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Chossidmom's Spam Thread of Covid Vaccine Info - welcome
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:44 pm
Erased message because I cannot post the limk to the clip. It is on a dite which spoears to be censored by everyone. I have to figure out hoe to copy the link

Last edited by ChossidMom on Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:49 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Here is a 3 minute video explaining the PCR deception. Kary Mullis, the inventor and Nobel prize winner explains why you cannot diagnose anything with the pcr test.

Ok.. doctor..so how do you diagnose covid?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:50 pm
amother Bluebell wrote:
Most 'proof' is anecdotal anyway.

I had Covid before I took the vaccine.

I've had the vaccination and boosters and haven't had Covid since.

Before you bring me 'proof', just be aware that there are many others like me.

Yup ! And we didn't drop dead from the vaccine! In fact I don't know anyone who did!
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:53 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
And for the record, all these elderly who keep coming down with secondary infections and pneumonia (and other things) can probably thank the twisted system that boosted them up with unsafe and ineffective "vaccines". Covid shots are segula for getting covid
They decimated ppl's immune systems and nis the slightest vold brings them down. And tbe establishment calls it "long covid". This is a tragedy.

Haha! I never said they were vaxxed...

But keep assuming..you know what they say about assuming...
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:54 pm
Br1ghteon is the name if the site. Substitute an I for the 1
Go to the site and search "kary Mullis the man who knew too much". There is a 3 minute clip.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 6:59 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
Yup ! And we didn't drop dead from the vaccine! In fact I don't know anyone who did!

It's funny, many times a death certificate says 'unknown' as cause of death. Since post-mortems are against Halacha this is a common occurrence.

How then, is it 'known' that the covid vaccine is a cause of death?
Anecdotal much? Speculation?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 7:14 pm
Here is the brilliant Dr. Jessica Rose on PCR testing:

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Are 'they' trying to kill us?
Response to a call...
SEP 16

The other day, I had one of those Zoom meetings with a group of people - basically just to catch up - and it turned out to be a really interesting meeting for many reasons. I think our little group represents many, if not all, people scattered around the globe and so I thought it might be important to share some of the questions that popped up and some of the answers or ideas shared.

First of all, I would like to reiterate my sentiments concerning just how very confused I believe everybody is at this point in time. This is by design, in my opinion. Confused about what happened in the past 3 years. Confused about whether or not a zoonotic pathogen called SARS-CoV-2 ever circulated the globe. Confused about this pathogen being constructed by the hands of man. Confused about the validity of the so-called ‘PCR tests’. Confused about whether or not a cabal is trying to eliminate people deemed not worthy to be alive. Confused about how to proceed in this life; having lost businesses, loved ones, the ability to walk, the will to live, among other things.

Even though I still have no solid answer to some of the questions, in my own mind, I do know two things:

People’s lives have been destroyed/taken because of the measures taken to counter something the ‘leaders’ referred to as a zoonotic pathogen.

People continue to suffer because of their treacherous, ongoing and deliberate acts.

I want to go over some the evidences for and against some of the topics above, if I may. By the way, I think that even if you believe that the cabal is trying to kill you, it’s important to go ahead and fully accept that, but then take one step further past acceptance into, ‘bring it on’ territory.

Above all things, it is vital not to despair.

The past 3 years have brought things to all of our lives that none of us have seen before. Some of our elders have surely seen the signs of rising dictatorships scattered around the globe, but global lock ups and persecution of healthy people has no precedent. So why did they do this?

They claim they needed to do it to ‘keep us safe from a deadly pathogen’. They claim there was an emergency.

Fact: There was no pathogen that was deadly to all demographics. This was a manufactured and propagated lie. We knew this early on, as well. Children and people with functioning immune systems were fine. Bit of Vitamin D and some NAC, and off you go. In the infirm and elders, focused care should have been the protocol. Like always, the threat of secondary infections like bacterial pneumonia are always present in the infirm - especially in hospital settings when there is viral pathogen involvement, such as is the case with influenza.

