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Baby carriers versus sling carriers. Which is best?
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which baby carrier do you like best?
baby bjorn  
 20%  [ 7 ]
other brand baby carrier  
 5%  [ 2 ]
 26%  [ 9 ]
my hands of course  
 29%  [ 10 ]
 17%  [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 34



Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 5:51 pm
I LOVE using the wrap (moby wrap) for new borns. It is so cozy and you can adjust it however you want. After the wrap didn't work for me anymore, I loved using the ergo baby. There is a website that lets you have a 90 day trial for the ergo. here is the website http://www.myfavoritebabycarri......html
good luck and enjoy wearing your baby. They grow out of it too quickly
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dee's mommy


Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 6:13 pm
My current favourite is the Mei Tai (specifically, the Maya Tie version.) It is so comfortable, and I can get the baby on my back with it, which is great for doing laundry, cooking, or otherwise doing Shabbos preparations. Also, I like it for shopping. It has a pocket where I can put my keys and bank card, so I don't have to carry a purse.

I also have a couple of Gypsy Mama Bali Breeze Wraps, which are great when I get the tying right. I like those for walks. (And they are very pretty too!) I am working on the back carries, but so far I am not that great at them.

And, the one that I have had the longest is the sling (a Maya Wrap). I also really like it, but it is not my best carrier.

The first one I bought was a Moby Wrap, which sadly, I returned, because I was so intimidated by it. I could tie it, and it was so comfortable, but I just didn't give it a chance. Looking back, I should have stuck with it. I suppose that is why I bought the wraps that I have now. I suppose I could have gotten by with just the Mei Tai and sling combined, but I wanted to gain this skill too. (And the patterns are very pretty. I just couldn't resist! )

The very first sling I had was Jolly Jumper sling, which was a gift in the early days. This was very short lived, as I couldn't adjust it, and I couldn't get the baby in a Tummy to Tummy position. It just didn't work for me.

Someone once told me that there is no such thing as a perfect carrier. Different ones are best for different situations and ages. I have found that to be true. That is why I have different types of carriers. Different ones are appropriate for different occasions.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 6:30 pm
chaylizi wrote:
the baby bjorn has a fleece like cover that is sold separately & attaches outside the carrier for baby. I loved it. for myself I wore a jacket that was big enough to wrap around both of us if I was cold. I couldn't close it though.

Thanks. I didn't know that.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 9:18 pm
supermommy wrote:
pardon my ignorance but what's the difference between a sling and a wrap?

A sling has 2 metal, wooden or plastic rings at one end that you thread the other end, the tail through to secure a loop.

The wrap is 5-6 yards of fabric (usually a jersey type) that you can tie in different ways to wear the child.
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 1:33 am
I bought my sister a hotsling http://www.hotslings.com/ for her newborn and she LOVES it. It leaves both hands free so she can walk around and do stuff in the house, or go outside for quick errands or a walk. The one I got also matches her diaper bag Wink

It doesn't have any rings or buckles if that annoys you. It is basically one piece of fabric that you wear in different ways for newborns, babies and older (I think up to 35 pounds).
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 5:44 pm
Anyone have the Beco Baby Carrier? It's abt 150 dollars but seems to be very versatile and pretty too. You can see a demo on mommy.tv (the lady's accent is a bit nervewracking but you can the idea...)
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 11:38 pm
PInkbubbles- I WANT ONE!!!
I just watched the youtube demos for them and it looks amazing!!
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 11:49 pm
morkush wrote:
PInkbubbles- I WANT ONE!!!
I just watched the youtube demos for them and it looks amazing!!

I would be very wary of getting anything that is not adjustable.

Also, the way they show these poor babies sitting, it's like they're folded in half until they're 5 or 6 months old.
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 12:17 am
I have a kozy MT which I love, very comfortable, much more comfortable than my ergo. It takes about 30 seconds to get it on and to get baby into it.

I love my ergo for quick in & out (like picking up Rivka, her dcp is up 4 flights of steps and I don't like carrying the baby and holding her hand & carrying her stuff, so the ergo it is). I also like the ergo on the back, but I never tried the MT on the back yet (MT is new for this baby, ergo I've had since the twins).

I have a wrap but honestly I haven't used it much with him. I used it more with the twins, but now that I have the MT the wrap was no compitition. The MT is quicker and more comfortable for me (esp. in the summer). The advantage of the wrap is they can face out, but Avraham Tzvi doesn't seem to mind).

I don't have a bjorn, we went with a cheaper snuggli for dh when the twins were born. I don't like the snuggli at all and I should just give it away. I thought about getting a bjorn because everyone raves about them, but I'm happy I spent the money on the MT instead. I think I'll get more use out of it.
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 3:17 am
YESHASettler wrote:
morkush wrote:
PInkbubbles- I WANT ONE!!!
I just watched the youtube demos for them and it looks amazing!!

I would be very wary of getting anything that is not adjustable.

Also, the way they show these poor babies sitting, it's like they're folded in half until they're 5 or 6 months old.

Yep, but I am worried to buy one that you have to tie yourself because I am scared that I won't tie it properly and the baby might fall out Ch"V!!
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 3:21 am
morkush wrote:
Yep, but I am worried to buy one that you have to tie yourself because I am scared that I won't tie it properly and the baby might fall out Ch"V!!

Unlikely to happen due to improper tying because of the tension the baby puts on the fabric.

