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Segulas you tried that did not work?
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 11:41 am
Every so often I hear about segulas such as davening for 40 days in memory of a tzadik, or lighting a candle, or visiting a kever for 40 days, or learning a sefer where the author promised a lot of brachos to those who learn his sefarim, or others. Do these always work?
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 11:44 am
Nope, segulas do not always work. They probably don't even work most of the time. If segulas would always work their wouldn't be any tzaaros on the world, we'd all have wonderful lives.
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 11:54 am
amother [ Emerald ] wrote:
Nope, segulas do not always work. They probably don't even work most of the time. If segulas would always work their wouldn't be any tzaaros on the world, we'd all have wonderful lives.

I'd go a step further and say it's debatable whether segulos ever work. Meaning are people doing segulos more successful in achieving their desired result than people that aren't doing any segulos?
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 12:03 pm
I would prefer to focus on those that had high success rates. Meaning those that did work. Perhaps That’s a that’s a spinoff What was the point of focusing on those that don’t work. I’m sure it worked for someone
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 12:33 pm
I had no success.
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 12:36 pm
So why did some of these tzadikim give a promise if it doesn't always work?
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 12:42 pm
I can’t answer for tzadikim that I don’t even know about, but I know my Rav is not into these things at all. He is into one segula - called tefila. Whether or not that always “works” is a whole other discussion, but personally I have seen a lot of yeshuos come through tefila.
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 12:51 pm
2 scenarios

My aunt has knh a large family knh. All of her kids had ties 1st baby, tops, 2 years after hey got married, besides one. Though normal, it was very very difficult for that 1 sibling. She did have slight issues, which was taken care of, yet still didn't conceive.

Our family decided to divide tehillim, between ourselves, first, for 40 days. I can't remember if we continued after 40 days. But some time later, when that one relative announced her pregnancy, we found out she became pregnant mamesh at the START of us saying tehillim.

A friend of mine had her 2 oldest kids close in age and then for 5 years, nothing doing. After that she started doing phone calls and research, and ultimately made an appt with someone from one of the organization. She told me, before I left for my appt I decided, lemme just make sure I'm toka NOT pregnant. Lo and behold the pregnancy test showed POSITIVE.

So in these cases I'd say, it's hishtadlus that brought on the yeshia. Whether I know for sure or not? No I don't.
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Post Fri, Nov 27 2020, 1:11 pm
amother [ Hotpink ] wrote:
2 scenarios

My aunt has knh a large family knh. All of her kids had ties 1st baby, tops, 2 years after hey got married, besides one. Though normal, it was very very difficult for that 1 sibling. She did have slight issues, which was taken care of, yet still didn't conceive.

Our family decided to divide tehillim, between ourselves, first, for 40 days. I can't remember if we continued after 40 days. But some time later, when that one relative announced her pregnancy, we found out she became pregnant mamesh at the START of us saying tehillim.

A friend of mine had her 2 oldest kids close in age and then for 5 years, nothing doing. After that she started doing phone calls and research, and ultimately made an appt with someone from one of the organization. She told me, before I left for my appt I decided, lemme just make sure I'm toka NOT pregnant. Lo and behold the pregnancy test showed POSITIVE.

So in these cases I'd say, it's hishtadlus that brought on the yeshia. Whether I know for sure or not? No I don't.

So happy it worked for her. It doesn't work like that for everyone and just gives them false hope which leads to feelings of depression.
My take away from these is maybe Hashem just hates me.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 7:34 am
I have at least 10 friends who went to the kotel for 40 days and did not get married.
I have many friends who go to some kever in yerushalayim where it's believed to get married from davening there. All still single.
I dont believe in any of these things.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 8:07 am
There's no segula that could stand up to a double blind experiment.

People who got what they wanted remember what worked and not what didn't. Or they create a narrative where their intervention worked. That's confirmation bias. So for example, in the case of the poster whose relative got pregnant, she apparently got pregnant BEFORE anyone started saying tehillim. But it makes everyone happy to think they helped.

The problem with these segulas is that people get disillusioned when they don't work.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 8:22 am
I don't believe in this stuff. I understand that when people are going through something terrible they'll try anything, but these things don't work. It's the same as carrying around a rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover. And if you do get the desired result, it's purely coincidence.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 8:55 am
If you think of a segula as something that either works or doesn't you are missing the point.
Only Hashem can bring your yeshua. But we do our hishdadlus, a segula can be part of your hishdadlus. Maybe it will give you a zechus and you will get a yeshua, maybe there are other considerations that we don't know and Hashem won't give you a yeshua. But, if you think it's the segula that solved your problem then it's a problem.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:00 am
camp123 wrote:
If you think of a segula as something that either works or doesn't you are missing the point.
Only Hashem can bring your yeshua. But we do our hishdadlus, a segula can be part of your hishdadlus. Maybe it will give you a zechus and you will get a yeshua, maybe there are other considerations that we don't know and Hashem won't give you a yeshua. But, if you think it's the segula that solved your problem then it's a problem.

Given that segulas are no better than random luck, why would they be part of anyone's hishtadlus? We have the wonderful ability to daven. That's something we can do, but even there, results aren't guaranteed.

Segulas are advertised as problem solvers, and people often report that doing whatever segula brought them a yeshua. It happens all the time in some circles, and it is indeed a problem.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:11 am
A good segula for marriage is going on a date.
I can give you a whole list of similar segulas.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 11:53 am
Segula against Covid: wear a mask, SD, hygiene
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 12:05 pm
eating a rebbezins esrog - easy child birth


all my births were DIFFICULT, 30hours+ long, with secondary c-sections, but b´´H healthy adorable babies Smile
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 12:09 pm
Excellent segula for infertility
Worked on the fifth round
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 1:02 pm
I lit a candle for R' menachem mendel rimonov and nothing happened. Not even a single yeshua. Tefilah helped. Tefilah helped me to get married. There was a boy in the orthodox community diagnosed with leukemia and I davent for him the first time in the mikvah before my chassene and under the chuppah and bh he got a refua shleima few weeks ago.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 4:53 pm
amother [ Papaya ] wrote:
There's no segula that could stand up to a double blind experiment.

People who got what they wanted remember what worked and not what didn't. Or they create a narrative where their intervention worked. That's confirmation bias. So for example, in the case of the poster whose relative got pregnant, she apparently got pregnant BEFORE anyone started saying tehillim. But it makes everyone happy to think they helped.

The problem with these segulas is that people get disillusioned when they don't work.

But it makes everyone happy to think they helped.

No no.
What I meant is, Hashem already sent her yeshua by us just THINKING of doing something good for her. (I was in awe when I learnt that)

And absolutely, not every segula works for everyone. Hashem is ultimately THE ONE who decides, if, for whom, and when to send a person their yeshua. And, of course you need tfilla along with doing a segula.

Honestly, I'm not a big believer myself. I've never done any segula for a personal yeshua. (So maybe I'm not qualified to comment on such a thread, because I do think when one is desperate it's different) But still, I'm at the opinion, doing good things is never a bad idea.

One segula I do do, I fill up the salt holder till it nearly overflows, shefa. My husband once asked someone who has become wealthy; what's your secret? And that man said about filling up the salt holder. We're wealthy? No. We actually live very tight. I'm just doing it cuz it's easy, and why not? Maybe one day.....oh, we surely also daven.

May Hashem send everyone their personal yeshua sooner than later. Amen
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