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New sheitel wwyd UPDATE
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 11:20 am
Think of it like aKapara
And give it over to Hashem
Be grateful it was only a wig
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 11:34 am
amother [ Mulberry ] wrote:
Think of it like aKapara
And give it over to Hashem
Be grateful it was only a wig

You are 100% right.

For the record, I was wearing a wig when I came in and I told her I need it to be longer than this one. she said, sure yeah definitly. And it's really not longer. So it's not like we didn't discuss an acutal amount to cut.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 12:24 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
You are 100% right.

For the record, I was wearing a wig when I came in and I told her I need it to be longer than this one. she said, sure yeah definitly. And it's really not longer. So it's not like we didn't discuss an acutal amount to cut.

That's really disappointing!
It's even more disappointing that she is a successful sheitel macher. If she would have been I beginner I would say, she is still learning, she is trying to make a parnassah, she made a mistake....but she is successful, she should have known to be more careful. And she should have also cared more about your feelings and made sure you are happy.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 1:21 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
You are 100% right.

For the record, I was wearing a wig when I came in and I told her I need it to be longer than this one. she said, sure yeah definitly. And it's really not longer. So it's not like we didn't discuss an acutal amount to cut.

Wow. She really has no leg to stand on. She wasn't hired to do a cut that she likes based on her expertise, she was hired to do a specific style and she totally didn't, and didn't give you an opportunity to step in before it was too late.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 8:36 pm
I have been wronged by sheitel machers more times than I care to remember. I know the feeling of writing out a check with tears in my eyes.
Op, I wish I could give you a hug. I know the feeling so so well.
It hurts because it seems like the more popular the SM is, the more nasty she could be.
The ones who have thousands of insta followers are the ones who were so careless.

What made it even harder was that I couldn't badmouth her - it would be lashon hara. So I had to hold it in. I wanted to write a letter to the editor telling people not to use her.

Many SM have no accountability. They can charge whatever they want, treat you like garbage and still get away with it.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 10:26 pm
Reading this whole thread makes me feel so happy that I am so done with it...
(as I said above, not the sheitel macher's fault that the last sheitel just didn't work...)

I was tired of feeling blackmailed into spending that kind of money on a gamble. That's really what it is, like gambling because who knows if you'll be happy...

(I am so not trying to convince anyone to wear tichels. Just saying this kind of story and others mentioned like it, was my main motivation ....) Anyone else ever feel like that?
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2021, 11:41 pm
There really are some wonderful sheitel machers out there keep going op til you find yours
- and again amazing how you used this upsetting experience for growth.
Much continued hatzlocha
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 5:30 pm
hey op im in the same boat
went to a top SM in FR thats sooo popular on instagram
you wish she gave me any of her time. I was a kallah and I was a "nobody" and she treated me like garbage. she held onto my wigs for months "fixing" the lace front that she had put in UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!! get this... she sent it to someone in monsey to fix and that person didnt fix it for over 3 months.... the SM told me I should get involved and speak to the repair person in monsey. hello??? is this my job to take care of ur terrible workers??

im married 2 years and still fixing the bad job she did on them. ugh.

so ya, ur not alone!
the more popular they are, the less decent of a person they are imho.

hmm ya. it happened 3x with this SM we had planned for me to come pick up my sheital. I show up. I knock, I call, I wait outside for 30 mins. she "forgets" we had an appt. or I went once to fix the sheital, she left me outside for over 45 mins on her porch while she made her family supper. and me a stupid newlywed waited like an idiot. never again!!!

and I asked a big posek in the community about my situation and he told me if someone asks me about this SM I can say not to go to her.

maybe we can post some excellent SMs who answer texts/calls, show up to appts, and cut nicely?
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 6:10 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Hi thanks for your support.
bh it wansn't 3,000. I paid 1500. Which is a lot of money and I saved up for it but barach hashem it is not my lifes savings.

I am definitely her moichel a million times, I would not withhold forgivness over this.

Yes, I would've liked her to be more careful with my sheitel, I would have loved for her to be more compassionate when it didn't work out the way I wanted. But that is her issues to work on.

I am dan lcaf zchus that she is burned by customers that take her for a ride and she had to put down boundries for herself so she shouldn't be emotionally dragged down by her business.

I felt like I had to stick up for myself for my self growth, but I am looking forward to enjoy the sheitel the way it is.

Wow. I really admire you for going out of your comfort zone and being assertive. And then you have an amazing attitude about it all went down. I wish I could be like that .
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 6:27 pm
thunderstorm wrote:
Wow. I really admire you for going out of your comfort zone and being assertive. And then you have an amazing attitude about it all went down. I wish I could be like that .