So why did they lie? And why did so many people blindly believe the lie to the point where health care workers and home care workers just left their patients alone to die in many cases?

Answer: Fear of catching ‘the deadly pathogen’. Instilled and distilled like a fine wine of delusion.

Answer: To get the injections into every arm.

Does a pathogen named SARS-CoV-2 exist?

Unless the Genbank is completely farcical (and it might be), something named SARS-CoV-2 (aka: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1) certainly did exist.

Was this pathogen constructed by the hands of man?

I think it was. There’s the Moderna patent thing linked to Bancel and the MSH3 homology thing, the furin cleavage site thing and the “PRRARSV” motif thing, the cutting site thing, and the fact that we already knew that they were doing this kind of frakenwork using coronaviruses. Why wouldn’t they have been playing with newly-made spike studded coronaviruses under the guise of trying to make a new awesome vaccine against it to ‘protect the people’.

I have to ask, do these people ever think - like actually think - about the idiocy behind what must be their own thought processes? We have to make a deadly weapon because we heard they were making a deadly weapon and we have to defend ourselves against their deadly weapon by making our own deadly weapon.

This new pre-print pretty much summarizes my next article...
OCTOBER 18, 2022
This new pre-print pretty much summarizes my next article...
There’s a new pre-print that came out on the BioRxiv pre-print server on October 14, 2022 entitled: “Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron”. A bunch of people at the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories of the Boston University Level III lab did the lab work described in this article.

Read full story
The PCR ‘tests’. Don’t get me started. Forget the fact that that PCR is simply an amplification technique, forget the fact that it is not, and never was, designed as a diagnostic tool, forget the fact that the primers they are using might not be sufficient, and forget the fact that they ordered cts of 45 cycles, if the PCR ‘test’ concept had not been incepted and forced on everyone, the concept of a ‘COVID case’ and ‘COVID death’ would not have been possible.

Everyone would have done what they always do and all would have been fine. Doctors would have doctored, nurses would have nursed, and with proper off-label drug use and conventional antibiotic prescribing and care, the world would have kept spinning as it always did. What bugs me the most about this is that our elders would not have been abandoned and treated like they had the literal plague, and many who died miserable deaths - alone, wouldn’t have.

Is the ‘cabal’ trying to kill everyone and reduce our numbers to 500,000,000?

I don’t think so. I think it would serve the bankers better if we were perpetually sick, rather than dead. You can’t enslave and exploit a dead person, after all. Take note of the fact that these shots are inducing autoimmunity and dysfunction in our immune systems.

© 2023 Jessica Rose
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 7:31 pm
[quote="amother Camellia"]I feel very very strongly that the vaccine was and is wrong. At best, it did nothing for you. At worst, you now may struggle with a host of health problems thanks to the vaccine

You were so kind to allow your body to be used to allow some people to gain money and power. It feels almost like rape to me. Someone using your body for their own pleasure (or money)

I ask myself why I feel so passionately about this? Live and let live. I make my choices, you make yours.

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.[/quote
Also to that effect nobody ever apologized for the wrongdoing they caused while fervently backing this vaccine and the whole narrative overall. People shut down shuls, calling in to officials those that chose not to listen and ratted them out. One man shouted across the street to my husband on shabbos that he was a murderer for not vaccinating. Where are the apologies? I only hear crickets.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 7:32 pm
[quote="amother Camellia"]I feel very very strongly that the vaccine was and is wrong. At best, it did nothing for you. At worst, you now may struggle with a host of health problems thanks to the vaccine

You were so kind to allow your body to be used to allow some people to gain money and power. It feels almost like rape to me. Someone using your body for their own pleasure (or money)

I ask myself why I feel so passionately about this? Live and let live. I make my choices, you make yours.