Now if you don't place the baby properly into the pouch, the baby can fall out.
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 3:23 am
Thanks Yesha! I guess I'll just have to wait till after the baby to try some out Smile
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 5:55 am
I had a hotslings pouch that I gave up on. someone told me the pouches were easiest because you don't have to adjust them. silly me I listened. I didn't want a carrier that had to be supported by my hands & so I don't use it.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 1:31 pm
just curious: what is the point of all these holders. is it so you can multitask and get more done? I study and read while holding my kids, save the writing for when theyre sleeping. I send emails and stuff while nurising (thank g-d for blackberries). seem to find a way to multitask and manage. so what is the point?? I wouldnt WANT to be in my kitchen preparing dinner with my baby in my arms (or inthis sling type of thingie) too much hot stuff, metal stuff, etc around!! If I had 5 or 6 kids then would my opinion be different? (I only have 2 right now). just curious. I never really understood and would appreciate some insight....
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 10:34 am
ss321 wrote:
just curious: what is the point of all these holders. is it so you can multitask and get more done? I study and read while holding my kids, save the writing for when theyre sleeping. I send emails and stuff while nurising (thank g-d for blackberries). seem to find a way to multitask and manage. so what is the point?? I wouldnt WANT to be in my kitchen preparing dinner with my baby in my arms (or inthis sling type of thingie) too much hot stuff, metal stuff, etc around!! If I had 5 or 6 kids then would my opinion be different? (I only have 2 right now). just curious. I never really understood and would appreciate some insight....

It's a way to hold your child without using your hands. It's an alternative to needing a carriage. It's a way to sooth a colicky baby...
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 2:08 pm
I like different carriers for diff situations, depending on which of my two I will carry, for how long, etc. I have:

    * wrap - comfy, lots of versatility (I've used cradle carry, nursing, front in, front out, back), very secure (until baby sags to my knees, every time!) lol . Don't like that it's not quick on/off, so I save for times I know I'll be wearing longterm, not changing about. Newborn + (used also for my 2yo)
    * ring sling - comfy, lots of versatility (I've used cradle, nursing, front in, front out, hip, back). Easy on/off, small enough to tuck into diaper bag. Not so secure if baby does not cooperate. Newborn + (used also for my 2yo)
    * hip hammock - thumbs down, it is secure but not comfy unless I move to front which is not recommended. Lose use of that arm, 6 mos+
    * mei tai - Thumbs Up love it, love it, love it. Comfy, secure, easy on and off, versatile (I've used nursing, front in, front out, back, haven't tried hip yet). Supposedly newborn +, just got it so haven't tried that, but I prefer to have a newborn in the cradle position, so we'll see. (used also for my 2yo)

My dd was too small at birth for a baby bjorn and it was such a blessing because I discovered the world of unstructured carriers and I love them! Like you couldn't tell from my collection. I wish I had a rebozo which`seems like a wrap without the sagging problem. We'll see, I think I have enough for now!
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 2:49 pm
I prefer a wrap or a mei tai, but also have a more structured carrier that dh prefers called a pikkolo which is a soft structered carrier, instead of being tied it had buckles, it is still very comfy for us and dh carry our ds in it he will be 3 in a month but he is very tall looks about 3 1/2 4 when I carry ds I prefer a wrap or mei tai because its more supportive and I find that it distributes the weight better.
A great website is thebabywearer.com where you can read reviews on different carriers.
There are websites where you can rent a carrier for a week or two if you are in England I am happy to give you the links, its a minimum fee and helps you find one that you'll be mre comfortbale and happy with.

The softstructred carrier has as I said buckles and is less versatile (although most can be used on the back as well), it has the easiest learning curve and there are some great ones out there, the pikkolo, ergo or beco etc.

the mei tai I found really easy to learn to use and is pretty versatile as well.

Ring sling is very versatile you but also has a slight learning curve, but you can adjust ti which is great for use by ppl of different heights.

pouches can only be used by ppl of similar build so if you and your dh are differnt sizes you would need one for each of you, because of this its easier to learn to use because you cant adjust it. You make sure to get the right size to begon with.

The wrap is the most versaile but has a longer learning curve but is so comfy and once mastered amazing.

Last edited by chavs on Sat, Aug 02 2008, 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 2:55 pm
dee's mommy
I just got a gypsymama breeze lalita and love it, its so pretty.

mamacita have you tried a woven wrap like a didymos? you should have less sag with that one.

I btw used a bjorn (with lumbar support for ds for the first 7 months b/c I didnt know about other carriers, it broke and I discovered the joy of other carriers I got a calin bleu and loved it, a bjorn cant be compared, it is less supportive not good for the baby in terms of support and not very versatile.

This erev shabbos I had dd in a mei tai on the back and cooked for shabbos
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 3:14 pm
YESHASettler wrote:
morkush wrote:
PInkbubbles- I WANT ONE!!!
I just watched the youtube demos for them and it looks amazing!!

I would be very wary of getting anything that is not adjustable.

Also, the way they show these poor babies sitting, it's like they're folded in half until they're 5 or 6 months old.

Hmm.. well my niece seems to enjoy hers Smile I guess its like a swaddle, til they can sit up and support their head so its safe to use a different holding method. It is adjustable to a point, by folding, etc. I got a good idea of how it works by watching the youtube videos (and speaking to my sister). I'll try it very soon myself be'H! If I hate it or felt the baby was uncomfortable I wouldn't use it..
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Post Sat, Aug 02 2008, 9:49 pm
I've used both. I liked the carrier, but my kids wre huge and outgrew them very fast. I REALLY liked the sling more. I had a Peanut Shell (I think that;s what it was called) And it was awesome. It was made of stretchy material and was able to nurse my baby with no hands, walking around in public and no one could tell. And when he got bigger I could use it to hold him when I needed my hands.

It's just that when your 3 month old weighs 20lbs, shock shock your arms get tired REAL FAST.
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