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Forum -> Children's Health -> Toilet Training
Boys having fun squirting everywhere

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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 11:26 am
My cousin has three boys (who are toilet trained) and they have a game who could squirt the furtherest, and make the most mess everywhere.
Is there something that can be put in the toilet that can help them aim only in the toilet? Someone here once wrote about colored something that goes in the toilet. All suggestions are welcome. THanks.
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 2:09 pm
I've seen those colored targets on various sites, and there are other options, too (http://www.onestepahead.com/ca.....earch , for example). I've also seen them at babies - r - us. I've heard of people using cheerios or something like that as well.

I have two small boys, and I have put a small piece of tp in the toilet and asked them to see if they can hit it when we're working on this. Our other rule is whatever mess they make, they clean up! They are a lot less likely to make a mess if they have to clean it up. (Maybe that's why my older one prefers to go into our walled in yard when he can!)
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 2:33 pm
ok a bit embarrassed to write this but my son who is quite a few years after toilet training still has no aim -- he just goes in the bathroom and goes anywhere or sometimes near the toilet but rarely in.

you can imagine what my bathroom smells like..
any ideas... I'm sure he can but he's in a rush and doesn't even bother to try...
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 2:42 pm
Have him clean it up! My little guy is 3.5, but he knows he has to clean up misses. Of course, I generally have to spot clean anyway, since he is only 3. He does the majority of the work, though.

Also, you could ask DH to give aiming pointers. They have a much better idea how to aim then we do! embarrassed
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 2:52 pm
I have 5 boys. Various ages. And a husband. I bleach the bathrooms at least once a week so there is no smell. I want to invent a home urinal with just a hole for "insertion" to keep things neat.
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 3:35 pm
Tamiri wrote:
I have 5 boys. Various ages. And a husband. I bleach the bathrooms at least once a week so there is no smell. I want to invent a home urinal with just a hole for "insertion" to keep things neat.

Great idea! LOL
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 8:32 pm
Listen up. first of all, you have to have those germ-wipes next to the bathroom. Whether they abuse the rules or not, they MUST wipe the seat and floor down after they go. Every time.

I had a long drawn out discussion with dh about this and he said that because of the ‘great heights’ you cannot avoid splatters. Splatters can be wiped down. end of story.

Now, to train them, put some colorful cheerios into the toilet, they won’t be able to resist squirting them! I never had a problem because I train the boys to sit. They learn to stand only once they go to yeshiva, which is fine with me. Then I show them how to wipe down the seat!

Anyone want to invent a self-cleaning funnel?
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 8:44 pm
When training my boys I cut out 2 inch fish from different colored tissue paper. They got to select one each time to drop into the toilet and then try to make him "swim" when pishing. They both loved it! Very Happy

I would make the kids clean up if they made an intentional, irresponsible mess like that in my home.
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 9:16 pm
you said it, mahpitom! when they're little (under 6!) theI come in after they finish to check the toilet. I always have them wipe up after themselves with those germ-wipes (lysol, etc.) and I check the floor too. One of them liked to do it down the side of the toilet where he thought I couldn't see! They learn pretty quickly that it better go inside the toilet...or else! I actually threatened one of the boys that if I saw a puddle on the floor or the back of the toilet (after a million "clean-ups") I was not going to let him use the toilet! I told him he'd have to use the toilet in someone else's house!! I know it was cruel and the wrong thing to say, but it worked! The bathrooms are clean and I still poeriodically check up on him to make sure that he doesn't fall back on the bad habit...
as a funny aside, when I mentioned to my father that I was having trouble with my first's "aim" (I come from a girls-only family) he told me that ha used to have fun trying to see if he could get it over the shower curtain LOL
guess he was no help...
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 9:21 pm
amother wrote:
I actually threatened one of the boys that if I saw a puddle on the floor or the back of the toilet (after a million "clean-ups") I was not going to let him use the toilet!

It’s not cruel, as long as you give them an alternative! (like, a potty)
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Post Sat, Feb 23 2008, 9:24 pm
MahPitom wrote:
amother wrote:
I actually threatened one of the boys that if I saw a puddle on the floor or the back of the toilet (after a million "clean-ups") I was not going to let him use the toilet!

It’s not cruel, as long as you give them an alternative! (like, a potty)

I guess next door wasn't an alternative in his book because he keeps it all where it belongs now, b"h...unfortunately I only thought that up AFTER ds#1 did his thing all over the computer...which then had to be replaced!
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