you can go to an Emergency Room?
Nobody in your area would do this chesed to take you there? You might need an xray or just plain blood work.
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strawberry cola


Post Sun, Mar 22 2020, 3:47 am
Dear, sweet FF,
Is there a Rav who knows you, who can perhaps talk to the landlord on your behalf and maybe help with other things you need? A wise and kind rebbetzin? Even if it's someone you haven't really gotten to know, perhaps you could reach out to them as a struggling Jew?
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Post Sun, Mar 22 2020, 6:02 am
strawberry cola wrote:
Dear, sweet FF,
Is there a Rav who knows you, who can perhaps talk to the landlord on your behalf and maybe help with other things you need? A wise and kind rebbetzin? Even if it's someone you haven't really gotten to know, perhaps you could reach out to them as a struggling Jew?

I just got in contact with Ezrat Achim. Hopefully they will have some assistance for me.
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