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I was a staunch Vaxxer then went completely anti vax - AMA
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:57 am
Do you think all of us pro-vaxxers are evil or terrible parents?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:59 am
Also, what do you think would happen if doctors stopped all vaccines cold turkey on the whole population? Do you think that would be good for the world? Would you be concerned for huge outbreaks of fatal diseases?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:00 am
I don't.

It is very easy to to along with listen to your doctor

And just do what every else is doing.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:03 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
Also, what do you think would happen if doctors stopped all vaccines cold turkey on the whole population? Do you think that would be good for the world? Would you be concerned for huge outbreaks of fatal diseases?

There is a big difference between kids in first world and third world countries.

It's not one size fits all for whole world.

Although third world countries who didn't have access to covid vaccine but whose government distributes cheap hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin did much better than first world countries who vaxxed.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:04 am
#BestBubby wrote:
I don't.

It is very easy to to along with listen to your doctor

And just do what every else is doing.

So pro-vaxxers are naive and uneducated? (There's obviously no world where we can have legitimacy to our choices)
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:09 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
So pro-vaxxers are naive and uneducated? (There's obviously no world where we can have legitimacy to our choices)

Most doctors are very educated and Pro Vax.

But people refuse to believe they were deliberately lied to.

Holocaust should have taught us that scientists can be evil.

Communism should have taught us that government can control science and medicine.

But many anti vaxxers have PhDs, they know how to do research. Majority of anti vaxxers are college educated.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:18 am
amother Navy wrote:
You’re words are passionate and persuasive but you’re not really answering the question. You are saying that you can’t trust the data- but yet you are able to know which data to trust based on your personal beliefs. So when you believed in vaccines you trusted that set of data and now you don’t believe so you trust the other set of data.

I didn’t believe in vaccines per se, I vaccinated because that’s what was done. I never had reason to question it, because I wasn’t aware there was anything to question. Just like I didn’t realize that there was anything wrong with the covid shot. Until there was.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:19 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:

There's obviously no world where we can have legitimacy to our choices

We can't both be right.

But in America people are supposed to be FREE to make their own medical decisions.

That is what the Nuremberg Code says too.

Mandates should be illegal.

If you want to vax, go ahead.

If you don't want to Vax, it's your body your choice.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:21 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
Do you think all of us pro-vaxxers are evil or terrible parents?

Not at all. I wish you can see what I see and before it’s too late so you don’t feel the regret I feel.
I wish I would have listened to people and done my homework on both sides. I wish I would have known that I could question it and that it wasn’t so black and white.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:24 am
#BestBubby wrote:
What is strange?

We are all unique individuals.

Did everyone who gers polio get paralyzed?

Vast majority recovered with no side effects

It is strange because the way the anti-vaxers talk about vaccines, it's as if they are the route of all evil. Complete poison.

I agree, we are all unique. Some people have peanut allergies and would die of they eat peanuts. Does that mean none of us should eat peanuts?

My issue is that the anti-vaxers don't see vaccines like "peanuts". They see them as complete poison, in which case there would be many more people sick and dying in the world.

If the anti-vaxers would admit that maybe the vaccines aren't THAT bad, but they may harm SOME people, I believe they would have more credibility. It's when they say things like "vaccines are the cause of all diseases and they have terrible effects for EVERYONE", that's when I find them hard to believe.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:25 am
I think the difference between the covid vaccine and all other vaccines is that by the covid vaccine, people were forced to take it or lose their jobs. Threatened into something they didn't want. I don't think that's ever been done before. The level of harassment was unprecedented.
With the polio vaccine for example, I believe people were lining up to receive the vaccine, so it was by choice.
I vaccinate my kids but have not given any covid vaccine to anyone in my family and don't plan on it.
I generally don't give new vaccines unless it's been out there a number of years and the side effects are well known.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:25 am
amother OP wrote:
So you think it was only the covid vax that went untested? Look into the shots you give your children. Look into how they test those. Maybe you’ll reevaluate and thoroughly research your information, because you’re naive to think it was just the covid shots they got away with not testing.

I did research on the Rubella shot, and yes they did test it before giving it.

If it's so bad why before it came out every 7-9 years there were a bunch of kids born with certion birth defects that don't happen now.(every 7-9 years there was an out break)
They say Rubella shot saved more unborn babies then the Catholic Church.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:26 am
#BestBubby wrote:
We can't both be right.

But in America people are supposed to be FREE to make their own medical decisions.

That is what the Nuremberg Code says too.

Mandates should be illegal.

If you want to vax, go ahead.

If you don't want to Vax, it's your body your choice.

This. Over and over.
Let people make their own decisions without coercion, threats, punishment and fear.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:27 am
amother Navy wrote:
You’re words are passionate and persuasive but you’re not really answering the question. You are saying that you can’t trust the data- but yet you are able to know which data to trust based on your personal beliefs. So when you believed in vaccines you trusted that set of data and now you don’t believe so you trust the other set of data.

