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S/O What were you like in school…
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:10 pm
…and what are you like now?
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:12 pm
Quiet, funny, and book-loving. I'm pretty much the same now.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:16 pm
Loud, fun and the life of the party. Head counselor and super spunky

Now, bh I have a very successful business in the finance field. People are shocked that I’m able to sit and deal with what they consider boring. But I love it!
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:21 pm
Nerdy and super awkward but had lots of friends and lived for camp (think division head). Would do anything to be different and not be considered "typical" anything.

Now BH am married with 3 little kids with a really typical frum job with a husband with a really typical frum job in an in town community getting my kid into the "best" school with the "best" pull. I think I'm more surprised than anyone else but honestly very content with this "typical" looking life.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:22 pm
I was a mischief maker and laughing box, always looking for action and fun.
I was the first one to be sent out of class, so the teacher can continue teaching.
I was happy to make it through the year with low test marks, glad school is over. I just rolled with the punches...
Now, serious. Enjoy socializing but not looking for it...
Bh my kids are studious...
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:25 pm
I was loud and outspoken and smart and driven...

What am I now?
A teacher!!!!
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:28 pm
Loud and crazy. Still loud and crazy.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:36 pm
I was popular and always had friends but I was also awkward and put my foot in my mouth a lot which made me feel like I was made fun of. I still can't figure out what people actually thought of me then.

Now I'm more confident and self-assured but I still worry that people think I'm weird.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:38 pm
I was serious, studious, a great student. I was on the quiet side but had plenty of friends.
As an adult, I am still serious, still love learning new things. I am still quiet for the most part, but I run a business and I need to be assertive or else.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:41 pm
Terrible student. Hated school. Was absent a lot. Was punished a ton. Failed school.

Thriving now. Ran a special ed school. Worked at other high end jobs as well. Now a sahm at the moment.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:42 pm
Eyeliner, black nail polish, converse.... I'm much more vanilla now
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 8:42 pm
Back then I was looking on the outside looking in wishing I had friends, but I I am married and have four kids but now I am still a loner wishing I had friends.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 9:12 pm
I was a sweet, naive, sheltered good kid. I did what I was expected to. Straight As on my report cards. Good friends. Followed all the rules. Thought people were good.
Now I’m hurt. Very hurt. I’m angry at the world. I’m working on my relationship with Hashem and trying to understand why He made a world where people can be so bad to others.
One good thing that’s different for me is now don’t give a sh** what people think about me. There was a time when I listened to every bit of mussar anyone ever gave me. Now I’m following my own light.
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Post Mon, May 02 2022, 9:21 pm
I was a good student with a strong work ethic, studied a lot and did all my homework. Never, ever ditched a class.

Now I can barely sit through a class, and am totally not on top of my kids homework at all. I guess I burned out from doing mine.

I do still have a very strong work ethic at my job.
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 12:15 am
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 12:46 am
Failed through school. Dreaded classes. Hated homework. Shy blushed alot didn't raise my hand. Had friends but was miserable and awkward if they were out...

I have an awesome job big social life have a wonderful husband and child bh feel successful & grateful 🙏
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 1:05 am
I was very shy even though I had a lot of personality I just didn’t have confidence because I came from a dysfunctional home.
Worked on my confidence and self esteem after school and really changed a lot. Got married and I’m back to being shy because I don’t have a good marriage
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 1:19 am
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
I was a sweet, naive, sheltered good kid. I did what I was expected to. Straight As on my report cards. Good friends. Followed all the rules. Thought people were good.
Now I’m hurt. Very hurt. I’m angry at the world. I’m working on my relationship with Hashem and trying to understand why He made a world where people can be so bad to others.
One good thing that’s different for me is now don’t give a sh** what people think about me. There was a time when I listened to every bit of mussar anyone ever gave me. Now I’m following my own light.

I was a frum goody goody with a million chumras and shittos.

Now I'm a rebellious angry person that doesn't listen to anyone.
I struggle with the basics like taharas hamishpacha and Shabbos.
Can't hear the word God without adding "If he exists."
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 1:24 am
Very social and fun, the life of the party (or class) but an introvert at heart. Think: skipping school trips. Which confused the others since I appeared so social.
Same thing still today. People would swear I love parties but... I dread them and alone time is my dream party.
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Post Tue, May 03 2022, 1:28 am
I was scared and had no confidence or sense of self. I was ugly and didn’t know how to dress or put myself together. Crazy how abusive homes stunt development. I pretended to be a science nerd to excuse myself but in reality I was failing school. I often pretended to be sick especially on test days. I think most people knew but let me get away with it, I was dealing with a lot. I was also that kid with the smelly locker.

Sixteen years on, I actually do have a PhD in science. I’m well respected at work and I love what I do. People listen and I’ve advised quite a few CEOs and done things I used to dream of. I make a difference in patient lives every single day and can remain entirely anonymous. We grew up in debt and now we have a surplus, we’re not wealthy by other people standards but we are by our own. I have an amazing marriage with the best man in the world who has a similar background minus the abuse. Our kids are amazing and sweet and think highly of themselves. I have friends but not many because I’m introverted but those I have respect me and I respect them and they’re all from different backgrounds and financial statuses.

I wouldn’t change anything. Every experience was a gift from hashem and I’ll never be able to thank Him or list His praises from just my lifetime alone. I never wait for anything to happen anymore, I try to make things happen (when I have energy).
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