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Forum -> Children's Health -> Toilet Training
At what age did you toilet train your dd?

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What age did you start toilet training your daughter?
Before 1 yr old  
 4%  [ 2 ]
1 year to 15 months  
 0%  [ 0 ]
15months to 18 months  
 4%  [ 2 ]
18 months to 21 months  
 13%  [ 6 ]
21 months to 2 years  
 17%  [ 8 ]
24 months to 28 months  
 19%  [ 9 ]
28 months to 32 months  
 23%  [ 11 ]
32 months to 3 years  
 17%  [ 8 ]
Total Votes : 46



Post Wed, Nov 28 2007, 3:13 pm
Someone just told me that most girls are trained by 2yrs old. shock DD is already 2 and we just started this week. Personally, I'm sure some are trained by 2 but far from MOST.

Lets see, the polls shall tell!
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 2:58 am
challi I can't tell, I only have boys no girls but both myboys were differntly trained.

my first was only trained at the age of over 3, he didn' want befor and I couldn't push him, though my youngest was trained by just 2 he wanted and was ready... so I suppose it depends on the chiuld. but bh both were trained by night within a month of by day. ( I haven't used diares now for 2 1/2 years...) cool butween both was 8 months out of diapers till second was born.

my nieces were trained ant a year and 10 months, and I was told many years ago kids were traind in russia at 10 months.

the main thing is not to push a child if he is not ready.... I know neighbours who pushed their boys at 2 1/2 when they ahd their hair cut so tha they could also wear tztziws and go to cheder.

I didn't if he wasn't ready, I just didn't give him tzitzs and gave hima lot of prizes... it was hard for him and he's the type of kid now at 8 yrs that won't use any bathroom. pushing can also backfire andcan take longer...
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 3:00 am
I also have sons. The oldest was toilet trained at 2 yrs, 2 months. Ppl indicated to me that's early.
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 7:44 am
My neighbour toilet trained her son (at day, and for the "big thing") at 8 months shock
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 9:51 am
I've also heard though that boys *usually* take longer than girls. The person who told me was specifically talking about girls by the age of 2. On the other hand you might be right that it has a lot to do with the individual kid. dd never cried or was upset by dirty diapers (dirty or wet) an would rather sit in it than be changed. ds on the other hand flips out the minute his diaper isn't as good as new.

I wonder if being wet/dirty will ever bother her? Besides for that she's a neat freek!
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 9:59 am
I started training dd at 18 months but it took a very looooooong time till she was officially trained. She was very willing to go and cooperated with me. DS on the other hand doesnt want to hear of training. He tells me when he makes in his pamper but won't dare sit on the toilet. I don't want to push him but then again I dont' want to train him last minute before he gets payos and have him end up like my nephew who was barely going to the bathroom when he turned 3. Wish me luck!
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 1:48 pm
challi, my guess is you were speaking to an Israeli!

I started training dd at 18 months but it took a very looooooong time till she was officially trained.

I don't have vast experience in this area, but I have heard p/p say that if you wait instead until they are really, really ready, then it goes much faster. I did have that with dd - I tried a number of times and gave up b/c it wasn't going, but when I finally tried it and it worked, she only had 2 accidents after that - ever (ba"h).
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Post Thu, Nov 29 2007, 2:40 pm
Ruchel, your daughter is SO Darling! Thanks for posting the link to her pic!

My DD was trained at 2 yrs, 1 month. She's our third kid after 2 boys. Out first son was trained by 2 yrs. 8 mos. With our middle son we waited too long to start so he was really kind of stubborn about NOT using the toilet and wasn't totally trained until 3-1/2.

So we started earlier with our DD - we did it over Pesach vacation when my DH was home - and he basically did it. We knew she'd be less likely to say "no" to her Tottie - and it worked like a charm!
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Post Tue, Jan 01 2008, 5:11 am
my DD is already 18 months old and tells me when she has poop so I can change her. Especially during the night! She tells me "diiapeour", meaning change my diaper!

So I got a girls potty book and she likes to sit on ds potty he doesn't use anymore, I think I'll start in the spring when it's warmer and take off the diaper and see if she can hold it long enough for potty!
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Post Tue, Jan 01 2008, 7:59 am
I just trained my son 3 weeks ago he is 2 years and 8 month. It was a really simple process and I'm glad I did it at that age. He made accidents once a day in the beginning and at the end of the two weeks hes telling me he needs to go to the bathroom. I have to say I thought it would be a lot harder.
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 4:11 pm
ts easier to do when the kids are home for the whole day for ds it was hard for him when he was in gan, during the summer he did it himself, he took out the potty and did #2 this was a major breakthrough, even now he will 4 pesach time he doesn't go #2 at school. I think that I will wait with dd untill the summer she will be turning 3 in july. unless she seems to be up for it pesach time during the vacation, so far she doesn't seem all that ready,
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 4:19 pm
btMOMtoFFBs wrote:
Ruchel, your daughter is SO Darling! Thanks for posting the link to her pic!

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 8:15 pm
You don't want to know my story. I still have to remind her to go to the potty or she'll make #1 in her underwear and not care. She's got sensory issues though but she is 4 1/2.
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 9:39 pm
my daugher at age 3. she was not intereted, and by her 3rd b-day, I said, you're three, underware. and it worked for her(she is a discipinled child by nature) it went much quicker then the kids in her class who's parents were training them all year!

my son took even longer till he was intersted.

I go by don't force or push them, when they're ready, they'll 'safe train' meaning it'll go really well, but have the proper award system in place to help encourage them( and keep asking if need to go etc-the usual.)
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 9:52 pm
the first I missed the boat I trained 4 months before he was 3 yrs old.

the second was 2 yrs old. but had bladder problems . she needs to go every half hr. still has bladder problems. she has a tiny bladder. the doc said it will grow with time.

the 3 and 4rd. went like a dream. at age 2.3 they both decided to train and withen 3 days was trained .

the 5 th we shall see. but he is starting to tell me "fouew" every time he makes while he makes and then he goes "pamper" and then he goes "wipes" yep it creeps me out because I have no kuach to train him now.. he is only 21 months.
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Post Wed, Jan 09 2008, 10:08 pm
2.25 I heard is the best time and I think I did it about that time, I didn't rush
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2008, 1:11 pm
I dont rush eighter but when your child tells u no more pampers . then u can bet your bottom dollar that I will train them and put them on underwear. that what #3 and #4 did to me. they were 2.3 yrs old. it didnt help that the 4rd one did that in the nine days.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2008, 1:26 pm
I'm still waiting for one of my children to tell me they don't want to wear pampers anymore. I thought my son would never get trained oh it was so hard.
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