All data is not equal.

When you see that vaccines are not tested against real placebos

When you see that cdc refuses to do a Vax v unvax study

You see the corruption.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:31 am
GLUE wrote:
I did research on the Rubella shot, and yes they did test it before giving it.

If it's so bad why before it came out every 7-9 years there were a bunch of kids born with certion birth defects that don't happen now.(every 7-9 years there was an out break)
They say Rubella shot saved more unborn babies then the Catholic Church.

You’re telling me the rubella shot was tested against a placebo? Because there’s documents proving that this is incorrect. There has been not one single vaccine tested against a placebo. These documents were subpoenaed by rf Kennedy and he has them listed on his website showing that not one was tested against a placebo control group.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:31 am
amother Azure wrote:
It is strange because the way the anti-vaxers talk about vaccines, it's as if they are the route of all evil. Complete poison.

I agree, we are all unique. Some people have peanut allergies and would die of they eat peanuts. Does that mean none of us should eat peanuts?

My issue is that the anti-vaxers don't see vaccines like "peanuts". They see them as complete poison, in which case there would be many more people sick and dying in the world.

If the anti-vaxers would admit that maybe the vaccines aren't THAT bad, but they may harm SOME people, I believe they would have more credibility. It's when they say things like "vaccines are the cause of all diseases and they have terrible effects for EVERYONE", that's when I find them hard to believe.

There are many who have that approach.

Some vaccines are worth it,
doing vaccines later and more spread out.

But if a person disagrees with ONE vaccine or with the CDC schedule,

Government and Media label them anti-vaxxers.

Dr. Sears promoted a safer vaccine schedule and government persecuted him and suspended his license.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:31 am
amother Clear wrote:
I think the difference between the covid vaccine and all other vaccines is that by the covid vaccine, people were forced to take it or lose their jobs. Threatened into something they didn't want. I don't think that's ever been done before. The level of harassment was unprecedented.
With the polio vaccine for example, I believe people were lining up to receive the vaccine, so it was by choice.
I vaccinate my kids but have not given any covid vaccine to anyone in my family and don't plan on it.
I generally don't give new vaccines unless it's been out there a number of years and the side effects are well known.

Also for example the polio vaccine, the inventor (a Jew btw) refused to patent the vaccine, he was here to save lives. When asked about about who owns the patent he answered “Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?”

The covid vaccine made the pharmaceutical companies a lot of cash.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:32 am
amother OP wrote:
I absolutely do not believe this, and have since realized that the polio scam was just like the fauxvid scam and is from spraying and the deaths started subsiding way before the vaccine rollout - like all the others - which in fifty years you’ll have people saying that the covid shot saved lives when it did the polar opposite. They fooled us before, I believe they’ll continue doing it. I won’t fall for it again.

I hear this all the time but when I looked it up all I could find is that Polio has gone up and up every year until the vaccine came out.

Once the vaccine came out it went from an illness that every one could get to one that only the unvaxed got.

Please tell me were you are getting your research on Polio.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:42 am
#BestBubby wrote:
We can't both be right.

But in America people are supposed to be FREE to make their own medical decisions.

That is what the Nuremberg Code says too.

Mandates should be illegal.

If you want to vax, go ahead.

If you don't want to Vax, it's your body your choice.

This is what gets me so frustrated about the narrative of anti-vax. Why can't we both be "a little" right? I'm not saying your research and data is totally illegitimate, and while I don't agree with your lifestyle choices, I respect the fact that you've done your research and have backup for your claims. I think there are flaws on both sides of the aisle - that's always how it's going to be. I can be aware of the flaws in my position and still hold to it, you should do the same. Turning this into such a polarized debate that only one opinion can be objectively correct is a fallacy. Statistics and data are not absolute, and one should make their decision with a healthy awareness of that fact- which set of statistics and data do I put my faith in, knowing that there are flaws in the argument?
When you hold the position that your argument is objectively correct and mine is objectively incorrect/evil/naive, you come across sounding very conspiracy theory-ish and I lose my respect for your opinion.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 10:45 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
This is what gets me so frustrated about the narrative of anti-vax. Why can't we both be "a little" right? I'm not saying your research and data is totally illegitimate, and while I don't agree with your lifestyle choices, I respect the fact that you've done your research and have backup for your claims. I think there are flaws on both sides of the aisle - that's always how it's going to be. I can be aware of the flaws in my position and still hold to it, you should do the same. Turning this into such a polarized debate that only one opinion can be objectively correct is a fallacy. Statistics and data are not absolute, and one should make their decision with a healthy awareness of that fact- which set of statistics and data do I put my faith in, knowing that there are flaws in the argument?
When you hold the position that your argument is objectively correct and mine is objectively incorrect/evil/naive, you come across sounding very conspiracy theory-ish and I lose my respect for your opinion.

Because binary thinking is more exciting... can't get riled up over 'lets find middle ground'.
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