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Define "hitting"
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Do you hit your kids as a deciplinary measure?
 38%  [ 21 ]
If they are really bad...  
 20%  [ 11 ]
On occasion  
 32%  [ 18 ]
I don't have a specific shitah  
 9%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 55



Post Sun, Sep 11 2005, 1:04 am
I quit smacking my toddler when he was one because all that ended up happening was he would learn to smack and started to smack anyone and everyone

Rivka, Did you really smack you baby before a year?? I dont believe in smacking as a usual punishment but especially babies. Before one sounds REALLY young to me! What kind of things did your baby do that you would smack him for?
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Post Mon, Sep 12 2005, 7:46 pm
hi, it's so tough with the highchair, because if you take them out, they'll be happy and go play, you're method is good, I don';t have that problem bH, about the hitting, it;s crazy mine was hitting for a while. Just 2 weeks ago by my friend's mammy &me, a kid took a toy that my baby had played with and put down, so he was making nice, I didn;t even tell him that time, he had alreayd gathered self control, he obviously wanted to hit the kid. So taking over to the other child an dmaking them apologise does work. However if it doesn't I take away his priveledge right then, like he can't play with the children if he doesn't say sorry.
It's a long, exhausting process, isn't it?
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Wed, Sep 14 2005, 1:35 am
Sheshycoco, of course it's tough..
Well, that's what being a good mom is..
You'll get your reward.. the harder you work the better your reward upstairs.
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im my kids ima


Post Wed, Sep 14 2005, 4:35 am
I waz just reading this on fisherprice.com and wanted 2 show it 2 u it might help. but I dont know bc I didnt read everything. but I think it aplys 2 what I read and I hope it helps but here it is

When Your Child Bites Or Hits
Fisher-Price® Parenting Guide CD-ROM

When your child hurts another child by biting or hitting, it can be embarrassing for you. It also can be frightening for your child, who probably feels overwhelmed.

Why Do Children Bite And Hit?

Babies often are trying to imitate their parents, who may playfully nip their fingers and toes or pat their behinds during play.

Toddlers usually start biting or hitting to get attention. They lack the language to express their needs with words alone. Preschoolers are more likely to bite out of impulse, often when they are overtired or frustrated. Usually a child stops biting and hitting as he gains more control over his impulses and learns to express his frustration in other ways.

Don't Overreact

A calm but very firm No usually ends the problem with babies. Toddlers and preschoolers may need to be removed from the situation, then told firmly that hitting and biting are unacceptable. They must use their words when they are upset or want something.

Hitting Back

Experts say that biting or hitting your child back only makes the problem worse. It teaches him that biting and hitting are acceptable ways to express anger[/color][/color]
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Post Wed, Sep 14 2005, 4:26 pm
Life could get confusing for parents and babies, but wow, I love fisherprice.
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Post Wed, Sep 14 2005, 4:56 pm
Even if my kid pulled off my shaitel on purpose I wouldnt smack him.. whats the point??? how will that teach him anything? At first I would say no firmly and explain to him that we dont do this... I really dont see the point of hitting... I was hit very few times a kids... I didnt learn a thing from it besides to be scared of a patch.
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Post Thu, Sep 15 2005, 3:37 am
I do smack my kids when they misbehave but I wouldn´t smack for pulling off a headcovering. I would just cover myself up and tell them firmly that we don´t do that.
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Post Thu, Sep 15 2005, 10:40 am
I dont see how smacking a kid for any reason(unless the kid did something so bad and unusual...) will teach a kid. In my opinion, there are many, many better ways.
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Post Sat, Sep 17 2005, 10:30 pm
I don't think smacking is the answer either, but my kid is still young, it must beso hard for parents with older kids, I hope by then I'll be confident in the way I discipline them, time flies, it'll be so fast.What do I do whe my toddler throws everything I put on his highchair, Im forcingmyself to be patient, but he hasn't shown any sign that he plans to stop, Im going insane inside, I don;t know how much longer I can cope with this without shouting at him. Has anyone had this, what should I do?
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Post Sat, Sep 17 2005, 11:33 pm
When the toddler (whoever it was at the time...) in my house would start throwing his food on the floor my mother would take it to mean he is done so she would take the food away. If your baby just likes throwing his food on the floor even while he is eating (which is normal..) I would just feed him the food... is that possible? If it isn't, maybe you can put a garbage bag or something, they actually have these plastic "rugs" to put under the highchair or under your childs chair and then you can just roll it up and throw it out when he is finished eating.... I think the more of a big deal parents make when kids throw food... the more they will throw... so If none of these ideas work I would just ignore it... he might stop if he isn't getting attention for it. WHat do you think?
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 2:06 am
my mother would take it to mean he is done so she would take the food away

Ditto Very Happy
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 3:00 am
I do hit my kids aged 3-6 but rarely. If a child is being deliberately disobedient or Chutzpahdik, I might say firmly "If you do that one more time, I'll have to give you a potch." That's usually enough of a deterrent, but if not, I follow through. I think kids do know the difference between a potch given to let out frustration and one that is meant to discipline. The point is not the physical pain, it's to drive home the point that you're doing something very wrong, and that's why Mommy had to potch you.

I can only remember one case where I hit a child older than 8, when my kids were playing some "cops and robbers" type game and my ten-year-old took a kitchen knife and started running around with it. I told him, "I think you're too old to be hit, but in order that you realize how wrong and dangerous it was, I will give you a potch now." He accepted it calmly and never did it again. Once again, the physical pain was minimal, it's the point that is brought home.

I think my potches work, however, only because they're very rare. If I would hit more often, I'm sure they would cease to be effective.
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 9:58 am
hadasa I agree it doesnt sound bad if you very rarely patch if it doesnt hurt at all and its just the point to teach a lesson... I wouldnt want to physically pain my children either.
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 12:52 pm
happymom wrote:
If your baby just likes throwing his food on the floor even while he is eating (which is normal..)
that's him, all right!
I would just feed him the food... is that possible?

He takes his food out of his mouth and throws it on the highchair, then back in his mouth, then out then throws it on the floor...
I would just ignore it... he might stop if he isn't getting attention for it.

I've been ignoring it for months, and he still keeps at it.

He is fascinated with throwing things. He does it all the time, he throws his toys in and out of the box. Toys out of the bath... I'm waiting for him to 'grow' out of it, but he doesn't seem in any hurry to...[/quote]
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 2:29 pm
freilich wrote:
my mother would take it to mean he is done so she would take the food away

Ditto Very Happy

Ditto ditto
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 2:41 pm
1st timer, me too,im going insane, than guys for all your help, I guess Ill just tryto keepon ignoring it, Ill have to find where to get that plastic cover, I guess target/babiesrus should have it.
I used to have more patience, I hope I regain it.
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 4:10 pm
I saw the plastic at babies r us
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Post Sun, Sep 18 2005, 10:58 pm
Thanx happymom, we have to go to babiesrus anyay, we couldn't go today though, because my hubbi got back late from marshal arts, and silly really, but they close at 6pm on sunday, whyyyyyyyy!!!!!!????????

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Post Mon, Sep 19 2005, 9:30 am
no prob:) Im glad I can be of help.
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Post Sun, Oct 23 2005, 7:27 pm
I must say, thanx everyone for your ideas, my baby has seamed to be alm,ost over the throwing phase, he will do it if he's really full, or rarely for fun, it's great being able to be sane at mealtimes again.
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