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Forum -> Parenting our children
Mommy's School Is Falling Down
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 3:12 pm
amother [ Apricot ] wrote:

Ps can't see my dining room table for the piles of stuff

I thought that only my dining room table had this issue...
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 4:15 pm
Corona had us rethink and reevaluate lots of going ons in our life. School being just one of them. This is what I vote for:

School bus @ 10:30
Breakfast in school @ 11:00
First session @ 11:30
Recess break @ 12:45
Second session @ 1:00
Lunch @ 2:15
Lunch break till 2:45
Third session @ 2:45
Recess break @ 4:00
Fourth Session @ 4:15
School over @ 5:30
Home @ about 6:00
Dinner is served, no time for homework, bath and gitte nacht!
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soap suds


Post Wed, May 06 2020, 6:17 pm
amother [ Orange ] wrote:
Was going around on Whatsapp...

Is it Bedtime Yet?
a brand new story, as yet unpublished!

Mommy was woken up early on Thursday. She looked at her children and asked, "Is it bedtime yet?"

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to wash negel vasser."

So Mommy helped her children say Modeh Ani and wash their hands.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to get dressed."

Mommy helped her children find their clothes and put them on.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to eat breakfast."

So Mommy put out cereal and milk on the table. She poured, helped with brachos, and stopped fights over spoons and chairs. She wiped up spills and cleaned up the table.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to daven."

Mommy davened with each of the children, while the others sang a wailing soprano in the background.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to play!"

So Mommy watched her children play. They made messes, screamed, fought, and generally enjoyed themselves.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to eat lunch."

...until the very happy ending:

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"No, Mommy," said her children. "First, we have to say Shema."

So Mommy helped the children say Shema and Hamapil, and sang them the pesukim.

"Is it bedtime yet?" asked Mommy.

"Yes, Mommy," said her children.

"I love bedtime!" Mommy said. "Gutte nacht!"

Applause Applause Applause This is brilliant! Story of my life.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 7:00 pm
Aylat wrote:
I don't wake my kids. Let 'em sleep. The later the noise starts, the better.

The later it ends!

But I'm really loving it. No alarm clocks since the day after purim. We all wake up about 9:30-10. Kids go to bed about 11 (elementary age, don't have babies.) No more schlepping away blankets in the morning, no more chasing into bed at night!
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:22 pm
amother [ cornflower ] wrote:
The later it ends!

But I'm really loving it. No alarm clocks since the day after purim. We all wake up about 9:30-10. Kids go to bed about 11 (elementary age, don't have babies.) No more schlepping away blankets in the morning, no more chasing into bed at night!

By 11, I need to have quiet, start settling down. If they sleep to late, they're raring to go at midnight.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 8:35 am
I wake up my kids (two hours later than their school-time alarm clock) because I need some quiet time at night. If I'd let them sleep late, besides missing their live classes, I would need to deal with them later at night.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:12 pm
bigsis144 wrote:
I am so glad my (behaviorally challenged) son’s teacher has him muted by default on Zoom.

Here are some of the things he’s said in a single half-hour-long class:

- Nice counting, Einstein 

- This is too easy! First grade is like kindergarten, just with more sitting!

- What kind of moronic question is that?!

- My internet sucks!

- What the heck is Earth Day?!

- Are you insane?

- Is this meeting over yet?

- I hate you, Colin! I’m gonna mute you cuz you’re an idiot!
- (when asked to draw ten boxes on a notepad, he drew a dead guy with x’s for eyes)
- Ms Murphy, it's not fair, you only called on him because you only want him to get credit and no one else. (Would you like to answer the question, Moishy?) No too boring. (Remember that we talk respectfully, just like in our classroom)

- (when shown a cartoon drawing of a classroom) That can't be a class, it has only 3 kids in it
- We all know what "important" means, so you don't have to tell us, besides maybe Lindsey, cuz she’s stupid. (Ms Murphy reminded him about making respectful statements before calling on him and unmuting him)


Doesn't sound fun being his parent or teacher, but that made me laugh!! Wink
He's smart!
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Sunny Days


Post Thu, May 07 2020, 8:59 pm
Regarding the is it bedtime book-
It’s awesome but has a too fairy tale ending...
I’m surprised it ends with a simple good night & kids sleeping. And Shuin.
Is that even a thing somewhere or are we/my kids the anomaly????? Scratching Head
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 9:11 pm
Uh... no, not just your kids. But I love fairytales!
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 9:21 pm
I’ve let my kids run their school life.
I got my kids what I believed they needed to succeed:
Some new school supplies for a fresh start
We collaborated on schedules and chores.
And School is mandatory.

And they are on their own while I work full time (2 middle school + 2 elementary + 2 toddler/baby).

I think it’s working better that I’m not reminding and prompting. Definetly makes my life easier.
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