Thunderstorm, your have so many admirable qualities that I have gotten to know through your posts. You are very inspirational
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 6:35 pm
amother [ Snapdragon ] wrote:
I have been wronged by sheitel machers more times than I care to remember. I know the feeling of writing out a check with tears in my eyes.
Op, I wish I could give you a hug. I know the feeling so so well.
It hurts because it seems like the more popular the SM is, the more nasty she could be.
The ones who have thousands of insta followers are the ones who were so careless.

What made it even harder was that I couldn't badmouth her - it would be lashon hara. So I had to hold it in. I wanted to write a letter to the editor telling people not to use her.

Many SM have no accountability. They can charge whatever they want, treat you like garbage and still get away with it.

I had the same experience. Saved up money for a long time and went to a well known very expensive SM that everyone would recognize. Brought a picture of what I was looking for and she totally didn't listen. Cut it way too short and I never liked the wig. It's been 8 years and wore it maybe 20 times 😔
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 6:46 pm
Btw I was let down by a sheital macher who wasn't fixing a fault on a brand new wig, I called my Rov who is also happens to be a rosh Dayan for advice, and he said that sheitel problems is what they probably get the most coming through. I had no idea!! Although he did tell me to try persevere before escalating. Wig was from USA, I live in UK. From memory he said I should be in touch with a Rov local to her.

So I just stated that I bought a wearable wig and if it's not fixed in a timely manner I will escalate to beis din. Needed repeating but message got througg and repair was dealt with. So bH I had a lovely wig but service was awful. At this point, I tell myself she will have to answer din vecheshbon if she acted ethically with people, and it's not my problem.

So not quite the same situation, but if you said longer than my current one, and she didn't, then she didn't deliver what was agreed. A comprise should be found, ideally she refunds or replaces, but at the least, with your willingness she should try to find a way for it to work for you. Or at least give a discount, not charge more!!!
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2021, 9:44 pm
As posted up thread , my friends husband is a Dayan and he said that most of their cases are about shaitels. It’s like the Wild West with no regulations or recourse.
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Post Sat, Dec 18 2021, 8:04 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
So I got the courage, called the office, and explained that I am not happy. They told me to come in and show it to them. I did. The secretary said that it is totally not short and she doesn't see my problem. I wasn't demanding of accusing but I held my own saying that to me this is short and she should've communicated better that this is the length she is going to cut and see if I'm ok with it.

They told me that there is nothing they can do. I wasn't going to demand anything, but I did make it clear that I am disappointed. I asked them to make it straight so it wouldn't be a wedding sheitel that I wanted and I'll wear it for every day. So I made an appointment for next day.

I went back today, she had it done straight. It looked ok. Nothing like what I imagined. I told her my issue. She gave me a whole speech that she won't take responsibility because she did nothing wrong. If I needed a certain length then I needed to bring in another wig exactly .... and when people buy a dress they need to be specific... I told her that if she isn't taking any responsibility than I really don't want to discuss it with her anymore but I wish she would communicate better before cutting...

As I am leaving, I feel tears at the corner of my eyes. I feel disappointed... misunderstood... I stood up for myself and it just made me feel silly... I'm about to leave when they say, wait you didn't pay for your wash and set! wait , what? Yeah it's 80 bucks. I was sure it's a misunderstanding. I just bought it, never wore it, didn't like it... They went to ask the sheitel macher and she said she will give me a 20 discount. My hands were literally shaking as I wrote the check. I just wrote the dollar amount and signed it.

I felt like I had to say something before I leave. I needed a drop of sympathy from someone. I told the secretary that took the money, " I just really wish that someone would care that I am unhappy. I don't get a new wig every day. This was a big purchase for me and I am really disappointed with my new sheitel and nobody cares. " I felt my eyes filling with tears so I quickly left.

I sat in car for a few minutes. Had a good cry. And now I'm ready to move on and enjoy my new fresh bob sheitel.

This incident reminded me why I hate buying sheitels and Why I hate standing up for myself.

Thank for listening to my long long vent!

OP, you did awesome!! That's so hard, and even the fact that you went in and said something is major! You were not silly - just because they didn't listen to you doesn't mean you did anything wrong or stupid. You did what you had to. You spoke up for yourself, respectfully and calmly. Good for you!
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Post Sat, Dec 18 2021, 9:40 pm
amother [ Sunflower ] wrote:
OP, you did awesome!! That's so hard, and even the fact that you went in and said something is major! You were not silly - just because they didn't listen to you doesn't mean you did anything wrong or stupid. You did what you had to. You spoke up for yourself, respectfully and calmly. Good for you!

thanks! Really means a lot to me!
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