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Drowning in Clothes
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 1:30 am
I am drowning in piles of my kids old and current clothes.
Please help me figure out what to save. I'm having a hard time throwing good clothing out, but on the other hand, should I save stuff for my baby that's 8.5 years younger than her sister? Or for a future boy that doesn't even exist yet?

Please help me!

ETA I have an attic where I can store stuff so space is technically not an issue. Although I hate clutter.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 1:41 am
I had this problem for well over a decade.

Then, I went to the Carters website. I bought my 18 month old baby a complete new wardrobe of comfy pants and shirts for $60.

Okay, $60 doesn't grow on trees, but it put a lot of my saved clothing into perspective. My new policy is I'll save it if it's absolutely swoon-worthy and adorable and doesn't show its age. Otherwise, new comfy clothes will probably fit into the budget again at some point.

And you don't have to throw out the good clothing. Gemachs are good, and if you give it to a non-Jewish place they will probably be recycled into something useful.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 5:06 am
I am just like you OP. BH I have a lot of space but I dislike clutter.

I have to tell you that the baby clothing I gave away to friends and relatives has given me a lot more joy than anything that has sat in boxes in storage for years. Its so much fun to see a niece wearing a dress my daughter used to wear. I have held onto only very few sentimental pieces (like a hat that great-grandmother knitted for the baby).

If I were you I would choose your absolute favorite pieces that will bring you joy when you see your younger children wearing them, and anything that's just useful and not joyful give away. When your younger one grows up, BH you will get beautiful hand-me-downs back, or buy again new.

eta: I gave away my girls clothing before I was done having children, and then proceeded to have three boys, so I guess it all worked out. but I also had the confidence to give it away, knowing we'd manage somehow.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 6:29 am
It’s funny, I’m also thinking about this right now. Bh I have a newborn and I can’t believe I saved so much stuff for several years and only maybe 4 or 5 pieces are still ok. Everything smells funny, looks old or used… and I’m like but how was my brain to save all this?? 😩
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 6:45 am
I’ve learned the hard way. Don’t save. It’s good to save if it will be used within 2 years. Otherwise, let it go.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 6:49 am
It's a lot easier if you don't sort through stuff alone. Invite a friend (bonus if she could use some of the clothes) to help you sort. If she's just passing you stuff that you are then putting in boxes. It's so much easier not to do it alone. And it's helpful for someone who doesn't have an attachment to it.

I do this with my clothes. I invite a friend who gets first dibs on my stuff. And we either hang it up for me. Put it in a bag for her. Or put it in a bag for donations. Oh and one last bag if it's absolutely trash.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 7:29 am
Thank you all so much! I am going to force myself to be unemotional about it and just give most thing away
You're right, I probably won't miss it.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:20 am
What about uniforms? I'm not 100% sure I will be sending my baby girl to the same school as her 9 year old sister. Should I hold onto uniforms?
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:21 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
What about uniforms? I'm not 100% sure I will be sending my baby girl to the same school as her 9 year old sister. Should I hold onto uniforms?

No way! She deserves a fresh uniform!
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:34 am
Yes. Uniforms are ridiculously overpriced. My 8 years younger sister used some of my school uniforms. She also got new ones. I'm pretty sure my mom just saved the skirts and bought new shirts, because the skirts age better.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:40 am
I have a lot of beautiful used clothes taking up space but I’m not sure where to give them.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:41 am
If you don't want to hold on to uniforms, contact your school as there is a good chance there's a parent who runs a uniform gemach and someone can put them to very good use.
For other clothing, I don't that by the time it comes out again it looks much more worn than when it was put away and usually looks dated and a lot less exciting. Things I gave away right when I was done went to much better use.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:42 am
If you don't want to hold on to uniforms, contact your school as there is a good chance there's a parent who runs a uniform gemach and someone can put them to very good use.
For other clothing, I don't that by the time it comes out again it looks much more worn than when it was put away and usually looks dated and a lot less exciting. Things I gave away right when I was done went to much better use.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:43 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
What about uniforms? I'm not 100% sure I will be sending my baby girl to the same school as her 9 year old sister. Should I hold onto uniforms?

Most schools take their used uniforms and have a gmach that distributes them.

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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 8:50 am
After going through the same thing last summer, organizing baby clothes from the last time I had this gender, this is my conclusion:

Baby clothes I save the stuff I love and only if they're still in excellent condition. Honestly I used very little from my last baby but I'm glad I kept those things for the memories that came back to me when opening the box. I have some storage space, so one extra box for things I didn't use doesn't bother me.

For toddlers and bigger kids:
Velour winter pajamas I save. Even if the elastic goes bad, for me it's worth adding a new one. Summer clothes don't survive the season well enough to be worth to save, so those get dumped or donated sukkos time.
Winter clothes depends on the style, color, and quality. Some things are worth saving like a classy boy's sweater, but other things are not like a girl's trendy jumper.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 9:14 am
amother [ Narcissus ] wrote:
It’s funny, I’m also thinking about this right now. Bh I have a newborn and I can’t believe I saved so much stuff for several years and only maybe 4 or 5 pieces are still ok. Everything smells funny, looks old or used… and I’m like but how was my brain to save all this?? 😩

This. And mine only sat in boxes boxes two years. After my second baby, I gave most things away as he grew out and saved only the nicer/ more sentimental pieces/super useful ones. I know that someone enjoyed clean baby clothes in good condition. I can't wrap my head around ppl who save boxes and boxes for years. Most doesn't store well. I have a SIL who held on to ginormous plastic tubs of clothes from her first 3 (all boys) and then went on to have a million girls....
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 9:22 am
amother [ Oldlace ] wrote:
This. And mine only sat in boxes boxes two years. After my second baby, I gave most things away as he grew out and saved only the nicer/ more sentimental pieces/super useful ones. I know that someone enjoyed clean baby clothes in good condition. I can't wrap my head around ppl who save boxes and boxes for years. Most doesn't store well. I have a SIL who held on to ginormous plastic tubs of clothes from her first 3 (all boys) and then went on to have a million girls....

I agree ,my issue is that I have used some stuff here and there from the abundance that I saved. And it felt good not having to buy new stretches or pants or whatever. I just have such a hard time making decisions about what to save that I end up keeping everything laying around, hence the wreck that I'm drowning in.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 9:49 am
So it depends.

Baby clothes don't really hold up, but pants and plain shirts for boys are always useful. I saved my boys clothes (anything not stained or ripped) and then I only had to fill in a bit. Yes, the clothes aren't the same fashion, but when they're 4-10 they don't care so much.

Coats and sweaters are pretty classic and can be expensive so I hold on to them.

I throw out underwear, socks and shoes. Those are always new for the next kid.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 9:56 am
Clothing that stored properly will last (more likely). What you need is a system. I keep a big plastic box in a corner and anytime someone out grows something I put it in there. At the end of every season I go through the shelves and take off everything that's not going to fit the next time and put it in the box too. When I have an hour I sort it by size and gender and when I have more time I put it in vacuum sealed huge bags. I have one place I store all these bags labeled by gender size and season. I just started getting to the point where I can actually use the clothing I put away with the system and it's so convenient.

Light colored baby clothing doesn't last because it turns yellow. Same goes for white leggings. Pretty much everything else has aged well but if something was about to get a hole when you put it away after one wash when you take it out will be very holey.
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Post Wed, Feb 16 2022, 10:18 am
For those storing away clothes
If you put a dryer sheet (something that smells fresh and yummy) in between every 3 or 4 items it will absorb odor.
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