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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Toddlers
Pishing in public

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Do you let your toddler go to the bathroom in public?
 20%  [ 4 ]
No way!  
 20%  [ 4 ]
only in absolute despiration  
 60%  [ 12 ]
Total Votes : 20



Post Thu, Aug 18 2005, 6:45 pm
My 3 year old has been completely trained for about 6 months. I remind him before we leave the house to use the potty but inevitably, as soon as we are en route or have reached our destination (far from home), he "needs to make". Many times we will be outside with a ways till we can reach a bathroom. I feel strongly that a child, no matter how young, does not go to the bathroom outside. What that means for us is being forced into highly uncomfortable situations like knocking on people's doors, going in supermarkets, etc so that he can use the toilet.
My question is- Is it necessary to impose such etiquette on a 3 year old? My gut is that it is important since he is at an age where he picks up on everything and it is now that we are sowing the seeds of midos that we will continue to instill and cultivate as they grow up. On the flip side, I feel sorry for the poor kid whos (and this is a direct quote) "pishies just wanna come out right now". He's being forced to hold it in and that can be pretty uncomfortable.

In a similar vain, my husband walked into gan to pick up my son and found him sitting on the toilet with the door WIDE open. I wonder whether or not I should say something to the ganenet. I can appreciate that it is much easier to keep an eye on a kid in the toilet when the door is open- especially in a very large gan but there's just something about it that bothers me.........
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Post Thu, Aug 18 2005, 6:51 pm
I let my children pish in public and I would let an older child do so also, if there were no toilets around. When you gotta go, you gotta go !

Also, I completely don't think it is a big deal for a three year old to use the bathroom with the door open. I just recently started insisting on my six year old closing the door.
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Post Thu, Aug 18 2005, 8:23 pm
we were once stuck on a highway in traffic. all the cars were completllt stopped and many families let the kids out, and while the driver stayed in. we walked while my hubby drove.
my 4 yr old needed to go now.
so I told him to go down to the trees and pish.
I turned to go to the other kids, and suddenly I hear hooting and catcalls and cheering honking- it sounded like a party.
I turned to see what was the ruckus, and I see my darling son standing in front of a bush he was a few feet away and he had his pants around his ankles, and was standing in profile to the other cars. he was aiming so that he would hit the bush. everyone was able to see the huge arc he made, and were cheering him on. "you da man! " was the cheer of the day.
I couldn't control my laughing, but I could not stop him in mid stream!!!!
so he finished and everyone broke out in applause. it was mortifing.

I meant for him to go all the way doen s no on could see!!!
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Post Thu, Aug 18 2005, 9:30 pm
I think there's a way to make your child understand the concept of privacy even if he's outside. We just went peach picking today, and my two and a half year old had to go. We were right near a forest, so I calmy walked with him to where no people were and told him that this was a private area in the woods and we don't go to the bathroom just anywhere outside but under the circumstances...... I think he understood.
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Post Thu, Aug 18 2005, 11:54 pm
Hey Rivk, we went peach picking today, too!
I made a yummy homemmade-homegrown peach pie for Shabbos.
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2005, 7:13 am
stem wrote:
Hey Rivk, we went peach picking today, too!
I made a yummy homemmade-homegrown peach pie for Shabbos.

Can I have the Recipe for the peach pie? I want to go to the local farm to pick some.
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2005, 10:52 am
I made the peach pie with the recipe from a blueberry pie that I had, I'll let you know how it came out after Shabbos, I"H. If it was good, I'll give you the recipe gladly!
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Post Mon, Aug 22 2005, 9:48 pm
I posted the recipe for the pie in the Recipes section. it's called "Blueberry or peach pie."

Now, back to the topic at hand: "pishing in public..."
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Post Wed, Aug 24 2005, 4:12 am
My 7 year old son will not pish in public if there is anyone watching as he is a very private person, but I do let my children pish in public if they have to go badly! I do tell them either to find a bush or a tree or if not they go close to the car and I stand infront so noone will see.
My 6 year old daughter has just started closing the door to the bathroom as she also feels that no one has to watch her. The only thing I don´t allow them to do is lock the door.
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Wed, Aug 24 2005, 12:11 pm
The only thing I don´t allow them to do is lock the door.

Why not?
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2005, 3:23 am
Both my son and daughter have had accidents in the bathroom where they have needed stitches. If anything happens to them, G-D forbid, I want to be able to get in straight away.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2005, 3:30 am
whoa. What do you let them do in their already?
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Thu, Aug 25 2005, 4:58 am
JewishMama, we have a special key that opens locked doors, depends what kind of lock there is.

it just occured funny to me bec. when I grew up we always locked the door no matter what.
I remember once I went in to take a bath and forgot to lock the door, I was lying in the bathtub when my big brother opened the door, he was about 19 and I was 16, that was the first and last time a door was unlocked.. I guess we lock it to prevent things like this from happening.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2005, 8:07 am
My kids lock the door when using the bathroom from about age 5. Till that age it is neccessary for me to check in on them sometimes.

Even when I am home alone, I ALWAYS lock the bathroom door.
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