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.[/quote

Also to that effect nobody ever apologized for the wrongdoing they caused while fervently backing this vaccine and the whole narrative overall. People shut down shuls, calling in to officials those that chose not to listen and ratted them out. One man shouted across the street to my husband on shabbos that he was a murderer for not vaccinating. Where are the apologies? I only hear crickets.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 7:34 pm
[quote="amother DarkCyan"]
amother Camellia wrote:
I feel very very strongly that the vaccine was and is wrong. At best, it did nothing for you. At worst, you now may struggle with a host of health problems thanks to the vaccine

You were so kind to allow your body to be used to allow some people to gain money and power. It feels almost like rape to me. Someone using your body for their own pleasure (or money)

I ask myself why I feel so passionately about this? Live and let live. I make my choices, you make yours.

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.[/quote
Also to that effect nobody ever apologized for the wrongdoing they caused while fervently backing this vaccine and the whole narrative overall. People shut down shuls, calling in to officials those that chose not to listen and ratted them out. One man shouted across the street to my husband on shabbos that he was a murderer for not vaccinating. Where are the apologies? I only hear crickets.

Because we weren't wrong. I have zero regrets.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 7:54 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
Because we weren't wrong. I have zero regrets.

I got the covid vaccine. Do you know why? I didn’t get it for me. I got it for my family members who have no immune system. Same reason I started getting flu shots. I have family members who had cancer. I have elderly family members. I can go on. I sat down and thought about other people, not just myself. People who only think about themselves do things just to benefit themselves. They say I don’t want to get vaccinated so I won’t. But they’re relying on everyone else doing it so they don’t get sick, like for measles and polio etc. they’re hoping and relying on others to do the right thing and frankly it’s obnoxious. The people who get vaccinated (not just covid but other vaccines also) truly care about other people. They don’t just think about themselves. I know this is a rant about all vaccines but I’ve seriously had enough. If you care about people, show it. Act like it.
Also most people don’t announce to people what their health status is. It’s seriously socially off to say hi I’m Mrs. Imamother and don’t get the covid vaccine or any vaccine. Just say hi nice to meet you.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:19 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
As someone who works with seniors..three of whom were recently hospitalized with secondary infections.with covid.its important for those who are vulnerable to test. It is also important for those of us in daily contact with seniors to test. I tested positive 3 weeks ago and stayed home from work for 5 days so as to lower the risk to those around me. Covid is not a cold. A cold doesn't make me lose smell and taste. A cold also doesn't make me dizzy. A cold doesn't put senior citizens in the hospital because they cannot breathe and can no longer walk without being able to catch their breath.

The senior that I was talking about had zero of those symptoms. The rehab did a Covid test which they said came back positive and then totally neglected the patient!
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:37 pm
amother Pansy wrote:
I got the covid vaccine. Do you know why? I didn’t get it for me. I got it for my family members who have no immune system. Same reason I started getting flu shots. I have family members who had cancer. I have elderly family members. I can go on. I sat down and thought about other people, not just myself. People who only think about themselves do things just to benefit themselves. They say I don’t want to get vaccinated so I won’t. But they’re relying on everyone else doing it so they don’t get sick, like for measles and polio etc. they’re hoping and relying on others to do the right thing and frankly it’s obnoxious. The people who get vaccinated (not just covid but other vaccines also) truly care about other people. They don’t just think about themselves. I know this is a rant about all vaccines but I’ve seriously had enough. If you care about people, show it. Act like it.
Also most people don’t announce to people what their health status is. It’s seriously socially off to say hi I’m Mrs. Imamother and don’t get the covid vaccine or any vaccine. Just say hi nice to meet you.

The people that don’t vaccinate couldn’t care less if the people around them didn’t take vaccines. They aren’t relying on them at all. The hope is that they stop inventing them and forcing everybody to get them. Some think the vaccines shed and would prefer to stay away from the recently vaccinated.

