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Replacement Engagement Ring
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 11:53 am
My original 2.5 carat round diamond engagement ring was stolen several years ago. Unfortunately it was not insured (long story). I bought a new identical setting and had a CZ set in it. Every few years I replace the CZ. It was not even on my radar to buy a new diamond for myself - over the last few years I have BH bought 4 for my new daughters in laws as each son got engaged. My imitation ring looked just like my old one and I contented myself with that. But now that Lab Grown diamonds have come down so much in price I would like to replace my CZ with a Lab Grown. The question is do I get the same size and shape or go bigger since the difference in price is small. In fact, if I get any shape other than round the price will be less for a bigger stone. Many women in my age group are "upgrading". But I was lucky enough to start off with a pretty big stone as it is. I also noticed the new rings are usually not round. I know it is a matter of taste but I want to be open minded. I want the new ring to look "real". If I go up to 3.5 carats will that look fake? Any advice would be appreciated.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 11:56 am
We must travel in different circles. To me a 2.5 carat Diamond is HUGE and would definitely look odd worn daily. I wouldn’t go bigger, I think it would look tacky .
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 11:58 am
amother Lotus wrote:
We must travel in different circles. To me a 2.5 carat Diamond is HUGE and would definitely look odd worn daily. I wouldn’t go bigger, I think it would look tacky .

I don't wear it daily.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 11:59 am
Unless you are extremely wealthy I would assume a 3.5 ct diamond is fake. I would assume the same of a 2.5.

Do what you like why do you care what people think?
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:03 pm
amother Butterscotch wrote:
Unless you are extremely wealthy I would assume a 3.5 ct diamond is fake. I would assume the same of a 2.5.

Do what you like why do you care what people think?

My in-laws were wealthy not me they bought me the ring lol
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:09 pm
amother OP wrote:
My in-laws were wealthy not me they bought me the ring lol

We bought our daughter in laws about 2 carat
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:18 pm
It def depends on your circles. I personally have a 3ct diamond and no one would suspect it’s fake.
Being that you’re in the next age bracket already I’d personally go for a bigger size diamond.
And btw- most ( or at least A LOT) people are buying lab grown and therefor buying larger sizes.
As for round of other shapes, that’s a preference. I’d love to hear other opinions too.

Also, do share, do you know of a reputable jeweler who sells lab grown diamonds?
So far I haven’t taken that step but I’d be open to it too.

Good luck!
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:30 pm
bellaball wrote:
It def depends on your circles. I personally have a 3ct diamond and no one would suspect it’s fake.
Being that you’re in the next age bracket already I’d personally go for a bigger size diamond.
And btw- most ( or at least A LOT) people are buying lab grown and therefor buying larger sizes.
As for round of other shapes, that’s a preference. I’d love to hear other opinions too.

Also, do share, do you know of a reputable jeweler who sells lab grown diamonds?
So far I haven’t taken that step but I’d be open to it too.

Good luck!

Thank you so much! I was also thinking that the popularity of lab grown diamonds will make larger stones more prevalent. I plan to buy it from the jeweler who sold me my last daughter in laws real (earth) diamonds. He sells both. I don't want to write his name for fear of outing myself and my not real (lab) stone Smile
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:42 pm
In my circles 3 is average and I’ve been seeing “older” ladies upgrading there rings to bigger and they were them daily. I don’t think bigger than 3 is tacky I think when you get to 5+ it starts looking tacky and costume jewelry. I think the perfect size is a 3.5 simple solitaire ring, my favorite shapes are emerald and round maybe oval. Personally a lab grown wouldn’t bother me and if someone had one I wouldn’t care you do you.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:43 pm
amother OP wrote:
Thank you so much! I was also thinking that the popularity of lab grown diamonds will make larger stones more prevalent. I plan to buy it from the jeweler who sold me my last daughter in laws real (earth) diamonds. He sells both. I don't want to write his name for fear of outing myself and my not real (lab) stone Smile

That makes sense. Totally respect it.
Good luck finding one and I hope you love it!
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:46 pm
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 12:56 pm
I have a 2+ carat ring. It is my original ring from the late 90’s. My ring was/is big, but was definitely not the biggest. At this stage of life (25 years later) I have friends with their original small ring, original big ring, and with upgraded rings. Some are upgraded from 1 carat and some are upgraded from 2.5.
I have no idea whose ring is real. I think that how your are perceived in the community will impact what you can carry. If you are a known bal Habayit, bal tzedaka, have big house, make expensive wedding, have an apartment in Israel, have a known company or fancy job….. nobody will think it is not real. If you live in a little house with a leaking roof and your husband is a rebbe and you a school secretary-unless you received a yerusha recently, people might question.

If you are getting your DILs 2 carat people will think your upgrading to have bigger than them is normal. My friend who had a 1.5, her DD just got a 2.3 and she said if my DD can have that, and I am 50yo and work and earn a nice living, I can get myself a new ring. Her new ring is about 3 (and very pretty)

I also don’t know what community you are in or your societal norms.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 2:38 pm
For my money, 2.5 carat is already ostentatious. Any bigger and you're in "vulgar" territory. JMHO of course.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 2:40 pm
amother Lotus wrote:
We must travel in different circles. To me a 2.5 carat Diamond is HUGE and would definitely look odd worn daily. I wouldn’t go bigger, I think it would look tacky .
. Tacky is tacky even if worn only once a year at your own child's wedding.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 2:54 pm
My neighbor wears a huge emerald shaped Diamond ring and I don’t know if it’s real or fake but it looks cheap to me

I think the bigger you to the more people will question if it’s real or fake
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 2:59 pm
zaq wrote:
. Tacky is tacky even if worn only once a year at your own child's wedding.

2.5 is so not tacky 😂
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 4:00 pm
I think 3-3.5 is a nice size for a grown woman! I completely disagree that bigger than 2 is tacky ( sounds like jealousy IMO)
Most of my friends got 2 when they got engaged I got 1.50 and can’t wait to upgrade. 5 + I always assume is fake. 3 is Perfect & classy. I like oval or emerald! Good luck! I am also torn about lab. Something about it just seems fake to me… if I can’t afford the real thing I don’t want it all
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2023, 4:28 pm
To me, 2.5 is big, but then, you're in a community where you just bought DIL 2, so probably there's some wiggle room.

According to Google, a middling quality 3.5k diamond is worth about 50k. Would it be good or bad for you if people assumed you spent that much on a ring? That depends on a lot of factors that are specific to you and your community.
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Post Sat, Dec 30 2023, 5:42 pm
Lab grown diamonds are not as cheap as you imagine. And the quality of the diamonds are not great. I shopped around for 3 months, went to many shops, many dealers and even ordered a lab diamond from an authorized dealer which came with full certification. I returned it. Nothing was at the level I expected. And the pricing was very high. I end up buying a half eternity band of real diamonds (and it's more comfortable than a full one).
I know you're looking for a solitaire diamond, but I wanted to share my experience and research into lab grown diamonds.
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Post Sat, Dec 30 2023, 6:38 pm
No 2 carat is not tacky. And in my circles many sport real 3,4 carat diamonds. So I wouldn’t think it’s fake or lab. (Mine is 2 and I love it, but I’m much younger than you.)
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