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2.5 year old can't talk yet, school and experience
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 7:27 pm
My 2.7 year old can’t talk. He is just starting to say single words . He’s receiving therapy for a year almost. Everything else seems fine he just can’t talk yet and kiss his age can say sentences. I’m applying for school. What would you do. To put him in a general Ed nursery I feel like I might be making a mistake. The kids can make fun, it’ll be hard for him social and emotional bec he can’t communicate much, people won’t understand the words he does say. But where is my options in Brooklyn ? I thought strivright but I have been told they would need a processing delay or hearing impairment . Is this true? Any suggestions or does anyone have experience with this and can tell me what they feel .
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 7:32 pm
Have you had his hearing checked?
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 7:32 pm
I wouldn't put him in regular ed yet. Go to strivright and let them decide if he qualifies, I know other kids that were delayed speakers who got in there.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 7:34 pm
Yes we went to ent hearing was normal , he does get ear infections so we are following up
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 8:45 pm
Anyone had a child like this . What did you do? Any professionals that can weigh in
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 8:59 pm
I don't have much to offer in terms of practical help, as I'm not from your area, but if it makes you feel any better, my mother did not say a word until she was 3. Her parents weren't very concerned because they saw that she understood everything... Just so you feel you are not alone and there is hope. Sending hugs.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:02 pm
Does he get EI? Your case manger should be able to guide you through applying to CPSE.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:03 pm
My child is 2 doesn’t say a word yet. We enrolled him into regular yeshiva for next yr. He is getting services via strivright. They are amazing! Definitely get ur kid evaluated there. The therapists can come to ur child’s school
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:08 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
I don't have much to offer in terms of practical help, as I'm not from your area, but if it makes you feel any better, my mother did not say a word until she was 3. Her parents weren't very concerned because they saw that she understood everything... Just so you feel you are not alone and there is hope. Sending hugs.

My father just mentioned to me he didnt speak until 4 and then he just exploded with speech. He's extremely intelligent by the way.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:09 pm
The ear infections can definitely affect hearing & delay speaking. My brother had frequent ear infections as a kid and I don’t think he really started talking until he was 3-4 years old, because of his frequent ear infection issues.

I know once as an adult I had a sudden severe ear infection & it affected my earring for several months (my hearing was reduced & muffled for many weeks. No permanent damage and it eventually cleared up & my hearing returned completely to normal).

So I have sympathy for your child & the ear infections. Definitely continue to follow up about the treatment for ear infections & it may be part of the reason for delayed speech.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:09 pm
My daughter went to strivright with hearing aids, and its an amazing program. I was hesitant to send to send to a special program and tried mainstream first. I realized she was wasting her time in a mainstream class, because she wasn't getting the support she needed. Within a few weeks of strivright we saw such a difference.
She had kids with language delays in the class, as well as staff kids without delays. The curriculum is language based, so it would be extremely beneficial to your child who needs help in that area.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:16 pm
Not the same situation, so no practical advice. Just wanted to say, about getting along with other kids in a mainstream school... My 3yo talks fine but is very shy. For a while she didn't say a word in school. The other kids did not even seem to notice. They spoke to her, they played together, etc. Eventually she did start talking to them, but she made friends without talking.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:21 pm
Sending a toddler to strivright now for a speech delay. They have an ei program and a program for 3 and up. I would definitely call them and interview there, at least you'll be doing your hishtadlus. Also in a general school (if he's not accepted to strivright) he can receive speech therapy which will help iyh. Hatzlacha!
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the world's best mom


Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:33 pm
Two and three year olds do not make fun of kids who can't talk. They don't know enough to realize it's a delay.

I have a child who went to strive right. It was a great program. There are a lot of hearing impaired children there, but not all of them are hearing impaired.

Another of my children was non verbal until he was 3. Then he started school and started talking. Sometimes school makes kids start talking.

You say your child has had therapy for almost a year. Has there been any progress? Do you think the therapist is doing a good job?
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:35 pm
Hi! I'm in a similar situation (in Queens). My 2year old was receiving speech for about 10 months and made almost no progress and had very few words. We spoke to his EI coordinator about an apraxia diagnosis, and he was diagnosed a few months ago. EI then adjusted his sessions to 4x a week and we are finally seeing some progress! (not a word explosion, but a word trickle b'h). We also changed therapy modalities from play to a combined prompt/flashcard therapy.

I would try to get him evaluated for apraxia as soon as possible. There are tons of great resources available if you qualify.

In terms of next year, we will get him evaluated by CPSE to see if he qualifies for a special education environment (b'H we have a few in the area that are mostly populated by frum kids). If not, I spoke the yeshiva where his brothers attend and they will accept him with as much services as he can get. That said, the yeshiva recommends sending him to the most supportive environment possible so he can be ready for yeshiva when the time is right.

Also, this website from Apraxia kids was super helpful in me advocating for an apraxia evaluation (my son showed many of these signs.
Apraxia Kids
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:38 pm
My child has a speech delay. Had speech therapy since age 1.5 or so. I had to send to mainstream as we have no other option where I live, even in the public schools there was nothing for my kid because we werent "high risk" -ie super poor, illegal immigrant, or had a case with CPS.
Mainstream was ok but my kid floundered for a little bit because there were too many kids, they didnt know how to help my kid even though I was in touch with them...
Zoom school actually was great for my kid because they were forced to talk and try vs pointing thing the teachers let my kid get away with.
(No hearing issue BH and really smart. Just has speech issues).
My kid had social issues due to speech that the teachers could have helped out with- they were able to do it for another kid who had extreme issues who was in my older kids class a few years back.
I wish we could have done a special language class...
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 9:42 pm
Hi I am in the same situation as you are. My 2.3 year ds only says about 10 words he currently goes to a non jewish EI center 3 times a week for 2 hours at a time to get SI and receives speech therapy 3 times a week. A few of my other kids were also speech delayed but I feel this ds is even more so. He does seem to understand almost everything but I am hesitant to put him in to a regular nursery for next year. There are no jewish special ed nurseries in my area and bussing him to bk would be an hour plus each way. Its a hard call to make I never put my other kids into special nurseries and BH it worked out. They all received services at their school. I would put a deposit for a regular nursery and also try strivright as a backup in case its necessary like this you have all your bases covered. If you lose your deposit because you end up sending to strivright you will save the money in tuition. But its still early to decide for 8 months from now as a lot can and will iyH change. Hatzlacha with everything.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 10:07 pm
Can you ask his pediatrician what he thinks?
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 10:08 pm
My daughter was saying a few words at that age also. We sent her to a mainstream nursery and continued in a mainstream elementary school. She has a mild case of apraxia. We were accepted into a special ed school but decided to put her in a mainstream class as she got 10 hours of seit and 4 times a week speech. I also wanted her to get a Jewish education which the special ed schools don't provide. I was very nervous with my decision at the time bec. I wasn't sure if anyone would understand her and if the kids would make fun of her. B"H we've never had kids making fun of her in school and she is doing well socially and academically.
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Post Sat, Dec 11 2021, 10:56 pm
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
Sending a toddler to strivright now for a speech delay. They have an ei program and a program for 3 and up. I would definitely call them and interview there, at least you'll be doing your hishtadlus. Also in a general school (if he's not accepted to strivright) he can receive speech therapy which will help iyh. Hatzlacha!

How much does strivright charge for their program and evaluation?
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