I know it’s hard to hear but taking the Flu and Covid shot isn’t actually benefitting anyone. You can still get the Flu and Covid after the shot. That’s not even a debate. Everybody knows this and will admit it including the “scientists” themselves.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:46 pm
The people who don't vaccinate are NOT relying on other people's Vaccinations.

Aside from polio, most of these vaccines are for mild diseases.

People make chicken pox parties and measles and mumps parties to expose their kids when they are young and it is mild. Those kids have natural life long immunity.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:48 pm
Also, people who got vaccines "to protect others"
Were lied to.

If you can get covid even after the Vax, you can still spread the disease.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:49 pm
amother Pansy wrote:
I got the covid vaccine. Do you know why? I didn’t get it for me. I got it for my family members who have no immune system. Same reason I started getting flu shots. I have family members who had cancer. I have elderly family members. I can go on. I sat down and thought about other people, not just myself. People who only think about themselves do things just to benefit themselves. They say I don’t want to get vaccinated so I won’t. But they’re relying on everyone else doing it so they don’t get sick, like for measles and polio etc. they’re hoping and relying on others to do the right thing and frankly it’s obnoxious. The people who get vaccinated (not just covid but other vaccines also) truly care about other people. They don’t just think about themselves. I know this is a rant about all vaccines but I’ve seriously had enough. If you care about people, show it. Act like it.
Also most people don’t announce to people what their health status is. It’s seriously socially off to say hi I’m Mrs. Imamother and don’t get the covid vaccine or any vaccine. Just say hi nice to meet you.

Did you know that the CDC and the FDA have both stated that the covid vaccines do not prevent transmission? Nor infection, as it happens.

The vaccines, according to their biggest proponents, do not prevent you from catching or spreading it. They *maybe, hopefully, should* keep you from getting very very very sick. At least according to the official line.

But they do nothing to protect others.

So, no, there is no benefit to the people around you, and the people you are judging as selfish actually aren't.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2024, 10:59 pm
First lie, covid Vax prevents Covid

Second lie, Covid Vax doesn't prevent Covid but it stops transmission (spread)

Third lie, Covid Vax doesn't prevent Covid or stop transmission, but it keeps you from being hospitalized or dying.

Of course, plenty of vaxxed were hospitalized and many died.

But the believers of proven liars continue to believe each new lie.
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:02 am
So, I found the clip right on Youtube!!
Here is Kary Mullis explaining in a couple of minutes what the PCR can and cannot do.
It can find anything in anything. It cannot be used to diagnose any sickness!!!!!
Conveniently, Kary Mullis died under mysterious circumstances right before Covid broke out.
If I were you I would be very curious to watch this clip before letting anyone stick a swab up your nose again.

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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 6:40 am
#BestBubby wrote:
The people who don't vaccinate are NOT relying on other people's Vaccinations.

Aside from polio, most of these vaccines are for mild diseases.

People make chicken pox parties and measles and mumps parties to expose their kids when they are young and it is mild. Those kids have natural life long immunity.

Except when you get it as an adult like I did and almost end of hospitalized. Then I passed it on to my younger adult sister who also got very sick.
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 8:09 am
tryinghard wrote:
Did you know that the CDC and the FDA have both stated that the covid vaccines do not prevent transmission? Nor infection, as it happens.

The vaccines, according to their biggest proponents, do not prevent you from catching or spreading it. They *maybe, hopefully, should* keep you from getting very very very sick. At least according to the official line.

But they do nothing to protect others.

So, no, there is no benefit to the people around you, and the people you are judging as selfish actually aren't.

In Israel our ex-prime minister Naftali Bennet went so far as to call the unvaccinated for Covid "loaded machine guns" that spray sickness all over. Talk about demonizing an entire population. Smotrich (who is now the Minister of Finance) said they should lock up all the unvaccinated. How immoral can you be????? I have to damage MY body to (supposedly) save YOURS? This is not moral and it is certainly not Torah Judaism.
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