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Did you speak about Israel as a young child with Family?
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 1:41 pm
It's an extremely scary time now. In Israel and the U.S. and most other countries. I grew up in a very Zionistic Home. We all new we were going to make Aliyah. We weren't really sure how life would be but we knew as Jews this is it. BH' we are here. 3 generations. ( My Zaidie and parents were here. (we were 4 generations .They have passed away).
I have been reading here about fear, war, Why is G-d doing this. Anger, frustration about not wanting to come on Aliyah. Each Family has to answer themselves. I know as an adult with a family, it is not easy to pick up and leave. Look at Gush Katif. Ottef Azza, The Kibbutzim. Tragic.
My long question here is when you were younger, your single years , doesn't matter what Hashkafa you are, Did your parents ever speak about Eretz Yisroel being the only place for Jews? When you had discussions around the Shabbat Table, did it ever come up that your parents hoped and verbally said ''I Hope you can get to Israel and build a home there'' . I am interested if these talks ever came up .
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 1:44 pm
Yes, chassidish
We looked at it as ideal but didn't move mainly for financial reasons I think
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:03 pm
Yes always of course. We also went (and still do go) as often as we can
We were always taught with a huge ahava for the land and the ruchnius it contains
We were also taught that it’s a serious thing to say and kind of lashon hara about it
Very yeshivish for context
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:05 pm
With my kids, who are now in their early 20’s yes. They are all planning on making Aliya and it is the first question when dating. My growing up, in the 70’s and 80’s it was more of sort of an ideal, we talked about it and about how amazing it would be but at the same time how sad for the parents who don’t get to see their grandchildren/how terrible that the young moms don’t have parental support and the grandchildren don’t know their grandparents. It was an idealistic ideal, but not for you. Kind of like my grandmother had younger twin brothers and she always said twins are lovely for someone else to have. (As in theory they are great and adorable, but you don’t really want them yourself-it’s too much work and there are too many complications).
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:06 pm
No, Satmar
Only with moshiach. When I learned in a more neutral chassidish school, israel was only mentioned in the context of visiting. Aliyah was never brought up as an ideal.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:08 pm
Nope, ordinary Brooklyn. I now live here
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:08 pm
Being the only place? No, because we didn't live there. But there was a huge love for EY. My parents started their marriage there, in the days when it wasn't easy by any means. They had to go back to America when they had no way of putting food on the table, and always planned to go back. Unfortunately they couldn't because they were caring for elderly parents for many years. But they were constantly talking about EY and worrying about the Jewish people there.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:18 pm
Not at all. We were heimish.
We went to visit once for sukkos.
But we never talked about it as a place to live.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:23 pm
Yea, israel was always a topic of discusion.
My parents always wanted to make aliyah. We almost made aliyah when I was a kid. In the end all kids and parents and some grandparents made aliyah over the last 25 years.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:26 pm
No, I don't remember my parents ever speaking about it.

My seminary teachers said that it's a mitzvah to live in EY (and most of them also felt that it's better from a ruchniyus perspective), but that it's a mitzvah kiyumis not chiyuvis. Meaning, it isn't a chiyuv that a person would get an aveirah for not doing, but you do get a mitzvah for doing it.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 2:30 pm
It was mentioned as an average frum family, with parents visiting from time to time.

Then, one day, I was told by my parents that I was moving to Israel in a few months!

Whatever you do, please have open discussions with your children if that is your intention, and more importantly, if you are able to, please take them for a visit!
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 3:15 pm
No. Brooklynite here
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 3:21 pm
No. Parents are BT. They spoke about Israel in the past tense. That’s where they went to yeshiva and seminary , but never encouraged us to live there or even visit. Neither went back ever since they got married .
My DH also grew up with BT parents . One parent never went to Israel and passed away recently . The other just went for the first time this past summer.
I went for the first time at age 37.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 3:27 pm
No, part of my family is yerushalmi and they relocated to the US because yerushalayim was in a 3rd world country and life was too hard there. Once Israel was established they felt like it wasn't "our country" anymore. Hard to explain. But it wasn't an aspiration at all.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 3:30 pm
No never. Weren’t brought up with love for the land at all. Somewhat chassidish community but I know that other families did talk about it so it wasn’t the same for everyone.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 4:07 pm
Yes! The whole world becomes Eretz Yisroel through our work. Eretz Yisroel was gifted to the Yidden through Avraham and Yitzchok but the whole world was gifted to us through Yaakov. We're not in chul just because we can't be in EY. We're in chul because we have holy work to do for Jews and non Jews alike. The work will continue in EY proper in the Geula haamitis vehashleima. But there's no threat of "or else you'll lose your chance". There's no losing out for not moving to Eretz Yisroel when you have responsibilities in chul. Everyone will have their opportunity to get to Eretz Yisroel and likely the non Jewish governments will assist in that as they did with Soviet Jewry.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 4:16 pm
Not at all. Chofetz Chaim. We would speak about the Geulah and how iyH we will all be there soon. We davened for Moshiach and we talked about the kedusha of EY. But ultimately our mesorah is to do harbatzos Torah wherever one can bring Jews, frum and not, closer to Torah. By opening Yeshivas, elementary schools, kiruv kollelim etc. I guess if we were not planning on going into klei kodesh it would be a different conversation but being that my family all chose this derech we are not looking to make Aliyah.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 4:25 pm
MO and yes we talked about it. Had cousins who made aliyah in 1973 right before the war and others in the late 70s. My maternal grandfather's family was very Zionist and my paternal grandfather's family helped with arms for the War of Independence. My Mom was afraid of living there and made me promise that I'd come home when I went as a student. I would have been willing to consider aliyah, but my dh did not want to go and we discussed it very early in our dating. I would have been sad to leave family, so his feelings decided it for us both. I have one child who may make aliyah (depends in part on who they marry.) I have a great deal of respect for people who make this decision and recognize it's not always so easy.
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 4:34 pm
amother Hosta wrote:
It was mentioned as an average frum family, with parents visiting from time to time.

Then, one day, I was told by my parents that I was moving to Israel in a few months!

Whatever you do, please have open discussions with your children if that is your intention, and more importantly, if you are able to, please take them for a visit!

Op here. Sounds like you were in for a shock. That move must have been traumatic. just picking up and leaving. By us we knew one day we would get there.
Are you still living here or went back?(only if you feel like answering).
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Post Sun, Nov 19 2023, 4:40 pm
We spoke about going to eretz yisroel with moshiach. And a yearning for it. And what a beautiful place it is and kedishas eretz yisroel.
My father was raised there for a few years.
My relative got married to a yerushalmi who's parents many generations back have not stepped foot outside of yerushalayim. They didn't even come to their sons wedding! (second marriage - in NY)
I remembering as a kid thinking it was NUTS. But my father trued to explained it to me.
Now as adult I can understand it more but I still think it's a bit nuts 😅

Eretz yisroel is ourAliya. We can go live there of we so choose to. We just got to a wait for moshaich to come to make true aliya.

My family that lives there are slowly one by one moving to NY. Parnasa is non existent.

We are Satmar.
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